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Real Psychic Experiences

Meeting My Spirit Gudies And Angels


When I was meditating this is what I saw and what happen.

I saw myself wearing a white robe (it seems to be Greek) and wearing sandals. I was walking up a set up white stairs until I reach a certain yellow path. I walk down the path and it leads me to a clam peaceful river. When I look I could see Koi fish in the water swimming and gently crush my hand against the water and pet the fish. Then I took off the top of my robe and sandals and got into the river. I began to swim around letting my body heal and relax for a while. When it was time to go, I found a green towel (color green represents healing) I dried off my body and began walking on another path over to a bench.

When sitting at the bench, Archangel Michael appear and was waiting for my arrive. As I smelled the air around me, my nose catch the scent of rose and vanilla. He said. "Hello my son Robby." I walked over and hugged him tightly. "Hello Michael. Father." We had small talk for a moment and then he said. "You need to listen to your psychic's advise and be prepare for what is about to come, always love and respect everyone, and don't let your anger get the best of you." Then Archangel Raphael appears behind me and mess around with my hair. He said. "Hey don't forget about me now Robby." We hugged each other and he told me. "Hey I'm going to add on what Michael said, Care and love all humans, animals, and natures. Your heart connecting to everyone and learning to be understanding and love everyone is what makes you stronger than anyone else." Then I turn my head and saw Archangel Uriel. He walk over to me. "It's good to see you again, though I'm still getting use to your new human form. We all hope to see you once again when you are done with your missions on earth." After that I gave a hug to Uriel, Raphael and the Michael. Then Michael presses his hand against my heart and said. "Take this as a gift; it will help you along your spiritual journey." I felt my black angel wings come out of my back and smiled as I hugged Michael once more and began to walk on another path leading me to a lake.

Across the lake I could see three figures appearing right next to each other waiting for me. I slowly but my foot on the water and realize it didn't sink and I took one step at a time and was walking on the water and walked over to where the three men were waiting for me. Once I was right in front of them I saw a Native American that was from up north and part of a wolf tribe, the other was a Buddhist Asian monk, and last was a Roman soldier. The Native American was my spirit guide to help me to connect to earth and animal, and how to use everything around you as a sign, prediction, and survival. The Monk spirit guide was there to help teach me how to connect and remember my past life (including the memories, experience, and knowledge from the different time frames), also how to balance my life being half human and half angel, how to control my anger and be calm, and lastly to know how to use my body, mind, and everything else around me as a weapon for self-defensive and to defend those that cannot defend themselves. The Roman Soldier spirit guide was the teach me about law and order, how some can never can be broke, but some of them can because of the purpose I have and what I need to be ready for in the future. Also to teach me to respect everyone in the world even my enemies, and always have loyalty to my family, my friends, and the people that seeks for my help. Before I left, they each gave me a gift. The Native American gave me a wolf necklace, because everything about the wolf I am and I have a strong connection to them spiritually and physically. The Monk gave me a boo staff orbs, to use as a tool or weapon, and the roman soldier gave me his sword and shield to keep up with my skills in combat and be prepare for anything that comes my direction.

Then I continue my walk into the forest, I would walk around and notice how beautiful and peaceful it was and seeing all the natural colors of the world. Then I end up in a circle made more me to be in. Then I saw I white female wolf and a black male wolf jump onto of me. They were licking my face and happy to see me. Then I look up and saw an Eagle fly down and land on top of a branch and spoke to me. "Hello Robby, I understand that you and Archangel Gabriel have your differences, so I'll be your messenger from the heavens." When I heard a noise, I turn my head and saw a snake crawl out and slither over to me. I was getting scared and moving a little, but the snake began to speak. "Robby, do not fear my. I'm here to teach you to learn and face your fears and embrace them." Then the snake slithers over and lay in my lap. "I'm not going to hurt you and would never want to hurt you. Never mistake me for the serpent that Lucifer shows himself to be." Then I hear another noise and turn to see a beautiful Orca whale. It was a female and began to speak to me. "I'm here because how you are connecting to water and how you can use this element to you abilities. I'm here to teach you to love and care for everyone and teach you to become the protector and leader of humankind." Once she was done speaking, The Native American came and sat down in right in front of me. "See Robby, animals can help you as long as you need it and I'm here to help you to connect to all of them as well if you need to talk to them."

