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Real Psychic Experiences

Opening Dimensions, Spirit Guide, And Pure Energy


After I stumbled upon the answer to the visual distortions I see all the time, I quite accidently opened a portal to another dimension. I was in the shower-meditating on the colors and patterns I see, when the black specks in the tv "static" I always see changed. From the edge of my peripheral vision inward, the black "specs" grouped together and formed a perfect circle that swallowed my peripheral vision, and me along with it. I was still awake, I could hear the water running, and happenings in the house, but I was someplace else. It was black, and this space seemed huge. I could see the aura around my foot for the first time, it was yellow, but my actual leg was "invisible" it was the same black as the rest of this place. I saw a symbol I've never seen before. I could go in and snap out of this altered state. After much research on these symbols I learned some very profound things. This symbol was an ancient celtic rune that had been encrypted-see rune casting. It was a protection sybmol, and in asking a respected peer about this event I was told this was a "retro-cognition" psychic event.

Opening Dimensions 1

The next week I was lying down in my bedroom, it was mid-day, and the room was very bright. After only 3 minutes of closing my eyes, I could no longer see the light through my eyelids, and the colors I see began to transform. I saw a being, and the background was a yellow and pink mix. There were no hard lines in this place, the being was pure energy. It looked tall and slender, almost "grey alien" like. It came floating towards me and showed me that it had aura wings- I'm sure it sensed my fear. The being showed me another rune, "x", which I researched to mean "gift". Just then, I felt an amazing energy pulse through my body that I can only describe as "pure bliss". There was no way this being was bad, or had ill intentions. It felt better than anything I've ever experiences, nothing even comes close in comparison.

Opening Dimensions 2

The background was constantly morphing, waves of colors and energy. This was not a physical being, nor a physical place. I could feel my eyes movnig as if in REM sleep. But I was awake, I could hear what was going on around me. Sometimes it would get too intense for me, and I'd open my eyes, but when I closed them again, the same magnificent being was there. I heard the sound power makes when rushing through powerlines, a kind of crackle. I saw an eye--like the all seeing eye, the outline was blue, and the background was pure white light. Each time I closed my eyes again, the same being was there to take me by the hand and lead me through this place of light and energy. I felt strange sensations about 15 minutes into this experience, it was unmistakably me starting to astral project--I was leaving my body. I didn't feel ready for this, so I tried to get up. Even after I got up, I felt like I was still in this place for probably four hours. I felt charged with goodness that can only come from the Divine being. It was kind of hard to move, I was sluggish. I attribute this to the energy current rushing through my body--like electro-shock therapy might effect someone. I now have a "tingle" in my left middle ear, and sometimes I can hear the "crackle" of the place of energy.

