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Psychic Experiences in Category: Channeling / Guides: Page 6
The Mystery of Natalie Holloway by CVT6702
The Natalie Holloway Story is back in the news again. Shortly after the disappearance of Natalie Holloway and while everyone was looking for her a few days after her disappearance, I, as a Psychic Detective, decided to meditate on the case and see what I could learn. When I begin gathering informati...
Assassination of JFK by CVT6702
Fourty-four years ago President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas Texas on November 22, 1963. I know to some young people that's ancient history but I was part of the generation that went through that terrible time in history and now I am here to make history again by telling the world that...
The Costume Maker by jwhitfi
Growing up I moved a lot, my dad was in the Navy and 3 years was the longest we stayed in one spot. When I was 3, we moved to Monterey, Ca. Let me tell you, lots of strange things happened there all of which I remember like it was yesterday... Maybe I'll post some of those experiences later. This ex...
Psychic Stories and Predictions in Bits and Pieces by CVT6702
When I begin getting looks into the future about events to come, and or when I begin getting information about serial killers and all sorts of things it comes to me in bits and pieces, not only in dreams, but as I rest with my eyes closed or even watching television and even in the kitchen while I'm...
How I Get Ideas from Those in the Spirit World by CVT6702
It's 1:42 a.m. on November 4, 2007. As usual I began to get Psychic Information before I awaken and I get up and write the ideas down, then sometimes I lay back down in a darkened room and the ideas and pictures continue and finally I get an idea that brings me out of bed, and into the kitchen for a...
Psychics Be Careful of What You Ask For by CVT6702
After some of the Spirits began appearing to me, I would spend hours daily trying to further develop my Psychic Abilities and even some of the Spirits were shocked and surprised at some of the information which was coming to me from a place High in the Spirit World which I call the 'Akashic Records'...
Dead Men Do Come Back to Share their Stories by CVT6702
I am a Channel for spirits from the Spirit World and I have all the details behind he Kennedy Assassinations as told to me by a source in the Spirit World who can look back in time and forward into the future. He has taken me back in time to that day in Dallas and even before and told me who plotted...
Helpful Information from my Guides by CVT6702
Each time I write here, I write because a Guide appears and tells me what he wants us to write about next and eventually I get around to doing it because as I work, I am also taking many notes behind the scenes and interacting with people in my everyday life and sometimes it takes me a day or two fo...
Psychic Information to Help Mankind by CVT6702
I am sharing some of my psychic experiences to tell others what steps I took to receive the information and what I did with it to show how helpful some of this can be to others. When I first began this in the late eighties I had absolutely no experience in these things and had to learn as I went by ...
My Personal Psychic Experiences over 21 Years by CVT6702
I have posted several stories about my Psychic Detective work over the years and I have loved doing this but along with the good in my case came a few bad things. I first developed my interest in Spirit Communication back in l985 when my sister called me one day and asked me to accompany she and her...
Is There Help for Mediums? by blackjack
I have been able to do automatic writing for quite a while now and I know I can communicate with the deceased, but don't know how to interpret what they are trying to tell me. Is there anyone who can guide me and help me develop my abilities? I went to a spiritual class about 9 years ago and had my ...
Guardian Angel by Mel
I was hoping some like-minded people might comment on my experience. I have had various experiences and don't know what to think of them. It's relatively new to me. When I was a young teenager, I awoke suddenly in the night and saw a young man sitting by my bed, staring at me. He was a blue hazy col...
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