Then I stood up and said my good byes to all my spirit animals and then walk with the spirit guide out of the forest and over to the stairs. Then I met with Michael and he walk with me down the stairs. We had a small chat and he told me. "Robby I know this is all new to you still and going to have hard times along the way, but remember we are all here for you my son." He hugs me and then gave me a box. "This is a tool that can help you connect you to all your past life and knowledge of everything that has happens on earth. It also contains some future events that will be coming soon, you just have to find out how to open it." He then sets the box on my chest and began to press it inside my body and into my heart. He kept his hand on my heart and said. "Pay attention to all your surroundings and look for all guides and signs, and your angel wings will be coming soon, when the time is right." He kisses my forehead. "I love you, my son. Now go back to earth, it needs you once more" He presses me back into my body and I woke up.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, The_Guardian_Angel, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

whitebuffalo (guest)
13 years ago (2011-02-03)
For the record: This is not written in ANY kind of tone, just making a comment.
Perhaps I should have "LOL"'ed or "ROFLMAO"'ed after that first part of my comment, I am just not all that good in texting ease. I was not angry, being a smart ask or any other thing when I made that comment.
There was no need to apologise. I just did not "text" write as perhaps I should have. I do not tend to use the Emoticons all that much either.
I apologise if there was any misunderstanding of my dry humour. But the gist of the comment WAS to be taken literally. *wink*
Thank you.
Rashidah (guest)
13 years ago (2011-02-03)
Ananda do not tell me what I should and should not do. You do not even know me.

GA's last comment was downright disrespectful. This did not have anything to do with Lucifer in the first place. No hard feelings there NaturalScience but I thank you for your post though ❤
AnandaHya (guest)
13 years ago (2011-02-03)
Guardian angel: I should have just quoted your words back to you:

"Also to teach me to respect everyone in the world even my enemies, and always have loyalty to my family, my friends, and the people that seeks for my help."

I think your story is bueatiful. Thanks for sharing and remember the lessons your guides have taught you.

Peace, light and love.

AnandaHya (guest)
13 years ago (2011-02-03)
True, but I believe that the humans on this site are conversing with more than just words. Call it my optimism in the faith of human potential. The other beings would have to get involved if they took their disagreement to the spiritual realm.

There is enough trouble without us fighting amongst ourselves. Call it a preemptive warning, and I don't think you are draft. I just wanted to make sure no one else got that mistaken impression. Like I said they told me it was unnecessary as well and they got it under control. So I apologize to you all (guardians of this earthly website and the spiritual gates), I did not mean it as an insult to either of your intelligences or powers of reasoning or attention to your duties on the earthly or spiritual realms.

Sometimes people need reminders of how the world works and warnings not to shot themselves in the foot with their words or actions.

It was not a threat, just a statement of fact: if you continue to insult others, you are going to piss off your superiors and action will be taken to neutralize that threat/negative actions.

whitebuffalo (guest)
13 years ago (2011-02-03)
I KNOW "who" (or shall I say "what") you were referring to when that comment was made, AnandaHya. I am not as..."daft" as some people here would believe.
The point is, a Spiritual Being will NOT post on this site, and would NOT correct an Internet war.
I do believe they have more important things to do than stop a silly squabble among humans.
In REspect
AnandaHya (guest)
13 years ago (2011-02-03)
lol WB, though you are a great person, I wasn't refering to you or any material beings when I said superior. But don't worry they told me the same thing so you guys are in agreement. Lol
whitebuffalo (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-31)
Hello Peeps.
The discussion is AWESOME and I would like to thank you all for your part IN that discussion.

One thing: NO BASHING. Whether it is your story, your comment or your opinion. DO NOT BASH one another.

