Astral spiders experiences are common. If you have a vision, a dream, or some insight into these so called etheric spiders you are not going crazy. Far from it. You are seeing something real.
In fact you most likely have intuitive perception higher than most. Your third eye and heart chakras are well on the way to being developed otherwise these creepy entities, that exist in the fourth dimension, are impossible to see without it.
Etheric spider facts: These creatures only exist in the astral dimension. This also happens to be where the human aura can be seen in its brilliant colors and various rainbow like hues.
Upon the first experience of discovering we humans are not alone but share the earth with these astral vermin can be a big shock. I got sick to my stomach on first contact with the esoteric spiders. It is very humbling.
These etheric spider entities use humans as food. Not a pleasant thought, I know, but true. Many other esoteric researchers have said the same thing. The food source is the aura and some call the aura the human energy field.
My research shows these entities have much to do with the energy leaks people experience in day to day living. It is common for these astral creatures to attach to one's back, like a surfer rides a wave, because the spinal area contains the kundalini life force and they can tap directly into the energy reserve of people.
The chakra system situated along the spine is an energy center of much power. These beings show no mercy and even attach themselves to babies. A baby has a very pure energy not being contaminated by others or by their conditioning or stress factors.
The astral spiders are more mechanical in nature than the spiders we are used to here in the third dimension. Their purpose is to suck energy. The human aura is food to them. If this resonates with you perhaps print off this article to read again and think seriously about talking with your higher self for signs and more information on how to raise your own energy levels.
On a personal note, as before mentioned at the beginning, you need some kind of psychic, intuitive development to see the spiders. Yet I am happy most people's third eye is closed rather than open since many would go crazy if they knew. The mind as it is today cannot handle it. It took me three days to recover from my energy sickness after my first encounter with them. I encountered a bunch of them, around five of these beings. It is hard to get used to.
I have worked out some methods to slow down the mind, body, and spirit damage, that is the energy siphoning, caused from the etheric spiders. I have yet to work out how to stop them completely.
Third Eye Open
When you gain 3rd eye ability you can see the human aura and it is wonderful, beautiful in color. It is not one color but many. You can see gold, green and some purple, you name it, its hard to describe, like trying to describe an apple to someone who has not seen one. The aura is pure energy.
Now the reality of the situation can be a bit frightening. Most likely you will, well I did with mine, see one large hole or many smaller holes in your aura. Its a gap basically where your aura used to be but is no longer there.
Holes In Aura
Alongside or near this hole you will find these fractal dimensional spiders. They really do look like spiders and are as industrious as ants. Their sole function and purpose of existence is to munch away at the aura, or energetic field as some call it, using the aura as food.
When I first saw it I got sick to my stomach for days and of course I was in shock. The terror of the situation when you first see it is awful. You see the more they eat the less of the aura remains.
Energy Transfer
We believe that this act of the fractal spiders hurts us energetically. They are doing a job and it is one of energy transmutation. That is just like the protein and vitamins in food goes to build your body they use our energy to build something that is useful to them. The energy they take goes to building something non human in nature. Yet a thief, someone or something that steals, is a thief.
If you are being attacked by these etheric nasties you may wish to get in touch at some stage. In a nutshell the biggest damage I see is the dramatic slow down they cause the spiritual progress of a person by draining them of energy.
One of the most basic and useful ceremonial rituals of magick
is called the *banishing ritual*, or lesser ritual of the pentagram. A
pentagram (or pentacle) is a five-pointed star with the point up. The
banishing ritual is helpful in psychic protection and healing since it
forms a protective barrier against malevolent forces. The psychic
barrier it creates can be made to permit entry of desired (const-
ructive) forces and the exclusion of negative ones. Thus, the banish-
ing ritual is an essential first step in almost any formal full magick
ceremony. The ritual requires that you use a magical implement or
"weapon", such as a
ceremonial knife, wand, or simply point your index finger, to "draw"
the pentagram in the air at each of the cardinal points (four direc-
tions). Also, you will be chanting ('vibrating') some Hebrew names of
Holding your magical weapon and facing east, extend your arm
out straight in front of you. In this ritual you will use the full
sweep of your arm to draw the pentagram in the air. Follow the desc-
ription below by beginning at the lower left and sweeping your magical
weapon up toward the
right, etc. As shown. Do not bend your arm at the wrist or elbow.
While you do this, visualize the lines and eventually the star as
vibrant white, floating in the space before you. You are projecting
energy to do this, and the result will be a gleaming 5-pointed star
floating in the east; visualize this as vividly as you can. Now you
will energize it further
by piercing the center of it with your magical weapon and vibrating
(speaking slowly in a slightly lower than normal pitch, remember)
Approximate points on a round clock face --
1. Begin at 7:30 position.
2. Point to 12 oclock position.
3. Point to 4:30 position.
4. Point to 10:30 position.
5. Point to 2:30 position.
6. Return to 7:30 position.]
Then turn slowly to the next cardinal point in sequence, and
as you do so, with your arm still extended in front of you, visualize
a white line connecting around to the cardinal point. Trace a similar
pentagram with the appropriate words and following the same procedure:
South -- Adonai Tzaboath
West -- Eh-Ei-He
North -- Agla.
Now complete the white line drawn back to the center of the eastern
pentagram. Note that the cardinal points must be followed in a clock-
wise order, and the pentagram must be drawn in the manner illustrated;
to do otherwise would change the function of the ritual. The result of
all this should be a large bright white pentagram visualized hanging
in mid-air
at each of the four directions, all tied together by a bright white
line. You could now, for example, visualize the pentagrams moving out
to the circumference of your home, thereby protecting all within.
There is also a somewhat simplified version of this ritual in
which the pentagram is traced only once overhead and then is energized
with one of the four names, such as "Eh-Ei-He". Oftentimes the simpli-
fied version is sufficient, but naturally the effect of the full
version is more
One of the primary uses of this ritual is to ward off psychic
attack -- that is, when another is (consciously or unconsciously)
attempting to harm you, cause sickness, accidents, bad dreams, emo-
tional upset, or to force you to do something against your will.
Fortunately this doesn't happen very often. The world of the magician
is fairly safe for the pure of heart. Psychic attack usually depends
upon vulnerabilities. If you are not vulnerable you are safe. Thus
unificaition with the true will is the greatest protection possible.
And the use of the banishing ritual is never hurtful. You can even use
it to hold off negative aspects of
Other forms of protection sometimes helpful (depending upon
one's model) are recitation of the 'Lord's Prayer', the 23rd, and 91st