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Real Psychic Experiences

My Dreams Are Starting To Come True


About a month ago I had a very strange dream and remembered it perfectly. I had dreamt that I was caught using drugs, by my parents. My mom and I had a very long talk about it during the dream. The next day, I came home from school and my mom gave me a long talk about drugs. The whole time all that I could think about was the dream. The conversations were very similar. Although they weren't identical, they still confused me because they were so similar.

Now a month later, I am still having strange parts of my dreams happen the next day. A few times a week, I will see or hear something in a dream and it will happen the next day. Every time it happens I get freaked out by it. It has never been anything important. Usually it is some small detail, such as the shirt someone is wearing or a phrase someone says.

The most recent time was last night. There was a boy I went to school with a few years ago. We weren't really friends but I remembered him. I hadn't really heard anything about him until this happened. I dreamt and I just saw him sitting in a chair and I can't remember exactly what was said. The next day at school two kids were talking about him, it was the first time I had heard of him in a very long time. This dream really made me confused. I wanted to tell someone what was happening, but I just didn't know who I could trust. I told a very close friend of mine and she told me to talk to someone who knew about it.

I made this account so that I could post this story of mine. I really just want to know what it is causing this to happen to me. I want to know what caused this to happen and if there was any way that I could control it.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Musicfreakbw, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

dreamgirl21 (10 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-10)
Hi I been having event that happen that I would remember I had a dream about... I'm I going crazy, because it been going on for one year now... I don't know what I have... And I'm new to this website...
shapeshifter78 (2 stories) (169 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-29)
Musicfreak that's good! It's just that you made it sound like the "I will never see you again." type of goodbyes instead of a " so long for now" types.
Musicfreakbw (1 stories) (6 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-29)
Well I wasn't getting rid of my account I just don't have any abilities at the time and I don't feel the need to be here but if something does happen I will deffinatly be back. Also I have still been remembering my dreams every single night and I've had some great dreams just they stopped coming true. Goodbye! 😁
Mubashir (285 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-27)
Hey brian, don't say goodbye yet. It doesn't matter if you lost your one ability now. Maybe you will discover new ability that you will feel like sharing. I recently discovered pyrokinesis, crykinesis and aerokinsesis and I am going to work on that. Its good that you are accepting the reality but there must be some abilities you don't realise you have. So try to discover new abilities in yourself. Stay happy and God bless you. Take care. Bye 😁 ❀
Musicfreakbw (1 stories) (6 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-27)
My ability is gone and I am willing to except it. Yes it was fun and exciting but things come and go and that's just how I look at it. Maybe someday it will come back to me and that would be great but if not I am perfectly fine with it. Well I probably won't be back here so goodbye. You guys have helped me through some hard times and made me realize they weren't hard times at all.
Thank you and goodbye
Mubashir (285 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-17)
Well we can never see God like we see normal people around. But we can feel God in our hearts. Gerry I think you have asked me this question more than once. Lol but yeah I understand that.
Gerry (1 stories) (87 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-17)
Dear friends/ Mubashir and Shapeshifter78. Thank you for your replies. Let me say regarding God, you cannot be spiritual and not know God, for all spirit is from Him. Without Him there is no us, or gifted friends.

And about making fun of our friend shadowrider13, these are dark force attracters to which he should avoid. Regarding having a little fun (notice my smiley face)
I don't take this illusional life serious, that name is made up so it can't be taken personally.

