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Strange Dreams With Demons?


I'm sorry for the long post but I need to get this off my chest because no one I know can explain the things that have been happening to me.

Anyway I have this thing I don't know if its a problem exactly or I'm crazy but I think demons visit me in my dreams some times. It's never when something significant in my life has happened, they just come and go. I don't remember much of my childhood but I think I actually knew them and would talk to them. Something you might need to know is I almost wasn't born. Around my mothers third month of carrying me she almost miscarried. I believe that might play into wants been happening. So on with these strange dreams.

This one dream was when I was a young girl in i'd say the 8 th grade. I was sleeping but not dreaming and this still happens often. I was basically seeing nothing when this ram appears and its body is turned away from me but it slowly turns its head and looks me dead in my face wearing a little smirk on its face. Its eyes have a human pupil but the color is something I can't explain. It then disappears just like that no fading.

The next dream is when I was in my freshman year. The dream starts off with me in the tub when I get this feeling and I look over on the floor and there's this reptilian like snake with black hair on its back. I inch my face a bit closer when suddenly the black hair part jumps off of it toward my direction over my head into the ceiling corner behind me. I look up and all I see is this lady with dirty blond hair and dark eyes looking at me. She was beautiful but her hair looked damaged and needed fixing. She had gone all exorcism on me and had her arms and legs touching the wall with her back to me but her head was twisted forward. I get that feeling again and I turn to look back at the floor and I see this pale humanoid figure start picking itself up. It was so pale I saw the veins through its skin and it had no gender that I could tell. Its eyes were black with no white around them and it was bald. I asked it: "who are you? What do you want"? I looked back up at the lady when she replied for him: "he wants you". That's when I look back at it and it takes a step toward me. Throughout this whole time i'm in the tub naked but not scared and so when she gave me that response that's when my emotions started kicking in and I (quite hilariously) hopped out the tub in front of it and bust my sh** on the floor then got up ran for the door where it took a couple of tries to open it like I didn't want to open. Then I ran out into the hallway stratight to my moms door and tried opening it. When that didn't work I tried my own next to it which didn't open either. Meanwhile the wierd dude Is walking out of the bathroom toward me. I suddenly get weak fall to the ground and start calling for my mother but my voice eventually dies out and look up to see its coming closer to me. So I finally get one of those ' h*** no we won't go' moments and shoot my hand in front of myself and everything in front of my hands turns into a blinding white light.

The last dream happened over the weekend (im 16 and in my sophomore year) where I am at my dads house sleeping and I see flashing of things I'm doing then it turns sexual somehow. I don't know why I'm virgin and only 16 so nothin much there. Anyway the guy was on top touching and caressing me through these flashes in time then he looks up at me, nuzzles me or something and I see its face. It look like a rabid demonic dog with red eyes looking at me, and that's when I wake up.

I'm not afraid when I have these dreams and the reason I believe why is because i'm used to them and i'm only afraid of god and myself. I also strongly believe that dreams like these are not new. I don't remember most of my child hood but I have flash backs of me as a little girl standing somewhere with this demon and he's caressing my face and telling me nice things and something so funny I actually laugh and touch the hand that is holding my cheek and smile up at it with something akin to admiration and delight in mu eyes. It flashes to me eating something bloody and squishy while smiling and and looking up at it. However I never saw this demon's face I only see it's hand and forearm which looks pale but healthy and strong.

I don't know exactly what i'm looking for in responses but maybe someone to tell me i'm going to be okay or give me some sort of explanation as why this is happening.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Remi, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Remi (1 stories) (5 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-27)
I remember writing this when I was younger. I was dealing with a ton of crazy things going on and in a panic I came here. The dreams subsided and soon turned into physical things happening around the house and photos of spirits and even a disturbing thing in the background. Then one day I asked myself how do I make it all go away even for a day if only so I could breathe. So I thought of my house as place they like to come into and a barrier I could create to keep them out. I won't say the object and I try very hard not to think of it but that is where I concentrated all of my energy. I wanted something that would ward them off or trap them. After that day I could breathe easy and not worry.It's hard to explain nor do I want to say that i'm some type of special person to do this type of thing but I took charge of things and made it so that I wouldn't be bothered ever again.
mandii (3 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-30)
I posted the following at another page - I am reposting here for you.

