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Am I Developing Abilities? If So, Which Ones?


The beginning of the year, I had an accident where I almost died choking. No one was there with me. I was all alone. I actually stopped breathing and felt my whole body jerking as a result of not breathing and started to breathe from a whole new place. Within myself, I believe. And I then I suddenly started physically breathing again. Since that experience I had to URGE to do some soul searching. Finding more about what I experience. I have more intuition. I laugh to myself when I find out I'm right about things. I see things in the dark, have strong energy sensations, headaches, head and ears are fuzzy and tingly. I see glittery and falling objects from the sky. I see the number 11 ALOT. At least 3 times a day I'm seeing the number 11. I have times of complete peace within. I'm a Pisces. I'm sensitive to others. Whenever I talk about god or think about him, I feel so happy, peaceful, and sometimes I would start crying. I feel him so close to me and I feel so grateful to have experience this. I'm not the same person as I was before. I would like to know what type of abilities I may posses. I can also hear humming or buzzing at times. And see geometric shapes in the dark, even with my eyes open. I have been told a lot and I have read a lot on the number 11. It's supposedly the master and angelic number and that I have high energy and wisdom. I am different than most. What others enjoy doing, I may not. I prefer being quiet than speaking. I feel you can learn a lot by observing and feeling rather than speaking. I sometimes rather be alone. Even when its cloudy and raining outside, I still see the falling objects from the sky. I also can't comprehend how others think and respond to situations. I think I'm moving out of touch with the world and into somewhere else.

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Rosetta1 (1 stories) (76 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-17)
Mimiborders, you could be a reincarnation. I am actually the reincarnation of... Well a very powerful, ancient being named Rosetta. It wouldn't shock me to find out you were the reincarnate of an ancient, old being. And yes, I agree that everything does happen for a reason. Also, that feeling that something's coming? Iwould say that a big event might come that may change you life greatly, but it could be that your spirit is restless. 😉 And and speaking of the number 11, if you use numerology, your names represent certain numbers. My last name is of the number 11 while my first name is seven (karma, spirituality, and rebellion and angelic properties.) Strange and ironic huh?
Ogb (1 stories) (12 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-16)
Hi its weird because I was born on October 29th and 29 always shows up for me mostly on the time but it happened way more before and my favorite number is 2... Anyways I looked it up and 2+9=11 and 1+1=2 and I just thought it was so cool how that adds up it gave me chills to find out about the number 29... I just wanted to say thanks because if it wasn't for your post the I wouldn't have seen that:)
Mimiborders (1 stories) (3 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-16)
And I smile when I see the coincedences because I really know there arent any coicedences. Everything happens for a reason
Mimiborders (1 stories) (3 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-16)
Thanks for the answers. I feel something coming on. But can't put my finger on it. Always see 11. I'm lile of something going to dhow itself or happen do so And my daugher was also born on 9.11.11. I can sit outside and look at the sky for hours because of its entertainment of shapes falling. The physical things don't matter to me anymore. I just care about peace, happiness, and joy and can't understand why people choose to do the opposite when the positive lies within their reach. I also feel as if I'm a mature or older soul.
Rosetta1 (1 stories) (76 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-15)
Well you are correct about the meaning of the number 11, though it is occasionally associated with rebellion and incompletion. This could be due, of course, to your enlightenment to spirituality, but also could be due to an angelic or unearthly prescence. As for the feeling as though you're in a different world, you could be mentally astral projecting yourself to a different world that is much more... Peaceful and balanced than this world is. Being a Pisces means that you are naturally sensitive, so don't be shocked when the smallest things cause you to have very strong reactions. And the geomtric shapes you are seeing? I believe you are seeing the patterns of the energy that surrounds you. All energy has a pattern, some similar, some totally different. SOme can be identifies by the type of power it radiates, but others are more difficult to understand. I hope this explains a few things and doesn't cause you any more confusion. I merely wish to help all that ask for it. 😊
BrookeV (1 stories) (2 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-15)
I have read that near death experiences do often trigger conciousness for some reason. From personal experience, the number 11 is connected with my spirit guide. She uses 11:11, 1:11, 1111, 111, or 11. I would probabley say from everything your giving, some gift may start forming:)

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