I'm brand new to this site, and just wanted to share this story and maybe you guys can give me some tips And help me out with what I've been feeling.
About 2 months ago I was in school sitting at my desk, I was taking notes like normal when I had a sudden feeling. It was like I was being pulled out of my body but I was still Seeing and hearing and everything normal. It felt like being pulled all through me out my head. I was startled and kind of jolted back and it was over.
I dismissed it and though I was falling asleep or something like that. Now maybe a week later I felt the same thing but again I was startled and came right back. It's hard to explain and I admit I am probably late doing this and should have searched for help right away. I'm not sure what I would say it felt like, but I would say my conscience self or spirit or something was leaving my body. It wasn't a strong pull but it wasn't like a slow drift either. It was sudden and maybe only lasted a second because I jolted back.
Now I have fallen asleep in class or almost done it. And it was not like that feeling of about to fall alseep but waking up suddenly. I was not tired when it happened and the feeling was much different. It was the same both times it has happened and the two times didn't feel like any falling asleep I have ever felt.
I haven't felt this since then but recently tonight I tryed kind of sitting with my eyes closed taking deep breaths. It was just a guess at maybe I could feel this again. It made me calm and cleared my mind but the feeling did not return. Has anyone else ever experienced anything like this? Do you know what it is? Thank you for any help you might be able to give me.
Sleep paralysis only happens if you awaken right out of your REM sleep. That is when your body is essentially paralyzed in sleep. Not so in other stages of sleep. But as Drakoreo suggests, you can get to that state through meditation.
Thanks, Drakoreo for that great description!