The beginning of the year, I had an accident where I almost died choking. No one was there with me. I was all alone. I actually stopped breathing and felt my whole body jerking as a result of not breathing and started to breathe from a whole new place. Within myself, I believe. And I then I suddenly started physically breathing again. Since that experience I had to URGE to do some soul searching. Finding more about what I experience. I have more intuition. I laugh to myself when I find out I'm right about things. I see things in the dark, have strong energy sensations, headaches, head and ears are fuzzy and tingly. I see glittery and falling objects from the sky. I see the number 11 ALOT. At least 3 times a day I'm seeing the number 11. I have times of complete peace within. I'm a Pisces. I'm sensitive to others. Whenever I talk about god or think about him, I feel so happy, peaceful, and sometimes I would start crying. I feel him so close to me and I feel so grateful to have experience this. I'm not the same person as I was before. I would like to know what type of abilities I may posses. I can also hear humming or buzzing at times. And see geometric shapes in the dark, even with my eyes open. I have been told a lot and I have read a lot on the number 11. It's supposedly the master and angelic number and that I have high energy and wisdom. I am different than most. What others enjoy doing, I may not. I prefer being quiet than speaking. I feel you can learn a lot by observing and feeling rather than speaking. I sometimes rather be alone. Even when its cloudy and raining outside, I still see the falling objects from the sky. I also can't comprehend how others think and respond to situations. I think I'm moving out of touch with the world and into somewhere else.
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Am I Developing Abilities? If So, Which Ones?
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