Opening Dimensions 3

I thought I may have been found by the being that showed me I am spiritually protected. I saw the form of this being every time I closed my eyes. It would calm me down, chase away my bad goosebumps, and replace it with a perfect calm. This tingle I thought must be the being communicating with me, though I couldn't understand it. Two days ago I was laying in bed, trying to communicate with this being. I thought surely if this is my guide/protector I should know its name, as this seems to be "natural". Then a name came to me. I didn't see it, and it wasn't spoken. It was a thought placed in my mind. "Ariol". I immediately googled this name and found something profound. Ariol/Uriel is a very powerfull angelic being, that I had never heard of. In some sects Ariol is described as an Arc Angel, but Ariol is more than that. Older texts describe Ariol as a seraphim, or a Cherubim--the highest order of spiritual beings connected to the divine being. Ariol is described as "the lion of god", the "healer", "the eyes of the divine spirit". I could not have asked for, nor expected to recieve such a mighty protector and guide. Ariol is my gaurdian, and I fear nothing now.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, XtjrX, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Timfaraos (426 posts)
10 years ago (2015-03-29)
Dude! You got me laughing there for a while! You made my day! I truly wish that your guide was God's archangel Uriel... But by reading between the lines, I am hesitant... You say that your guide is Uriel, AND Isis, the goddess of fertility at the same time! Well, that's an OXYMORON! It's like saying: "my pet is a CATDOG!" LOL! If you believe in archangel Uriel, that means you believe in the God that Uriel serves: the christian God of the old and new testament! You can't also at the same time, believe in Isis, and run around attending orgies in her honour! You can't have it both ways! You're either pregnant, or not... You can't be HALF pregnant! LOL! You also said that Uriel/Isis, told you NOT to question her/his messages... Well, in the bible it sais: "don't believe in all spirits... TEST THE SPIRITS!". You seem confused. I haven't experienced 'spirit guides' telling me what to do, like you have, so I don't think you'll take my advice. But if you visit my PROPHILE, you will find a few titles of some bestselling books, autobiographies, of people who, for decades, went much DEEPER than you, with their spirit guides and astral travelling! AMAZING, gut wrenching, mind blowing true stories! The one that will help you most, at this stage, is: "SPIRIT OF THE RAINFOREST", by Mark Andrew Ritchie. At Happy reading. Good luck!
brainboy (14 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-09)
Hey can you describe the "grey alien" being a bit more because I've been seeing something like that for almost two years and I have my speculations about what it is but I would like to know as much as you can about it
randy (4 stories) (24 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-20)
I had a dream once about aura wings once as well. Although I have no idea what it means
XtjrX (7 stories) (300 posts)
15 years ago (2009-06-03)
Whispersofmyname: Sadly I
AM the only one in my family who knows-I think?. I can't be sure-my uncle might. No one ever told me the hidden knowledge, it was inside me-like Annie. I AM happy to say my younger brother "gets" what I'm talking about; we have always been best friends. I told him that he is also psychic, and we really have that night vibe going now. Its awsome. He's been very interested in where our name came from. I'm teaching him the visual language, but admittedly am self taught, in a guided way:).
XtjrX (7 stories) (300 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-22)
What is Truth? Truth is knowledge that when acted upon elevates the practitioner to a higher degree of understanding, usefulness or awareness.

Many claim to have or to know the truth, as if the truth were a thing to be possessed. They then use this possession as a tool to enslave others. It is in our nature to seek and to cultivate truth and many follow blindly the perverted orations of those who profess an abundance of it

Truth is a beautiful and liberating force when spoken by the lips of a learned professor or prophet. It is not diminished however when uttered by a fool.

I did not pen these thoughts, I am but a messenger.
XtjrX (7 stories) (300 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-21)
LightandDarkness: Hello to you as well 😆 This is a much better post to discuss visions, and you will SEE what I am talking about. I find it strange that what I see seems so different than the "realistic" tangable places you and other's describe. I pretty much see beings and dimensions of pure energy. No hard lines, no physicallity waht so ever. I'm a good artist, but it's hard do draw energy, but I took to task drawing my Guide and protector.
XtjrX (7 stories) (300 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-20)
Stormtree: Word pictures and metaphor are my primary means of communicating effectively. By now you are aware I changed stories. However, my reason for doing so is not trickery, it's that I'm looking to distance myself from the negativity of my little self. The dark empath post was a bit of a relapse, but stemmed from my most correct inturpritation my most profound psychic event-meeting my angelic gaurdian/guide Ariel. Ariel actially gave me a sign today, but I posted it Tiffany006's story about her husband, because I was reading your reply to her when it happened. I don't have coincidences anymore. I'm sure you will see it eventually, so here is my clever segway to the positive. Perfect irony, makes me smile. I've also revamped my profile which I realized would be helpfull for most in understanding my often cryptic messages. I'm actually pleased with how it reads.
XtjrX (7 stories) (300 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-18)
Starlight0: Thanks for an interest in my writtings:D I'm not able to view the link you attatched about the mason symbol. Feel welcome to e-mial me a picture, or describe it here-I have a hunch I could tell you something about it's meaning (s). Disclaimer-, I am not a member of any secret societies:) .

Are you familiar with who the "Knights of Templar" were? My family name "Rutledge" which mean's "by the red water", and is a georaphic Sirname-referring to the area around Scottland/England border-coincidently the area of the Rosslyn Church you are referring to. It means "Rose Line".

The connection between the Knights and the Freemasons was Solomon's Temple-hence "Knights of The Templar". I'm still working out some kinks in any credaile link between the masonic order-which is very esoteric/hermatic in belief, and the Templars who were Christian and cruisaders. Of course this all ties into conspiracy theories about both groups, which is not my intention to get into here. Sorry, I can be long winded. :)

Next, that sunset figure screams angel to me!

