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Real Psychic Experiences



I have been getting these images for the past couple of weeks that I have to admit have been quite disturbing. Note these are not the images of daydreaming that I am fantasizing about, but that I believe someone else is seriously committing. At first I thought it was a fluke sort of thing, but not after I saw repeat after repeat happen. These images for the past few weeks happen at random times, but my whole body while seeing these certain images tend to get anxiety driven and what not.

I do not know that much about the person, who is doing this because I am watching everything that happens from their eyes. I do know; however that this is a white male not that tan, pretty young and I cannot decide if there is glasses or not because I am looking through the eyes so it is hard to tell. Male also, he is wearing some old worn out jeans, has some minor cut sustained on his ankles/legs due to thick brush, cheap watch on right wrist.

The reason why these images are so disturbing more than usual is because I am watching him kill animals. When I first got the first image I confused it with having to do with myself and having this crazy urge to kill animals, not because it seemed 'fun' like some young males like to do for animal cruelty. But rather it seemed like a need, a very describable wanting to do this like it had to be done.

From being in this person's body they are extremely unstable, jittery, and compulsive and keep repeating certain images and acts again and again. This male seems this odd urge to drink the blood of some of the animals, mostly by decapitation method with some sort of dull rusted blade it seems, going in and out of various forested locations. Most of them too me seem to be taking in rural sort of areas in shedded, back street places so far that I have seen, the last one taking place in an open field of what appeared to be either golden wheat or overgrown dead grass, but the spot I was focusing on was stuffed by old pieces of wood, fence wiring and appeared what to be a chicken coop.

I am still getting compulsive images of seeing now human veins in my head over and over (particularly of the arm for some reason), like he wants to now go to humans. When he pictures the prey on his mind I usually see the veins bulging out first, over and over... Again in this compulsive manner that just attracts him so. I am trying to still get more information if I can, but so far it's just a lot of what he is doing, but less of seeing his body, which I'll try to work on.

Other clairvoyant experiences by aramasamara

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Flutterofwings (28 stories) (257 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-13)
Hi just thought since this was one of my favorite stories I see how you are doing on this one? Anything else develope over the time since I made a comment to you? My vision came out more of a small boy about five with blonde hair and blue eyes he is searching for help but the rest of the vision is about the same.
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-26)
I don't think being depressed helps, so I've just gotten a custom to it and try to see the whole picture
anomalous (1 stories) (12 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-26)
wow, I feel for you.

But the more I read the less I am feeling alone, glad I found you. All of you.

I hope that you are able to cope with your visions, I know that very often I am not.

lrkmedium101 (7 stories) (105 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-16)
i think that you should report these "visions" if you will to the police if you feel comfortable doing that. You can stop this man, and really make a difference
❤ leah
lrkmedium101 (7 stories) (105 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-16)
wow omg that is so horrible. I feel bad for you that you have to see that. That man is untamed. Best of luck and in my prayers.
❤ leah
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-15)

Now that you reposted on this story 'untamed' I forgot to mention about a week ago I sent in a letter to officals pertaining to AL, I was right he had gotten his first victim. They found a body in AL in a forested area, northen middle section sort of... I am waiting for the reply, I had identified that it was a female body, even when the officals haven't identified nor released any information about it... Could take them months. So, I'll be waiting.
haley9045 (7 stories) (64 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-15)
That's very strange. Also, about the posts we both made on "Year 2012" I'm sorry about that. I didn't mean to be mean, and I don't think you meant to be mean either so sorry about that. Also I wish you luck with these visions of yours sometimes it must get alittle strange with those. 😉
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
16 years ago (2008-04-24)

As for the wooded area, yes at one clip of him he was washing his face and cleaning his cuts... But that was a while ago.
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-04-24)
before reading comments. I pictured him washing in fresh water also, in wooded area. I maybe wrong. Never tried focusing before on my own, as in trying to connect, things ususally happen on their own for me in whatever I get. Trying to practice and what a better way on this site. But I see like a type of brown or tan suede shoes
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
16 years ago (2008-04-24)

