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Real Psychic Experiences

Saving My Friend From An Evil Spirit


This happen not to long away, like around the end of May. My friend was having a lot of problems and she was always feeling negative around everyone, being by herself all the time or cutting herself. It was really scarring me and I would try to talk to her and help her as much as I can and I knew something was wrong at her house. She told me more about her family and it was part of the reason why she was acting like that, another reason was I think she had something at her house. She always told me she had nightmares of a man coming to kill her or rape her while she was sleeping.

When I went to see a psychic on my eighteen birthday, she told me a lot of stuff about me I needed to know and it help me understand more about who I was and not feeling scared or confused anymore. She also told me about my friend and her house did have a spirit and every night it would come out under her bed and would try to rape her. She told me that I need to get this thing out of her house or she is going to end up killing herself.

I wasn't able to go to her house and take it out, because her parents didn't like me at all. So my last resort was to use astral projection. So my mom and I set up a circle projection around ourselves. Then we would light some candles and she would hold my hand as I would meditate to call upon Archangel to help me. When I astral project, I felt earth and left to universe all the way to Heaven's Gates. There Michael and Raphael were waiting for me. I beg for their help and they said that they will help me. Then they walked over to me and hugged me tightly saying. "We miss you brother." Then I felt a shock of energy go through my body and felt my black angel wings appear out of my back. Then Michael had more angels' come with us. He gave me my sword and shield I used in heaven. Then we flew back down in an organize order and show them the way to my friend's house.

Once we were at her house several of the angels surround her house to make sure nothing would get in or out. The rest of us went to her room and then his big black nasty looking cloud came from underneath her bed forming into this monster creature. We all attack this creature, trying to make it leave and get out of the house. When it was wounded, Michael threw me his sword and I grab it in mid-air and stab the creature through the test and sending back where it came from. I then gave Michael back to his sword and he said to me. "You made us proud Robby, keep up the good work." He then whisper over to my ear. "You have always been my best soldier, don't you ever forget that when you return back to your body." Then Archangel Gabriel appear and came over to me. "Robby, Father wants to see you." He grab me and took me back up to heaven. I drop off in front of God. I bow my head and got on my knee. I never looked into his eyes and I would listen to him as he spoke. Just like Michael said before, he said that he was proud of me and remembering who I am and not giving up on myself. He said that I need to keep training with my gifts and be ready for anything that comes for me. He had a mission for me to help the world, but I would have to find out on my own. I said my good byes to all the angels I knew and was sent back down to earth and into my body.

I open my eyes breathing hard and my body shaking like crazy. My mom hugged me to help me stop shaking and relax. Then she helped me up and walked me back inside. She told me that when I was astral projecting my hand would shake violently and mumble words. She would also feel so much pure good energy surrounds her and I.

The next day I was talking to my friend and she was feeling a lot better and I told her what happen. She was so happy and thankful for me doing that. Then a few weeks later she had a dream about me. I was standing in front of a group of people and they all had angel wings. She saw me walking in front of them with a helmet against my hip and with my angel wings. She said I was going to lead them here on earth against something evil approaching. She try to see more, but she was blind by a bright light after seeing me and woke up from my dream. From then on, she has called me her Guardian Angel.

If you have any questions feel free to ask =]

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, The_Guardian_Angel, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

harrypotterrules (1 stories) (89 posts)
12 years ago (2013-02-15)
Wow... That was kind of a daring move (attacking the black thing under her bed) Hope you get to do more stuff like this soon (I would have given anything to do it myself...) 😉
The_Guardian_Angel (4 stories) (53 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-31)
Hey can you send me the emails again, my gmail lost them =[
The_Guardian_Angel (4 stories) (53 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-31)
Black Angel wings means protector. So usually they can be Guardian Angel's or Warriors Angels (They have black and some brown mix in with it) So don't worry about it, as long as he is not hurting you, you are in good hands, but if he does, I'll talk to the angels about straighten him out (lol)
Yes Green is healing, which is good because we need more healers in this world. My best advise for you is to try and get into some healing energy psychic classes, or look online for some energy healing techniques. This will help you a lot with self healing and healing others with out them even noticing. Right now I'm learning how to manipulate the energy around me and use the holy spirit to help and heal people. OH! That just remind me, also ask Archangel Raphael for help when it comes to healing. I hope this info has helped you. Let me know if you have any other questions.