Oh, and uh... I DO read the comments, Dear (you KNOW who I am talking to in THIS sentence), there would be no need to alert the "superiors". No drifting, no holding ANY thing over ANY one's head.

Thank you all.
AnandaHya (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-31)
bbdeath, I'm not "newblood" but does it really matter? The "historical lucifer" could have changed, he could have repented and God could have forgive him and gave him a chance to make amends by being a spirit guide. It like having the president of the US states be your bus driver, but the spirit world works like that sometimes. The important thing is what is Rashidah learning and is the being helpful or spiteful? Only she can answer that through her actions and words.

I hope everyone who has been adopted by a true higher being to guide them feel blessed because those spirit guides place their good name and good karma on the line to train and teach you. You can drag them down to hell with you if you decided to turn away from their teachings. That is why some angels are just watchers and not guides, they have not felt like you are ready to listen.

Ok there is a war going on. The seeds for the next world war is being planted. Has anyone been paying attention to the news? Eygpt, Tunisia? Are they only words in print? Or does it affect me more because of my ties with my friend in Tunisia...
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-31)
Newblood, that's always sumthin I wanted to bring up, but not on the blue. To counter what you said, how do you know "Rashidah's lucifer" is the same one from "history foretold" and not a spirit that calls himself that -_-.
AnandaHya (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-31)
NS, I don't know I took GA's story literally, but my question was the beings REALLY who they claim to be or were they being impersonated by others wishing to use their good name and image?

GA, past life memories are tricky, but its more important to reflect on how they influence you now and your future actions. If you are who you say you are, then you will understand what I"m talking about. Check out my story on the spiritual experience website. I've seen angels in real life and others have seen their results: 3 days of unprecendent flooding after my baptism to cleanse a church of demon infestation. There were newspaper articles nationwide that documented the rainfall, but no one mentioned the cherubim in the clouds.

Do you stand for the light or the darkness? DO you wish that humanity to be saved or destroyed?
AnandaHya (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-31)
rashidah, you shouldn't let his comment get under your skin.

Everyone who knows you knows you want to help others and really do care about people, though your methods aren't always that nicest and you lose your temper at times.

Remember you're better nature and let the negative comments slide off.

GA, if you can't keep it positive please remain silent on certain issues. Otherwise I will report your actions to your superiors. If you catch my drift?
NaturalScience (229 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-31)
Whatever your story is, Guardian-Angel, a well written fairytale or really a vivid waking-dream you had during meditation - I don't fel any drive to criticise it, for I don't take its words literally. Including the mentioning of Lucifer as Evil One, which seems to have provoked Rashidah to call your story superstitious. It is not. It is a tale, on which to reflect and which to imagine before one's inner eye feels good.
To my personal taste however, as to style, it is too similar to the cosy Last Unicorn pattern that much esotericists love more than Reality. Such images helped me cope with life when I was in Elementary School 😕
Rashidah (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-31)
If you have noticed, I have stopped commenting on this page because this story is the BIGGEST BS I HAVE EVER READ.

You have an overactive imagination. And it is mixed up with demonic paranoia.

You are telling me to get a life while you take time off and post some crap about doomsday. That to me shows that you have TOO MUCH time on your hands.
AnandaHya (guest)
13 years ago (2011-01-31)
lol welcome back its been interesting to say the least. I just joined last month, please read my stories and tell me what you think lol.
The_Guardian_Angel (4 stories) (53 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-31)
Whoa Whoa Whoa! When did every start posting all this stuff? Darn form not letting me know when people post comments.


Nope; I didn't really ask them and it wasn't on my mind at the time, so they didn't tell me.

Yeah I realize that it sounded like that, I should of used better choice of words. It was a meditation, because I was in a psychic class when having that meditation.

It's alright, I understand. You want to know more and your confused at some of the things I said. If you have more question, ask me and I'll do my best to answer them.


