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Voices in my Ear and Headaches


I am 15 and I am able to hear voices calling my name. Most of the time the voices just say my name, and a lot of the time, the voice is right up against my ear, as if they where whispering to me. Problem is, I get massive headaches whenever I start to hear the voices, or when I have that strange feeling as if someone is there watching me. I have a feeling that the headaches are caused by some subconscious wall that I have to block the voices.

What I want to know is how to break down this wall just enough so I can hear what the voices want and so I can help them (if they are spirits). Oh, and sometimes, I can also see apparitions of people who aren't there. One time my mom was driving me to school and on the side of the road I saw a black silhouette of a man walking, then I saw a white silhouette of a kid on a bike a few blocks after I saw the first person. Trust me, I looked at them and they vanished the moment I turned my head. I don't want to tell others about this because then they might think that I am a schizophrenic like person.

I appreciate all help that you people can give, and sorry if this seems repetitive and has been seen before on here.

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glaiden (7 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-17)
i hear voices a lot too. But its like I'm in the middle of a crowd, at first they all were just whispering. All at once. I can make out what they say everyonce in a while. Usually its just warnings. But everytime I get these huge headaches because of them. But lately they've been comming more often and now sometimes they all are screaming at me. And it fels like nails in my brain. This last time I got really sick and the just a huge headache turned into an over average adult migrane, I couldn't get rid of it for days.
I've tried exercise upon exercise to try to help dull the voices out a lil. But I can't seem to put up that brick wall yet. Which is weird considering its usually really easy to bock other stuff for me. I don't know what the voices are exactly but they're really strong.
ulanda (2 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-18)
hi I have been hearing voices calling my name as well. Yes two days ago I was laying in bed home alone on my computer and a lady shouted my name out really loud. Its not the first time this has happen to me. I really need some answers cause I'm lost
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-12)
Dahlia I agree research is important
I had given up on a case that I saw months and months ago... Probably a year ago now, maybe more

Anywho, I made the assumption that it had just happened in the beach area

I was wrong, it HAD happened, because most of mine haven't occured

but this was a case that had been cold for years and years, the guy's name was Riermer... I knew it started with an R...something spelled like that

Anywho, it was in the city beach area I was talking about, so I guess you can see the past victims/new victims almost at the same's weird how spread apart they were in years... Fascinating that it can go all over the place, sporadic really
dahlia123 (6 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-12)
I would research the area in which you seen these two figures It sounds like a crime has happened there or is going to happen there
I think you might find some interesting things
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-10)
Yes, well these voices can give you a headache because it's constant or annoying or both haha. How to deal? Well, it's not always so easy, I now sleep with earplugs, but the high pitch or certain vibrations you hear from them cannot be ignored as you probably know. Try to quite your mind in general, which can be hard. Talking aloud more and trying to understand why. I know that some people will tell you that you are only having hearing loss because of the high pitch noise. But they don't know any better.

In fact I got a hearing test done a few weeks ago and normal range is 20 and I was beyond normal range, even though I do have high noise issues, but it's not because of damaging of the inner hairs (daily for everyone) as you know but hearing people.

You are not crazy, just figure out how to deal with it and block it out when needing to
Symple (1 stories) (26 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-10)
Hey Jarad, I have had some voices call my name too. These voices wake me up if I over-sleep or when I get lost in daydreaming. It sounds like my late Mother but I don't know really. These voices say "Hey" or it will say my name. Try listening while visioning what they are trying to say... It might be something important or it could be a warning of some sort. I'm not saying I'm all psychic, but, I know I'm intuitive and voices from the other side might be trying to tell you something. 😊 My nephew claims to have heard these voices trying to wake him up also.
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-10)
steve11 make sure when you protect yourself that the 'wall' is totally surronding you, just try building up more and more each day, try protecting yourself in new creative ways, because sometimes it can seem boring, make sure it feels light and white, sometimes making it heavy can cause damage and try focusing on making people happy.
Katie (42 stories) (369 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-09)
Hi I have been through that hearing voices and sometimes you can't hear them but when you try ignoring it. They seem to start poking you in the ear just to check if you can hear or just to see if you can feel them doing it. Me and my sister watched most haunted one night the same night we saw something black flying across the room and feeling something poking us. We have our own bedrooms but she was the one who ran in my parents room. I didn't I'm used to it. Sometimes when you hear the voices it comes inside your mind its really strange. I hear them say my name and also sometimes they start singing or talking really fast, they talk to other spirits in another room. I hear them say open the door so I do and there's someone I know standing there just about to knock on or put the key in. I hear screams as well but its like there right near my ear or gotten in my mind. Never let them win!
steve11 (1 stories) (31 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-09)
I have the headaches too. I also get pain in the ears. I do not always hear the voices though. I like your idea of a wall that protects us. I want my wall to be stronger. I wonder if the people or spirits that wisper or talk into our ears are trying to control us or get us to surrender to them and their particular God. I think it is the wrong God and group for me. I would rather they surrender to me. I get threats from them in my minds ear everyday. I was told to declare war in a vision long ago. I am trying to help everyone. It is like tough love or discipline or appropriate punishment. As I write this I am am under severe mental attack. It is very difficult to even write at these demons. If they would just play fair all would be well. They hide their harmfull deeds from us.
pinkbabe63 (guest)
17 years ago (2008-03-08)
I get that aswell I hear voices and get headaches and see shadows I know this doesn't help but I'm just saying that there are a lot of people like you and maybe they can offer more advice then I can. 😁

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