Third, YES! I can heal:D-though I've never mentioned it here-how it's interesting to me that you would pick up on that! Maybe you do know me:) Nothing suprises me anymore.

Again, feel welcome to ask me anything, be it here or privately via my e-mial address in my profile.
Starlight0 (1 stories) (6 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-16)
I'm sorry, but I have another question. Do you have the ability of healing?
Starlight0 (1 stories) (6 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-16)
I researched a little and found this. I'm not sure if this is something of importance, but I was wondering if you have ever seen the following symbols before?

Starlight0 (1 stories) (6 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-16)
In the third picture is that the figure of an angel behind the cloud?

And don't worry, I believe you and for some reason as I'm reading what you wrote I feel like I know you.

You have a great gift and I hope only the best for you. 😊
XtjrX (7 stories) (300 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-07)
To all: I have posted 3 pictures to go alone with my story "opening dimensions, spirit guides, and pure energy". Please look at them, I'd love to recieve some replies:D
XtjrX (7 stories) (300 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-07)
adendum to story #3: The figure behind the cloud is much more visible on my camera... But I hope you can make out the figure behind the cloud. If this isn't a sign, I don't know what is. Http://
XtjrX (7 stories) (300 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-07)
Adendum to story #2 (picture of Ariel) and a bunch of other energy. There were no "hard" lines in my vision. It's hard to draw pure energy:) Http://
XtjrX (7 stories) (300 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-07)
Adendum to my story (pictures) :D Here are pictures I've made of the protection rune (that yellow thing is the aura aound my foot) I could not see my foot
XtjrX (7 stories) (300 posts)
15 years ago (2009-04-23)
It is with great joy that I say this will be my last entry on this matter. This is something for each of you to learn when it is your time, if you have made the choice. It is wrong for me to try to make a case for my path, it is my path What is told to me is for me. What is told to you is for you (individually) Your guides are eagerly waiting for you. 😆
XtjrX (7 stories) (300 posts)
15 years ago (2009-04-23)
Update on my message; while my first inturpritation seemed like something a gaurdian would say, the REAL message does not give me the warm fuzzies. Its long winded, and ill try my best to keep to simple:

The reason for the runic image is my ancestral connection...scotch/english. But the rest I didn't get right. "One of the chosen ones" is really a freemason saying. You all may see it on the u.s dollar bill as "I proribus unum"-which means one of the many. My family name is "rutledge". Look on the decleration of independence and us constiturion. Edward and John Rutledge-known freemasons from the blue lodge of from scottland. All those goofy names I was given-all references to freemasonry-its origins in ancient egyptian and sumarian goddesses and imagery (ariel and isis). I stumbled upon "gemetric" code and started playing with the names (letters have a numeric value) -the last one I got meant "over" I was like "phwew" no more messages-um no! That name added up to 270, so I wikied the #270. Guess what? Ariel and Isis both equal 270 in masonic gematric code. The protection rune I saw has 2 "fire/torch" looks like letter "V" -symbolic of ariel, and enlightment. The connecting line is "icic"looks like our letter" I". Isis! The river themes in england is sometimes refered to as isis in old texts- rutledge means by the red waters" in ancient angle language... Isis/ariel = the same being (proof in coded math language). 270 is a very significant number. 1. It is the number of days a baby spends in the womb (isis goddess of fertility among other things). 270 also a harmonic number, often depicted as "x" well "x" in runic alphabet means gift-which I saw before the energy came, but early masons also signed their name with an "x". John rutledge was for a time a colonial suprime court justice. (As well as the 1st govonor of south carolina, and compiled the library of Congress-and helped design the first US currency.