...seriously? You and Eric both need to get a life and stop blasting everyone. You two are way worse than critics. I understand if you blast, and I don't care because I believe what I believe, but you two always have to criticize and say something about everyone's other opinion. Two words "GROW UP!" if they want to believe that, than let them, everyone has the title meant to believe in what they believe. If they question believe and ask YOU like "Rashidah...blah blah blah" or "Eric...blah blah blah" Then go ahead and blast and say what you want to say, but if it doesn't involve either of you, shut your cake hole and just stay off my stories, but I will not tolerate with you and Eric's bullishness any more! Get gotta good ok =]

If anyone else has questions let me know and I'll do my best to answer them.
RiteFate (2 stories) (61 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-20)
If your going to quote 1 part of what I said make sure you QUOTE every part or it won't make SENSE!
So, I already know what I know BECAUSE I do Research 1st hand after I've had that knowingness and THEN I react on it.

Believe me or not, I've done SO much research I would honestly like for someone on here to STUDY what I've studied so they too will know the wonderful information I've encountered. It has truly helped me & CONFIRMED what I already know."

So yea, WHEN I read the Law of One it was AFTER I had already became "aware." I don't base anything as substantial UNLESS it RESONANCE with me. If it didn't Resonant with you, then you were probably NOT ready for it.

If I had read it a YEAR before that, I probably wouldn't give it the time of day to be honest.

I don't think you understand what its about, RA is a "GROUP" conciousness, NOT a single entity. So, right there I know you don't know anything about the BOOK. And of COURSE RA is 'evolving' as a Spirit, haha... We ALL are! It never Ends,...when you think you've got it all down there's always MORE to come.

See, that's why I urge anyone who feels SHUNNED in this world to really give this book some Time & Thought. This book explains the Levels of HEAVEN. We NEVER stop growing spiritually, EVER!

Thats why they say, we are ALL ONE. Because were all here to help each-other to climb the "Ladder." There is NO me, without YOU. Like you can't define Light without Darkness.

So, thank you for this controversial debate! I mean it. I've already come to the conclusion, fighting is pointless and if you watch ALL 9 videos of Falun Dafa you'd know why.

That's YOUR choice, of course.

Light & Love,
❤ 😆
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-20)
"Things are BACKWARDS on this 3D plane, which I'm sure anyone who is intuitive or sensitive on this site will naturally know without me stating it. NOTHING is as it seems. And it has its Purpose.

So anyone willing to learn->->->LEARN:"

So your basing your "knowledge"/info on the Law of One? TO be very honest, Tiron and I, alogn with many other psychics/their spirit guides I shared it with didn't really believe in that. To be honest, It could just be a different view of spirits, as not all of them know exactly what's happening. That Ra who is said to be on 6th dimension is it? He could just be, I don't know, "evolving" as a spirit? But to be honest, I don't really like the law of one/acknowledge it as fair information.
DCinAZ (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-20)
RiteFate is correct, the link does have the correct order of each choir and the hierarchy they have listed is correct. Why would someone try to change something so simple to verify? That makes no sense. 😕 ❤
RiteFate (2 stories) (61 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-19)
From the Website it says,"An angel caste. The second to bottom tier of the nine hierarchical levels."

I already researched multiple sites before I posted this link,...I wasn't going to post ALL 10 or 20 links to get my point across. Thats mundane, and besides the last time I did that on the other thread NO ONE responded to me. Which means people don't want to look up ALL 10-20 sites anyways.

Also, one of my gifts is called Claircognizance: translates to "clear knowingness" and I want to mention this first as it strongly represents that feeling of 'you just KNOW it, no one tells you this, you just KNOW it!"

So, I already know what I know BECAUSE I do Research 1st hand after I've had that knowingness and THEN I react on it.

Believe me or not, I've done SO much research I would honestly like for someone on here to STUDY what I've studied so they too will know the wonderful information I've encountered. It has truly helped me & CONFIRMED what I already know.

Honestly, I believe GuardianAngel because of the EXTENSIVE research I have done AND because of the phenomenon I have experienced 1st hand. I've never felt closer to God or higher-self, EVER.
You can't honestly Understand anything this individual is saying unless EVERYONE on here starts doing their own investigation. Nagging on him will only make this more confusing. There is an "order" in this universe that is really complicated and requires much dedication of research to understand it.
The Law of One explains ALL this... The multiple dimensions and how it ALL began, from Creator;to Co-creator; to Sub-creator.

