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Angelic Presence Upset About Something


Yesterday I went to a metaphysical store with a friend and there was an inhuman angelic presence radiating so much anger in the shop. It was so intense and felt very powerful that the person I was with got scared and hurried from the shop. She later told me that the presence scared her. She said it felt kind of alpha. I was in the shop for ten minutes. I felt watched and I couldn't focus on finding what I came for. The presence was very overwhelming... At the counter I could barely get my money out, I was shaking. Deep down I was getting excited, I think I stayed in the store longer cause I love interacting the the non physical world. It was kind of an Adrenalin rush. His anger wasn't aimed towards me. But it sure felt like the male angelic presence was curious and looking at me a while I was in there. He seemed to be trying to get my attention in a way. When I got back to my condo with well I don't want to say her name i'll just call her Vivian, I burst into excitement and felt really happy. I had an adrenalin rush and that always makes me happy. God I love the paranormal.

I wish I could of hugged him, to cheer him up and be a friend. But the angel probably would of kicked my butt. I don't like like feeling anyone so upset, it usually makes me want to hug them. I'm a total Tree Hugger. I love nature and all life, physical and nonphysical.

This all happened last week, i'm pretty sure it was on Thursday, the store is called full moon books, it's in Colorado.

I've felt a similar feeling in my parents house while visiting them one time. It may have been connected. Cause I was laying on my moms couch one time, crying cause I don't understand hate, and seeing all the stuff going on in the world and how a lot of people treat each other, but not everyone. It just hurts me so much to watch people pick at each other. It makes me so sad. I know I've experienced a lot of cruelty aimed towards me, but I never hold it against anyone.

Anyway, so that time on my moms couch after crying, and I was getting ready to fall asleep on the couch, and I felt an intense presence behind the couch like it was looking at me and observing me. I literally started shaking. It was a very intense and powerful energy. I hid under the blanket. I did not feel like it meant any harm, just watching me. It felt like the same energy I felt in the store I went to. Except the time on the couch happened a few weeks before Christmas.

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eleiriel (guest)
9 years ago (2015-03-22)
Huh... Its quite possible:)! Interesting! Yeah he didn't seem like he was trying to hurt me. I felt his presence look at me a lot. Hmmm. Maybe he was trying to chase me out of the store. I must be stubborn.
Timfaraos (426 posts)
9 years ago (2015-03-22)
If seances and readings were performed there, then it was a holy angel, or a demon, which the Lord sent to you, to make you leave that place...
newhunter30 (34 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-20)
With them doing seances in the back that could have drawn something in and it decided to hang out. I would be careful in future visits and your welcome any time you need advice ill try an help.
eleiriel (guest)
10 years ago (2015-01-20)
they did psychic readings a lot in the store and I think there are groups that do seances in the back room. I'm not sure if that's all connected. Anyway thanks for giving me an idea of what it could possibly have been. I really appreciate it.
eleiriel (guest)
10 years ago (2015-01-20)
the store had a little of everything. Though it did not feel like it came from one of the items from the store.
newhunter30 (34 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-20)
They other thing I forgot to mention, many people argue that demons are angels who fell with Lucifer. If this is true then what you have been sensing was a demon which would also explain the uncomfortable feelings, also I know you said a metaphysical store but can you be slightly more specific? Was the store mostly book or was it items such as crystals, incense, books or did it just have a little of everything?
eleiriel (guest)
10 years ago (2015-01-20)
No thank you what you have wrote is really helpful. Thank you so much!
newhunter30 (34 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-20)
Not a problem, I was just throwing out the only thing that I could think of at the time. I am by no means an expert on Angels but there is an angel in the Jewish religion that I could also see, even though an Angel of the Lord, may give a very uneasy feeling.
Judaism has Samael, he is the Angel of Death and has been referred to as both good and evil. From what I understand he is an angel of the Lord who wishes man to do evil.

