I am new to this site and feel a need to tell this to someone that might have some answers. I am a married 48 year old man. My wife and I live alone and our 3 girls have moved on. Ok, I will get on with it. Ever since I was 5 years old I could see ghosts/shadow figures and have a 6 sense with people, like if they are bad or will die soon. And often my dreams come true. One night 2 years ago, I got home from an afternoon shift. It was 11:35 p.m. My wife was already asleep by then. So I watched T.V. Until mid night, then jumped into the shower. I got into bed at 12:25 a.m. My wife was sleeping with her back to me, so I snuggled up to her, back to back.
I had my eyes closed for about 2 minutes when my radar started up. That's what I call my feeling I get when I sense something paranormal around me. I opened my eyes and looked towards the bedroom door, saw nothing. So I closed my eyes again, but my radar was still going off. So I looked towards the end of the bed and again there was nothing. So again I close my eyes. But my radar was still very strong. I decided to turn and look over my wife towards her side of the room. That's when I saw it. Ok, Like I said before I have always seen ghosts and things my whole life, but this I have never seen and it scared the crap out of me.
Like I said, when I turned around to look at her side of the room. There was a blue being bent over her looking at her head. This blue being was made up of millions of little blue lights. Like Christmas lights on a tree. I could see it's eye sockets, jaw line, mouth, hands and it was only 6 inches from my face. I freaked... I started to scream at it " GET AWAY FROM HER " over and over, I took the blankets and waved them at it. It looked up at me with this look of shock. It said to me, in my head, " YOU CAN SEE ME? ". It stood up quickly and crossed it's arms in front of it's chest and stepped back through the bedroom wall, to the outside of the house. Vanishing.
My wife woke up and was not happy with me, I tried to explain to her what I saw, but she seemed to have no interest and went back to sleep. I laid in bed for about 2 hours, going over and over with this until I fell a sleep. The next morning, we were having breakfast at the kitchen table, I was still bothered by this all and mad that my wife had brushed me off, like I was lying or delusional. So I asked her why she responded to me like that after seeing that thing. She looked at me and said she had no idea what I was talking about. So I told her everything about that night. She listened, after hearing it she said to me. That it was really strange. She had prayed that night, and asked for her grandmother to visit her in her dream. Her grandmother had passed away in 2005, and my wife was really close to her and missed her so much. Her grandmother was a great person a very loving, sweet woman. So now I start to feel bad, was it her or something else. Like I said before, I have seen lots in my life, but nothing like that. Could it have been her as an Angle?
Thank you for your time.
From what your description it seems like a curios spirit came around you and your wife. I don't know what he was up to but for sure he was curious about something. It didn't even expect you to see it.
It's one scary experience, but as it was said by gthlvrmx, you should try to shield your room so nothing like this happens ever again.