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Real Psychic Experiences

Confused Depression


Before you read this story I suggest you read my first one about Ouija experimentation. It relates to this one. Anyway, this story is how I've been handling my psychic development and school life, which aren't easy and also, a few other experiences.

I have created a downward spiral since first trying to develop my abilities. I'll start with the headaches. I read somewhere that they're normal for psychics (in my case not really psychic) or partial psychics. I have them usually when around negative people. Lately it's been all the time.

My eyes are sore. Like when you try to look too far left without moving your head. I'm always tired (my amount of sleep has not changed) and my body is very sore. Will I have to get used to this? Will this take a bigger toll on me in the future?

I've had the need to share this with someone lately. Watching movies and stuff and seeing someone telling someone else about something that seems impossible or crazy you think it's no big deal. Imagining it, it takes it to a whole new level. I'm terrified if she'll ask for proof, because I'm not that far yet at all in my development. Then not believe me anymore.

Despite this stress my parents are currently questioning me about school, why I'm so miserable, my friends (who are also having problems that are not related), and I even dumped my boyfriend because I didn't want him to somehow know anything about this.

The thing that confuses me further is that I'm happy. Happier than I've been in a while, and I'm not sure why. I also think I'm losing my identity. I'm not acting like myself. But I'm happier. But it's like a depressed happy. Almost like I've been depressed so long that I don't even care. I also have nothing to be depressed about, which scares me.

My latest experienced was tarot reading. I re-read the prophecies of all of my friends, and the past card (and I asked my friends for a one word description of their pasts) was most of the time, correct. I was very happy. But I don't want to do futures and tarot reading. I'd really love to be able to see spirits and tell how people are feeling (with accuracy) and help spirits pass on or get rid of demons.

I can live with headaches, but my identity loss is confusing me. I couldn't care less anyway, but I'm confused. I don't know what I want to be like (quiet, strong, loud, always happy, clever, outgoing etc.) I'm moody and always changing.

Also I could do with some exercises for helping my ability grow? I'm desperate for help in this area, so please comment and help. Should I tell a friend? I'm starting to think I shouldn't. But they'd understand me a lot easier.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Alice_Newton, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

angleGirl111 (1 stories) (113 posts)
15 years ago (2009-02-19)
I don't usaly get headachs
My head hurts often at night
And the eye thing I can understand
These mean somthing bad/good might happen
Or there just open carkas that a taking in too much
It could be from helping too much
Every psychic has trobal with thier gift
lorynbaby (5 stories) (65 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-21)
she really wouldn't tell me any more. I know. I doubted it too when she first told me but I guess I believe anything since I found out I was a medium. What I have told you is all the information I have. Sorry 😢
Alice_Newton (2 stories) (20 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-18)
With all due respect loryn, I'm not buying the demention with vampires thing. =/ Maybe that's because I haven't seen your friend discuss it? Not sure, but could you explain in more detail?
lorynbaby (5 stories) (65 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-14)
i have a friend who travels dementions. She explaned a little to me but I'm still curios. She told me that she can travel dementions but not physically. She uses her spirit and mind to do it. She says there are an infanate amout of them. She was reading the book Twilight (amazing book) and decided to see if there was one for vampires. She found one. They do not come out during the day time because they are shown for what they truley are in the sun. Beings from the devil. She explained you could see they're veins and stuff. She said it was pretty nasty. They do not die and they are beautiful when not in the sun. Overley beautiful. They are very old fationed. They get dressed in they're finest clothes for dinner each night and stuff. This is all I know. She will not tell me anymore for she fears I will not be able to handle much more. Hope this helps❤
lrkmedium101 (7 stories) (105 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-14)
well it sounds like to me, your an empath. I'm a medium and an empath twords spirits and animals. Empathic is when you feel the emotions of other people. Meditate to improve.
Best of Luck
❤ Leah
Alice_Newton (2 stories) (20 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-13)
The room was half lit. Not bright, but not dark. We felt excited, she was skeptical. I had a nag in the back of my head, though.
I'll never use it again anyways, it was just something I wanted to experience.

About the spirit guides, are they ALWAYS watching what you're doing? Can they hear your every though? Know what you're thinking?
Ben89 (1 stories) (9 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-11)
Although Id never ever do a ouija board. IF I did I cast a cirle for protection. When you finnished the board, did you tell the spirit that you are now finnished and if they could please leave. Was the room dark or light, and how did you and your friend feel before and during the session?
Alice_Newton (2 stories) (20 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-11)
I had done tons of research but I only prayed to god, never drew a protective circle. What do you mean energy vampire?

