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Are They Demons?


There are these "people" I would constantly see in either dreams, or visions. I have no idea who they are, but the whole concept that I'm seeing them is bothering me. They seem demonic, but I just don't know anymore. Where I live isn't haunted, I know that for sure. So maybe I'm just being followed?

The first of all that, is one with pitch black eyes. I don't know actual appearance, but I always remember his eyes. They don't scare me, but they're just odd. I began seeing him in my dreams. He had this "I know you" feel to him, but I don't trust him completely.

The next, I would only see his eyes. They alternated a black and white pattern all the way to the pupil, and they would glare at me. About a couple weeks ago, I woke up randomly. I tried going back to sleep, too tired to figure out what's wrong, and I saw the eyes. Not too long after that, I saw a very pale, gray face. And it had black tattoos going up it. And as fast as it came, it was gone. I was fully awake even before I saw the face, so I took a good moment to go over his appearance, and I went back to sleep after recovering from a little shock.I'm still curious as to why I would see that face.

This face, I don't really know if I can say I saw it fully. I saw a glimpse of a pair of eyes. They were black, I think? And after that, I saw very pale skin, with what looked like dark wings.I'm not sure if this guy was the same guy from my dreams, but this one had a different air to him. Really serious, while the other one had a more mysterious air.I'm really confused about this,actually.I mean, it happened at night where I just randomly woke up from a dream I don't even remember (again).I was wide awake, so I know what I saw.

Then there's this random little girl I can't seem to get out of my head. She scares me a little because of the role she played in a dream. She looked very young.Like,12.And her hair was short and blond. Her eyes were a fuzzy green also.I've only seen her once, so far.

I've read experiences that involved a guy with black eyes, pale skin, pretty much close descriptions to the guy I've described. And people say this person (or people?), are most likely demonic. I know how a demon's appearance can range from extremely gorgeous, to flat out ugly. And if these people are demons or whatever, what are they doing? Just playing games? I just want input on what you think about this. Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

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RookDygin (5 stories) (324 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-10)

Define 'real magic'.

If your asking if I cast spells during that time in my life the answer is 'Yes'. One of the books I used was Practical Candle Burning Rituals By Ray Buckland. In contained two versions of each spell... A Christian Version (based on the Psalms) and a Old Religion Version. I had great success using either style.


RookDygin (5 stories) (324 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-10)

I'll give you a definition first...

Warlock: sorcerer... A man who is supposed to be a sorcerer or wizard.

The word describes the 'man'. That mans actions (how he uses 'magic') determines if he is bad or good.

I was 'old school' I never used 'modern terms' I was a Solo Pratictioning Witch plain and simple, my actions, then as well as now, reflect the fact that I am, at least I try to be, a good person and 'choose the right'.


RookDygin (5 stories) (324 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-10)

I lift my glass to you as I feel the same way. The WORD 'demon' means 'evil entity' by todays definition.

I just can't help myself sometimes... I may be a Church Member and Priesthood Holder now but many years ago I was a Witch and it always bothered me that people wanted to call me 'warlock or sorcerer' both of which are 'modern terms' for a male witch. So I tend to choose my words carfully. I also try to understand how others are 'using' a term or word.


RookDygin (5 stories) (324 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-10)

So you are saying that words such as these...""deity, divine power; lesser god; guiding spirit, tutelary (acting in the role of a protector or guardian) deity"

These words mean the same thing you thought it did? You stated... (and I QUOTE) "that it is an evil entity that has powers and can give you things if you want them for something in return."

It is not until CHURCH transations of older writeings that the meaning becomes Synonymous with 'evil'.

So once upon a time the word demon did not have the Connotations that it does in this day and age. Having said that the Common Preception Today is that if something is called a demon it is an 'evil entity'. That is the excepted definition of the word in this day and age. That point can not be argued, and I do not wish to. I will end this by saying that this is one of the reasons I stress research, research, reasearch. The better we understand any topic we are intrested in the less likely we are to walk into misunderstandings.


bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-09)
It'd be better if you stuck your thoughts to yourself than saying what you think we think =D. It'll cause less confusion and stop you from looking ignorant.
RookDygin (5 stories) (324 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-09)

Ummm I'm gong to interject something here concering the word demon...

