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Is It Following Me Or Did I Manifest It?


In my life I have had many experiences with unexplained. I never really have been frightened of these "Spirits" until recently. I must explain first that I did not invite these "Beings" to me and have never went looking for them. In my life I have had many experiences with unexplained. I never really have been frightened of these "Spirits" until recently. I must explain first that I did not invite these "Beings" to me and have never gone looking for them. They seem to find me. Ouija boards have never worked for me and I have been told that I brake them after touching or playing with one. I refuse to touch tarot cards, they give me the creeps, and I seem to be very sensitive to the paranormal.

I will start with my first startling experience. One of my friends claimed her basement was haunted and while there I did see a ghost it didn't seem harmful or even bother me. I spent the night. That night a black figure appeared in the room crossed over the computer screen completely blacking out the light and approach me. I was lying on the ground. It came down to my level and smiled. I saw the teeth, I saw the body shape but no other details other than black. I scared me so bad I had to leave.

After I had married my husband I began to feel like something was tormenting him. Changing his attitude and causing great disturbance in his life. I thought he might have mental issues that have never been addressed. His family said that just how the men were. One morning I awoke earlier than normal and notice my bedroom door was opened. This was unusual being I never sleep with open doors and this particular door sticks and requires a good deal of effort to open. I saw something approaching me very quickly. A black image that I couldn't see through, but as it came up I could see its legs moving. It stopped right in front of me, a couple inches from my face. I was so startled that I jumped up and back and literally body slammed my husband from a lying position.

After that moment this thing never went away. We moved three times. Not because of this thing, just because. Still it was always there, walking the hallways, looking around corners. I never saw any details just a body image that you could not see through. My husband and I separated for the first time. The image was no where to be found. We got back together, it was there. We separated for the second time after he violently assaulted me. Again, it was no where to be found.

After half a year I decided I would give him a second chance. He had been going to church, mind it that I never told him about what I felt followed him. When we got back together there it was closer then it had gotten in years. Feet away it was sitting on his desk in front of the computer. From that point on that's where it stayed. When we moved in our house it would stay close to his computer pacing the corner. Back and forth block the light behind it, looking at me. I never saw its eyes but I knew it was looking at me. In January my husband assaulted me again and I filed for divorce. I stayed in the house, I kept the computer but it was gone. Haven't seen it since.

I told my mother about all of this and she felt it may be me. That I was an emotional person and had been manifesting this negative spirit. I am not sure. I have almost all the common signs of ESP and have only put the two similarities together just now. In fact it was my mother who commented upon the common factors between both experiences. What is this? Why am I just being frighten now and only by this thing?

They seem to find me. Ouija boards have never worked for me and I have been told that I brake them after touching or playing with one. I refuse to touch tarot cards, they give me the creeps, and I seem to be very sensitive to the paranormal.

I will start with my first startling experience. One of my friends claimed her basement was haunted and while there I did see a ghost it didn't seem harmful or even bother me. I spent the night. That night a black figure appeared in the room crossed over the computer screen copletely blacking out the light and approach me. I was lying on the ground. It came down to my level and smiled. I saw the teeth, I saw the body shape but no other details other than black. I scared me so bad I had to leave.

After I had married my husband I began to feel like something was tormenting him. Changing his attitude and causing great disturbance in his life. I thought he might have mental isssues that have never been addressed. His family said that just how the men were. One morning I awoke earlier than normal and notice my bedroom door was opened. This was unusual being I never sleep with open doors and this particular door sticks and requires a good deal of effort to open. I saw something approaching me very quickly. A black image that I couldn't see through, but as it came up I could see it's legs moving. It stopped right in front of me, a couple incehes from my face. I was so startled that I jumped up and back and literally body slammed my hasband from a lying position.

