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Real Psychic Experiences

Mysterious Helping Spirits


I am Native American, for centuries we believed, utilized, and relied on the assistance of the Spirit world, not only for our basic needs, but to gather information prophetically-"to predict something to happen in the future," i.e., tribes for centuries, before acquiring horses had medicine men who would carry "sacred rock pebbles" in a pouch safely guarded. The medicine man would unravel and lay this pouch out on the ground. He would talk to these rock pebbles and request something such as find us food, and they would obey. He would send them out to find what was requested. These rock pebbles would float in the air several feet off the ground and would travel for miles, over a 100 miles or more if need be in search of food for the tribe like buffalo, deer, elk, antelope, or whatever wild game worth feeding the tribe. If these rock pebbles would find such game, they would return to the tribe flashing and glowing a blue hue light about them, and pointing to the direction where the game was and how far. These glowing rocks would communicate with the tribes-people mainly the medicine man, holy man, or shaman. Today these same Spirits do exist, and still do the same things ever since they originated.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, mh09, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Timfaraos (426 posts)
9 years ago (2015-04-03)
Exellent! You native people have a first hand account that spirits exist, and interract with humans, since the beginnings of the human race, (remember the snake that talked to adam and eve?). I came across a mind blowing, gut wrenching, hair raising, best selling book: An autobiography, of a powerful shaman of a stone age tribe in the amazon jungle: the fierce Yanomamo tribe. The 'spirits' chose him to be the tribe's shaman, when he was a boy... They gave him supernatural powers and protected his tribe. Until, one day, something changed him forever... The book is called: "SPIRIT OF THE RAINFOREST", by Mark Andrew Ritchie. At An amazing testimony! See also the movie: "ENEMY GOD", the story of another Yanomamo shaman. See my PROPHILE for more supernatural info. Good luck. Seeya!
mh09 (3 stories) (18 posts)
15 years ago (2010-01-07)
pegs_deborah, thank you for the gesture to read my book if and when I wrote one. When I do I hope everyone reads it. The events I experienced sound unbelievable, but are all true, I will "not" write something that is fictitious, or made up just to sell a book. These events are all factual, and can be proven. However, the reason I did not write a book yet is; I never wrote a book before; this would be my first. Therefore I'm new at book writing and have "no connections yet," other than articles and short stories I had written for magazines and such. So if anyone wants to help me "that does know how" to write a book or have connections for me, I will credit you to the fullest extent, and you will be mentioned in the acknowledgemnt of the future book I will write.
pegs_deborah (3 stories) (112 posts)
15 years ago (2010-01-06)
If you do write a book, I would be very interested in reading it. I read Tarot cards practically every day and runes on occasion (though I'm not very good at reading runes at all. I'm much, much better with Tarot). Your story makes me think of my own practice. Thank you for sharing.
mh09 (3 stories) (18 posts)
15 years ago (2010-01-06)
AnneV, actually I had the idea of writing a book for the past several years about all what I know. From a native point of view and an actual participant in these ceremonies many of times. I definitely look forward to working with you in pursuit of writing a book. I will contact you at your listed sites in the nearest future. I had written some articles to Reader's Digest, some magazines, and a few other notable establishments for publication already in the past. I was highly encouraged and recommended to continue writing.
AnneV (4 stories) (1064 posts) mod
15 years ago (2010-01-06)
"Knowing" that they exist is comforting, even if we don't get to experience them as much as we'd like. Have you considered writing a book about your experiences? I wish my circle of friends in the physical included people like you. I have these websites but people in my physical proximity don't have any understanding of this or much else not outside the regurgitated day-to-day information. I wish I knew you in person. But I can at least appreciate your sharing. Since I am the author of this site (as well as, and, I would be more than happy to publish an article by you. The thing with posts is that they get lost in the midst of so many others, but published articles remain indefinitely on the articles page. Your information would be interesting and valuable, so if you chose to, please feel free to send me any material to eclecticraven - at -
Best to you,
mh09 (3 stories) (18 posts)
15 years ago (2010-01-05)
AnneV, to my knowledge I don't know right off, however stories of such are mentioned in different books about tribes, such as the Cheyennes and the Sioux, and I'm sure many more other tribes. I know some mysterious facts, rituals and stories that would blow anyones's mind-of thousand year old rituals that still exist and practiced today, especially among the Sioux tribe. Obviously once in the past, there were over 600 tribes in existence reduced down to 300 tribes still out there now. Spirits are still common place heavily among native americans. I witnessed things in ceremonies I still can't believe and never will figure out what I had seen. It's kind of funny everyone tries to figure these stange happenings out, but no one can and just give up. Things happened right before my eyes as a firsthand witness. I have a ton of Spiritual happening to share, that you'll never read in any books, but happen. I'm telling you these Spirits still exist among us, and always will.
AnneV (4 stories) (1064 posts) mod
15 years ago (2010-01-05)
Thanks for sharing such an interesting story. It's a great reminder of the earth spirits that exist all around us. I am part Cherokee and Blackfoot myself and have been helped by these spirits on several occasions. Do you know what kind of stones they were? I have a crystal collection myself (and runes) but would love any additional information you have.


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