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Real Psychic Experiences

A Better Tomorrow


Lately I have been having a hard time with people in general. Main reason being an empathic person and sometimes telepathically reading people. Sometimes you go through a period of life where everything seems like one big mustard stain that you can't get out of your clothes ha-ha. As most of you know being an empath can have its troubles, as well as rewards. But here are just a few examples of some people I've run into lately.

Yesterday, I was picking up very expensive Chinese food for a shower and the lady I picked it up from with someone else, seemed to be 'nice' to all the normal people, but I immediately told my mother when I got into the car, that this lady was a b****. My mother didn't believe me, until that night she went to the shower and low and behold a friend at the party by random brought up that the blonde hair lady at the counter was indeed a b****. It was funny to hear the story when she got home, though not funny that the lady gave me a horrid headache because of all the evil energy she possessed... Not kidding.

Then this morning I am just minding my own business on the couch, when my brother arrives home with his friend... Which again doesn't bother me. However, later these two chickadees come over and I get angry. Not angry at the sight of them, no but by the energy they put off. One of them was alright; the other was way too egotistical and snobby... Even though she looked 'normal'. I was reading her mind and she thought I was antisocial, I was thinking well I am only antisocial because of you idiots that are so consumed by petty manners that you have the most dull conversations that last for dreaded hours on one topic!

Sure enough a few minutes later she musters the courage (or lack of brains) to ask my brother *silently* if I am antisocial, and I am just laughing in my mind, plus a bit ticked off at this point. I guess she assumes that I cannot hear her since she was a few rooms down, maybe again because she is in her own little bubble.

Why is it that people assume that when they are talking about 'private' matters the public magically cannot hear them? Though I have met a few nice people, but lately this week I've just been running into nightmarish humans. My own friend won't even 'connect' with me because she is ashamed of herself. I rarely select best friends, when I do it means that they have a naturally good energy or either good spirit about them, which believe me, is truly hard to find these days.

But sometimes what's worse than a rude person is a genuinely good person who is so horrified by their actions that they turn away from their own friends. But not in a complete 'antisocial' type of way, a way in which they try to fit in with another clique, but you see that they are in lots of pain. Their mind isn't all there and most of the time they are just plain dazed. I've tried to help, but I've done all I can now it's just their turn to figure it out for themselves. But it does hurt to see ones that you love go through this transition it is hard to see, because sometimes they never do come out the same way again... But hopefully they will redeem themselves. In a few years I bet we'll be back in contact... Happens to almost everyone I make a connection to, why I am not so worried about that.

However, now I am making a change, I am drained of holding in what I sense from people, each time (for the most part) when negativity is exploited near or on me I will in a certain manner tell them how their energy is coming off. I am sick of nasty energy running amuck, this time I will not be afraid to share every detail of what I feel from them, even if it hurts them, now is a time for change, for a better tomorrow and I am certainly ready for it.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, aramasamara, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

wakingwillow (2 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-25)
I love reading these stories! It is so encouraging. I do not know anyone who is sensitive like me, but reading your story helps me to feel I am not alone and not crazy! I don't always want to know what others are thinking, but even if I can block out their thoughts I feel the energy pressing up against my aura... So I try to offer light and a higher vibration, but it can really feel draining when a particular area is putting off that vibration and affecting all of the people around! Sometimes I feel that I have made a difference, but sometimes I just feel defensive.
owls (6 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-25)
I have always felt that animals are a lot nicer than people but was never sure why. I have come to understand why I don't like a lot of people very well and chose my friends very wisely and only have few good ones. I have come to realize that I just am not a person who is over sensitive and that I can actually feel other peoples feelings. It is nice to understand this finally.
AnandaHya (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-23)
i haven't read the other comments and just joined the page. But I'm reading other empathetic experiences to find out if what I experience is commonplace.
I think you are holding on to the emotion and it is upseting you. You need to learn how to let the emotions flow out of you into the burning furnance of the earth or transform the intense emotions into something more productive and less harmful to the person. Like a shield or protective spirit creature. Have you heard of how to doe this? If not contact me and I'll tell you my methods, I'm not sure if they will work for you but they have been effective for me so far. Good luck and hope you are doing better.