What's this about vampires and dementions for them? I haven't heard of anything about it... -is eager to learn-
lorynbaby (5 stories) (65 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-10)
i have a friend who travels dementions. She says there is a demention for vampires. They are forbidden to come to this demention but they do exist and it may be one of them trying to come into contact with this demention without over stepping they're boundries.
Ben89 (1 stories) (9 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-10)
Can I just ask. Before you used the ouija board, did you succesfully open a protective circle and then thereafter close it, remain within the circle during the process and done healthy amounts of research before hand. I wouldn't go near a ouija board if you paid me.
Im going to go out on a HUGE LIMB right now but this is what this site is all about, but does anyone else maybe think it may be an energy vampire. I have never ever ever heard or known of anyone whos even known anyone to have known of a case but using a board is DANGEROUS be careful please
Alice_Newton (2 stories) (20 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-10)
The more I meditate the less headaches I have. If I stop I get the headaches again. 😕 I meditate nearly every night right before I go to sleep. I just focus on nothingness and then once calm, I think about things I want to happen (If you know about the Law of Attraction...) Oracle thanks for your detailed description and I will try this excercise some time tonight. ^^ Thanks.
Oracle101 (2 stories) (506 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-07)
Keep in mind that guides do not always come forward until we know they exist, believe in them, and need them. Even then it might be against the rules for them to come forward. Others like to remain hidden and watch over us silently. I met one of my guides only just this past year and only because I began noticing certain patterns, so I caught on that guide was with me. I then began communication and that guide and I and my other guides had some issues because of this. Now that guide has stepped back some and all is back to the way it was beforehand other than I can call on that guide when I wish. Remember that guides are on another level. They can make mistakes, be not so experienced as other ones, and might bend the rules and get in trouble for it. So be careful when making contact and making demands. They do have to answer to the highest power aka God.

Ways to contact guides:

-Rune Stones
-Asking for and reading signs
lorynbaby (5 stories) (65 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-07)
i ahve some of the similar problems! My friends call me emo because I feel so dark all the time. I'm not sure why. I get major mood swings and some people think I'm bipolar. I really think this has to do with my powers because they didn't start happening until I meditated for the first time. I too, am having issues contacting my guides. I can't seem to be able to get there. Any help?
Oracle101 (2 stories) (506 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-07)

To rid of your headaches, please try following the helpful tips I suggested because I also get the headaches and these tips do work, at least for me.

As for how to make contact with your guides, I have answered this question for many others. Please read my other comments which you can find listed in the far left column.


In case you cannot find those comments, here are a few tips:

-First be relaxed and in a location where you feel most spiritual and protected.

-Next in your mind and outloud ask for all negative energies/entities to leave for they are not welcome. They need to be told this.

-Next pray innerly (not outloud). Ask to be protected from negative energies/entities/spirits.

-Once you feel at peace and protected, pray innerly to communicate with your Top Level Guides. Only those who guide you, care for you, protect you, and are of the white light.

-You will then hear some inner thoughts, which at first you might feel are only your own, but they will catch you off guard because you will know you yourself did not think that thought. Reply to it. Listen carefully. Ask it questions. Listen for answers.

-Now at this point you will wonder if you are crazy, and are imagining things, or making it up in your own mind. This is when you need to ask to be sent signs as an assurance that they do in fact exist. They do not mind doing this. They understand. Request a sign which is challenging and not so common so you will know for a fact that it is from them, but do not choose a sign that is impossible.

Be aware and watch for the signs. Once this happens let me know and I can help further with the next step if you wish.

Good luck.
Alice_Newton (2 stories) (20 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-07)
I'd ike to get rid of the headaches. =/ The less I practice my development the less I get headaches.
YVE72 (5 stories) (212 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-05)
Alice...Everybody is different. I hear and feel my spirit guide. I've never seen her/him. I do however get messages from my guide in my dreams. Most times when I dream, the colors are muted, but when I see something bright blue, I know the dream is a message from my guide. 😊
academylin (14 stories) (303 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-05)
Hello Alice,
Meditation is a perfect place to begin with getting in touch with your guides, yes.
It will also help you to control your headaches and aid with your understanding of yourself and your progress. Don't be disheartened if you can't meditate to begin with or you feel as though you have had no results... Keep trying, it will come.
Lin x ❤
Alice_Newton (2 stories) (20 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-05)
Thanks a lot. I understand a bit more now... But how exactly do you summon/communicate with your spirit guides? Just by meditating and asking to see them?
academylin (14 stories) (303 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-05)

Or google ascension symptoms... Just a thought!
Lin x ❤
Oracle101 (2 stories) (506 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-04)
First of all is your health. Obviously it is the most important thing above all else. Sometimes inner stress can eventually effect the physical body, so you need to learn what helps you to relax and do those things. For example, nature walks, bathes, yoga, dance, meditating, reading, etc. Whatever you know works for you best. If nothing works then it is time to consider you might be experiencing psychic attack. It is common for most psychics to have their health attacked in an effort to weaken them. The most common ailments of psychics seem to be colds, headaches, and heart problems. So you should be prepared by always being in the best of health. Look after yourself, read up on ways to protect yourself from psychic attack, and avoid using any portal tools which may open portals to negative energies/spirits (such as Ouiji Boards, and using Tarot without seeking out your protector guides first).

