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Is This A Psychic Ability?


I'm not quite sure what this is, or if it's anything at all, but I wanted to explain, and maybe get some answers.

This is hard for me to figure out how to explain it. The best way I can think of is to give a few examples.

The other day I was at school, grabbing books out of my locker for math class. My math classroom is the warmest in the school, but for some reason the thought flashed through my mind that I should bring my sweater. So I grabbed my sweater out of my locker and went to class. We had a fire drill during my math class, and it was really cold outside. How did I know I'd need a sweater?

The other day I was heading towards my locker from the library, because I'd stayed after school to study. The school was nearly empty, and I was just going to put my bookbag in my locker. I was listening to my iPod really loudly, when I suddenly thought that I should move to the right slightly. I did, and only moments later, someone came barreling around the corner with a huge cello case, which missed hitting me by an inch. If I hadn't moved to the right, we would've both been knocked over.

There have been only a few other incidents like these, as I've only noticed this in the past few wees, so I was beginning to wonder, is this an ability or (as cliche as this may sound) just a coincidence?

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Comments about this clairvoyant experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, i-believe-in-love, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Shakra (15 posts)
15 years ago (2009-11-02)
I believe it's coming from your inner self. Your highest self which protects you and helps you.
i-believe-in-love (7 stories) (36 posts)
15 years ago (2009-11-01)
Thanks Legion, your explanation was very helpful. 😊

- Lauren ❤
Legion (13 posts)
15 years ago (2009-11-01)
No it is not precognition, because you would also see what was comming instead of just knowing. You have a highly acute power of insight. You just seem to know right before something bad happens or can affect you in a negative way. So I guess you could call it precognition, I would just say you have a good insight. Psychic power yes. Its like being a sensative you can feel it but not see it.
i-believe-in-love (7 stories) (36 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-31)
Thanks everyone for your comments!

Igneous, I will definately chceck that out, thanks!

Psionic, I can't remember what voice it was in, I didn't really think about it at the time.

Cheers Everyone!
- Lauren ❤
Psionic (3 stories) (70 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-30)
There is no such thing as coincidence. I think you have the ability of precognition, the ability to know what is going to happen before it happens. I have the same ability and I have the similar stories, but different in some ways. If developed, you cna call your visions at will, and even it might develop into clairvoyance "clear seeing".
This thought that made you move, was it in a different voice to your own, because if ti was, it is possible that you could have heard your spirit guide talking to you.
But precognition, you definately have. I hope this helps.
Igneous (7 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-30)
You have a connection to the intent you aren't aware of. Check out "The teachings of Don Juan" by Carlos Castaneda. If you can fine tune this connection the possibilities are endless.
i-believe-in-love (7 stories) (36 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-29)
I knew that I was clairvoyant, I've had premonitions before, only, as I sleep. Is it still considered a premonition if you don't realize that you know what's going to happen?

- Lauren ❤
taffyinky (4 stories) (108 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-29)
i sometimes would do things for no reason at all then later what I did had an advantage to it. I would do things unconscincely but things would turn out to be in my favor.
i-believe-in-love (7 stories) (36 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-29)
I do dream about situations which later happen, but usually I remember my dreams, and it's not that I'm remembering that we'll have a firedrill, I just think, hm, I think I'll need a sweater.

- Lauren ❤
CuriousPsychic13 (16 stories) (141 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-29)
I don't think it's Clairvoyance, because that's 'Clear seeing', so it's probably like you know anything highly important, or maybe you do dream about it but you can't remember. My advice; Trust yourself
epoy1984 (14 stories) (644 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-29)
Please read my profile so that you will get ideas about your situation. Good day
randy (4 stories) (24 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-29)
it sounds to me like you have premonitions. I think its called clarivoyance.

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