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Real Psychic Experiences

Curious Psychic


I am Nicole, I am 13 years old. I am clairvoyant, and telekinetic. The first premonition I had was when I was really young around the age of 4. The first time I used telekinesis was only about a month ago on I was really mad at my fried so somehow I pushed him off his scooter. I have tried to tell my parents and my best friends, Parents: don't believe me. Friends: think I am crazy. But I found this website hoping that some of you out there could help me I want to know how to control my gift.

I have read many different websites and none of them have helped I have read things on meditating and thinking of a finger pushing the object, or a speedy car moving down a highway with speed bumps. Those people probably don't know what they are talking about that is why I need help from real psychics to help me control and enhance my gift. I want to know what I can do. I would love help.


Can telekinetic people control elements?

I have inserted a premonition into someone's head what is that about?

Is there such thing as personal gain?

How did you tell your parents?

Can telekinetic people levitate?

How did tell your friends?

How can I make things levitate?

How do I bend a spoon with my mind?

Other clairvoyant experiences by CaliGirl123

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Comments about this clairvoyant experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, CaliGirl123, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

kenzie99 (guest)
14 years ago (2011-06-10)
Hi Nicole I completely believe you and I want to tell you that my parents don't believe I am psychic either. I know how frustrating it can be and how alone you can feel. My advise for you is to find a very close friend who won't judge you and confide in them so that way you won't feel so alone. And you said that you pushed your friend off of a scooter when you got angry so try to keep you emotions at bay while around other people so that you don't majorly hurt someone.
epoy1984 (14 stories) (644 posts)
16 years ago (2009-06-19)
Caligirl there are some websites and books than can help you answer all your questions. But I suggest do not use it for bad doings. Use it to protect yourself and other people for their own good. Good day godspeed and more power! =) 😁
PsychicGirl (2 stories) (9 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-19)
Wow thank you, you really helped and yes I have had other telekinetic experiences
stormtree (1 stories) (53 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-19)
Hey, Nichole.

I'm going to be really honest in my response here, and it might seem halfway through that I'm not on the same page that you are. Hang in and read me all the way through. This stuff that you are talking about IS real... Keeping it in context is critical.

First of all, clairvoyance and telekinesis are real, and it can be really frustrating when people don't understand, don't believe you, and think you're crazy.

Second, most of human experience is mixed, and it can be really challenging sorting it out sometimes. Doesn't help any when you find that you're having to fight to get people to believe you.

In order to answer your questions, I'm going to ask you some questions. They should help you to find your answers.

You begin by saying that you are clairvoyant and telekinetic, and you have a series of questions.

Well, let's take this one thing at a time...

(I'll skip your weather question and get back to it with the other kinetic stuff further down.)

One of your questions has to do with inserting a premonition into someone's head and ask what that's about. In order to answer your question, I need to ask a couple.

Do you mean that someone else had the same premonition that you did?

Do you wonder how they got it, and presume that you put it there?

How do you know that you put it there? (It is very common for friends to have similar premonitions.)

Of course you can send someone a thought. "Sending a premonition", in this case, could mean psychically sharing an experience with them.

Whether you sent it to that person or you just both had it...

There is something called an idea of reference, which means that you thought that you were responsible for something that you weren't...and it happens to everyone sometimes. It's really important to keep that sorted out.

Regarding personal gain, and if there is such a thing... What prompts you to ask the question? Did you read something about "doing things for personal gain?"

It is common for wise people to look at their motivations for developing any kind of gift, and sometimes people talk about keeping a balance. While it is important to value yourself, it is important not to focus too much on personal gain and lose your sense of spiritual and moral balance. Ultimately, the greatest personal gain you can have is the fulfillment that comes from combining your passions and gifts to live a worthwhile life.

Back to the telekinetic issues.

Weather, like anything else in physical reality, is subject to spiritual reality. One Native shaman I knew said that predicting the weather and controlling the weather were closely related, and both began with having a relationship with it. It comes down to a new thought being stronger than the ongoing thought.

Levitation and spoon bending seem to fall into the same category of building a relationship and altering one's own experience so that the physical reality changes.

Have you had any other telekinetic experiences beside your friend falling off of the scooter?

This sort of thing can happen, absolutely, and most people tend not to believe it. Sometimes it is actually a sort of psychic push, other times in the case of an accident it is a matter of the thought of it becoming strong enough that it happens... And it could be that the projected thought affects someone's coordination, causes a wind shift, or whatever.