It's alright, and if you've read some of my later stories, I've seen a good amount of people killed, it's just that I love animals a ton ha-ha.
sarahan (23 posts)
16 years ago (2008-04-24)
I apologize to everyone. I was so alarmed at this acct. I just went straight to the comment box without knowing how many people here are supporting you in this awful position. I'm not usually so trigger happy. I'm really sorry.
sarahan (23 posts)
16 years ago (2008-04-24)
Hi, Aramasamara:
I've been away for a while and haven't responded to your email, I thank you so much for your thoughtful answers.
I hadn't seen this post until tonight. Dear God, how much can you handle on your own?
It seems pretty clear that you are reading the progression on the violence continuum of an increasingly evil person. I strongly advise that you look at the website of a lady named Echo Bodine, you may already know of her.I'm probably going to go look at her website now to see if there are any links that might be of some immediate assistance to you. You should not have to bear this horrific knowledge or presentiment without some really qualified support. When I read what you saw about torturing animals I thought "Next prey, human", and then went on to read what you were seeing next. No way should you be on your own with this with no way to identify the source. Hard to imagine a more distressing position to endure.
pinkbabe63 (guest)
17 years ago (2008-04-03)
also when I sleep for say something like ten hours it only feels like I've been asleep about one hour what do you think this is? I'm quite tired and would like to know if this is also something to do with being psychic. Also I think the other night I reached the delta brain wave state because when I was asleep I was in a dream but when I woke up it was like I'd been unconcious and I couldn't remember anything about what happened normally I can't remember much about my dream I don't know why. But this time I couldn't remember anything the only things I can pick up are meditation, psychic development and I think my brother was in it but I'm not sure. I have read the article about this and know that only true psychic master can actually bring back information but I can't even master the basics of being psychic yet, so how would I do this? Also how do you create a psi ball and what does it look like? Lastly do you know any meditation excercises for beginners please?
Answer as many of my questions as you can by writing a comment under one of my stories. Thankyou...
pinkbabe63 (guest)
17 years ago (2008-04-03)
Hi I'd just like to say thanks for the comment its helped a lot I will try to do this also I'm getting a lot of headaches lately and feeling a bit dizzy do you think this is because I'm psychic?
Flutterofwings (28 stories) (257 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-07)
[at] aramasamara, the one I was working on is at a halt too for some reason or another. Unless the one that I was talking about the mountain man is a total new one that is coming to me. Can't really say for right now.

I know what you mean not being able to sleep, and taking new medication and what you can feel, see itts a bit off during this time of new medication. I am like that with old medicine that I got to take more milligrams of. So know what your talking about.

Good luck with your other case your working on. I guess I just don't have the feeling for that one, at least not now. But could be about someone that may pop up to me one of these days.

Were not always right on things that is for sure.

Catchya next time.
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-06)
Flutterofwings, no this person is not a lumberjack, in fact they can blend in very good with society. Clean cut really, older man, mostly kills children. But that's all I say, almost all of what you said was wrong, but that's alright, could be something different. Thanks though.

As for the other case, zoned out really, hope to get more, but seems inactive at the moment, don't know whether that's good or bad and plus my insomnia hasn't been helping with it, and I was just getting off of sleeping drugs, but since it was not getting better I had to get put on some new stuff, and when you take certain drugs it can inhibit what you see. Though there always comes a price tag for seeing things you don't really want to see I guess, though I shouldn't complain, it's for the best.
Flutterofwings (28 stories) (257 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-06)
[at] aramasamara, so have you gotten anything else with the "Untamed"?. Myself for the "vision of the missing people" it's just kind of not there at the moment.
I really did like this story you wrote.
Flutterofwings (28 stories) (257 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-05)
[at] aramasamara Well most of all don't talk about your real investiagtion thing. But maybe I have tuned into this one in the Mountains, crossed them up. I see lots of pine trees, that hides a make shaft place to live. If one didn't know it was there, it could easily be over looked.
This mountain man is large, like a lumberjack, had dark hair and eyes, I would say the eyes are brown. Has a full beard, he can camouflage himself well in the mountains. Knows how to hunt, keep himself alive, knows where fresh water is all the time.
Has done in more then one person, perhaps a serial killer, I get the feeling like 5-8. Only a couple are known. He don't need weapons, he can do harm, hurt or kill with his own hands, as he is a large person.
This probably has nothing to do with your case here, but I sense all of this of someone.
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-05)
He's in a wooded area sometimes, but no where near the mountains. However I am working on another case will a killer that lives in the mountains, but that is with real investigation now, so I am not going to talk about that one, intresting that you would say that though.

