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Real Psychic Experiences

My Strange Gifts


All my life I knew was different. Not strange but... different. Like for example, my primary school is really old, and quite a few people have died there (I think about four). When I was about five or six years old I would see shadows in the corners or people that weren't there walking down the hall. Just faint outlines though, nothing too much. I thought it was normal, but it obviously isn't.

Until about two months ago I thought that was it, but I was wrong about that too. At first I thought I was an empath because I could feel what others felt, but then I realized I could read others thoughts as well (not hear them, I just sort of know what people are thinking without hearing anything). So I thought I was an empath and a psychic. It never occurred to me that I was telepathic.

Now I know how it all fits together, sort of. I can see images in my head that other people can see because either they are accidentally sending me something, or I am accidentally taking it. I don't know how I do it, I just sort of concentrate on that person and it comes. Does anyone know how that works? And it's about the same for the emotions too.

Lastly, the thing about seeing spirits has improved. I can now tell when something is there or coming, and can sometimes even tell how far away and where it is! That is a bit hit and miss though.

My question for all of you is: how can I read other peoples thoughts without being psychic? I really need to know, because it's starting to freak me out! Please reply. Thank you!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, bunnies4eva, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

KevsQuest (1 stories) (17 posts)
16 years ago (2009-04-13)
How do you know if its a spirit or a ghost and if they are trying to contact you what should you od any advice?
Pixelchic5 (guest)
16 years ago (2008-07-05)
Behold, the Queens of Confusion... You know, us. Um, you said that you are always confused twice, by the way. Catch up with you on The Board next time I check in. 😊
bunnies4eva (4 stories) (87 posts)
16 years ago (2008-06-07)
i'm no good with time change! What day is where you are? Its saturday here. Is it the same for you? I'm a little confused now! Oh well! I always get confused. 😊
Pixelchic5 (guest)
16 years ago (2008-06-06)
OMG! I is SO sorry! I forgot about the time change! If it was 8:00 for you, I'd still b in school! If is 8:00 for me, you'd be in the chat room at 1 in the morning! Can we make it so that it's 8:00 in the morning 4 me and 1 in the afternoon 4 you, tomorrow? Thanks. Tell me ASAP!
bunnies4eva (4 stories) (87 posts)
16 years ago (2008-06-02)
Loz- you have to tell him to get lost! If you can't purswade him to go, force him! Don't be rude to him, just do everything you can to get him out! Maybe next time me and cat come round we could help you. I don't want you to get hurt by him, so take things easy, and spend as little time where he is as possible! Pix-I'll be there! What do you mean I have a post about being angey that I forgot? I replyed to it. I'm confused! Oh well! I always get confused! 😊
Pixelchic5 (guest)
16 years ago (2008-06-01)
Uh, you hade a post that mentioned that you were really angry. 😕 Did you forget? Oh, well. W'ever. Meet me in the chatroom June 6th around 8:00 PM. I'll tell you about Ouija boards there. 😊 See you then (well, you know what I mean)! Not just you, Bunny. Everyone's invited!
doodads45 (guest)
16 years ago (2008-05-31)
I Tried Fi, I Really Tried...

He Wont Go

Hes Started Throwing Stuff About...
bunnies4eva (4 stories) (87 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-31)
You've probably heard all this before, but- light incense and candles, tell him he has people waiting for him on the other side, and it is his time to go. He should go. Hope this helps! ❤
doodads45 (guest)
16 years ago (2008-05-31)
By te way Fi...

I Think the spirits in your house have sensed change, and so have you... Obviously

but like, because of this, I think your empath eccetera Might get worse, think about it fi, your mum right now must be bad... And your getting all of this... For you, I bet its really hard and stuff...

