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I Think Something Is Coming


I can't explain it, but I have this weird feeling that something is going to happen soon, and that somehow I am going to be involved in it. I'm not sure what, but it seems like it's going to be something bad. I think I probably got this feeling about a year ago. I'm fourteen now, and I noticed that the older I get, the stronger the feeling is. And I don't think what's coming will be anything small either.

I didn't really believe in things like life purposes before, but now I'm not so sure. Ever since I got this feeling I keep thinking maybe this could be my life purpose. And when I went on this website I noticed that a lot of people, mostly teenagers like me, feel the same way. Like they're different, and something is coming. Is there a reason for that? Maybe I'm crazy, but it seemed strange to me.

Also, I noticed that recently I've started getting this overwhelming feeling in my stomach, and it seems like it's triggered by certain things. Like the other day it happened when I saw a breeze blowing through the grass. It seems like random times when this happens, but I feel like those moments are important somehow, like they're clues or something. And sometimes things trigger a sort of vision too. For example, I heard someone say the words "new age" and suddenly I saw myself standing in a field at night. It was just for a second, but I felt shaken by it.

I don't know what's happening, but I've never really been a believer of strange things like this until now. I guess I just want to know if anyone has been experiencing something similar, or if you can explain what's happening.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, alette64, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

darkassassin92 (1 stories) (216 posts)
11 years ago (2014-01-06)
I kind of get a small feeling that yellow stone might erupt sooner or later way things are going. What do you think it is?
alette64 (3 stories) (9 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-27)
I have had a few of what could be visions, but they're always really quick and I usually can't get much out of them. I think the clearest one happened when I was at school working on a math problem, and then suddenly I saw myself leaning against what looked like a boulder or something. I remember feeling frustrated about something, and I had my head in my hands. It only lasted for a second, and then it was gone. Do you have any idea what it could mean, or if it was really a vision?
Lyro (468 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-26)
Have you had any visions, or just the bad feeling? I know people, and had a few myself, of visions of the future, and things to come. That's why I ask.
alette64 (3 stories) (9 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-25)
[at] Lyro, thank you for your help and the offer! It means a lot to me that people are here to help and listen.

And thank you to everyone else too. I wasn't expecting to get so many responses when I posted this, but it really does help to know that I'm not alone. I think all there is to do now is wait and see what happens.
Lyro (468 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-20)
[at] takemeasiam, it's not going to be a fully good change. If what is to come, is what me and others have seen, than it's more complicated than that. It will be a big change, and you'll hear about it for sure. Also, I have my own theories on why it is that we can feel things easier than most being in this younger generation.

[at] arbellason, you should E-mail me, I'm curious on what it is exactly that you saw, and if it matches to the things that I know of to come.

[at] alette, feel free to e-mail me as well, even to just talk, I'll listen, and explain what I can:)
takemeasiam (1 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-15)
Change is upon us, and you being a younger generation, well, its easier for you to pick up on it. Dont be afraid, embrace it, go with your gut feeling.
abcd (2 stories) (4 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-13)
If you feel something will happen your probably right. Maybe you have a psychic ability. I think that the overwhelming feeling in your stomach could be related to your prediction about the event your saying about.
Arbellason (4 stories) (16 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-10)
Ok maybe this nothing but a wild tale but to me it is real. Ever since I started to use my abilities I have seen a shadow in my mirror I don't know where the shadow is but no one but myself has seen it this shadow has been growing and shaping things in this world to be ready for it's plan. The words new age are not as they seem new age is not when things will turn automatically good in fact there will be more death and destruction than has been seen in along time. People have felt something moving but they have just not seen it but we are becoming more aware so the shadow will act sooner some things in this world have remained unseen but they are to become seen. That's what my stones have told me anyway refer to my how it all started if you don't know what is unique about my stone.
Zin (guest)
11 years ago (2013-10-09)
I won't worry about it all in all, if it is going to happen it will, if not it won't.
Lyro (468 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-09)
I'm not sure of the 2015 estimate, I have seen some things, more so in visions 3-4 years ago. I can say this though, perhaps things will be good in the long run, but if the things people saw are true, it's not going to start out that way. In fact it will be pretty bad. Things may not happen like they were seen, but they very well could.
pacificgrl25 (1 stories) (2 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-08)
I feel the same way too. I feel like something is moving, strange things have definitely been happening like the huge earthquake in japan, hurricane sandy in the west. Last year when I was living on my own I was standing outside and I could sense this strong feeling like there was a huge current of static electricity in the air, it was crazy. Your not alone, and when I first came to this website, I felt a lot better that there are others. Find out outlets of channel yourself. If something goes done try to find others like you to connect to
WatchingandLearningHailey (3 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-06)
Hi!~ I happened upon this and I noticed your comment about 2015 being the year some thing was changing. Lately, our world has been shifting into a new age, literally. I'm sure you've heard or indigo children and all of the other new souls. This new age (this is my guess, you can completely ignore it if you want) is one of spirituality, of the soul. Words have been traveling by mouth and paper lately over this, some say it'll be one of higher power and love, and others say it will be of fight for it. I'm not sure myself, but all the souls caught up in this will definitely playing a part. (I'm 15 too, and I've had the same feeling.)
alette64 (3 stories) (9 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-06)
Maybe I'm wrong to put a date on this, but I've always had a feeling about 2015. I know that date is way too close for anything to happen, likely, but does anyone else feel that way? It kind of scares me to think about it, honestly.
Lyro (468 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-06)
Even if they know nothing about any of this, they can still awaken. People have their own theories on why or how things develop. Mine are still based on a scientific logical way of viewing things. Being so, my theories are centered around it still being part of our genetics. This would allow for everyone to develop around the same ages like how all kids go through puberty at the same age. Sure there are cases where some develop sooner, or later then others, but in every statistic there are cases that don't fit the norm. From everyone that I've talked to or heard about, they normally are within these age ranges when things happen.
Take myself for example: When I was young there were different things that happened. One of which was (I had sisters) my sisters had just watched this weird scary movie about ghosts and stuff, so they were playing around saying stuff like "If you're here open and close the cabinet" and then I went over and did it. Then they kept saying different things and I would go and do them. They thought I was just playing around, and I was really young. So they wrote something down on a piece of paper, and like before I went and did it. As I grew older, I didn't do anything, never even thought much about supernatural stuff. Then one day it just kind of happened again. I looked back in older photos and I could see orbs and stuff hanging around me, even when I was young way before I was doing any of "this" kind of thing.
alette64 (3 stories) (9 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-06)
I think it's strange that there are so many connections with visions and dreams. There must be a reason for that, right? And Lyro, about what you said with the typical ages, that shocked me a bit. It can't be a coincidence that so many people experience the same things even if they don't know anything about it.
Zin (guest)
11 years ago (2013-10-06)
Going on what Lyro said, a lot of people did not say 2012, some assumed it but most said they where in their 30s in their dreams and well a vast majority of them were only in their mid to early teens when they posted them. So, I wouldn't say wrong until a good 20 to 30 years from now.

