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Am I Psychic Or Psycho?


When I was a kid my mum said I use to have really really bad dreams some good and I use to talk in my sleep and do things kids don't do like ask about death and cry about death and she said one day I wouldn't shut up about an angel I had seen. I eventually grew out of it until one day 3 years ago me and my cousin were racing on our four wheelers in the mountain track in New Zealand when he slammed the breaks hard and fast. The bikes couldn't fit side by side but I managed to get the bike nearly off the cliff and pass my cousin in front of him. When he slammed the breaks my brain started hurting severely because I knew that it was either off the cliff or smash into bike in front. Everything slowed down after my brain was struck and something took over and we lived my heart was pounding like someone was punching my chest and then I saw a black and white butterfly and I thought that it was a sign from god saying he's got my back. And when I got back to Australia it was night time and I went to bed that night and the dreams came back for the past 3 years. I have been seeing stuff like shadows and vision dreams, feelings of places everywhere I go. Good and bad. That butterfly follows me everywhere. I tried so hard to ignore everything but it didn't work so I rang my grandfather in New Zealand. He's the chief of my tribe and I asked him if anyone from the family had powers. He said only one. His grandmother was a witch doctor but he said out of our whole family whose blood is linked to hers he said he hasn't seen anyone who inherited the gifts. I was scared at first of all this but now hears me accepting it if to be true can anyone tell me please?

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TeWaka (2 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-16)
Are you still in Cairns? I'm living here at the moment to man.
TeWaka (2 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-16)
Sup man, hope you read this. There's no way that you're crazy or have Schizophrenia or any sort of psychosis people call it these things because they can't explain it, I have sort of the same thing. I to am a Maori from Ngati Porou. As a child Mum would tell me I was unable to go certain places because I'd start crying uncontrollably saying "I can't go there, there's something there". I've had it all my life I go to some places and instantly get cold shivers even when it's hot and an instinct not to go there, or I'd go to places and feel extremely uncomfortable sort of like a feeling there's something there. I have dreams of places I've never been before and some days I will actually go to the place I dreamed of knowing where everything is. Instead of a butterfly I see a Honey Bee in my dreams. I had a dream once that our family house burnt down, a week or so later it did. My family believe that I have powers to see things in my dreams, go to places In my dreams If I want to and also more sensitive to feeling entities and sensing good or bad vibes. I've never been in a crash or had a injury or anything I've been like this my whole life. Hope this helps you out bro. You're not crazy, honestly.
Agstorms (183 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-23)
The word for everyone with a power and all powers is "humans" we all have "powers" but modern people would call them psychics
blair46blair (1 stories) (10 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-23)
i am sorry but you miss understand I'm not aboriginal I'm maori /new zealand native
Symbol-of-the-dragon (4 stories) (68 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-22)
...But I'm no expert on druids or the similarities and differences in the different... Would "classifications" be the right word? Of people like us.

I'd be nice if someone came up with a word or could find one that included all classifications of people with unusual powers. Things would be a lot easier... Plus it would be cool 😁
Symbol-of-the-dragon (4 stories) (68 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-22)
Are aboriginal shamans different that others?...Isn't a shaman a shaman? Well, I don't know anything specifically about aboriginal shaman... I think I saw some clip in a documentary about them, but I'm not sure... Any way, to me it seems that druid, shaman, physic, what ever you are trained to be, we all come from the same roots, just like how all the animals on the planet (including us) come from little one celled organisms. 😐
martha (5 stories) (89 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-21)
This is what happens during sleep patterns its normal to enter different states of mind
Agstorms (183 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-20)
Just like I'm a Druid and I channel my psychic energy through Nature and the elements I guess shamans might channel their energy through something else
Agstorms (183 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-20)
Aren't shamans a branch of psychics I'm pretty sure their not the same thing
blair46blair (1 stories) (10 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-20)
thanx I guess I get it now. My bad well after that happened I did feel abit wierd and like everything was hapening to fast and it did make me crazy for a while until I moved to cairns/ in australia, and I met a girl and boy who where aboriginal half maori from marray falls in janbun and showed me not to be scared but they didn't no if I was psychic cause they were in their 19 20s and I posted this to see if I am. I did look up everything you said and it doesent really help because Maori sharmans are a little bit different to the average sharmans... Says my grandfather there's no infomation on our sharmans witches or psychics because the infomation was lost in war personally I only no of 2 maori psychics or sharmans but they are long gone aswell as thier teachings... Thats why I'm abit lost cause if my grandfather doesn't no the teachings who does?
martha (5 stories) (89 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-20)
not sure what it means to have that dark figure in your sleep, but I have experienced the same dark figure during sleep I could see this dark figure walking around my bed toward me and see him through my eyelids as if I am looking at him with my eyes wide open but I was asleep. BLAIR
Symbol-of-the-dragon (4 stories) (68 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-20)
I should add that I'm not trying to say that all unusual abilities in people are related to psychosis, I'm just saying that truly seems like on of possibly many possibilities... Schizophrenia or not, the similarities between what psychosis appears to give people access to and what people like you who may or may not have it experience means that this research can help anyone with unusual abilities better their mental and emotional health, and also their abilities themselves.