Mubashir, did you understand about the two suns?
Dream_Walker2012 (guest)
13 years ago (2012-02-16)
I have the same thing you do. It's called Precognitive Dreaming, meaning you can foresee future events through your dreams. You can distinguish your dreams into procog and non-precog dreams. I suggest you start keeping a written record of your dreams and the consistency of them just to start. If you feel like you have something, begin meditation. I hope everything goes well for you 😁
~ Dream Walker
Mubashir (285 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-15)
Well that's great that you can freely discuss your experiences without being labelled as crazy. To be honest it would lot better if we could talk on chat. Posting on forums and waiting for replies is really a pain sometimes.
Musicfreakbw (1 stories) (6 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-15)
That is exactly why I joined this site. So I could talk to people that won't just say "what are you smoking?" or something like that. You guys understand and don't think I'm crazy. To be honest I guess I used to be a little ignorant about this kind of thing and didn't believe much of it, but that is why I'm so grateful I experienced it myself. It really opened my eyes and helped me clean up my act.
Mubashir (285 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-15)
When it comes to my psychic stuff I don't tell anything to my parents because they will never believe me or just laugh on me and calling me crazy lol. Well I say if you are experiencing anything abnormal that others dont, then try to find and speak to those who are like you. That way you will be more happy and comfortable to discuss things.
shapeshifter78 (2 stories) (169 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-15)
I have more small ones than I can even remember and a few big and scary ones. I had a lot of things happen to me when I was a kid and sometimed magined I was holding a blade of light to protect me from what I guess was spirits even though I did not now that back then. They used to call my name and follow me when I was little. It was so bad that my parents even took me to the doctor to see if I was crazy! πŸ˜† I guess I forgot about this stuff for a while until I met one of my friends that has psychic problems and I started remembering. I guess my body was trying to get me to forget since before it seemed like there was a gap in my early childhood memories.
Mubashir (285 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-15)
lol Cool. Guess we are same so we will get along very well. By the way how many psychic experiences do you have shapeshifter? Well as for me I have so many that I don't know about and some I don't want to talk about. But still life is happy and peaceful. Few little problems are no big deal. 😁
shapeshifter78 (2 stories) (169 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-15)
I understand what you are getting at 😊 I am a nonserious fun and funny guy at heart although I do have some serious moments. Actually I don't call spirits either. I never had a good reason and don't want to purposely disturb someone unless it is super duper important and I never even tried to either. Just because I can fight something off never means I go looking for trouble.; D

Maybe next time I'm not serious at all I need to put more smiley faces...
Mubashir (285 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-15)
Well shapeshifter you see most of the people here are pretty serious (not me but sometimes). Since its a serious site so I don't use lol much. On other forum site like this. I use it very much. Well since it was a joke, so guess I can't be serious on a joke. Lol and I meant that you draw energy from nature to call spirits not draw energy from the spirits which is really bad.
shapeshifter78 (2 stories) (169 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-15)
Um, mubashir, I just meant that her name was amusing in a lighthearted manner. Not that it was a name that was dumb and I wanted to laugh at. Usually laugh out loud (lol) is meant when said that something was humorous in a good way that was so funny that it made them laugh. I would actually steal that name if I could. That's how funny it is.

On the second note, I meant I get some energy from nature, not spirits. I don't even know how to get energy from spirits and never intend to.
Mubashir (285 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-15)
[at] Shadowrider13. How can you say that you don't want to discuss God. We are nothing without God's help. As for out abilities, they are blessed to us by God and they can be taken away as well.

[at] Shapeshifter78. Its very rude to make fun of others.
As for your calling nature for help. In fact God is sending them to help you. So you should ask God to help you instead of spirits around you. If God stops them from helping you, what are you going to do then? Its not that I am being rude or something. You should think about it thoroughly.

[at] Gerry. I think you don't have to make a joke on shadowrider's name despite what he said. It annoys people.
shapeshifter78 (2 stories) (169 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-14)
Just like Fetusmuffinz, dark angel, or musicfreak made up their names. I doubt that she has made muffins of fetus (lol. Still the funniest name ever) or that dark angel is a dark angel (goetic demon or fallen angel) worshipping person. And music freak probably wants to imply in the name that he likes music! Not every name is thought through on what their actual name is like you or their position on things. Ot might even have to do with a book they were reading or other entertainment which is fairly common.

