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Freezing Cold While Sleeping


Thank you for reading my post. I have a problem/question and would greatly appreciate any insightful feedback.

On three separate occasions, I have experienced being freezing cold at night. While I am sleeping, I wake up because I am freezing. I am so cold I am shaking. My entire body is aching from the cold. I am in a lot of pain. I try to put the covers over my head to get warmer but I am so cold my body is shivering. I eventual warm up but then I get really cold again. Unfortunately, I experience this cycle of being warm then freezing cold throughout the evening. It is impossible to sleep and my body aches a little the next day from shivering from the cold. My bedroom is not cold at night. It is about 79 degrees. Currently the weather is warm.

I have talked to a couple of people who feel that I am being visited by spirits. Another person believes I am being healed while I sleep. I really do not know what it could be. When I wake up from the cold, I do not see or hear spirits. Also, someone mentioned angels were around me. I really do not know what is going on. I am hoping by posting this I will get some insight and or answers. I was curious to know if they are spirits, who are they and what do they want? My other question is, if they are angels, what should I say to them? I do not want to disrespect any spirit or angel. I am new to communicating with spirits and I do not really know how to go about it. Also, I really do not know how to get any answers. Thanks for your help.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Kkat, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

johnt4 (1 posts)
11 years ago (2013-12-10)
same here, but I also remember something before I wokeup:

I went to sleep pretty early that day, and while sleeping my brain felt like it was having a war on it self, it felt like zapping, and flashing of lights, it didn't feel good at all I woke up with as huge headace, I might also have been threw out that episode half awake.

Just before I woke up I saw some figure, not a man, and it said something to me, and just after that its like I was sucked in to my brain, it felt like my head actually went back from the impact and I actually screamed "AHHH WTF!". My feelings as I woke up is that I wasn't suppose to be there or remember what was happening to me. I might have been talking to the figure subcouniously, and than when I realized what I was talking to I got scared and woke up.

Like you said I was also shivering and supper cold, with is unusual because I usually wake up with. Everything socked with my sweat and very hot.

The theory about the brain healing it self sound like a possibility, because an hour before I did my first EFT session... Its for relasing any psychological issues, its a known technic with many names.

Ok so either I was talking to another spirit or it was my brain fixing its self from fears I have. And the EFT really works
ally_26 (2 stories) (50 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-10)
Yeah trust me, its nothing bad. You can definitely tell when an evil entity is after you and this is not your problem. I've felt them touch my hair and sit by me and put their hand on my shoulder too. They're there to help:).
I'd rather have you email me for futher details on why they are probably healing you. My email is on my profile page. Just one question before I go has this been happening to you recently like this year only or has it been going on for years?
Kkat (1 stories) (5 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-10)
Ally_26 thank you for your comment. I really appreciate it. There are a couple of things I don't understand. I'm not sure why they want to raise my vibration? Is there something they would like for me to do? If so what? I don't feel anything bad or negative before I go to sleep. I do feel something following me sometimes, this kind of makes me feel uncomfortable because I don't see anything. And sometimes I feel my hair move. Once I felt a hand on my shoulder. You would think this would freak me out but it didn't. I guess I'm having a difficult time due to lack of experience and knowledge. Thanks again Ally_26.
Kkat (1 stories) (5 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-10)
Anaelyssa thank you for your comment.
Before I go to bed, I do surround my room, as well as, my house with white light. I ask My guardian Angels and guides to protect me. It's odd. I have only felt this cold on three separate occasions. I thought I would put up a post to try and get some answers. Thank you.
ally_26 (2 stories) (50 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-09)
Oh sorry I forgot something, there can be always a medical reason behind this too. So if your not 100% sure its spiritual its always good to see a doctor. 😊
ally_26 (2 stories) (50 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-09)
Kkat in my opinion this is nothing evil being done to you. I am always followed by beings of light or angels all the time and through the signs you told us I think they are healing you.

Feeling cold does mean there are spirits around you, but it also means that you are recieving energy and that is their way of healing you.

I had healing sessions done on me and you can feel a whole lot of cold! Sometimes they don't talk or sometimes they're nice enough to give you intructions on what you might feel. My people work on me mostly at night or when I sleep, so that can be explained why you feel cold mainly when you sleep.

Reasons for them healing you: make your body stronger and raise your vibrations higher, but if the cold bothers you that much you can always talk to them because it is your body and you can take control by compromising. Like saying if they can possibly ease a bit on the coldness or giving the time that you perfer them to heal you at.

If you still doubt that these are angels then ask yourself, do you feel threatened? Do you feel a heaviness in the air? Do you feel a bad unsetteling feeling when you're about to sleep? Do you feel like something will attack you because if you do then you should continue to pray and shield yourself, but judging from what you wrote I think you have nothing to worry about 😊. Hope this helps
Anaelyssa (1 stories) (135 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-08)
Whatever they are, I recommend psychically clearing your room and shielding it, especially before you go to sleep. Do something like imagining the room filling with white light and asking all unwanted entities to leave. You could also pray or ask for fire spirits or angels to protect you while you sleep.

The cold temperature makes me think of the theory that spirits need energy (i.e. Heat) to materialize in this world and therefore places will go cold with the appearance of spirits/ghosts.

It could also be your body having trouble regulating its temperature. Usually, when I stay up very late or don't get enough sleep, my body be quite cold. Also, it is known that body temperature drops when you sleep. If you want to try a non-psychic solution, try getting a second blanket, sleeping more (if you aren't getting enough sleep), and/or exercising or doing yoga before bed. And if you get really worried, you might want to see a doctor.
Hopebringer92 (guest)
12 years ago (2012-09-08)
You must have something valuable that is worth in demons opinion. I was also haunted by them because i'm very good at fighting and besides I was once one of them too. So they know of my abilities and want to use them is the upcoming war. But don't worry, I keep refusing going back to hell:D unfortunentaly the demonic presence might be more frequent due to the mentioned war. Demons are desperately looking for cannon fodder and fighters
Kkat (1 stories) (5 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-08)
IONEK I'm sorry if you feel I'm trying to spread fear. I never meant to offend, hurt, or scare anyone. I am hoping to find someone that might have any insight about this. Again, my apologies.
Kkat (1 stories) (5 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-08)
Hopebringer92 thank you for your comments. I have been praying and will continue to pray. I consider myself a very spiritual person. I dedicate about two hours a day studying, meditating, and praying. I don't understand why any demon has any interest in me. Please help me understand. Again, thank you for your feedback.
Hopebringer92 (guest)
12 years ago (2012-09-07)
I agree that they are demons or some other beings of evil nature. They want to feed on YOUR fear and worn you out in my opinion. They are just begining to mess with you. You clearly have something they would posses and it's not only your soul. It would be good if you pray or just ask your guardian angel for help, it would be good to contact your guides too. But the obligatory thing in my opinion is contacing cherub Uziel if he won't answer contact seraph Raziel:D hope everything becomes clear:D
IONEK (17 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-07)
demons. Infact their the ones telling you to even right this. They want you to spread your fear on this post. Think about it. Why did you wright this?

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