What do Black wings mean? My soul-mate told me 7yrs ago when we first met that he would have dreams of having black wings. I completly forgot about it until today for some reason out of the blue.
I believe everything happens for a reason, so I'm trying to understand what. I have an emerald green aura myself... And have been told I use to have 'green' wings before I came to Earth. Green represents healer and that is my ability. No wonder why I chose a career in Speech disorders with children!
RiteFate (2 stories) (61 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-12)
What do Black wings mean? My soul-mate told me 7yrs ago when we first met that he would have dreams of having black wings. I completly forgot about it until today for some reason out of the blue.
I believe everything happens for a reason, so I'm trying to understand what. I have an emerald green aura myself... And have been told I use to have 'green' wings before I came to Earth. Green represents healer and that is my ability. No wonder why I chose a career in Speech disorders with children! 😁
kevinsonicwhat (2 stories) (50 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-05)
Excellent experience! I also feel something evil is coming sooner or later. Good job saving your friend. By the way, I'm not sure if I am psychic. I have had some weird things happen but I'm not sure if its God trying to contact me but its really weird. Like today. I was walking home from school, when I got a text from my dad on my cell phone. He asked where I was. I was like "I'll call him when I get home". I felt he was near because I was thinking about him, and when I looked across the street, THERE HE WAS! Going the other direction. I called him and he said he was going to IHOP for this thing for work (no he doesn't work at IHOP). I was shocked. Also I had other experiences too. Check my other comments to read about weird numbers on the clock that I see like every once in a while. One time I saw the time. It was 7:11. I was like "ok that's weird". Then I realized. My names kevin. It rhymes with SEVEN, ELEVEN, and HEAVEN. Pretty weird huh?
LALA222 (2 stories) (42 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-26)
i sent you an e-mail! Please write back!:) this is really serious to me and I have a feeling you can understand what I'm going through. Thank you!
skywire4929 (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-25)
[at] The_guardian_angel
I just replied to your email you sent me 😁, I await your reply.
The_Guardian_Angel (4 stories) (53 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-25)
skywire4929 and LALA222
I would be happy to try and answer the questions you have.
Just send me another message or comment or email at
Robbyrobledo.wolf10 [at]
skywire4929 (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-25)
Have you all realised that most of you are from America? I am just curious but why are there so many psychics there?
They all are very strong from what I see.
skywire4929 (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-20)
The Guardian Angel
Being an angel is cool huh?
You can talk to other friends you have in heaven and you are filled with positive energy, I wish I could do that, talking to the people who have left me here would be wonderful.
LALA222 (2 stories) (42 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-18)
A friend of mine fights in wars against evil like u! Can I ask you a few things to help me understand how and why he fights? It worrys me because he is close to me in more ways then one. I want to help him but I'm 2 weak and there usualy is nothing I can do. Please help me Guardian Angel. I need help to help my Guardian Angel.
skywire4929 (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-18)
The gardian angel
Thank you:) yes, your right I think I should toughen up more. I couldn't even control my emotions and my anger. I want to be stronger with light, but I can't for some reason.
The_Guardian_Angel (4 stories) (53 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-18)

It's alright, these are the buzz killers of the web-site and make it more like facebook and myspace. Just ignore them and listen to the right people on the form =]
skywire4929 (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-11)
Well... This is... Interesting... And here I was thinking everyone is kind here... Jeez... I think I'd better keep a few comments to myself so I don't get a huge mob after me. Anyways, hows it going with your situation?:D hope its going good.
AwesomeBoy (guest)
15 years ago (2010-08-03)
Hey I think that you used a capital letter on my email it's a lower case m in the beggining.
Rashidah (guest)
15 years ago (2010-08-02)
Okay I will try my uttermost best to sweeten my words.
Something I am still yet to learn.
AwesomeBoy (guest)
15 years ago (2010-08-02)
Hello ok well here is my email adress guardian angel
Mylesbestfriend (at)
HaruNoTsuki (guest)
15 years ago (2010-08-02)
Rashidah, you don't have to be that mean... No one has to. Everyone seems to like teasing someone, though I have to admit its fun. Just don't be so harsh please.
Rashidah (guest)
15 years ago (2010-08-02)
Oh now everyone is on bagging you 😕
You really are wimpy. Best not waste my time on you.
The_Guardian_Angel (4 stories) (53 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-02)
Ok everyone bagging one me. What the hell is your problem?! This is a web site to help others not to discourage others. If you have a problem, leave this web site and go spread your drama on a web site that cares like facebook or myspace. So just stop...