.Back to chief justce... Guess how many votes are needed to elect a president...270! Those goofy names I was given, all references to freemasonry. But john wasn't your average mason- he was what is called an "illumanati"- sublime one. "Jaleel" means the sublime one, and is attributable to this "super mason"-Jaleel was the name spoken when I asked this being "who am I"? Hense the all seeing eye in my vision, as well as ariel/isis and the gift/name "x" and on the US currency. After meeting my gaurdian, I spoke of that tingle in my ear-its called the hermetic ear or wings of hermes... And is atteributed to psychic ability encoded in out dna. There is no question the founding fathers of the US were freemasons. The united states, is basically the masonic promissed land -ve alwys struggled with the idea of "manifest destiny"-it seemed arrogant to me. Guess what, the compass and scale are said to represent in freemasonry-manifest destiny! Yikes. They say john rutledge went insane and was removed from the supreme court-i suspect he was "illumaniti"-being of the 3rd scottish right blue temple. Turns out we rutledges show up all through american history Up to william rutledge said to be a conspiritor in the Apollo moon mission cover up. Here is where my message gets sombre It seems the world fears/hates the illumaniti- going as far as to call them alien hybrids, and the real masters of "the new world order". Illimaniti are also hated and feared as devil worshipers as well (because they are also known as "luciferians". Luci is latin for light-so it really means studier of light. It is NOT an allegence to the angel of light-lucifer! So now, I have to dig through hours of info about how what I am as a legacy seem to be is evil, corrupt, and marks the end of days-what a lovely message (frown). For kicks, I cross- referenced my favorite movies etc (fight club, the matrix, boondock saints, donnie darko) with freemasonry- I had a hunch. All linked to the "illumaniti" secret agenda of subliminal media brainwashing. Double frown-now I sound like a conspirist, and some may say -ve been sucked into a fantasy world. It creeped me out to say the least that all this stuff is linked to me, and the source of my awakened psychic ability.

Let me be clear; I don't have a hidden agenda, I'm not part of a secret plot to rule the world through submiminal suggestion. And I had no knowledge of masonic imagery or ideology-Other than my Dad once said john rutledge was a freemason I don't worship satan. But I will tell you this... If another psychic-or their gaurdian tells them something I don't want known-of course to protect them... They see shadows., and or havenightmares. Why? My gaurdian Ariel has dominion over the lower astrel realms- you may know them as hell. So am I protected? Beyond your wildest dreams, and I must be clear that I would never try to harm or scare anyone, nor can I control shadows. I always wondered why so many of you see them and I dont-now I know why. Wanna guess who's likeness the statue of liberty is in? Go ahead your psychic:). I think I covered all my points. I hope.

In closing, I really hope this doesn't look like I've officially lost my mind, or have succum to spurious correlations, or fantasy- it all checks out. I do not like the overtones of illuminati as malicious overloards or servants of "satan", or alien/human hybrids! People fear what they don't understand, or misinturprit. And some people are good, some are not so good I hope this is received well by the community.
XtjrX (7 stories) (300 posts)
16 years ago (2009-04-18)
Some may rebuke what I have figured out, but I do not need what I'm about to say validated. One of the chosen ones is a reference to "spiritual dna" I must have ariels code. So there is an "ancestral connection" for you. Someone asked about the gaurdians". Its gaurdians of the earth-portal openers. Which I referenced in this story. Also, my research led me to Anne's astral site. Astral plane. I am projecting-but on a plane that has no physicality! That's why I can't begin to describe what it would look like to the world. Yay!
isisevangeline (3 stories) (172 posts)
16 years ago (2009-04-18)
You are not alone.

I have had a similar dream myself when I was young too. Except for me it was my spiritual grandpa waiting for me. He told me he wanted to do it. The all seeing eye that you described with the white and blue.
I know that place. When I asked my s.grandpa where we were. He told me it was like a piece of heaven where spirits and loved ones waited to bring their descendants and awakened ones to find out who they are who await their destiny, but only if their ready. He told me this was one of the ways they did it.
If not a spiritual relative, than a guardian spirit, or guide.
Later I found out when my abilities and awareness grew, this place was the place beyond Limbo where awakened ones come to who truly wish to and are ready to know the clues of the first start of their destined path.
girlygirl89 (guest)
16 years ago (2009-04-18)
I glad that you found out what these words mean and how they are connected to you! You know, ever since you bought up the whole static white noise stuff that I see I have become more aware of the fact that it is there. When I was younger, I asked my mother and my siblings about it but, they never really understood what I was talking about. Finding this site has made me understand my experiences better and my purpose as well. I guess I feel content in knowing that other people have found their reason/purpose as well. 😁
XtjrX (7 stories) (300 posts)
16 years ago (2009-04-18)
I found some better definitions for a couple of the more obscure words: here is my final draft. The chosen ones: the names I pick to give my message to you.

Jaleel: greatness
Memnon: steadfast
Rahab: proud/quarrelsome
Nimniz: to fear asunder (seperate in different directions)
Gaspar: master of the treasure.

