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Real Psychic Experiences

Lost In Confusion


I have been trying hard to stay uncorrupted it's just been challenging. Each day seems to be getting worse, three months ago things started going down hill. It started weird noises and creepy shadow appearing everywhere. Lately I have been absorbing large amounts of energy to the point I would become overly dizzy and pass out. Then the visions started showing quick flashes of a male being shoot several times before hitting the ground "a few weeks later I saw the same guy bloody with several gun shoots and one of the bullets pierced an eye" those weird flashes. Such as blood dripping down the walls, many spirits appearing and disappearing, and I also have visions from the past even if I wasn't there. Weird things happen that just don't add up I learned that I pass/black out for long periods of time on a normal basis. Every night I get harassment from several spirits whether it be whispering in my ear or excessively poking/touching me. This is leading me to be sleep deprived from having this happening for so long. For some unknown reason my whole body has a consistent vibration "probably from the large amount of energy that travels threw my body on a normal basis. The voices seem to slowly drag me into insanity from being alone yet overly crowded. They keep yelling my name all over the place its very frustrating and uncomfortable. I have become very paranoid never being able to relax, I have tried to ignore them but they just start harassing me more. My minds not doing very well I keep hearing voices in the back of my head that leave and return normally over time "not always being the same ones of coarse". It feels I have just lost any control I ever had.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, amberg, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

amberg (3 stories) (9 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-22)
It happens in certain places or times I have tried to make them leave but more just come. They are every where its so frustrating how "normal" people can go on the own life even when there right in front of them. I am just trying to deal with it because I can't go any where with out a spirit following me around or is already. Every day is an adventure (fun or not) I couldn't find a way out so I Sam just trapped with it. And its not always random I See spirits reenact their deaths, try to drawn my Attention, and some try to lead me to certain places. I also for some reason I can feel their emotions as well. 😕
abcd (2 stories) (4 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-18)
It sounds from what you wrote like you should see a doctor. Are they happening at a particular place. I would tell them to go away.
cayce17 (8 stories) (192 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-17)
I'm sorry that you're going through this. I wish you luck on your experience.
yinyang (12 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-17)
Oh, yea these problems will get better with time, as you learn and manage how to live with them. Best of luck.:)
amberg (3 stories) (9 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-17)
ya I thought about that but I'm planing on joining the military in a few years so I rather not take medication and deal with this on my own "somehow".
yinyang (12 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-17)
That's a lot of stress to be going through. I suggest meeting a doctor and telling him about how anxious you are, etc., so that he would write some meds that would help. If there's a local priest that you know, talking to him about these incidents would relieve some stress, and he would maybe perform a 'cleansing' ritual to ward off the spirits.
amberg (3 stories) (9 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-17)
its not only around those times it happens all over I feel them all over during the day if I leave the house no matter where I go spirits attach to me, often following me home. To the point I can't go a day without either feeling or seeing a spirit my room is usually where most of the activity happens "unless I'm somewhere else for to long and they follow me around"sometimes people notice the weird thing that happen around me such as: negative energy "at times", flickering light that start flicker around me but stop once I leave or random things breaking or falling off places. I can no longer look threw any tip of reflection or mirror with out seeing something moving or right behind me starring. I feel I might have become a magnet because no matter where I go their there so may be new and others that followed me out of the house. And they harass me usually if I ignore them anywhere, if their not right up in my face their creeping around in the background I could still see them but I try to push threw and try to stay calm. There is no place I'm at ease the calmest I can be is when they aren't harassing me as much but their still there. It just relieves stress to tell someone because I hide this problem as well as I can but I always fear it would shatter and see how it dose effect me.
ProfKelly (38 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-16)
What you are describing could be symptoms of a severe physical or mental illness ranging anywhere from a sleep disorder, bipolar disorder, or anxiety disorder, to something more severe. If these occurrences are only while you are falling asleep, waking up, or asleep, then this could be easily treated. However, if you are seeing and hearing things that others do not see or hear while you are awake, and there seems to be no useful reason for seeing these things, or hearing these things, then treatment may be more of a challenge, but will at least offer you some relief. Keep in mind that real psychic experiences are "useful," if they are not useful then they are either being distorted by a physical or mental illness like (example: and anxiety disorder) or what you are experiencing is caused entirely by a physical or mental illness. Please see your family doctor to rule out anything serious.
yinyang (12 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-16)
I would ask, do the voices and touching only occur at a certain place (e.g., your house) or everywhere? I sympathise with your troubles, and respect that you've stood bravely through them. It would help you if you take things one at a time, rather than altogether, and spend time in a place where you feel at ease. There may be spirits around you, but you are stronger than them. So accept their presence and try not to get bothered by them. If they seem to harm you, consult a local priest. Best of luck to you.:)

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