Awesomeboy. If you want to ask me more question leave me your email on your place and I'll find it and contact you.
SnowAngel12 (guest)
15 years ago (2010-08-01)
We came here to learn and grow. Not to start a bloody battle. If you have any bad comments towards each other please keep it to yourself.

[at] the guardian angel
Just out of curiosity do you know remember how exactly your sword and shield look liked? Like for example did it have seven extra blades, chains, a katana, or you can't remember?
AwesomeBoy (guest)
15 years ago (2010-08-01)
Hello, you posted a comment on my question. Well I saw that you said that you will help kids like me. What do you mean kids like me. Do you mean children that have abilities and are indigos like me. I'm sorry but I am really confused. I would just like to know that. It's just that I have some questions and I would like to know about this. So thank you so much and I know hat you are a very nice and kind person. Have a great day. Don't forget to smile! 😁 😁
Kahlyn (4 stories) (311 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-01)
Guardian Angel and Skywire

In the past I strongly disagreed with what Eric did and didn't do. It is wrong to demean him in this. Eric was give the same freewill we all were given. Right or wrong Eric will live up to the results of those choices he made.

I do not doubt Eric spirit is demonic in nature but he is no fool to put his true name on the web unless he wants to be undone.

That is a fact because I do not know my true name.

I will defend the right of free will.
Rashidah (guest)
15 years ago (2010-08-01)
I am really confused. Do you just want Eric's attention and have trouble gettingit?
Please enlighten me on this.

And zen the reason why TheGuardianAngel (God only knows who he is really guarding 😕) calls him by E is because he wants to pick a fight but does not have the testicular fortitude to back it up.

Come on boy have some backbone or be quiet 😐
zen (guest)
15 years ago (2010-08-01)
why are you calling eric, E are you scared to say his name or something
The_Guardian_Angel (4 stories) (53 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-01)

I'm glad to hear that. Well that is hard to say, because it's a 50/50 chance. Though to stay on the safe side is not to talk to the energy. Oh and E likes it when your angry because he feeds on your power... Just thought I would let you know.

You wouldn't have been able to help me and my fight is not with me, it's with someone else that you will never meet. Also with the attitude you have you need to watch yourself, because the dark side doesn't put it up and will back stab or kill you. So watch your back when you are on your side...
skywire4929 (guest)
15 years ago (2010-08-01)
:) God has answered my preyers yet again, I feel so happy. I ask for friends and a chance to talk to an angel and I get it. I was just wondering... If someone's element or spiritual energy is darkness, does that mean you are evil?

Don't be like that, *patts his head* you never know, heaven might just win again and leave you at their mercy.
By the way, when you said you love it when you get my angry does that mean you were enjoying every time I got angry? 😠
joeyaz04 (1 stories) (4 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-31)
Can you please email me (joeyaz04 [at]
Becuae I read your about me, and I truly want to talk to you about my abilities, becuase it seems like you would know...

Eric-Baal (1 stories) (255 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-30)
[at] The_Guardian_Angel

Its because your binded up you can't remeber your name. But as the time comes closer you will remeber. Your abilities as well are binded up. As of right now you may have a couple but not of your best ones.

Same as for me. Soon I will be unbinded (when you are) and I can use some of my better abilities. Only thing that is diffrent is already know my name.

As for your previous comments. Good luck you will need a lot of it. As for your target he is no longer head of the snake.

If only you would have let me help you. See you in the not to distant future.
JayD (2 stories) (22 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-30)
Guardian, There is not just one side though, so it is not a case of dark vs light. I know which side I will pick, its whether they will appreciate what I will do for them

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