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Presence Cuddled Me


Every night I've felt an intense presence, very different, and I was so overwhelmed, then last night as I lay on my side curled up in my covers, I felt whoever he was get into bed behind me, and I felt long energy based arms wrap themselves around me, and it felt as if someones chest was pressed very close to my back. I felt so loved. But his energy was intense whoever he was.

I mean the last time this presence cuddled me was in between thanksgiving and the christmas holidays, in which I was laying on my back and I felt energy based hands push my body to lay on my side and then whoever he was climb into bed with me and feeling long arms wrap themselves around my waist and hug me tight, during that time I was snuggled up to.

His energy presence has visited me almost every night, but because his energy is so overwhelming I always ask for protection from Gabriel, Michael, and my Guardian angels. Then he leaves. But I now know he doesn't wish me harm, I think whoever he is loves me a lot. That's why I let him get close to me last night, I realized he meant no harm. Whoever he is just wanted love and affection.

I couldn't tell if it was a human spirit or if it was angelic. But i'm glad I got cuddled. I've been told that I have a lot of nonphysical friends by a psychic energy healer.

I believe they are interacting with me to help me with my ptsd and are just being friends cause i'm willing to be theirs.

I have no physical human friends, I don't really connect with any of them. People tend to feel really uncomfortable around me because i'm so open and loving and I don't wear a mask. They've put so many labels on me cause they don't understand why i'm so open and loving.

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eleiriel (guest)
9 years ago (2015-04-29)
My twin flame is not a demon (grins) but that's okay you entitled to you own beliefs.
Timfaraos (426 posts)
9 years ago (2015-04-29)
From your photo, I see that you're a beautiful girl, and from your stories, we can all see that you also have a beautiful heart! You'll have to concentrate on your LIFE, your work and career, and finding a HUMAN male, a soul mate, to get married and have kids with, to enjoy life with and grow old together! Don't welcome these UNKNOWN spirits to come to you...they're not Holy Angels, because they FLEE when you pray to archangel Michael and Gabriel and Jesus, as you said! Also, darling, Holy Angels don't get into bed with you and cuddle you (with a male aura)... I'm sorry if I upset you, but not everything that FEELS good, or LOOKS good in life... Is really good for us. Here's a story out of many: A monk was sitting in his cell, and a glowing "angel" appeared in front of him... It said: "God sent me to tell you that you are very holy in His eyes!" The monk crossed himself, and prayed: "My lord Jesus Christ! Who am i, to see a Holy Angel?!?" And then, the "angel" squealed like a pig, and vanished, leaving behind a stench of rotten eggs! (It was a demon in disguise!). Who knows what would have happened, if he gave his trust to that sorry A$$ demon, and talked to it! He was lucky that he prayed to Jesus! What i'm getting at, is that we should tell any spirit: "In the name of Jesus Christ, show me who you really are" or "go away, and Jesus bless you!". We should focus on getting our life on track with God, & not to attract just ANY spirit to come to us... Which is dangerous. Many "twin flames", told girls not to marry a human boy, but to commit suicide, so that they could be together with their "twin flame" forever... (in hell of course!). Twin flame (demon) spirits, can even interfere in your life, and love life, and chase away your future husband... If YOU LET THEM! Darling, is that what you want? We're praying for you. Stay strong, and pray to Jesus and His powerful and loving angels Michael and Gabriel, to keep you safe and on track. And i've posted on other stories, on how to attract them to you, and how to keep away sorry A$$ demons from you. Best of luck. God bless!+
eleiriel (guest)
9 years ago (2015-04-09)
I hope you can have some too. They are a lot of fun. One time I was watching a movie and I was reading and I missed a scene, so I paused it and got up to get an apple to munch on, and went back to my couch and pressed play, but it was as if it had been rewinded to the start of the scene I wanted to see so badly. It hadnt been on that scene when I left the room. Sometimes they play with stuff in my condo, they hid the tv remote under the coffee table one time, they slide the Spinny chair around the room. Like I'll be watching a movie and the chair slides closer to the tv and turns to face it. Or sometime they'll just randomly roll it around the room. Sometimes the chair turns to face me. Its fun. They have been very helpful sometimes. They try and cheer me up when I'm sad. It makes me smile a lot.
christianjob (guest)
9 years ago (2015-04-08)
It seems that you feel they misunderstood you for being very open and
Loving. I believe it is because of your culture. In our country, being very open, friendly, affectionate and connected is expected as normal. You have good story, I wish I could also have non physical friends because I find it sometimes uneasy to connect with most people here. 😉
eleiriel (guest)
9 years ago (2015-03-22)
Haha yeah, I don't know why I'm a magnet for the paranormal. Lol! A energy healer told me I send of out a lot if pharamones out into the universe. I've has a peeping tom and a lot of males chasing after me non physical and physical. I haven't learned how to turn the pharamones off. Guys seem to follow me around like puppy's. Its very weird so. Etimes and also cab be dangerous. I stay inside a lot cause of how intense my pharamones have gotten. It seems to pull males in like the death star in star wars. It's very scary. Anyway. Yeah I'm just glad I'm being protected.
Timfaraos (426 posts)
9 years ago (2015-03-22)
Well, if it leaves when you pray to archangels Gabriel and Michael as you say, then I think it's evil... One plus one makes two. It's now up to you if you want that thing in bed with you... Better safe than SORRY I say.
west3174 (1 stories) (21 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-23)
I sent an e mail to you but letting you know that I couldn't see anything in this pic. If you could take a few wider pics of overall rooms I may have better luck but I think that was a reflection instead of an orb.
newhunter30 (34 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-20)
Lol no biggy I just wanted to make sure that you had validation and it wasn't just hey I share some of those qualities.
eleiriel (guest)
10 years ago (2015-01-20)
oh I know that it happens to non indigo's as well.