This is from a Etymology Dictionary (A Dictonary of Word Origins)

Demon: c.1200, from L. Daemon "spirit," from Gk. Daimon "deity, divine power; lesser god; guiding spirit, tutelary deity" (sometimes including souls of the dead); "one's genius, lot, or fortune;" from PIE *dai-mon- "divider, provider" (of fortunes or destinies), from base *da- "to divide" (see tide). Used (with daimonion) in Christian Greek translations and Vulgate for "god of the heathen" and "unclean spirit." Jewish authors earlier had employed the Greek word in this sense, using it to render shedim "lords, idols" in the Septuagint, and Matt. Viii. 31 has daimones, translated as deofol in O.E., feend or deuil in Middle English. Another O.E. Word for this was hellcniht, lit. "hell-knight." The original mythological sense is sometimes written daemon for purposes of distinction. The Demon of Socrates was a daimonion, a "divine principle or inward oracle." His accusers, and later the Church Fathers, however, represented this otherwise. The Demon Star (1895) is Algol.

In this day and age Between Popular Fiction, Many Churches and Hollywood it has come to be associated with 'Evil Entities' but it wasn't always so. I agree with you that another 'name' should be used as the Overwhelming Majority of people will automaticly think 'Evil Being' when they see/hear this word.


0o0calipso0o0 (17 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-17)
(รกt) create_inspire_me I never said they are all bad I said that she or he just gotta be carefull ๐Ÿ˜
tigg3rxox (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-17)
Woah o.o don't show that you're scared. People on here would say that evil spirits feed off of fear, so try not to show it, at least.Gawsh,that sucks. Do you think it's the spirit trying to contact you since it's getting hard to talk?
LALA222 (2 stories) (42 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-17)
ik I'm the same... I just read this womens story and I couldn't stop thinking about it... Then I had hot flashes and saw this man behind me. Brown hair, Blue shirt, jeans and sneakers. He felt cold and pissed. And I think he had to deal with the womens story. My friend that helped me is fighting something with me so its getting hard to talk o.o...
tigg3rxox (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-17)
What happened? I mean, if you want to share it with me. And the ones that visit me are intimidating, I hate to admit o.- and yeah,haha,they are a pain aren't they. I enjoy talking to you too:D I do the exact same thing, but I just get so curious sometimes...
LALA222 (2 stories) (42 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-17)
Again attention and no I have a hard time talking to them. I just had a weird experience and its making me dizzy! Sometimes these spirits are a pain! -.- lol! Its cool talking to you!:) they shouldnt hurt you if you leave them alone. That's what I do.
tigg3rxox (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-17)
That's creepy. Have you ever had a conversation with him? And I doubt it's attention. I feel them watching me sometimes.
LALA222 (2 stories) (42 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-17)
i only told it 2 leave me alone and soon it did but it just followed me... My friend I'm talking to helps me fight the really evil ones and I just told him what you go through... He says sometimes they just want attention. ๐Ÿ˜Š
tigg3rxox (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-17)
Slime?That's gross. Did you say anything to it? And no, they don't hurt me. They either glare, or just plain stare at me.
LALA222 (2 stories) (42 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-17)
Some do play tricks. I have felt them follow me in my house. He was slideing against the wall and left a trail of slime like a snail. It was weird! But I have a question. Do they hurt you?:/
tigg3rxox (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-17)
Thank you for your advice (: the thing is, they appear at random. One minute, they show themselves, the next, they disappear for weeks. Then when I start to think they left for good, and I get all happy, they come back D: wtf is up with that?
LALA222 (2 stories) (42 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-17)
the last time I have seen a demon was in my house and it also hand black eyes ๐Ÿ˜• and most of the demons I have seen are bad! Just becareful with them, there very tricky!
tigg3rxox (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-17)
Yeah,someone once told me that not all demons are bad (: that was something I forgot to put in there. And they give out mixed signals. Almost like they want me to see them some days, then other days, they disappear, then randomly reappear like they want to contact me'~'
create_inspire_me (5 stories) (146 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-17)
Just to clear up that comment below, not all fallen angels are bad. Yes you might have watch out for some of them, but that doesn't necessarily mean that all fallen angels are bad.
0o0calipso0o0 (17 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-17)
well first of all I have to tell you that "demons" are fallen angles they may not mean anything badto you. You just gotta be careful and try to listen to them. In place they are spirits and some people like you can sense them so they may be just passing or they want to contact you.
Be blessed -0o0calipso0o0 โค

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