As for the sky, it is normally a red with black smoke clouds, no stars or sun. I have heard about 30+ with this sky and well fairly similar occurrences, just difference locations in the world.
Lyro (468 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-05)
Most people like us begin very young with "supernatural" things happening around us. See things, have spirits or things around. It happens very young, about 2-7 I'd say. Then it drops off, and it seems to just disappear. However, it comes back again at a later age, reemerges. This normally happens around the puberty age, about 13-17. There are of course abnormal cases of developing earlier or later, but this is just the norm. Now, with you being in the age of reemerging back into everything, that would explain why you're starting to get these feelings all of the sudden, and explain that weird feeling in your stomach. If you look up chakras, and simply put the special energy location points in your body, one of which is located there, and it's one that is felt very often as well as your brow area. That point at the top of your forehead.

Now, as far as doomsday, and 2012, all I'll say about that is that it's true that a lot of people had already had visions and saw things that they feared to come. However, none of these visions that people saw had a date. None of them had a time in the lower right hand corner or anything, so none of them could say for sure when it would happen. So please don't start acting like some big shot saying that 2012 is over and it didn't happen because the times were only guesses. I've seen something in the past, and I have a general idea of when things that I saw are supposed to happen, and 2012 was too early. So don't start grouping peoples visions with the 2012 people because we're not going outside with doomsday signs. And if you want to talk about being proven wrong, you think they wanted to see what they did? I've known someone who saw the school shootings the day before it happened, and when she saw on the news that it actually happened she was crying so bad. They normally think it's their fault, so it's not someone just trying to make a name for themselves, a lot of them see it as a curse. So no it's not always just wanting to be a part of something, sometimes it's just someone afraid, and the things they see aren't some form of anxiety, they just can't control it yet.
Arbellason (4 stories) (16 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-05)
Although not directly red think about what color do leaves turn in fall and falling red leaves could be interpreted as a red sky.
alette64 (3 stories) (9 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-05)
Zin: I don't remember having any dreams with red skies. The most common thing for me is that it's always fall.
Zin (guest)
11 years ago (2013-10-05)
I must ask have you had any dreams that had red skies, if so you would have a very abnormal commonality to other people with doomsday like dreams.
Arbellason (4 stories) (16 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-04)
I have had the same feeling but I got from staring into my "mirror" from what I saw it was a shadow of some sort. The more I look into it the more people I see that have felt the same thing.
alette64 (3 stories) (9 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-04)
Kiame2012: thank you for your comment! I really appreciate it. I completely understand you're theory. I actually thought about it myself, especially because I didn't believe in abilities. And I would write it off as anxiety too, except there are a lot of impossible things happening to me right now that I can't understand. Sometimes I know things that I shouldn't know, like the next sentence someone is going to say before they say it. And those visions are getting more frequent. All of them take place in the fall. I have no control over these things; they happen at random. Also, not to brag about myself, but I've kind of been different since I was young. When I was around three I told my parents that I felt I had to do something bigger. I also sometimes hear disconnected thoughts, and I've had a handful of dreams that have come true.

I guess I should have included these things in my story:) My head was kind of scattered when I posted it. Thanks again for your comment!
Kiame2012 (9 stories) (24 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-04)
Strange for the fact, during "2012" people had these visions of something coming. After so was proven wrong, it died down dramatically. Your post surprised me. And maybe. Just maybe. Your anxiety is just anxiety of wanting to be apart of something. But just can't be? Don't worry, I've had those too. And teenagers are known for doing so. Trust me. But if you're not getting true, random visions from nowhere in sight. If nothing is being envisioned of collapsing when it really isn't. Then it's not true. It's just anxiety.

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