After that moment this thing never went away. We moved three times. Not because of this thing, just because. Still it was always there. Walking the hallways, looking around corners. I never saw any details just a body image that you could not see through. My husband and I seperated for the first time. The image was no where to be found. We got back together, it was there. We seperated for the second time after he violently assaulted me. Again, it was no where to be found. After half a year I decided I would give him a second chance. He had been going to church, mind it that I never told him about what I felt followed him. When we got back together there it was closer then it had gotten in years. Feet away it was sitting on his desk in front of the computer. From that point on that's where it stayed. When we moved in our house it would stay close to his computer pacing the corner. Back and forth block the light behind it, looking at me. I never saw its eyes but I knew it was looking at me. In january my husband assaulted me again and I filed for divorce. I satyed in the house, I kept the computer but it was gone. Haven't seen it since.

I told my mother about all of this and she felt it may be me. That I was an emotional person and had been manifesting this negative spirit. I am not sure. I have almost all the common signs of ESP and have only put the two similarities together just now. In fact it was my mother who commented upon the common factors between both experiences. What is this? Why am I just being frighten now and only by this thing?

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Comments about this clairvoyant experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Br1tt4ny, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

revsilverson (guest)
15 years ago (2009-05-13)
you seem to have experiences with "a black image you couldn't see through" once in your friends basement and then again later after you married your husband. While the kind people on this site are trying to help, they missed that fact. This manifestation is coming from you. It is coming from your fear of violence. If you are staying away from ouija and tarot your fear must be very great- something you don't want to mess with. Coupled with being in an abusive relationship (low self esteem etc). Being around a person with violent tendencies will increase your fear also. You probably have developed some depression and don't have the energy to deal with these things. I think a past life regression would benefit you greatly. I'm sensing that something happened in your childhood that is the cause of your fear. Look forward though, you have a new life to begin. Seems the relief of getting out of an abusive relationship has given you freedom from this negative energy.

Love and Light
mystical2 (16 stories) (483 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-09)
I also agree with Edmund. This spirit I feel is attached to your ex. Actually, there are many people who have attachments or so called baggage. They mess with your feelings causing depression, suicide, enrage and so on... Just going to church will not rid it. He needs to be closer to God spiritually. If he has any belief in the paranormal at all, he could try asking out loud for his spirit guides to remove the attachment and take it to the other side where it belongs. This can be helpful. Our spirit guides can not help us because of free will unless we ask them to or if we are not ready to die.
Br1tt4ny (3 stories) (28 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-07)
I just read my story again and realized it is doubled and repeated. Is that common for this forum. I agree with you about the teeth. Spirits never frighten me I am not bothered by the "Afterlife".
Since I have posted this story I feel like I opened my mind farther to "spirits". I am getting a stange feeling just sharing. I have posted another story hopfully they will get t up soon.
XtjrX (7 stories) (300 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-07)
Brit:you said it showed its teeth to you. And I get the feeling that spooked you more than the shadow. Pretty mucch everytging but humans showow their teeth to intimidate-i feel like its a territorial. It is a clear sign of aggression. I just felt the need to share that with you.
Br1tt4ny (3 stories) (28 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-07)
Also I hear this thing about spirit guide. Well how do I find one? Feel like I need mine.
Br1tt4ny (3 stories) (28 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-07)
Thank you guys so much. My idea was that I had manifested this thing. I have had contact with spirits all my life, but this one was the only one that scared me and only when it came close. Like it was telling me I'm still here, or am here. I look for it all the time but nope it's not here. Since I revealed this story to my mother she tells me that when she thinks about it she gets goose bumps. Thank you all for the support.
Taurusgirl10 (8 stories) (113 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-07)
Scary. You're not supossed to show fear.
They are attracted and feed on fear.
Spirits or whatever you want to call them are attracted to me. They've been ever since I was in forfth grade and I found out my school was haunted. You'll get used to it after a while. It's not all that bad. Not all of the spirits are bad. Some may just need help and they'll come to you.
Just in case, you should pray regularly and wear a cruzifix. I don't know if it'll work, but...
If you need any more advice, you can always talk to me. 😁
XtjrX (7 stories) (300 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-07)
I was thinking a little more about your story. It is clear to me that for some time thoughts I had, or compulsions to do things may not have been my own. I would go so far as to say that I was under the influence of dark forces (haunted maybe, but not possesed). I had this revelation when I quite accidently saw inside a not so nice spirit, and it saw me (It was FURIOUS!) I had no I could tap into a spirit I couldn't even see... I thought I was just thinking about it's intentions as I was trying to help someone. Well, it shook my bed trying to scare me. Afterwards I felt that RAGE for about a half an hour or so. It really made me think about why I felt angry and full of self hate for so long. I now question if the misery I describe in my life story was not comming from inside me at all. Admittedly, I was a spiritual void until 6 weeks ago-I didn't believe in anything. I don't believe I was possessed, but I do have to consider that the thoughts which drove some of my self-destructive behaviors were not my own. Perhaps this is the case with your spouse, and could very well be influencing behaviors that weren't present in him before. Today I'm enclined to agree with Edmund. I hope this helps more than my reply yesterday. I just feel off target lately.
Edmund (578 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-07)
Br1tt4ny... I also feel that it was and still is attached to your Ex... Common sense would indicate that it is a negative entity and has influence over your husband... I feel that they kind of feed off of each other... You are very strong spiritually and because of that the entity did not have any power over you. Very impressive! Blessings to you Br1tt4ny!
alex_ (5 stories) (24 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-06)
It is very likely that this negative entity or demon or whatever it was was connected with your husband rather than you. You said that it was only around when you were with your husband, well, there you go. It's not going to go away because you're away from your husband. Most likely that entity was with him all the time. It could possibly have been creating his abusive and hurtful tendencies. I'm guessing he wasn't abusive when you married him.