Then again, once in a while something happens to someone we're mad at and we assume we caused it to happen. Happens all the time. Yes, one can push someone else off of a scooter without touching them physically. Yes, a kid once shot out a street light with his slingshot and lived for years with the guilt of believing that he had started the Great Eastern Blackout. (Who knows... Maybe he really did...)

So...psychic push, creative imagery, or coincidence... If you are honest with yourself, you will ask the question.

Again, have you had other telekinetic experiences?

Regarding how to tell friends and parents...

Tell them that you want to share something with them that is important to you, and that you need some time to talk it through. Ask them to listen to you and not jump to conclusions, and make sure that you are prepared for the fact that they might not understand, but be tuned into their caring about you. Be as calm and thoughtful as possible, and don't feel as though this will be the only time that you will ever be able to talk about it. Be willing to accept that they may not understand, at least at first, and be calm.

It may go better than you think. If not, just tell them that you want to be close to them, and, even if they don't agree or understand, you wanted to talk about it rather than pulling away from them.

But back to personal gain... What do your gifts mean to you? How do they affect your life? What is important to you?

Best of luck in your journey to fulfillment. May you achieve the most authentic personal gain.

arabie (1 stories) (4 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-18)
Can telekinetic people control elements?
Anything is possible...

I have inserted a premonition into someone's head what is that about?
That means you have inserted or given a thought to someone before it happens to them

Is there such thing as personal gain?

How did you tell your parents?
I started the conversation by asking them if they had any of the experiences that I had, then I told them what was going on

Can telekinetic people levitate?
Yes...have you ever done... Light as a feather, stiff as a board?

How did tell your friends?
The same way I told my parents

How can I make things levitate?
First, you must believe that you can... Clear your mind, then see it levitate... It takes total concentration
PsychicGirl (guest)
16 years ago (2009-05-17)
i think I might be an empath to because I know how people feel a lot of the time
PsychicGirl (guest)
16 years ago (2009-05-16)
Thanks you really did well I told my parents and my friends its all good it turns out I'm related to a psychic so that's wear I got my gift 😁
x_flying_octopus_17_18_x (10 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-16)
Can telekinetic people control elements? Possibly if your powers are strong enough.

I have inserted a premonition into someone's head what is that about?
It's like you control their body instead of their brain.

Is there such thing as personal gain?
I'm not quite sure.

How did you tell your parents?
I didn't I see paranormal happenings but some of this stuff happens to me.

Can telekinetic people levitate?
Possibly you just have to concentrate.

How did tell your friends?
I told them through a text and they all believe me.

How can I make things levitate?
You just really have to concentrate

How do I bend a spoon with my mind?
Concentraiting and thinking about it.

If you have amy questions fo rme, just comment. Or you can write back... Hope I helped!
🤔 😁
HalfMoonX5 (42 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-16)
I was in you exact place at your age, well minus the telekinesis. I wouldn't recommend telling any more friends if they don't believe you. I know its hard but in the future you will find someone close to you that you can confide these things to and you will know it when you do. I can't try to teach you some of the things I know. Messege me and I can show you a place to go.
elculver (4 stories) (18 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-14)
Can telekinetic people control elements?

I have inserted a premonition into someone's head what is that about?
-I don't know.

Is there such thing as personal gain?
-I have no idea.

How did you tell your parents?
-I didn't.

Can telekinetic people levitate?
-Levitation is not real, it's just an illusion.

How did tell your friends?
-I didn't.

How can I make things levitate?
-You can't.

How do I bend a spoon with my mind?
-You can't, no one can.

Hope I helped.
PathR (4 stories) (1274 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-14)
Here is a few answers hopefully then will help

Re Preminition into someones head.
We can send thought forms!

How one can make things levitate?: look at Yogi's/Mediums/Religious persons-as medicine men.
Levitation (paranormal) -Wikipedia,the fre encyclopedia
There is a radio station called: Kingdom of Nye he has interviews about many people whom performed levitation.

Some of the subjects covered by telekinetics, sounds strange as it seems to refer to Quantum physics. Take a look at Random Paranormal Experience (site) -there is a person whom tells of their experience of oneness. Its the first or 2nd story.
kikki170 (1 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-14)
Hi nicole I tottaly believe you well we have to get to school so but just remember we believe you 😳

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