The next angel, arguably to be of the Lord depending on the religion, would be Abaddon. This angel is referred to as King of the Loctus and the Destroyer. I will put in a verse to support this below.

In Revelation 9:11, Abaddon is described as "Destroyer",[6] the angel of the abyss,[6] and as the king of a plague of locusts resembling horses with crowned human faces, women's hair, lions' teeth, wings, iron breast-plates, and a tail with a scorpion's stinger that torments for five months anyone who does not have the seal of God on their foreheads.

Abaddon is a highly debatable Angel and as I said varies from religion to religion on whether evil or good so that is a call for you to make, below shows the varied opinions of Abaddon.

The symbolism of Revelation 9:11 leaves the identity of Abaddon open to interpretation. Protestant commentator Matthew Henry (1708) believed Abaddon to be the antichrist,[8] whereas the Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Commentary (1871) and Henry H. Halley (1922) identified the angel as Satan.[9][10][11] Latter-Day Saints also believe "Abaddon" is a title of the devil.[12]

In contrast, the Methodist publication The Interpreter's Bible states: "Abaddon, however, is an angel not of Satan but of God, performing his work of destruction at God's bidding."[13] Jehovah's Witnesses hold that Abaddon is another name for Jesus Christ after his resurrection.[14]

I am sorry this is so long but just trying to help, hope it does some.
eleiriel (guest)
10 years ago (2015-01-20)
No it didn't give off a warm fuzzy feeling. I tend to get really excited when I get scared, weirded out, or get an adrealin rush. I'm a bit adventurous. So it didn't give off a warm fuzzy feeling. I'm just crazy cause I like adrenalin rushes. Kinda like someone who enjoys cliff diving or being scared in a haunted house. I think you may be onto something though. Thats defiantly a possibility. Thanks for the idea. It might of been a fallen angel. Since it did give off something darker. Thanks.
eleiriel (guest)
10 years ago (2015-01-20)
No it didn't give off a warm fuzzy feeling. I tend to get really excited when I get scared, weirded out, or get an adrealin rush. I'm a bit adventurous. So it didn't give off a warm fuzzy feeling. I'm just crazy cause I like adrenalin rushes. Kinda like someone who enjoys cliff diving or being scared in a haunted house. I think you may be onto something though. Thats defiantly a possibility. Thanks for the idea. It might of been a fallen angel. Since it did give off something darker. Thanks.
newhunter30 (34 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-20)
Eleiriel I do believe you felt something in the shop I don't disbelieve you. I am wondering about the part of it being an angel, the only explanation I could possibly come up with is based on your answer.
You stated "It didn't feel like your typical light angel being. It didn't even feel light. All I know is shes scared to go in the store now." What are the chances that what you felt may have been a Fallen Angel.
I would imagine that it would have given off a similar energy as one that has not fallen in the aspect of recognizing it is angel but on the same hand if it was fallen I wouldn't think it would give off a warm and fuzzy as an Angel of the Lord would.
eleiriel (guest)
10 years ago (2015-01-19)
It just didn't feel human. I don't know how to desribe it. My guardian angels have appeared to me before and I recognized something in this energies energy that didn't fit with any negative or positive spirits around me. Sorry I don't know how to describe it more to you. All I know is you would have to have been there to feel what I felt. Like I said in the story I wasn't the only one who felt it. It felt like a sort of darker presence. That's as best as I can do. I understand if its somewhat unbelievable. My friend felt it was inhuman as well as saying was alpha. It didn't feel like your typical light angel being. It didn't even feel light. All I know is shes scared to go in the store now. She waits in the car for me. Though I've only felt this presence in the store once. My friend says it felt like it was hanging around someone working at the shop. That's the best I can describe
Sorry ifs unbelievable.
newhunter30 (34 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-19)
Eleiriel could you please explain to me how you knew/know that this anger or whatever the exact feeling was came from an Angel. I am not denying your story but a little more information could be very useful.

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