FetuzMuffinz! It still freakin cracks me up! πŸ˜†
shapeshifter78 (2 stories) (169 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-14)
Gerry, blah, blah, blah, the world is not black and white as you are stated in your answer. Look at me, I believe in god and satan but neither praise, pray to, or call oaths or obscenities to either one. I use the energy I have and the nature to help me and never call on either entity to help me. (A weird case I am and please don't even think of saying that I am technically using god since he is everywhere) Also he might have just made up that name because it is awesome and not because the devil said it was a good name. I made my name up for the same reason.
Gerry (1 stories) (87 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-14)
Dear shadowrider13 when we leave God out of the equation we have nothing, if you don't like God then you prefer satan. Probably where you got your name.
You should change it to seenthelight7. πŸ˜†
shadowrider13 (1 stories) (16 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-14)
ok I am not trying to be rude or anything but could we stop talking about god. I am sorry but this just annoys me because your getting beside the point. But I do believe the whole hating of the sins that is exactly how I feel all the time. These same things have happened to me before. I am guessing its a type of deja vu however you spell that, I constantly remember situations and they all came back to me and I instantly remember. I think its because you thought about this in your dream or happened and that is why you remember this easily because its like it acutally happened to you before. Hope this helps. And no you probably can't control it
Mubashir (285 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-12)
Oh you are very welcome. I am glad that you are not afraid of your abilities anymore. If you need any other help, then I will gladly help you as much as I can. Just have strong faith in God and beware of devil. I know you will become even stronger. My best wishes for you.
Musicfreakbw (1 stories) (6 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-12)
Thank you all for helping me. I'm beginning to cope with this new experience and I'm actually starting to enjoy it. You've made me realize it's nothing to be confused by or frightened by, it's a gift and I'm very lucky to have it. Thank you once again for all your help. 😁
Mubashir (285 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-11)
Remember one thing that when you are becoming spiritually strong and feel more and more closer to God. You can feel your heart filled with light, love and kindness. The more you love and help people around you, the more you become stronger. I have experienced such things myself. But beware of devil who will put an intense negative pressure on you. Its more like a crushing feeling. You will end up doubting yourself and God. When your faith in God starts to get weak. The connection with God will get weak. Everything around you will look dark and that's how you will end up losing the gifts from God. My source of inspiration and belief is fire that burns in my heart. When it runs out I am blinded by everything and I hate everyone around me and myself. But then I hear a voice that wants me to never stop believing in God and never doubt myself. And then I feel the flame turns too bright and my all confusion is gone and I can see the truth very clearly. Well this is the first time I am actually talking about my greater experiences. Most of the time I never discuss such things with anyone but I am now. In this hope that my experience and knowledge help others as much as possible. I feel the Almighty presence of God when I am praying. How can I say its pretty exciting feeling that develop hatred for sins and devil. Hope this helps you even a little bit.
Bberry (6 stories) (29 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-11)
Hey Mubashir,
I can see your belief in God: When you think you lost your ability, Do you know how to get it back? I kind of don't remember how I did mine and I wanted to get it back. PLEASE. I'm also close to my GOD and I can feel his presence sometimes (or is it just other spirits?) I'm looking forward to your answer. 😐
Misaki (5 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-11)
THAT'S WHAT'S HAPPENING TO ME! 😒. I felt wierd when it happened to me... Well sometimes. It was really wierd when I started to dream about my mum and dad fighting in the middle of the night, and it really happened! I was really shocked about it though...
Mubashir (285 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-10)
Well I can't say I don't have such experiences. When I was in shcool, I never liked chemistry period and the teacher was pretty strict, in the start he used to beat me very much with a stick. I think after a month, I kind of had a dream of the test he was giving. When I reached in my class and the test started. Luckily they were the same questions from the dream and I was saved from the stick and I have so many other like that so they are not importan right now. Well you don't have to be confused about your ability. This is a gift of God to you. So you should make a good use of this ability and help others by it as much as you can. I don't know if it fits here but I say strong people are born to protect weak people.
Bberry (6 stories) (29 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-10)
Do you know Deja Vu? Maybe it's just happening to you a lot lately. Other stories tells that If you're having too much Deja Vu's, You can be a psychic or something, I don't know about you're abilities but I hope you'll know it soon... 😊

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