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Smelling And Hearing Auras


I've got one question that I need answered am I the only one that smells and hears auras to put this into prospective a red aura sounds like a piano piece and smells like a rose. How about my own aura with smells like mint and sounds like rustling leaves. So like I said does anyone else sense auras like this if not then why do I I would really like to know. All so let's say am in a crowd I can track someone like a blood hound by the smell and sound of there aura (the above is still true but they a small or sound a little bit different) am also drawn to certain smalls and sounds. The strongest one is one that smells like the ocean, sounds like a lightning storm. Am really vary confused a bout that last aura proper color manly because a blue sure smells like freshwater and sounds like a speed boat. This is also my first post so am sure a sound like a rambling idiot but my point is still there am I the only on who senses aura like this. Now I have on last question my aura color is green (duh:D) is that a possibly reason am vary much drawn to water such as pools and the lakes. Any info on any of the questions I have asked will be vary much appreciated especially the big one am I the only one that can smell and hear auras instead of seeing them. Also (not to seem like am bragging or being fake) ill tell you in the comments what your aura would smell and sound like to me. Thank you all for reading my vary ramble story article what would you call this will never mind thanks for reading.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Frozenteem, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Lupus_Prisma (1 posts)
6 years ago (2018-11-04)
You can smell auras, yes? Hypothetically speaking could someone be able to hear the frequency of someone's aura?
Cassie_1008 (3 stories) (10 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-09)
With that ability, can you track someone? Like far away from you, and you're able to pull them close to you? Say, you've memorized someone's "scent" in an astral level way and you can pull them to your dreams, or rather manipulate their dreams?
Is there a way to be able to attain the ability to track a person in the astral level? Thanks in advance.
christianjob (guest)
9 years ago (2015-02-02)
Very interesting.! I like reading stories about paranormal and I feel like I'm drawn to this type of stories. Thnx for posting.
By the way, can you guess what color or smell/sound my aura would be like? I'm just curious.
Frozenteem (1 stories) (16 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-30)
Really some people have a hard Tim doing it it came almost naturally to me
Zin (guest)
11 years ago (2013-09-29)
Good Good, the reason I ask is that some people have difficulty doing it.
Frozenteem (1 stories) (16 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-29)
Zin it worked great I really appritate the advice it also comes in hand when I clean my aura
Zin (guest)
11 years ago (2013-09-28)
Did the bubble/shield work? It should but I am just making sure.
Frozenteem (1 stories) (16 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-28)
I'd love to see it but I more smell hear it but my best guess over the web is a red or pink
JSmooth (1 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-28)
I'd like to know what my aura is like. How do you see it? I'm kind of fresh to this site. The zener cards have caught my attention.
Frozenteem (1 stories) (16 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-26)
Thanks for the tip zin ill try it at school tomorrow at time of comment
Zin (guest)
11 years ago (2013-09-26)
Hmm, I would say shielding is your best bet. The way to do it is to focus energy around you basically imagine a bubble around you then imagine it expanding outwards to a set distance. It should block a chuck of it, although some should still break through.
Kiame2012 (9 stories) (24 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-26)
Hello! It's VERY cool you have these powers, as for I do not. And yes, I'm a teenager as well... So I can relate on a one-on-one basis.

Anyways, I am also drawn to water, (Lakes, Rivers, Oceans, Pools, Etc) and yet I don't have your powers. I believe it's just for the fact water is an easy substance to control, if you control it right. However, maybe by your aura seeing, It could just be that reason for yourself. I mean, who can relate better to water, than the one who can sense it for themselves?:)

