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I Believe I Have Finally Contacted My Sprit Guide. Did I?


I believe I have contacted my spirit guide.

About a month or two ago I learned about Spirit Guides and honestly believed they were the coolest things on the planet. I would meditate, sleep more, anything to contact him or her. I believe I have. I had this dream a while ago so please, bare with me.

Every night for a while, I would invite any good spirits, especially my spirit guide to contact me in my sleep.

It was about 11 o clock at night and I fell asleep suddenly. After I fell asleep I remember dreaming that a long distance boyfriend of mine came to see me. He stayed in the house I live in now, I was walking to a friends of mine to ask her for something to wear, don't even ask me why. I was walking in an old neighborhood in a different city from where I live now, my old neighborhood, this always seems to happen with my dreams. Anyways I remember going to my friends house and getting this really pretty dress after changing into it in their bathroom I turned around and saw this really pretty blonde girl, as I walked out, I whispered to my friend if she saw this mysterious girl that was standing behind me. She was beautiful. As I walked out it was suddenly dark and the sky had a dark blue/ green tinge to it. The clouds were black? Or dark anyway and there was a small glimmer from the sun. I saw this girl following me and I ignored her. Suddenly she yelled "RUN!" as a black Escalade pulled up next to me and suddenly stopped. She kept screaming it in my ear until I broke into a full speed run. When I was back to my house, I was awoken by my alarm, when I got back to my dream, which happened right away as I got back I was walking through a local mall here with my boyfriend and her, she seemed to have her own friend that the boy I was with couldn't see. I smiled at her and she told me how happy I would be with him and even though this boy and I would go through rough spots he was someone I knew from a past life and we would always be close. I smiled at this and was very happy as we all said our goodbyes she followed me home again, I smiled at her and talked to her and she offered amazing advice. I am not entirely sure if this would be my spirit guide or an object of my imagination because I wanted to see something that resembled a spirit guide desperately. I have not seen her since, so... I don't know.

Any ideas? Thanks, in advance.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, DareBear, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Liam (3 stories) (13 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-24)
Wow you get heaps of comments! I get like 2... Lol I don't have much experiences with spirt guides, I thought I had one once he was around... He was kind of snooty all the time like he didn't want to be there... Like he was being forced into being my guide... He was like a typical teenager chucking a tantrum, but then he went away and I haven't seen him since, I feel him behind me sometimes when I think about it but it could just be my imagination who knows.
epoy1984 (14 stories) (644 posts)
15 years ago (2010-04-19)

I already had done it in the past. I really wanted to meet my spirit guide before I fell asleep I remebered having a vivid dream about this little girl with white dress about the age of 5 or 6 with a white skin complexion. She has a beautiful but bloody face having blonde wavy hair with blue eyes but still smiling at me once she saw me. I also saw the windows, chairs and doors banging altogether as I saw her. Maybe she was happy to see me. I had a question to you. Was my spirit guide who appeared to me last time good or bad? At first I felt fear as soon as I saw her but on my second attempt I feel like I was became comfortable near her. And also, the place where I saw her is somekind of a school or a hospital I think as my dream showed me.


Good for you and good luck.

😕 😊 😲
IwanttoHelp (1 stories) (68 posts)
15 years ago (2010-04-18)
I have the same problem as you, I can't visualize good and I really want to meet my spirit guide. 😨
revsilverson (guest)
15 years ago (2010-04-18)
i am currently counseling three people simultaneously about this issue. And here's what I tell the other 2- before you fall asleep at night, tell yourself you want to meet your spirit guide in your dreams and that you want to REMEMBER your dreams when you awaken. Then write down everything about your dreams. Also trying too hard doesn't work. You must be relaxed and open to the divien cosmic energies for anything to happen.

Epoy1984- I come and go on this site depending on my availability. The divine spirit leads me back here when there is a special need. Thanks for the nice hello.

Love and Light...Always
DareBear (4 stories) (7 posts)
15 years ago (2010-04-17)

I have learned about trying to contact my spirit guide on many different sites all saying the same thing, meditation is key. I have tried on well over one occasion to contact my spirit guide. I find it impossible to visualize, so, I guess I'm a tad stuck.
epoy1984 (14 stories) (644 posts)
15 years ago (2010-04-17)
Welcome back. Just always remember that you are one of my psychic idols here. Good day to you and to all 😊
epoy1984 (14 stories) (644 posts)
15 years ago (2010-04-17)

I suggest you try to watch some videos about spirit guides. Search them at so that you will know on how to contact your spirit guide. Oh and another thing, Think of your guides as heavenly angels, good spirits of light not the evil spirits or demons. Before you do it, pray first so that evil entities will not fool you and make lies to you.
DareBear (4 stories) (7 posts)
15 years ago (2010-04-17)

Well, it seems like you are an amazing medium and able to contact spirits easily. I know, this, may also be a ridiculous question, but, do you have any ideas of how I can better contact my spirit guide? Or is there anyway you could give me a few details about my guide so I can recognize them easily when we finally meet?
revsilverson (guest)
15 years ago (2010-04-17)
you have the gist of it. This guardian spirit has corrected me. Her name isn't selena as I wrote in my post- it's CELINE. She tells me she was named after the singer celine dion.

You may see her again. But she will move on to help others. She isn't your spirit guide.

Please don't feel you are asking too many questions. Answering these questions is my destiny and joy.

Love and Light...Always
DareBear (4 stories) (7 posts)
15 years ago (2010-04-16)

Thank you so much for clearing that up for me. It took a few readings over, but I think I have the gist of it. So you are saying that she will not be with me for my entire life and hasn't and she's just here for a period of time before she goes up the "ladder" of atonement? And you are positive her name is Serena? Thank you so much! Is there any way I can contact her again or has she already moved on?

Sorry for asking so many questions, I just feel as though I need to know everything and you are the first person who I can see having any answers.

revsilverson (guest)
15 years ago (2010-04-16)
there is a difference between spirit guides and spirit GUARDIANS. They occupy different levels in the Realm of Atonement- the first level of heaven. This girl/woman is a guardian spirit named selena. She is newer to the Realm of Atonement than your spirit guide. After the spirit is released from the physical body it usually goes into the light and is transported to Atonement. Here, our spirits all volunteer to cleanse ourselves of the negative energy we created while in our physical bodies. As our spirits strip away this negative energy by performing good deeds, our spirits move up the "ladder" in Atonement to where our spirits are aligned to someone who is living similar experiences to the ones we lived. These are guides. Guides are not neccesarily older peoples spirits but they must follow the person throughout life so usually a more mature entity will be your guide. I say usually because there are exceptions based upon the length of life of the living person etc.

Selena is warning you about a possible danger and she is doing it in a friendly way. Keep safe!

Love and Light...Always
b00kadict54 (6 stories) (44 posts)
15 years ago (2010-04-16)
it sounds like a spirit guide experience.
Do you feel like you've met your guide now or do you feel like you made it up. Don't think about it, feel it, the gut feeling.

If it really was your guide then try to speak out and invite her in. Talk to her like you did in the dream and try to become close to her. Maybe she'll reveal herself again =]

Blessed be =]

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