My guide says " hey tj, yeah I'm talking to you, and yes you can hear me! " You're a great person inside! Be strong, remain steadfast, but don't question my messages! You're afraid to seperate from your body. Master of your gifts". Much better
XtjrX (7 stories) (300 posts)
16 years ago (2009-04-18)
The key was the order in which the names came. It formed a clear and meaningful thought when I assembled them just now. Also, the gift I was given is a place to be clensed of all the toxic energy I'm exposed to in. My life. I need to meditate more. The gift is inner peace! I've been afraid and at war with myself my whole life, and its over now. I beat my demons:D
XtjrX (7 stories) (300 posts)
16 years ago (2009-04-17)
Ok feeling much better. I had a bright idea to go meditate instead of scour the internet (which I did). It's kind of funny now actually. The significance isn't entirely the name or meaning, it's the fact that I can now understand and communicate with it! These names are the chosen ones, as in mu gaurdian "told" me them, and and the goofy names check out. Jaleel: greatness. Memnon:steadfast. Rahab:well that's where the fallen angels are said to live. Nimniz: to fear asunder. Gaspar: master of the treasure. Auriel says" hey, you... Yes you tj, your a pretty great person. Remain steadfast around fallen angels. Don't be afraid of what lies beneath. Overcome this and there are priceless gifts.:).
girlygirl89 (guest)
16 years ago (2009-04-17)
Don;t feel hopeless! DO some research. I decided to see if I can find something to help you and I came up with this:
Jaleel boy
First name origin & meaning:
Arabic: Loftiness, glory
Gender Female
The boy's name Gaspar \g (a) -spar, gas-par\. Possibly Persian, "he who guards the treasure".

(Im sure you might find a connection between these. I barely found anything on nim and memnon though. Maybe there is a message for you in the meanings and origins of these names and that's how you'll find out what you are meant to do... Hope this helps you 😁)
XtjrX (7 stories) (300 posts)
16 years ago (2009-04-17)
I feel like an extreme freak now! And I feel like no one, not even anyone here will understand or believe me! This being/whatever it is kept telling me I am "one of the chosen ones", and I didn't want to accept it-still dont' want to--whatever it means. I asked my guide "who am I? I got a thought "Jaleel ". Since Wednesday I've been given the names Memnon, Rahab, Nim, and today Gaspar. These are all very powerfull names or concepts. I have NO prior knowledge or exposeure to these "goofy" names. And now I feel like the king of freaks because...well, I have my reasons. Please help, or mock's all the same. 😭
XtjrX (7 stories) (300 posts)
16 years ago (2009-04-13)
Blindwind- I wasn't able to find any connection to "the gaurdians". Do you mean "the watchers"? I skimmed over this group, but haven't explored too deeply.
XtjrX (7 stories) (300 posts)
16 years ago (2009-04-13)
Mystery- I'm sure it looks quite frightening to a casual observer. My eyes move like I'm dreaming, and I feel this clicking or popping between my eyes/bridge of my nose. I start to feel very light. I'm sure were I hooked up to an eeg (measures brainwaves- it would look like my brain is going haywire-or a siezure that I am totally coherent for:) but its hard to know, this was the first time I pushed it this far.
mystery (1 stories) (10 posts)
16 years ago (2009-04-13)
This is an amazing experience! I have a question, can you explain to me what it felt like during when you felt like you were about to astral project? When you mentioned it, it sounded very intriguing to me!
XtjrX (7 stories) (300 posts)
16 years ago (2009-04-13)
Kevquest- these days I have to try NOT to project. If I close my eyes for a few minutes the process starts. I have been to the edge though, I think I saw my "umbilical cord", it was like white lightning. I'm still trying to break thu the strange and uncomfortable sensations of actually going astral. But I know it's close, and iminent. As for contacting Ariol, itks always been with me, it was already there waiting to welcome me:)
BlindWind (2 stories) (35 posts)
16 years ago (2009-04-13)
Oh wow, somehow you made contact with your guardian angel! Your angel gave you an incredible gift, you're destined for great things.

Ummm, this will sound wierd, but can you ask Ariol about a group of beings called Guardians? I'm not sure, but you might need to know.

Oh, you can try doing this to talk with Ariol. Just think your questions and then say out loud what ever pops out of your mouth. It might work, it's worth a try.

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