If you want to further this discussion, email me at LoveitRockit [at] ^_^
Frozenteem (1 stories) (16 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-26)
Am not really all that accurate unless its in person pulse all the kids at school are driving me mad with the input over load
Newbiepsychic (109 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-26)
Emerald green is colour of a healer... Often very caring doctors, nurses, emergency workers have this colour. Very nice:)
Brown energy is male and often related to daily life/chores/going to work/school so I can see how it muddies your true colour. It's related to stability and security. Most men I know have brown in their auras, too much is not good.
I saw Powerhound as dark blue.
Frozenteem (1 stories) (16 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-26)
Am male and I get what you mean now with dark and my aura at its brightest aka the weekend when I'm not stressed its a emerald color
Newbiepsychic (109 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-26)
Frozenteem, are you a male or a female? Oak leaves makes me think male and that there is brown in there. Brown is male energy. Lol you can't have dark without it being somewhat negative:) but it doesn't mean negative as in evil, it just means you haven't I suppose risen yet to the fully positive values of what that colour or vibration can be.
Frozenteem (1 stories) (16 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-26)
Power hound I can guess but don't get upset if am wrong my guess is a orange (I rather like the color personally but I don't affect my guess)
Frozenteem (1 stories) (16 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-26)
Okay sorry newbie it's um you no those really rich (dark but not negative) oak leaves its that shade if that helps any
PowerHound (3 stories) (24 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-26)
[at] Frozenteem, I enjoyed your rambling story. You have a gift and you should feel blessed. I don't hear auras so much as I hear thoughts and feel emotions from people's aura's but I do smell auras much like you do, so no you are not the only one who senses like that. Continue to post any more interesting developments. Any chance you can tell my aura?
Newbiepsychic (109 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-26)
Glad to help:)
Plant/leaf green is fairly obvious, it's love of nature. Again really depends on the shade. If it is a light colour leaf green then typically more "light" in the spirit but if it is a darker leaf green than some of the negative traits of the heart chakra are present and need to be worked through. Both men and women have green auras, and it is typically a sign of someone who is a little more "aware" than others aware that there is more to this world than just daily life. They typically have unconditional love for people, animals and nature (whether they realize this or not, meaning they may not realize that other people do not feel as strongly as they do about these things). If it is like the colour of "new" green leaves, then I would think this is a new "stage" for you or something "new" has happened in your life regarding love or new financial growth or a new path for you. Green is also the colour of money:) but I typically don't see that as much as the spiritual aspects of the colour. It really depends. If it is a lime green then you are not being your true self (lying in some way, not being true to yourself) if it is olive green then there is typically some sort of envy going on, typically about money or wanting to hold onto money. Can you tell if it is placed all over your body or in a certain area? Does it extend past your shoulders? Not sure if any of this rings true for you:) Let me know.
Frozenteem (1 stories) (16 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-26)
Hey zin do you know away to protect sense am back at school and the input from the auras is killing me
Zin (guest)
11 years ago (2013-09-26)
It is a rare ability but it does exist. It will be a little difficult to find anyone else with it but then again there are millions of people online so there is probably someone out there.
Frozenteem (1 stories) (16 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-26)
My green aura is a plant green or if you will a leaf green thanks for you input byn the way I had never thought about that even tho I knew my senses overlapped
Newbiepsychic (109 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-25)
I don't think what you are experiencing is unusual. Heightened senses don't just apply to psychic phenomenon, if you think about it, think about the types of senses animals have, like a blood hound or a shark or an owl or bat. They all rely on heightened senses to survive and it is said that humans also have these types of senses, we just don't know it or don't believe it because we are told we have 5 senses, period. However, psychic phenomenon is essentially a heightened sense, in a number of ways using the senses. So if we live in that box of believing that we have 5 senses and they are all independent of each other, that they never overlap then we are limiting ourselves and it's actually not true. Look into that info, about cross wiring of senses, heightened senses, synaesthia. An aura that smells a certain colour and sounds like something you recognize is to me just heightened senses overlapping. Multiple ways of recognizing them and that's really amazing!
As for a green aura... Depends on the colour of green. Can you describe it? Is it pastel? Does it have other colours in it? Is it emerald? Murky green? Does it have any dark spots? Green can mean a few different things but typically I find it is related to people who live their life from a place of love, which is hard to describe because I don't mean romantic love, I mean love of all things people, animals, nature. It is the heart chakra colour. Sounds strange but someone with a red aura would also feel love but not in the same way as a green aura person, same with all the other colours. Because we are all at different levels of learning... A green aura person experiences the world in a different way than say a yellow aura person. And then there are a ton of shades and variances and placements within each main colour.
Hope that helped a bit:)
Research it and keep working with it:)
Good luck ❤

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