I kept flickering the lights in the bathroom on holiday, and last night I made my alarm go off, and she came, she was standing by the door, I saw the bridge, the water was silvery gray... And then borris came... And sat next to... Everything went back... How do I get rid of him when I need to be alone?

doodads45 (guest)
16 years ago (2008-05-30)
If You meditate fi, things are going to get to you, this is how I get to the bridge, if you close down, it gets worse/better

So, Tbh id just let it happen

bunnies4eva (4 stories) (87 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-30)
I know I'm not telekenetic, but how did you know I get really angry? Sometimes things can get out of control and I can feel way too much, almost as if I'm feeling everything everyone near, or even far away feels. It makes me really angry cause I can't do anything about it. I've tried meditating, it makes it happen more, I've tried to block my mind, but it only works for a short while. I think that my eyes change to what mood I'm in. They seem to go flame red when I feel someones anger, and purple-well, I don't know I thought it was when I used my gift but obviousely not. Then they go browny black aswell. They haven't stayed the same colour for a while now-they seem to change almost every few minuets. How does an ouija board work? I've never used one! 😊
Pixelchic5 (guest)
16 years ago (2008-05-29)
Nope, I used a Ouija board. As to your eyes/hair color change, the strong energy bottled up inside you (your perpetual anger) has to force its way into the world somehow. This is odder than odd, because it usually comes out as electro/telekinesis. 😕 Wait, how'd I know that? I'm just a kid! 😊 Oh, well. Gimme an update ASAP.
bunnies4eva (4 stories) (87 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-26)
In relation to my why do my eyes turn purple when I use my gifts, question, lately my eyes have been turning like, flame red with hint of orange. I noticed it today when I was brushing my gair inthe mirror. I blinked and they turned bright red, then when I got scaired they went back to purpley brown. I kept blinking, and every time I did when I opened my eyes again the were flame red! I don't get it! Does anyone know why my eyes do this? I know strange things have been happening like my hair is changing colour on a daily basis. Yesterday it was red, today it is blond! I'm not sure if this is connected to anything, but I would appretiate your help. Thanks! 😕 😊
bunnies4eva (4 stories) (87 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-25)
Pix, if you ask them to do something, expect them to. Don't freak, cause, like I always say they are people just like you and me, their circumstances are just different is all. Did you get a bad feling from the hand when you saw it and did it feel like an evil presance was in the room? If it did try not to get too close-they could hurt you (it happened to me a while back). Youre right that you arn't crazy, I thought I was when I started to see them, but now I know I'm not. Although it still feels strange when I see people stand behind me! How did you find out that his name was hector? On my other story Ghost from a past life the spirit told me his name was Paul through telepathy. Did hector do the same? 😊
Pixelchic5 (guest)
16 years ago (2008-05-24)
😊 So, I'm NOT crazy! Anywho, I'm Pixelchic5, the newcomer. Call me Pix. Yea, about a week or two ago, I was purely convinced that my house was haunted (no surprises). So, I asked the spirit (by the name of hector) to close my door. I saw this, um, light distortion (?) shaped like a hand reach out and close it. Hard. So, uh, I basiclly freaked. Talk to you soon, cinnamon bunnie!
girlygirl89 (guest)
16 years ago (2008-05-23)
I don't know why your eyes turn purple but I know that my dad has blue eyes and when he gets angry they turn green... My eyes they change color with what I wear... My eyes are hazel but sometimes they look green or have a little bit of blue in them...

