I am not religious.
I have never really paid attention to stories about ghosts, demons until now.
But of late I have been seeing activity around me that can only be explained as "demonic".
My Experience:
1. Continuous flashes of horrible, diseased faces and bodies.
2. I can hear obnoxious, horrible voices that use abusive words, speak in half sentences. They threaten me, they tell me they will destroy my life, frame me and get me jailed.
3. Sometimes bad smells manifest spontaneously in my surroundings.
4. My life has become quite difficult of late. Many problems and a lot of fear. Or probably these demons are inducing hallucinations and fear. I CAN'T TELL.
5. These obnoxious voices often pretend to be MY OWN THOUGHTS but now I know they are not. They are outside of me.
6. These demonic voices do not have any names. Nor are they religious. I have not heard any religious references through them.
7. They understand & know everything that I understand and know. Or so it appears.
8. They keep inducing forgetfulness in me. I forget many things only to remember when it's too late.
9. They are continuously trying to discourage me from doing whatever I want to do. Many of the things I have been doing have been stalled very badly as a result.
10. I feel a bit surprised that this situation is not counter balanced by an equal and opposite 'angelic' force in my surroundings. Or perhaps it will be there and I cannot see it?
I request comments and advice from readers, ESPECIALLY ON POINTS 4 & 10.
Thank you so much for reading.
Anne is so right in what she says, in that's its up to us to stop these negative things in our lives, what most people don't realise is that these beings whether they good or bad are always around us whether we like it or not, it is only once one of them actually gets our attention that we take notice of what's really going on around us. It is totally about keeping yourself as positive as you can and being in control of your own life. Remember you are spirit in a physical body they are not they are merely energy and see someone they can annoy. The best way to treat these things is with no respect, the can't hurt you, they are only voices and they have no control over you. Think of it like this, If you were on a telephone to a complete stranger and and this person told you nasty things would they actualy be causing you any harm? Not really, they maybe able to scare you but the can't actually hurt or harm you unless you allow them to. It totally about you being in control. If you were really in trouble I'm sure your guides, angels, god or whoever you believe in would be there to help, Also you need to try and have faith in some type of good being, whether it god or angels or spirit guides and to know that they are around in a positive way and that if you do feel scared ask them to keep you safe, but it has to be what you believe in and not what someone tells you, you have to believe in. Also too I believe it is a gift, and once you learn to raise you energy vibration you will find out how much help it can be.
Chicken1 😁