Things are BACKWARDS on this 3D plane, which I'm sure anyone who is intuitive or sensitive on this site will naturally know without me stating it. NOTHING is as it seems. And it has its Purpose.

So anyone willing to learn->->->LEARN:

Law of One

Falun Dafa

Light & Love to ALL

RookDygin (5 stories) (324 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-19)
Well I think I'll bring this back to the O/P's orignal experience...


Very intresting images from your Meditation session... The Arch Angels didn't happen to mention your 'Angelic' Name did they?

I also find it intresting that you start by saying your were meditating but at the end, when Arch Angel Michael presses the box into you he presses you back into your body and you 'wake up'. For me, when I meditate, the only time I wake up is if I've managed to fall asleep while doing so, are you sure this was a 'meditation vision' and not a 'dream'?

You even got to 'walk on water' in this account... Gotta love it. Sorry not trying to be negitive but the more I read this the more questions I have. Please, answer these few and I'll ask some more as I really want to understand what you 'saw'...what happened to you...


bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-19)
No, I'm not continuing Jesus's work, I mean, its my part of the sector's duty to prevent certain things from happening. I don't know why I'm on Earth as a human now... But its fun.
AnandaHya (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-19)
RiteFate, I'm not so sure about the website that you posted. 1st the name "archangel" means "prince of angels" indicates that it is pretty high on the scale.

If you are going to use the word angel at all, you should realize that it comes from the Greek word "anglos" which means messenger. Though not all angels are messanger angels. Cherubim are described in the Bible as having 4 wings, 4 heads and protected the ark of the Covenant and the Gates of Eden. Seraphim are flaming beings with 6 wings that purify Jeremiah's lips so they can speak God's truth.

People forget words are just symbols and the purpose of this site is not to be "right" but to help each other. Does it matter so much what each color means as HOW YOU react to the being if you should meet one? I suggest respect and attentiveness. Listen when they tell you "FEAR NOT"

Spirit guides will help us get rid of negative karma and overcome our fears, the tactics might not always be what we like but it normally works if you can past their tests.

I like the orginal authors of this post: "Also to teach me to respect everyone in the world even my enemies, and always have loyalty to my family, my friends, and the people that seeks for my help"

Ritefate and bbdeathspark do not be afraid to speak you mind. Age depends on the person's view: human years or lifetimes lived for others and not oneself. There are very few who would give up EVERYTHING and ALL Attachments for the service of others.

Personally I am very attached to my family and the idea of helping others. I recognize both as worldly attachments but I give up all dreams of both 10 years ago and I feel like God has given them both as responsiblities for myself.

What responsiblity has God given you?

Bbdeath you mention the salvation of humanity? Are you sure? I thought Jesus and others did that years ago?
Are you to continue Their work?

Ritefate, you have to be a critical thinker. Anyone can make a website on the internet and post their beliefs. Go walk the spirit and material world without preconcieved notions and observe for yourself. Get rid of all the junk built up in your mind and just LOOK and LISTEN to the world. Anaylze your ecperience later, but for a little while just experience it. That is what "mediation" is about. Living in the moment and NOT DOING things with intentions or concious effort. But being like angels and observing the world.

Find out what your job in this world is and do it to your best ability.
spookvanger (13 stories) (137 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-19)
I fully agree with Rashidah. This site is at present a social page and as said, a playground for children who tries to outdo one another with the biggest lot of *#$% I have heard in my lifetime. (which is 77 years)
Blessed be the seekers of the Truth, for as the
Master said "The Truth shall set you free".
RookDygin (5 stories) (324 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-19)

Lets start with this quote from you...

"you wouldn't get the right things about angel wings, and the colour, from researching it on the internet. ANd even if it WAS on the internet, it would take really specific things to find it."

(Breaks out, dusts off Soap Box and Climbs up on it. Clears Throat...and...)

