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Real Psychic Experiences

Clairaudience and Guides


I receive messages through clairaudience on a regular basis and it started happening a few years ago. Things get whispered to me. Its interesting, but can sometimes be a little overwhelming. The messages come while I have been meditating for a while rather than right away. And sometimes I get messages right before I wake up in the morning.

A lot of times the messages are some sort of warning whether it be to me or someone around me somehow. I have had messages about others losing their job, or they tell me words that occur in certain conversations I end up having, they will tell me about someone I am going to meet as well as warn me about something (like a relationship for example) that is going to turn sour. It all ends up happening somehow and with in a few days to a week.

The thing that bothers me most though is the use of these warning words. They tend to be negative and over exaggerated and it scares me like something bad is going to happen, but usually not that bad. At times its also so muffled or incomplete so I have no way of determining what it is about. Why does this happen to me and why do they feel it important to tell me this? How can I get rid of the negative messages and receive only the positive ones that pertain to me?

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Comments about this clairvoyant experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, MDE, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

socialworker (3 posts)
16 years ago (2009-04-30)
Hi, first time I'm on this thing
Ive had clairaudience before; its usually from my grand-father, grand-mother or someone significant in the entourage of my friends who has passed away; so the question would be to try and find out who it is that's giving you these messages. Sounds like a worry wart, and that may be why the messages are overly negative. Also, our own subconscious can make things seem worse; when I have a dream premonition, it usually turns into a nightmare, even tough in real life the outcome is positive. I wouldn't worry too much about it.
Edmund (578 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-18)
MDE... I know this sounds kind of dumb... But negative entities know what is going to happen in the future with certain events but as it gets closer to that event they forget about it.
LifeForce88 (2 stories) (24 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-18)
Ok, another one listen, I might not be a psychic doesn't mean I don't know tons about there abilities, I do know a lot, if I had advice it would be listen and prepare for it, contact me at [at], glenda is not helping from what I read. Please if you know others tell them I can help.
MDE (1 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-18)
Thanks for the advice I will try these out. So how do these entities know what happen really? My theory is that the future has already happened so the messages or energy of it is coming back to me (and others)...
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-17)
MDE - sorry had a weird day. I wouldn't ask for good or bad messages, just important ones. What do you need to know - and ask. The junk stuff, ask to get rid of so it doesn't clog the mind.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-17)
Today I went to the employment security office. It was odd. I kept hearing and knowing stuff. Well, not a spring chicken so that's not a biggie maybe. Now, I need to focus on what kind of job to go for. It felt like people were smothering me in a way, staring. I'm not a beauty queen, but they seem to migrate my way for whatever reason. Younger, I got tired of them and moved from my hometown. I understand hermits to some degree. Spoke to the hubby about it this evening and he laughed a little because he doesn't understand it either probably. He's always noticed it. Our cats follow me around the house unless I tell them not to and close the doors. The dogs do it outside. If fifty people are outside, they bug me. It's just weird honestly. I suppose such things are funny.
Edmund (578 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-17)
MDE... Well when you start to recieve messages that are negative and exaggerated you tapped into a negative entity... Probably from the beggining... Its the spirit worlds way of getting you "punked" depending on your brand of faith or religion you need to ask for protection when meditating and before you go to bed because that's when you are most vunerable... But if you wait to long to ask for protection the spirit will be busting through at any time it wants.

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