"How long" I usually either know right away or I don't, it's just like BAM, there it is, when I pick up on something it usually is just something that randomly 1st thought to strike the mind, that's why it is very important to train yourself to say the 1st things that come to your mind, it can help you a lot from solving crimes to relieving pressure.
Flutterofwings (28 stories) (257 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-04)
How long have you been seeing through his eyes? Been working on this long? On the average how long does it take to try and pin point who a person is?
Flutterofwings (28 stories) (257 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-04)
I got another feeling for this MOUNTAIN WATER, that may be the reason you can't see what he lookes like, he may bath in the water that runs off a mountain. And probably drinks the water, as he would need water to stay alive.

If it's Mountain water, and I am sure that is what he meant, then he has to be near some Mountains, wooded area, forest something like that.

But there is loads of Mountains in all countries so probably may not help that much.
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-02)
hahaha you don't have to worry, I've only had it happen to me once, and I can tell you right now you will know when it happens right away, and yes it is a bit frightening, but I was never followed to my house haha... No it doesn't really work that way.
Flutterofwings (28 stories) (257 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-02)
Well hope he don't find me, I want to keep my blood. I am just blocked from this person and maybe that is a good omen for me with this person. Or like you said it's then end for me with this person. I am going to try and concentrate on other things more and see if that helps any at all.
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-02)
Flutterofwings, no thank you for your help! Sometimes people block you because one they know you have invaded or always protect themselves. I have learned that these type of people can be very weary and intelligent and they can even take information on you, though it is rare, it can happen and if it does it can really get to you. One because most don't expect a call back haha and secondly if they are good they can find you, but like I said it's rare.
Flutterofwings (28 stories) (257 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-02)
I think I am coming to a halt with this person. I can't seem to get anymore then what I have already gave you. It's like this person is actually blocking me on purpose is how it feels. Your right I can't read everyones mind that is for sure. And I just wish I could help more. Thanks for all your help on my story too. Your a wise person.
Or maybe because I am tryin so hard to read his mind, that I may be blocking myself, from trying to hard. Maybe if I just go with the flow like with my vision more will come to me.
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-02)
Flutterofwings no problem, and yes sometimes it comes to a a halt even when you don't want it to, but we can't always know how it ends :P

Plus, you cannot read everyone, and maybe it's someone you like haha depends, well good luck!
Flutterofwings (28 stories) (257 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-02)
[at] aramasamara, yes this persons life is the thing that slips my mind of reading, thinking what he is on the inside. You on the other hand may be able to get this. I just kind of come to a block on this with this person. I will keep up with it however if anything comes up and let you know. And see what you find out more on this person as well.
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-02)
Fluttofwings haha I guess it isn't that strange to me, think about it each human has their own dietary needs some more or less than others. For example I can intake at least 10 times more protien than an average human continually without getting keystones. A normal human on such a diet would have kidney dysfunction and other things. This person either needs/thinks he needs this for the diet, but if your not getting out much it's a good source, blood carries vital nutrients and so does the meat usually with it. (major difference by the way human/animal blood) and I think you'll note this goes farther than biology in this case, but more into the history of this person's life.
Flutterofwings (28 stories) (257 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-01)
[at] aramasamara when you told me to not look and see what I wanted to see in "Vision of missing people?" to but to kind of just let it come to me. Well I did that and now the vision of the pic of the insert of the man I know what he looks like. I posted it on that story. If I could draw good enough I would be able to pin point how he looks now. What you advised me to do did work thanks.
Flutterofwings (28 stories) (257 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-01)
[at] armasamara I am sure if there is some way that you can help him from becoming a serial killed I believe you will try the best you can.
I can't seem to get much more then what I have given you alreay what I feel, read of him.
If he was losing his won blood some hoe, wouldn't that also affect his diet? So drinking animal blood helps restore his diet and he needs this continually.
This is just a strange case, myabe not for you aramasamara for me it is.

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