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Is There Help for Mediums?


I have been able to do automatic writing for quite a while now and I know I can communicate with the deceased, but don't know how to interpret what they are trying to tell me. Is there anyone who can guide me and help me develop my abilities? I went to a spiritual class about 9 years ago and had my brother-in-law channel through me. I didn't have any control over what was happening and it scared me so much that I haven't wanted to do anything else since.

I know when someone is trying to come to me because I get a buzzing sensation in the palm of my hands. This also happens when I do healing on someone, I know I am not controlling where my hands go. I have been told that I have an ability and that I will use this to help people. I just need someone to help me understand what I need to do and how to do it.

If there is anyone in or around my area who can help me, please let me know. I have also had visions of spirits and had them touch me when I know they are there and it scares me that my heart starts pumping so fast. I have been told not to be scared of them but it is hard when you don't know how to communicate with them.

I would love to do what John Edwards does, he is just amazing and helps so many people.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, blackjack, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

hernam (2 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-13)
I am the same situation and meditation got me into this. The more I meditate the more they come and the more confused I am. There has to be a book on this. There are so many aspects of it. I don't know what to do with this bit I am tired.
Tyler86 (3 stories) (41 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-14)
You do not need a teacher to learn anything. Everything you need to know is within you. Learn to listen to yourself. Learn to become your own teacher. Wisdom is not from knowledge. It is from the experience.
Clara (7 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-22)
Black Jack---Perhaps you are trying to do to much at once. I have been a practicing medium for the last few years. Although, I am capable for the most part of seeing into someone's future, this is not my first gift. Let me explain.
You spoke of John Edwards. While it appears that he has the gift of sight, if you have ever had a chance to read his books, he admits that mediumship is not his strongest gift. Maybe this explains why he has a problem with clarity. For instance, names as opposed to his getting initials. His first gift is prophecy.
In regards to mediumship I have no problem of getting names, descriptions, understanding what they are saying ect... I have no problem with clarity and what I do comes very easily to me. Now let's flip it around.
I do have the gift of prophesy. However, clarity is a problem. For instance, I was talking with someone who asked me what I see coming up for them. I answered, "You and your husband are going to be taking on something very soon. I believe it is a person but I can't pin it down. I can say that it is not a pregnacy..."
I recieved a phone call a couple of days ago from this person who told me that what I had alluded to had come to pass. It turns out she and her husband were asked to take her very young niece and nephew into their home. It appears that they will.
Even though what I told this person seemed vague the answer to what it was to me was also vague.
Stick to what is your strongest gift. It takes a life time to grow that gift and if it is your intention to make an honest difference by using your gift you never truly can until you except even you have limits.
Karmic Release (guest)
17 years ago (2008-03-06)
Hi, my name is Rev. Jackie Waring and I have done automatic writing for over 25 years now and I use it to help people everyday at my New Age Gift Shop. All you have to do is work on you, because as you increase your vibration, you get a higher level of guides. Guides will come and go and over time and once you get a group that you can trust, you can give readings by doing the writing. That is what I do, but it took years for me to build that trust. Here is my web site just in case you want to contact me directly. I teach automatic writing beginner and advanced classes, but I would be willing to help you by email and answer your questions.
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-21)
A lot of people have spirits guides, but either most people do not know that they have them... Or some people choose not to have them, it isn't an all or none thing by far, many factors account for this.
Katie (guest)
17 years ago (2008-02-21)
Everyone has a spirit guide there loved one's who watch us and help us through our life's maybe to follow our paths. I don't know who is my spirit guide I have seen so many spirits. I dream of the spirit world I'm always in different places there and everyone seems to know my name for some strange reason. You can have more than 1 spirit guide you could have loads. I read it on a website when I did some research. Can anyone tell me more information on spirit guides please! 😊
Katie (guest)
17 years ago (2008-02-21)
I love this website and I enjoy writing some of my experiences on it. So I can get help and advice of people. 😊 Sorry hotandcold if I offended you! I wasn't aiming at you anyway but you know I shouldn't of said it. When I wrote that I had problems then but I don't have any no more cause there all sorted.
hotandcold (5 stories) (218 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-09)
Katie, why do you think if someone hasn't posted a story about it it is a lie? I have had a lot more experiances then that is my stories, but I don't write them in.

Blackjack, I also agree with Ghost_whisperer. She told e how to find my spirit guide, and the spirit guides told me how to meditate easier and better. They are good, Martin (my spirit guide) is good. You should take the time to find yours, and you will notice the difference.

blackjack (1 stories) (1 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-06)
I can meditate very well, I want to know how to understand and how to use my abilities so I can relay the information I get correctly to the person it involves. Are there classes that teach you these things?
Ghost_Whisperer (guest)
17 years ago (2007-10-05)
Or maybe those people have been through those things and just haven't had the time to reccord all them yet? Anyway, I love how we're all able to help each other on here. 😊
Katie (guest)
17 years ago (2007-10-05)
Hi I just see ghosts and I know when there here cause I get a strange feeling inside like I go cold, nervous, buzzing feeling in my hand, feeling getting watched, someone behind me all that really. You have to be careful on here because some people just think they have been through everything which people have wrote about which I don't. I share my stories with people on here truthful stories. My own stories. Some people who say oh yeah I been through this this and this haven't look at there stories they haven't wrote a story of there experience so that is a lie. If you know what I mean. I do try helping people on here I wish I could help you but I don't understand much about this really. If you could explain abit more please to get me to understand and maybe I could help you in a way give you some advice on it which I love to do. 😊
Ghost_Whisperer (guest)
17 years ago (2007-10-05)
I'm with Charlotte, meditating really helps. I understand what you're going through because I've done some automatic writing myself. Anything unusual can be scary at first, but think of all the good you can do and it may outweight your fear. Do you know your spirit guides? They can also help you, as can amulets, talismans, and healing with crystals. If you have any specific questions, I'm always here.
hotandcold (5 stories) (218 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-04)
You want to improve and control them, learn about them or... Anything else?

Meditating helped a lot, and I learnt a lot about myself and where my ability comes from.


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