It is very possible that when you moved into your first house, where the thing appeared, because it's a negative entity/demon it stuck with him. If it's a demon, it DID stick with him! You can't get rid of demons by moving, because they follow you. Demons can also affect behavior and thoughts. I'm not sure if negative entities can/will follow you if you move out. But demons definitely will.

I believe seeing the spirit when you were younger may just be coincidence. In fact, because you had experience with negative entities and were so scared of it, that may have been a pro for the next entity. It assumed you wouldn't fight it, you'd just leave it alone to do what it wanted. And that's exactly what you did. You left your husband a few times, until it came back and he was abusive, then you left him permanently. It was the icing on the cake for whatever that thing was.

I hope this helped you, and was useful!

If you have any other questions my email is:
Alexfershizz [at]

Alex [:
girlygirl89 (guest)
15 years ago (2009-05-06)
It could be what xtjrx said or it could be a poltergiest and the reason it came back was from your fear that your husband would continue to treat you the same way. You felt safer when he left because you were afraid of your husband yet you still loved him very much. This is why you took him back but, deep down you know that you feel safe when he is gone and that is why it is possible that the poltergiest manifests itself when your husband comes back. Your fears feed it and it gets stronger every time because you become more and more afraid. Somehow you are protedting yourself and your gut feeling is telling you that your marriage isn't right and that your husband is, in fact abusive. I don't know all the facts nor do I know your exact situation but, if YOU acknowledge that this is what is happening, (and I am not saying that it is because I do not know the extent of your situation), then please get out of this abusive relationship.
-I wish you well. ❤ ❤
XtjrX (7 stories) (300 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-06)
If you show your fear to a malicious spirit you are feeding it. Why only this one?I'm sure on some level you know. To me, is sounds like your fear of an abusive spouse is warranted.:however I don't know the scary spirit and the scare spouse are correlated. I can't know for sure, but perhaps something to think about. A bully is a bully, and bullies need you to fear them to control youyo must love your husband, and it may be easier to believe that he is haunted by something evil than to accept that he's an abusive husband.

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