You are experiencing a demonic entity. The things you experienced in your dreams as a child I also experienced something similar (very long story). It wasn't until I was an adult and went through shamanic/divine initiation did I have a full understanding. Let me repeat is definitely a demonic entity. Please ask Archangel Michael for protection. He will remove the entity. If the demon tries to approach you in the dream or waking world ask Archangel Michael to protect you with his divine sword. Ask archangel Micheal to break your arrangement/cord with this entity with his sword. Ask Arch angel Michael to remove all cords and foreign energies in and around your body. You also need to use protection for self and home. Ask divine angels to fill your home with light. Also practice seeing yourself inside a golden sphere of light surrounded by pink light before you go to bed at night. You can clear negative energy from you home by imaging a pink tornado of light enveloping your self and then getting bigger until it wraps around you home. Pink light is divine love and transmutes negative energy. Before going to sleep I often ask Archangel Raphael to wrap his energy around me and protect me while I am sleeping. I Also ask Quan yin chinese goddess of compassion to wrap her energy around me for protection while I am asleep. IF your home is filled with divine energies it provides a buffer from negative entities. Begin a spiritual practice of praying everyday and ask the divine angels/christ fire to surround. There are many other techniques. Please let us know how this goes.
stayrr295 (25 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-02)
she/it could turn in to and giant snake and into spiders
It first appeared as a seemingly harmless young girl who had said she had died and asked me if I could bring her back with me to the world of the living, unfortunately I did just that, and that's when things got really bad.
stayrr295 (25 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-02)
the demons would start to get sexual in the dreams too, just like yours. Only I would run each time before they could do any thing to me, the girl looked very beautiful with blonde hair, and strange eyes that were multi colored like rainbows and the pupil would change from human to cats eyes.
stayrr295 (25 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-02)
Yep I'm male and 15 and I have had dreams like yours before starting from when I was very small only the demon in my dream was female, things would move on their own even when I was awake and I would hear their voices but when in the presence of someone else. They seemed to disappear. When I say their I mean there where multiple things speaking in one voice if that makes sense? Like water trickling?
princessxkid (1 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-22)
I've also had a lot of bizarre "demon dreams", starting at an early age. There is one that I just can't seem to shake, however. This demon/entity was very violent towards me... She appeared old, very skinny & her hair was a very bright red - almost orange. Her hair was wild... Reminded me of Beetlejuice! I get goosebumps just thinking about it! What demon, if any, might this have been? I saw other entities in the house I was living in & they were very violent, as well (one example: my gas stove top was turned on high while I was asleep -- it was a weekend but thankfully I hadn't turned my alarm off!) so I can't be so sure this thing, this woman, was a demon for certain... But it was a very different experience from the others. Very.
Remi (1 stories) (5 posts)
12 years ago (2013-06-06)
thanks, I appreciate both of your advice. I really hope I get the answers I need as well as protection. 😊
Noriko1111 (1 stories) (35 posts)
12 years ago (2013-06-06)
[at] Remi
What it is I don't know either because I'm not in your shoes. What it could be is many things. The category of spirits can range from different species from animals, humans, mythical creatures, etc... It could be a mufti-spirits or just one shapeshifiting into many. What is important though is that does it all feel the same or does each one feels truly different like they have their own unique feel.

When I was in college, there was this one year that I specifically remember. The feeling I got around the dorm was a humanoid being in front of my door. There were two. I knew it was two males. One very young and one old. They did not feel the same. How did I know this, its hard to explain, its a feel that they give off. One felt like a fresh youthful spark of energy, moody, dark, spiteful, angry personality that has been cut short. The other man felt a bit leecherous because of the way it stood in front of the bathroom while I was showering, but it too had a strong dark, heavy, moody, feel. One will come more often like the boy. Sometimes I had a picture of who they are pop up in my mind but it was quick and short. And this very uncomfortable feeling of I need to get out or close the door to stop their stare. They just felt different and the more they were around me, the more I could differentiate them.

If you want to learn about protection read the comment I made on a story. Maybe it can help you start somewhere.

Remi (1 stories) (5 posts)
12 years ago (2013-06-06)
there are many feelings I get when around these things. Every time its different. For example the dream when I was in the tub I felt panicked, and just being in proximity with it, I feel something that makes me want to shudder, but I don't want to show fear. I really have a hard time explaining what I go though and feel, reliving my dreams makes me really unconfortable. In some dreams it feels like it wants me to know that it is there and watching me (kind of stalkerish type feeling to it). Sometimes I feel like they are different beings because there are dreams where I feel like it is trying to be with me intimately. And at times I feel a bit overwhelmed and feel like calling it out and giving it a piece of my mind but I don't think that it would play out well. So, I feel a bit stuck, unsure of what it is, or what it wants; or even how to deal with it.
Zin (guest)
12 years ago (2013-06-03)
The first rule in removing demons is knowing its name, otherwise the process takes a longer period of time and normally gets worse.
Noriko1111 (1 stories) (35 posts)
12 years ago (2013-06-03)
Quick question.
Why do you think its demons? What do your childhood memory of this being "felt" like? I don't mean physically what they felt like more like there presence. Truthfully what do you feel when you are next to this so called demon?

[at] zin
What purpose do you have in knowing the demons names? Please explain i'm not fully understanding why someone wants to know its name. Is it for power, control, or something else?
Remi (1 stories) (5 posts)
12 years ago (2013-06-01)
Thanks I hope you're right and it turns out to be something nonthreatening.
jaydonc (37 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-31)
You are facing really psychic experience and over the time you will get clarifications on these incidents.
Zin (guest)
12 years ago (2013-05-30)
Hmm, well if saying any of those names generates a reaction it is most likely its name, of course those are just the named demons, there is a lot more of them than just those.
Remi (1 stories) (5 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-30)
Thank you for the advice although I am a bit concerned about talking to it and finding out who it is. Also yes my hair is dark brown.
Zin (guest)
12 years ago (2013-05-30)
I also forgot to ask if you happened to have a reddish brown hair more on the brown side.
Zin (guest)
12 years ago (2013-05-30)
Interesting, I would recommend finding the demons name out, now given what you said about it, it could be the demon called Amon, or one of his lessors, it also could be the demon Naberius, or Glasya-Labolas, or Buné or Marchosias.

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