Antisocial. I used to spend parties up in trees and playing with the hosts pets or on the roof to avoid all the emotions and desires and disappointment of the people inside. My college friends just thought I was wierd but loved me anyways. I was a great DD and made sure they got home safe.
Acethetank (1 stories) (14 posts)
15 years ago (2010-02-24)
I know what you mean in the story. I can feel peoples emotion and I'm just sad when I talk to someone who seems nice but their not nice at all. Or I'll say something and one of my friends will say I believe you but actually they don't.
ace13 (1 stories) (11 posts)
15 years ago (2010-02-13)
well for your love ones just hug them and tell them you're there 'til they don't want you to and for the spitefull people just smile 'cause you know their true colors like I do!
trilmil (7 stories) (31 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-12)
thats pretty neat to know how to read minds in a nick of time. It takes me about forty tries before I actually tap into what theyre thinking
Saikatanas (40 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-13)
Start developing the Solar Plexus chackra. It pulls out the energy to your aura. Do that every night. This will prevent that the negative energy comes to you and you will feel more relaxed.
This is not mumbo jumbo. You are deed a person with positive thoughts and can be smashed by negative influence because of low protection. The bigger the light the darker are your surroundings.
Your ability is natural and you may be hiding other mental and spiritual strengths. There are people that feel it not conscientiously and if they are negative you can touch their negativity...
ostara8 (124 posts)
16 years ago (2009-06-03)
i know exactly what you mean! Sometimes, I wish I did not know who was saying what about me behind mt back. I don't always want to know what others think of me. It makes me antisocial!
pinkbabe63 (guest)
17 years ago (2008-06-21)
Oh and on the comment you just wrote what do you mean I'll have to answer this myself? Do you mean that I can do this within me but I need to let it out and figure out what I can do by myself? But I still would like some advice on all of this so it would be great if we could chat more:)
pinkbabe63 (guest)
17 years ago (2008-06-21)
hi I was just reading a comment you gave me saying that you could help me with controling water and we could talk more on email so I'm going to give it to you babepink632 [at]
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-08)
No, offense but I really hate when people refer to all of this stuff as 'abilities'. Anyone can do it, it's just learning to be comfortable with yourself and others, there is no one way techinque to channel energy. The best thing to do is be creative, creativity is limitless, so however far you can go with that is how far you can go with anything in life...seriously. I think you'll have to answer your own question on this one... I am not meant to help here.
pinkbabe63 (guest)
17 years ago (2008-06-08)
hi just read your comment it was quite helpful, do you think you could explain this channeling energy in more detail and everything because so many things are happening to me lately and I'm getting really confused. I don't know how I can develop all this (psychic abilities) and actually use this energy. Please reply to me under one of my stories thankyou:)
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-15)

Thank you for taking the time to re-type it out or try to get the essence recaptured haha... I know how that feels, thanks again though.
sarahan (23 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-15)
Hi, aramasamara:
I 'm getting so many mental sparks from your posts that I wonder if I'll ever get around to many others. Quess I'm starting in the right place!
The mustard stain paragraph left my mouth hanging open. Just lost a mile long post (along with my internet connection) I'd written detailing my own feelings and reactions along those lines; isolating out of shame and being stuck/dazed. And holding back your perceptions from the people who are affecting you. How draining it is. How you can betray yourself (and the other person as well).
You are "moving along at a right smart clip", and showing a good deal of sense and courage in dropping your tolerance for essentially detrimental courtesies. Good for you! I don't think there is anything in a relationship that can be more devastating than retroactive anger. Or crueler than dropping out of someones life with no explanation in order to protect yourself. I suspect all we protect is our own egos, by not admitting our limits. That just leads to a permanent siege, acknowledged or not, and no one gets to learn or trust or heal. So I say again, Good for you! Maybe I'll learn from your bravery. Thanks.
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-10)
I remember those days very clearly. I still feel it should be the same today. It was a day for families to enjoy spending time together. Unfortunately, money changed this and to some people money was their top priority. There are very few stores that still keep their businesses closed on this day. It's sad. 😢
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-10)
I remember when NOTHING was open on Sundays except one gas station in our town, for travellers. My mom thought never said anything, but we all assumed the two guys working there were odd. Sunday was God's day for the rest of us. My kids can't imagine a lot of stuff. I remember when the general public was pretty kind. Now, I don't see it.
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-10)
Down below too. My fault. I remember those phones very well. You didn't hear about young children making 911 calls when we had those. My mother actually has one in her basement still. It took us a while to get rid of ours when this newer tech came out. When you said that about your sons friend, it made me laugh. I can just imagine the expression on his face trying to fiqure it out. That is so cute. You know whenever someone loses the remote control in my house they think it is such a tragedy. I always tell them, " you'de be completely lost if you were growing up in my days. We actually had to get up to change the only 5 channels we had". My children are always amazed at that.
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-10)
My 18 year old started working at 15. He figured it out fairly quickly. He's my smart one. 😆 (Just kidding) He knew if he didn't work for it that he wouldn't receive all that high tech stuff. But he was raised to be a kind person and has learned to be responsible. He's made national honor roll twice now and keeps a job. He has also learned that he needs to save a part of what he earns for his future. He has been saving since he's been 15. I just think it is healthier for children to learn everything is not going to be handed to them without them earning it. 😊
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-10)
Mysti - I like flowers. Phones not really. It was traumatic for the hub to get a push-button phone. We had about 8 rotary dial ones in our last house. Finally my little guy, my son's friend, wanted to use our phone. I showed him ours. He stared and asked how to use that kind. I still tease the hubby about it. I got him one. A few months later, as a family joke, my sister-in-law sent him one as a Christmas gift. I didn't tell her that we one finally. We still have two in this house, but see them in antique shops too. I guess that we aren't moving as fast as the world. I don't replace anything unless I have to - and the kids know it.
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-10)
You're right. Everyone is in such a rush now adays and they're actually wearing themselves thin. It's making them irritable and nasty and they take it out on everyone else. Most people have spent more than they earned last year. There are so many technologies coming out and everyone has got to have them. Me, I don't consider myself a materialistic person. It took me six years to finally give up on one cell phone. It was great. I dropped that thing about 100 times and it kept on going. Finally, technology wouldn't accept my phone anymore so I had to give it up. I think they do that on purpose. My kids "try" to get a new one every year and I always ask them, "Does your phone turn on? Can you get in touch with people"? They always say yes and I tell them, "Well, it sounds like it's suiting its purpose just fine". Of course, they mope away every time. Most people want to have a new phone that comes out every year regardless if they can afford it or not. 😊
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-10)