...I need to learn how to write shorter responses but some how I don't think that's going to happen...
Symbol-of-the-dragon (4 stories) (68 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-20)
No, not at all, I think you're misunderstanding what I mean to say. Even though schizophrenia is a well known psychosis, very little is known about it for sure; how it operates, what causes it, how it effects people. There are many more symptoms and combinations of symptoms that is can be difficult to classify.

I'm not saying you are schizophrenic, because the relation between what we call "psychosis" (which even Darwin believed was grossly misunderstood as written in his famous Origin of Species) and what ancient people consider "powers" and can not be known for sure with the information currently available, but studies do strongly suggest that they may be one and the same.

Having a schizophrenia at least doesn't mean your some homicidal loopy person as this site's article on schizophrenia suggests, all though clearly many people with psychosis suffer this level or degrade to this level.

In second world countries (Africa, areas in asia, and so forth) were the early stages of psychosis (obviously not including homicidal behavior or something) are seen as signs that that person is has connection to the spirit world and are sent to and trained by the communities shaman, witch doctor, sorcerer, and so on.

People who suffer negative effects from schizophrenia are much lower in these countries. Coincidentally, studies show that if caught early enough, supportive, understanding communities and therapy are more effective on many schizophrenia cases than medication. I have met such people, one is shaman from Mexico and has done wonderfully with out the cold meds that doctors surely would have prescribed him had he been born in a first world country like the U.S.

Can you imagine the suffering of struggling between sorting out the world you experience, and the world most experience, not knowing what's real what's not, what's wrong, what's right, not understanding what is happening to you and how to tell the difference between one world and the other? And, constantly being treated like a rapid dog, unable to open up to people with out being ridiculed? That's enough to drive anyone crazy.

Of course, there are different levels of schizophrenia, and different people are effected differently. In many cases, there maybe underlying conditions with the horrible people with a psychosis you hear about on the news who are mass murderers. Some people have weaker minds than others, and in the delicate state a person with schizophrenia might be in as suggested above, environment is crucial, and many serial killers had abusive parents, were molested by family members, all sorts of disgusting stuff.

So, schizophrenia doesn't appear to mean "crazy" as much as newer studies on it and how it effects people historically, world wide, and why, shows.

But of course, I can not stress enough the importance of learning and checking this out for your self.

Sorry for the lecture-like response!
blair46blair (1 stories) (10 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-20)
i saw something last night it was a shadow figure in my sleep it had a covern looking hood on. Just saying if you no what that means.
blair46blair (1 stories) (10 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-20)
i don't have schizophrenia lol
I don't feel Stressed out, feeling down, getting depressed or anxious.

Do you think I'm going bonkers?
Symbol-of-the-dragon (4 stories) (68 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-20)
It is believed by many scientists and scholars (including Darwin of people) that psychosis isn't nearly as well understood by modern science. Many scholars and scientists such as my self believe that psychosis, at least schizophrenia, is the same thing ancient peoples called shamans, powers, or what ever you wish to call it.

Obviously since I can't right an entire novel here explaining it (I highly doubt you want to read a message that long), here is how you may verify this and grow for yourself; research the human brain, schizophrenia of corse, shamanism and the links between shamanism and schizophrenia, carl jung, philosophy, various sciences particularly phycology.

Thought it's a long list, but believe me, it's worth every second. After all, how are you supposed to maintain a healthy mind if you don't even understand your mind and how to process the world while knowing how to process your self? In other words, this will help you tell fact from fiction and quite literally keep you from falling off that cliff. (after all, studies show that the environment a schizophrenic is raised in can be more effective then any medication to keep them from going bonkers).

As for the butterfly, it could be one of your totems or a demon of sorts. Tread carefully when dealing with that butterfly.

And of course, make sure to have your head checked out to make sure you're not suffering any kind of injury.

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