anyways I am sooo glad that your mother believes you... I am so happy for you 😁
bunnies4eva (4 stories) (87 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-23)
I have another question-does anyone know why my eyes go purple when I use my gift? They are normally hazaly-brown or red, so why do they go purple? It's not a bad thing (I actually think its cool!), I just wanted to know why is all. 😕
bunnies4eva (4 stories) (87 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-21)
Thanks! I atleast have one piece of good news, I told my mum and she believed me! She asked me to show her so I did and she couldn't deny it like you said! I'm happy about that, at least! Thanks for all your help! 😊
girlygirl89 (guest)
16 years ago (2008-05-20)
Oh my god I'm so sad to hear that your brother did that. Maybe you should leave it alone for a while until you do something that he can't deny you did. Don't force him to believe you. He'll come around. I think it was probably to much for him to take in one day. Relax. Don't bring it up again until you're sure that he's ready. You dropped a bomb on him and he just needs some time to take it all in.
bunnies4eva (4 stories) (87 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-20)
Girlygirl, I told my brother, but he didn't believe me. I fought my case for, I don't know how long, but he just didn't want to believe me. He said empathy and telepathy and reading someones mind was impossible. I even showed him some of the storys on here and he said they weren't true. Now what do I do? I want him to believe me. 😢
Katie (42 stories) (369 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-16)
That is a hard one I would say yes because I can see real people and then I can see spirits of people's loved one's who I have never met. I can see people from my family who have passed away like my grandads. They look younger.
bunnies4eva (4 stories) (87 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-16)
Do you still feel half dead half alive? Thats how I've felt for as long as I can remember. I've always been angry all the time, but without knowing why. Thanks for posting! It was nice to hear about someone who has had experiences like me! 😁
Katie (42 stories) (369 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-15)
All my life I knew I was different as well and now I know. It just me having a gift but when I was little I felt there was something different I felt like I was different to everyone else couldn't understand why. I felt like I was dead maybe strange you may think. I felt half dead and half alive. I just thought me being in this world was a dream. All my life I have been psychic but didn't know the word psychic or anything about this stuff when I was little I knew one day I hopefully understand. Now I'm here on this website and its good to talk to people who have experience things like me.
Ever since I was little I know people's names before I've met them my dreams they would tell me everything everything in my future and what I would see and that. I think your seeing ghosts. Ghosts are all different there are different types of ghosts. I've seen 1 black figure and ghosts but the ghosts I see are so clear look like us and look so real but never talk. They contact me in my dreams, leave me messages and help me. I can find out things about people but I block it from happening but when I don't and I take my mind of this stuff I find out things and experience things. I'm a bit telepathic when I'm in a good mood and not stressed that when I can get people's thoughts and that. They are always shocked and confused! I can feel people's emotions mostly when on holiday it drives me mad and when I'm out. I can't go out for long. I've been through more experiences than these. I have loads of experiences. I can feel spirits around me I can feel them touching me. When they are scared or in shock they grab me as if they are scared. They can communicate with my hand. I see ghosts and usually they are in my dreams before I meet them.
bunnies4eva (4 stories) (87 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-15)
Wow! 😲 I didn't know that! Yeah, I guess I am the same as you were, as I thought you could only have two gifts! How many do you have? 😳
hollinor (3 stories) (127 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-14)
I've felt the same way bunnies. How can I have so many gifts going on at one time? I used to think that people only have one gift, maybe two. But I have quite a few things going on with me, and I discover more still. So it is possible to have more than one gift manifesting in your life.
girlygirl89 (guest)
16 years ago (2008-05-11)
well I am very close to my sister and we tell each other everything so when I told her she didn't seem surprised because it was as if she knew in a way. Basically if you are with your family and things they consider "strange" happen around you they are bound to suspect something. So, if you tell someone they might not be surprised at all. Good luck! Tell me how it works out! 😁 ❤
bunnies4eva (4 stories) (87 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-11)
Thanks! I'll do that soon I think! I've never told them because I didn't know what they would say. How did you tell people? 😊
girlygirl89 (guest)
16 years ago (2008-05-11)
Well, first of all you are not crazy and maybe you should talk to the closest person to you in your family. Just because your friends don't believe you that doesn't mean that your family won't. Maybe you'll find out that having abilities runs in your family. Who knows? And even if they don't that doesn't mean that your family will think you are crazy because they love you no matter what you can or can't do. Cheer up. 😁
bunnies4eva (4 stories) (87 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-11)
i don't think I am, but I've not really had anyone to talk to about my abilities. None of my friend listen, and my family doesn't know. 😕
girlygirl89 (guest)
16 years ago (2008-05-10)
aren't you psychic? I thought you were. I think you can have more than one ability and I am sort of surprised that you are asking this because... I don't know... I just thought you were psychic to me... 😕

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