Yes, I've thought of it, I've also thought about writing books about my medical life as well to give others hope. I am not much of a book writer... Hard to do it day after day, though I really really need to... But I am not sure if it will happen, though I should haha.

Thanks though.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-10)
Ara - a question. Many people seemed to understand your situation. Have you ever thought of writing your experiences and feelings they evoke in a journal, avoiding names, but using initials and sending them in after six months or a year to a publisher. Other empaths might find it helpful and rude people might understand their mess-ups. Just a thought.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-10)
Ara - Read your experience. Have been too tired lately to read any. I really connected to this one. Usually I don't get angry or anything, I get bored. Went to a ladies' tea. I always pick up on people. I dozed off three times and wasn't even tired. The first time was embarrassing, the third inexcusable, but I was bored too death. A few times had sat there, thinking, she is going to say blah blah blah next, then she does. Then I think, and this other person is going to say, blah, blah, blah, and they do. It gets boring to me. Sometimes I kind of listen and nod and try to think about other stuff just to be polite. Some people really get my attention, thank goodness. The majority seem to be thinking of piddly stuff a lot.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-10)
mystical - I agree. Some people just like to make others miserable and some are kind regardless of their personal tough situations. I try not to get angry. It always seems something happens, not to me. Usually I only get really angry to protect someone else. The other day was in McDonald's and some guy was meanly asking the register person if the fish was real. She looked barely 18 and didn't know English that great. He was sarcastic and had her flustered and was still opening his mouth. I pecked his shoulder and told him if he wanted real fish, he should be at a sit-down restaurant spending more than two bucks. He looked a little angry and told me it wasn't my business. I told him it really was because he was giving me a headache and I wasn't even the one he was jerking around. Then I got angry and looked at him. Then he shut up. Today a co-worker and I were talking how the mentality in the world seemed mean and tired, in general.
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-09)
My son has bipolar disorder and I never treat anyone disrespectfully. And I can definately say it's not always so easy, but somehow the knots work out, except for in my body. I try to make it a point to treat everyone the way I would like to be treated. No one deserves to be treated unkindly regardless of what's going on.
Flutterofwings (28 stories) (257 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-09)
as always [at] aramasamara this was a good story, I have read it several times, and pick out more as I read it. I really love your stories. Hope you have more in the future.
Flutterofwings (28 stories) (257 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-09)
ya I know ara I have in the past, let that shield down and paid for it deeply in the end. And just walking by would of been the better thing to do.
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-09)

That's why I find it is highly important to protect (shield) yourself from negative energy, though sometimes it can feel impossible haha... So best thing to do in some cases is literally just walk away from them.

But other days suprise you and wonderful human being walks along with magnificent energy and you know the world is a great place to live, depsite others
Flutterofwings (28 stories) (257 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-09)
Oh yes aramasamara peoples bad energy certainly can drain one of there power for sure. I usually don't say anything myself, but you have some wonderful ideas of doing it in a proper way.

I try hard not to read peoples minds, as they often drain my energy as well, not only feeling there negative energy. It just seems to just kind of come up from behind and says "Gottcha". And there I am drained.
hollinor (3 stories) (127 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-09)
Hi Glenda! I do know this woman is dealing with something, but aren't we all?! LOL! I can't come to work and be pissed at the the single girl I work with because I have 4 kids and no social life. That's not fair, and it's juvenile. This woman had breast cancer and survived. Shoot, I could be pissed at her because she survived it and my mom didn't. I heard her emotions were a lot worse before the cancer. Anyway, I saw pictures of her when she was going through her treatments, and she looked wonderful! She was so bright and happy. She told me that she realized then how precious life was. Now her face is all twisted and mean. She complains about everyone, everything, and uses the woman who sits next to me as an emotional dumping ground. I'm just so over listening to her constant complaints.

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