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Real Psychic Experiences

Ghost from a Past Life


This is the first time I have ever published a story, so bare with me. In my house there are spirits, but they aren't normal spirits, they are connected to me in some way or other. They use my telepathy to talk to me, and they do that a lot!

One is connected to my past life. I didn't know much about my past life, but I know I have one. This particular spirit (they pinch me if I call them ghosts) seemed to be in love with the past me, and now he wants the present me to be with him even though he is dead and I am not. He has used my telepathy to send his thoughts into my head, and he has even sent me images before!

But one time he really scared me and my friend (we can both talk to the dead). We were trying to talk to another spirit in the house when he sent my friend an image of her hanging from a noose, and him walking over to me laying on a bed and telling me we can be together. He showed me that scene as well and said he wanted to do that. He then showed me why. He showed the past me and my friend, we were in the same room as this spirit and my friend stabbed him in the back. When he showed me this in my head I nearly started to cry. We left it there.

He was always sitting on the side of my bed when I was trying to sleep, stroking my hair, and even holding my hand when I was standing in the lounge. He really freaked me out! Now he pretty much leaves me alone (apart from the occasional stroke of the hair!), but the boy behind the door is freaking me now! So far he hasn't sent me anything, but I think he will soon. My friend saw him first (I've always known he was there, but I hadn't actually seen him until about a month ago), but only saw the face of a small boy, and his hand. I will put something else when he contacts me.

A question for anyone: what can I do to let them move on? It seems cruel to make them stay.

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Comments about this clairvoyant experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, bunnies4eva, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

xoxidkxox (3 posts)
15 years ago (2009-12-02)
how do you know if you had a past life?!...i Really don't think people reincarnate or whatever... I don't think people have a NEXT life or PAST life... Thats just...well...weird...and if in fact people have a past life... How come the people FROM your past life don't have one...they've just been hanging around for like 4 centuries for you to get a next life?! sorry I just don't think that's possible... 😐 ((but if its true I'd like to know what I was)) 😁
cashizlo (guest)
16 years ago (2009-01-31)
i think I was a ninja in a past life, but anyways, I have a little girl haunting my hallway, and I don't know why, also I have an excelent 6th sense and its going crazy as I type this, also I sometimes see my hamster who was awesome but he died *cries* run across the floor in my room. The girl is starting to creep me out but hasnt talked to me or anything yet
doodads45 (guest)
16 years ago (2008-05-23)
Well bad news for cat neway

I posted another story, and hopefully this one will get on

❤ 😁 😜
doodads45 (guest)
16 years ago (2008-05-23)
It Didnt publish my stories lol

it was a tangled bridge, it looked like it was in the peaks, or somewhere like that.

Oh and bad news, you know who fancys emily r. In year 9

bunnies4eva (4 stories) (87 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-23)
Hey, you got scared about what? You never mentioned that erlyer! Do you know where that bridge is, cause if you do, we could go and see what's there. And we might see that girl. What did you put as the title for your story? The web site might have changed it (it did that to this one, but its better than mine was!). 😊
doodads45 (guest)
16 years ago (2008-05-22)
Hey Fi
I Got REALLY scared
I Mean, Well, You Said You Wrote Him That Letter, How Did He Take It?
And Did He Like You Moving On?
Hope Everything Worked Out
(Jack?) 😁
bunnies4eva (4 stories) (87 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-19)
What did he look like? The spirit in my story was only about eighteen when he was killed. Was he tall and slim but with broad shoulders and sort of light brown hair? What year did the clothes look like they came from (I mean like middle ages, elizabethan, georgan, so on, so on)? Did he have fine cut features if you saw them? Sorry if it seems like I am prying, but I need to know. Thanks! 😁
Katie (42 stories) (369 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-17)
Spelling mistakes again lol I meant to say there was a bang at the bottom of my bed.
Katie (42 stories) (369 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-17)
same here lol. Once I turned round and caught a ghost he was guted. I could see him moving and I could see something blue moving and I knew there isn't anything blue in my bathroom.
He was just a teenagers he was from my past life! I have dreams about strangers few days later they show themselves in my house. Last night something switch my alarm clock and woke up this morning to see the wrong time and see that the time was flashing and that only happens when something switches it off. Last night there was a bag at the bottom of my bed and I got that feeling of being scared the feeling before I experience something. I have heard spirits and seen ghosts about 6 in my house. I can feel spirits touching me. I hear people walking up the stairs and walking in my parents room and on the landing. When I look nothings there. When I watch that video the music freaks me out and I get this nervous feeling inside that I have more company round me lol.
bunnies4eva (4 stories) (87 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-16)
Thanks katie! That was really good! How did you find that? I'm in the dinning room of my house and as I watched that I could feel someone looking over my shoulder! I was alone in the house! Every time I look I never see them, but I know that they show them selves when I am in the room cause I see the dark clothes of someone right behind me. Yesterday I think one even had their hand on my shoulder. It sort of freaks me out because I can't see them, but I'm getting used to it! There is no where in my house where there aren't spirits! 😁
Katie (42 stories) (369 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-15)
It must be a ghost it can't be anything else. How you describe it just says its a ghost ghosts can come in different ways trust me. Look at this video and see if its anything like this but you have to watch it and not be scared this is real. Http://

goodluck! 😊
bunnies4eva (4 stories) (87 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-15)
It deffinately wasn't round. It had legs and even a sort of head! But thenks for the comment! Much appretiated! 😁
Katie (42 stories) (369 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-15)
it could be a orb or a ghost if its round its a orb. I have heard that ghosts can be shadow shapes which is strange. I guess I've seen them as well. 😊
bunnies4eva (4 stories) (87 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-10)
I have a question, This morning I saw this glowing white shape no bigger than a labrador running down the feild at the back of my house. Then it just dissapeared! Does any one know what that was? It wasn't bad, I could tell because it was glowing white and the aura was white as well not black. And also I was looking for it after it was gone. It was like I was drawn to it. And when I couldn't find it I started to freak. I don't know why, but I did! Then when my mum came in to the room it was like I came out of a trance or something! I need to know what that was! Please! 😕
bunnies4eva (4 stories) (87 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-10)
I think I had two. Ancient Egyipt, and some time in english hisyory I was here. Did you write them in your past life or the present day?
haley9045 (7 stories) (64 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-10)
I had a past too. I had visions that told me about it. I was in Ancient Romania and even wrote ancient scribes according to my visions.
bunnies4eva (4 stories) (87 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-08)
sop...metimes you have to help them. They can't always move on-thats why there here. Their spirit got stuk in the world when they died (mabey because they were murdered, or they just weren't ready to move on or die yet). Tell them it's ok to move on and not to be scaired or anything like that. 😊
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-08)
Just let them know "nicely" (don't want to get them angry) that it is up to them if they want to move on, but they have loved ones waiting for them in the light. Their loved ones are waiting to meet them again.
Katie (42 stories) (369 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-08)
hi I had a dream or vision of my past life and there was this boy and this lady. I saw a ghost in my house the exact boy from my dream was in front of me. He was connected to me. I have loads of ghosts in my house and feel spirits. They are also other people's loved one's. Its up2 them I don't know either how to get rid of them not to be nasty but I don't think they ever go. They just won't let go. Maybe they are lonely. Mostly there are other spirits with them.

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