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Real Psychic Experiences

The Girl Who Asked For Help


My name is Kristina and I'm 15 of age,

I just wanted to share my story with you about my paranormal activity story. It happened to me few months ago. I was on a trip to Croatia with 3 other groups. Our cars engine got wrecked and we had to stay about 4 hours calling for help. Long story short our group waited a night for the repair to be made, and I went with another group.

That midday that I came to the area we were supposed to, I went to sleep real early from the 12-hour journey. I was exhausted. That's when it happened.

As I went to sleep around 4 pm I woke up about 2-3 am in the middle of the night. I was scared, I felt another presents with me in that room. Just as if staring at me the whole time. To get that thought away I said to myself, who could be here, I'm just thinking things that aren't true. So I took my ipod and watched a film, I even fell asleep during it.

That dream is even now real clear in my head;

there were people passing by a normal old-greek style pathway and I saw a little girl, around 4-5 years old staring at me through the crowd of people.

I woke up that instant and was asking myself who was that girl, I wanted to remember her through the dream that just happened, but it got me elsewhere, just 2 second after waking up and thinking that, the girl as if remembering a memory that just happened few minutes ago, was in front of my face, and said ' I finally found you.' then she was in me. All the muscles in my body contracted and she was trying to get in me. It' hard to say but she was wanting to get into my body and I felt as if she was near my soul, my body could no longer take both of us in and that's when I started to pray within my soul, Our Father, who art in heaven. Nothing happened, that cruel contraction in my muscles didn't ease so I shouted in my soul as hard as I could, OUR FATHER, WHO ART IN HEAVEN. And that's when she released me. She left my body and I could finally see the darkness of my room. I was scared but I could feel relieved.

I went to sleep with another two girls as I couldn't stand being in my room.

But I want to tell whoever is reading it and may or may have not experienced this: souls come to people who aren't as dirty of sins as others are. They are trying to find another clean soul that is living on this earth to help them pray for them. Because they are trapped in a let's say 'punishment area' of what they did on this earth and to get to heaven they need to clean of their sins in that area. But as well the best way for them to get their part of their sins away is if you sincerely ask for forgiveness for them to Jesus during a mass, as Jesus is sacrificing himself during every mass.

I hope that you will read this and in any case if something like this happened to you, you would go to a near-by priest and ask him to serve the mass for that special soul that asked you for your help.

Thanks for reading my story, please share any of your similar stories below:)

- Kristina V.

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Christal-Kika (2 stories) (4 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-10)
Hi Kiame... Sorry I haven't written back:) I just came to see my page and other stories today, kind of sensing as if someone wrote something to me and here it is, your answer:) I'm happy that at least someone wrote back and I'm happy that I'm not alone in the age we are that have some connection in paranormal activity and phycic strenght like you do... I just read the first of your stories, out of curiosity ' who is this girl and what's the story she has ' I have to say, your story I haven't ever heard bfore but that doesn't mean you are alone:) there will always be that someone who can help you in whatever way you might be troubled by... I'm looking forward of reading more about you and I gotta write more of my stories as this one isn't the only one...:)
Keep Sharing!:D
Christal-Kika (2 stories) (4 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-10)
Hi Kiame... Sorry I haven't written back:) I just came to see my page and other stories today, kind of sensing as if someone wrote something to me and here it is, your answer:) I'm happy that at least someone wrote back and I'm happy that I'm not alone in the age we are that have some connection in paranormal activity and phycic strenght like you do... I just read the first of your stories, out of curiosity ' who is this girl and what's the story she has ' I have to say, your story I haven't ever heard bfore but that doesn't mean you are alone:) there will always be that someone who can help you in whatever way you might be troubled by... I'm looking forward of reading more about you and I gotta write more of my stories as this one isn't the only one...:)
Keep Sharing!:D
Kiame2012 (9 stories) (24 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-04)
Haha, we at least having something in common? We're the same age.

However, that is truly a story to remember. Almost sounded like this girl wanted to possess you. Keep sharing! And by all means, look at my posts and tell me what you think!:)

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