How specific exactly? You found the information somewhere, please share it with us. As for my information... Well now I'll just say this...

Only some of my research was from the internet... I also provided Biblical verses to back up just how much Angels with Wings' are actually not mentioned in the Bible... I'll even quote myself... "Angels do not have wings with the exception of the Cherubim (Exodus 25:20; Ezekiel 10) and the Seraphim (Isaiah 6:2). Even in these references there is no mention of wing color, just that the Seraphim have 6 wings..."

These are only three Bible verses, shall I list the rest? I don't normaly 'wax' Religious, nor Biblical but I really want to know where this 'wing color' information comes from because I can not Find it in the King James Version...

So then let us begin... (please find a copy, or search the internet for these verses and read them for yourselves...)

Isaiah 6:2

2 Chronicles 3:11

Ezekiel 10:16

Ezekiel 10:5

Ezekiel 10:19

1 Kings 8:7 / 2 Chronicles 5:8 (say the same thing)

1 Kings 8:6 / 2 Chronicles 5:7 (say the same thing)

1 Chronicles 28:18

Zechariah 5:9 (Best Quote for the 'argument' that Angels have Wings... And a good one for debunking that MOST Angel's are Male... And we can infer that the wing color here would be white based on the fact that it describes them as 'like unto a stork')

Exodus 37:9

Exodus 25:20

1 Kings 6:27

Ezekiel 10:8

Ezekiel 11:22

2 Chronicles 3:1

(Climbs off Soap Box)

Now I'll move on to...


Very intresting link, do you know where the person who created it got their information from?


AnandaHya (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-18)
In addition, I would like all to note that this world is not like "astral worlds" in that the law of gravity and other laws of nature DO APPLY and unless you fully understand the universe you should not tempt God to destroy you because even Jesus refused to jump off a mountain, do you think you are better or more beloved then Him?

Therefore do you research and study the world understand what is possible in this earthly realm with your current abilities and build upon that.
AnandaHya (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-18)
everyone calm down. Insults are unnecessary. Our minds translates into images what our astral body experiences. Since there are countless realms and dimensions people can visit astrally, some people will experience things differently. To limit the universe and its possibility is to put a limit on creation. I freely admit that I don't know everything because I am just human, but I am willing to hear other opinions and answer questions to the best of my ability. Though the answers might not be correct, it is up to the listener to determine that. However, I try my best to tell the truth and my sources are not the internet. This is a pyschic and medium site. Why is it so hard to believe that some people speak to spirits and they are given some information?

I don't believe everything told to me by spirits but we are human and I have been told by my teachers and spirit guide to TEST ALL SPIRITS and see what fruit their advice would yield.

The color of an angels wing is symbolic, like a badge or medal of honor. It can be changed and depends on the mission the angel is on at the time and how developed the viewers Celestial Eye is and how advanced they mental state is. For people will view the world differently depending on what vibration the astral body vibrates at. Even Anne V talks about "raising vibrations" to raise spiritual levels and avoid viewing nightmarish shadows.

Listen with an open mind and reject what does not prove to be true. But if you reject without listening then you will remain trapped at the level you currently have attained and never learn the knowledged needed to advance.

I expect people to think critically about all advice given them, including mine.
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-18)
Woah Rashidah, you can predict the future! Its like your psychic or something!

Yeah, enough sarcasm. That post helps nobody. If you don't believe that, don't try and display it in a "rude" way by ridiculing me.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-18)
Wow folks look out for the next continuation of the chronicles of The Justice League.

Next we will hear about them flying over our houses to save us.

I am really sorry for this site. It still is a play ground for kids.
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-18)
Rashidah, eric didn't tell me the term. If you don't know what happens, don't assume, that really annoys me. Anyways, Ananda said black wings ment protection but wasn't sure, but I don't work for protection, but to make sure humans don't die out or cause something massive, until I came to Earth. As a human that is... Anyways, on to my house~
RiteFate (2 stories) (61 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-18)
Also--I narrowed it down to either; the Powers, Principalities, or Archangels?


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