To prevent or heal headaches try eating cold popsicles or ice cream, cold compress on head, drink lots of water, avoid caffeine and sugar, try pressure point or hands on healing, avoid bright lights and sun and excess tv and computer use.

Let me know if I can help further, or if you want further elaboration on my answers.
BettyBoop (1 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-04)
My first thought for you is that being gifted is a very individually based intrepretation of what it is you are experiencing. Being young and psychic can be confusing, no less to be a teenager and be having psychic experiences can be even more burdensome. Trust me, as an adult you will be greeted with more individuals who will embrace your gift and that is the beauty of our society today. Those who are gifted are sought after and are respected. No, we are not always going to be right but trust me, more times then not we are right on. As far as headaches are concerned, I myself, being gifted do and will get headaches, but I get them when I am going to receive bad news and traditionally it has been bad news about someone close to me.

I have been gifted since I am 13 and at the time, did not fully realize the gift I possessed. It took many years of multiple experiences for me to realize that it was no longer coincidences and that all those things that were only happening to me was not just because of the way the cards were dealt but that I was gifted. Even though I know I was gifted from a much younger age, I know my gift came in tremendously after I had a near death experience, which as you will hear is something that is very common. I am now in a place in my life that I continuiously use my gift and it has given me such a great sense of just how special people like us are and how much we are needed. My advice is to try as best you can to embrace your gift and the more you use it, the stronger you will become. Be sure you surround yourself in white light and that you do not get involved in any demonic activities. I am not a fan of the qui board and do not recommend its use whatsoever. Be sure that you are clear that you are only open to good spirits who want to come to you, not ones that you call. Now it is ok to ask a spirit of someone you know to come and they will if they feel the need, but otherwise do not invite in strangers, even in the spirit world their exists such a thing. Good luck!
Alice_Newton (2 stories) (20 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-04)
I get headaches (sometimes really strong sometimes weak) behind my eyes... I have sore eyes. But it's always there.
I think I am a bit overhelmed at being thrown into a life of weirdness. XD Some may be from the life of an average teen...
speak_true (3 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-04)
Headaches are not the only symptoms associated with what are called run away healers (psychics). Even if you are not a "healer" it is possible that you take other peoples pain on. I'm not an expert, but I've dealt with real physical problems which result from my inability to control my psychic abilities. They can also occur from blocked chakras. And of course there could be a physical component as well.

So the thing that I am desperately trying to do is to learn about what abilities I have and use them in a responsible way and to have some control over them. Please explore, learn and don't take your gifts for granted. Learn how to use what you have and control how you do things. Don't be obsessive, just curious and enjoy these years and the rest of your life.
vendettaBabes (3 stories) (335 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-04)
I disagree with Anne. The other vendettaBabes and I also have a problem with headaches from being gifted. Mostly mine come and go very fast, which is a good thing sometimes. Being empathic has always part of my life, and I'm also very emotional and moody. But that's all from the empathy, of course.
Other than that, you seem like an average teenager, maybe a little overwhelmed with being thrown into the World of the Weird out of nowhere. LOL. Well, good luck, and ask us anything you'd like to know. One more thing, you said you wanted to learn to know how people feel with accuracy.
Be careful with what you wish for. I don't regret being empathic, and I love my abilities, but you already seem overwhelmed with your current small gifts, and let me tell you, being empathic is a lot harder than it might seem.

Alice_Newton (2 stories) (20 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-04)
I'm not sure, it only started happening after I began practicing Psychic Development. Thank you though.
AnneV (4 stories) (1064 posts) mod
16 years ago (2008-12-04)
What you're going through sounds more to do with being a teenager than being psychic. I don't know where you read psychics are connected to headaches but I disagree with you on that point. They also don't suffer all those other physical ailments you're talking about. You sound as if you need not only a medical exam but some therapy.

Life is confusing and being depressed about that isn't abnormal. Talk to your parents about this (leave the psychic stuff out). You're a normal girl with normal feelings. The point of friends and family is that you can go to them about these things. You don't need to isolate yourself.

Your identity develops over time as you mature. Relax and know that it's happening every day of your life.

Go easy on yourself and you'll start to become more in tune with who and what you are.


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