People had asked me a lot through childhood if I was an indigo. A couple psychics told me that I was an indigo. But also I read up on indigo's and I sort of just felt connected to the idea and it just felt right. I'm really creative, and electronics seem to not work well around me when I have a strong emotion. And I feel upset at how people treat each other and animals in the world, I only love fully and not half way. There are so many reason as to how I know i'm an indigo.

So yeah I know non indigo's have things like this happen to them too. I'm not saying they don't. I guess I just felt like blurting out that I was an indigo. Whoooops. Heheh.

Peace and love
newhunter30 (34 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-20)
And for the record I'm not discrediting your story I am sure that you did have something happen, but it can happen to non indigos as well.
newhunter30 (34 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-20)
Eleiriel may I ask how you found out you were an indigo child? I ask because I have known a lot of people who were like "well I read about them and it sounds like me" and quite honestly that's a bad way to decide, I smoke and have a cough which sounds like cancer but I don't have cancer. I just know that it is hard for me to just believe on word when someone claims to be an indigo child because I have heard it so much and its false more real in my experiences.
eleiriel (guest)
10 years ago (2015-01-19)
Well maybe it is dust particles I can't tell the difference between an orb and a blur in the camera. I don't think I have the equipment for any of that. Anyway I'm really sensitive. So I know based on my indigo abilities that something nonphysical has been cuddlimg. I don't think I have the right kind if camera though. I only have my phones camera so I don't think I could get a picture of this spirit presence. Which totally sucks. Damn.
newhunter30 (34 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-19)
eleiriel not to discredit your picture but that does look an awful lot like dust particles, is there a chance that this is what is showing in your picture.
eleiriel (guest)
10 years ago (2015-01-19)

That's the image link of the picture of the orb on my blog. Yep I don't know if it's the same presence or not. From what i've been told I have lots presences around me.
west3174 (1 stories) (21 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-19)
The only thing I can offer is if it happens again and you're able to take a picture of it I may be able to see the spirit for you and describe it. If you get a pic send it to west3174 [at] and I'll see if we can get more info for you on this.

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