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Real Psychic Experiences

A Sudden Fear Of Flying


Throughout my life I never had a fear of flying. I flew to a couple of places and even had to circle around above a hurricane one time until it was safe for us to land. It was never a problem for me until July of 2001.

I was with my ex-husband at the time and it had been a while since we took a vacation and decided we were long overdue. So we called up the travel agent and booked an all-inclusive trip to the Bahamas. Everything was going great until 2 days before we were scheduled to leave. I was lying in bed thinking about our trip, and started to get this feeling like I didn't want to go. This bothered me because I had no idea where this was coming from. Then I realized that I was afraid to get on the plane. I was never afraid to fly before so I couldn't understand why all of a sudden I was feeling this way. All I knew was that I did not want to go. I told my husband how I was feeling and he just brushed it off as me being nervous because it had been such a long time since we went anywhere. I tried to agree with that, but as the time drew near the feeling of fear became so strong it overwhelmed me to the point where I wanted to cancel. My husband was not willing to do that because he said we would lose our deposit and still have to pay the fee for the travel agency. So I tried to ignore these feelings and go on with the trip.

The morning we left for the airport my stomach was in knots, I was sweating, shaking, and had this awful feeling of dread. My husband kept asking me why I felt this way and I couldn't give him any reason. I didn't have a dream, or vision about anything happening, it was just like my body was screaming at me to NOT get on the plane. We got to the airport and I was sitting in the terminal looking out the window, and I remember praying, and begging God to please let us all get there safely. By this time it felt like there was a giant stone right in the middle of my stomach, I couldn't breathe and thought for sure that this was going to be the end.

By the time we boarded, I was physically ill. We took our seats and I was trying to relax and kept praying that we would all be ok. The plane taxied out to the runway and began to pick up speed, before it reached the end of the runway to take off I felt the plane slow down. The captain came on and said a red light came on and he was going to try it again. He turned the plane around, picked up speed to take off and again he slowed down. This happened one more time before he taxied back to the terminal. At that point I was in tears and just wanted to get off the plane. I didn't care about the money or the luggage I just wanted to be in a cab on my way home. My husband looked at me and said, "you knew something was wrong". I told him I had no idea what was wrong or what would happen, I just had an overwhelming sensation of fear, and dread. After about an hour the captain said it was a Hazard light that kept coming on when he was about to take off warning him of a problem he reset the system and we took off without further incident. Of course I could not enjoy my vacation because the only thing on my mind was that I had to get back on a plane to come home.

About 2 months later the 9/11 terror attacks took place and I swore that I would never get on another plane again.

Now I have 2 questions: 1) Was I picking up on the potential danger that could have happened if the pilot did not find out what was wrong? 2) Was that intense fear I felt a sign of what was to come on 9/11?

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whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-09)
So... There was "nothing" currently wrong with the plane, someone just forgot one step in the post maintenance, previously. Huh. That IS interesting.
Mainly in that it was a "vague" experience (meaning only that it was not "supported" through visuals of any manner), that actually "prophesied" little more than a delayed take off.
Seems rather benign.
Of course, if it were ME, I would probably be that same bundle of nerves YOU were, and still are when it comes to plane travel.
And wondering what the HADES could have been so demanding previously that the plane was grounded BEFORE my entrance into the equation (on the trip that caused the computer to show a malfunction in the FIRST place).
I am curious.
I know from past conversations that sometimes things DO come through rather visually for you. In these types of instances, which premonitions do YOU personally pay more attention to?
Thank you again!
cosmogal926 (3 stories) (73 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-09)
WB, no worries you know you can ask me anything you want. 😉 It was all feeling, no dreams, visions, or news reports of recent plane crashes to influence the fear. It started 2 days before the trip. I remember lying in bed thinking about the vacation and just getting this feeling that I didn't want to go. I couldn't understand why and the more I thought about the more intense the feeling got. I kept asking what the heck is wrong with me. I should be excited and for some reason I would feel better if we didn't go. Then I realized I was afraid to get on the plane. The fear and dread got worse as the trip grew near, and by the time we were ready to leave I was a mess. After the incident with the plane was resolved the captain had said that every time he was about to take off that red hazard light came on and it wasn't something he could ignore. He later found that a previous issue with the plane was fixed but the system still saw it as a problem because nobody reset the computer. So when he did that it was fine. You wouldn't believe it how sick I was. When we took off and the seat belt light went off I ran to the bathroom threw up and cried like a baby. Yes it left me shaken and I couldn't enjoy my vacation because I knew I had to get back on the plane to go home. It was the worst experience because it was all feeling without having any visual aid or inclination of why. The only thing I could think of to do was pray. The flight home I was scared but that was the residual effect of what happened on the way there. I prayed all the home too. I'm telling you WB 12 years of Catholic School and I never prayed as much as I did on those 2 flights. It left me with a fear of flying to this day but I can deal with it. If I ever feel that way again before getting on a plane you can bet that my butt will be in a cab on my way home. LOL
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-09)
Oh Cosmogal. Thank you for being you. If I would have left that last comment on anyone else's thread... 😉 Thank you.
I seriously really had to look at this story. I read this one first, then Aussies, which brought me back to THIS one.
I do not know all that much about premonitions. I know what I think I have seen, coming from the experiences of my Grammy and Aunt. But that was not first hand, so I could not really form that much of an opinion. Know what I mean? Intuition is just that. Intuition.
So...I went a askin'.
I am sure you will understand, but I HAVE to ask... At first, BEFORE you got on the plane, was it all FEELING? I mean, no "dreams", no "flashes", no deja vu as you were watching the news or anything? JUST the feeling? (I am not trying to down play that at ALL. Just trying to "pin point", for my own personal understanding. Sorry if that sounded or sounds rude)
Do you know, the hazard light? What light WAS it that kept popping on?
When you got off THAT plane (after the the confirmation from your then hubby that it WAS localised), the feeling did not ease. It ruined your whole vacation, basically. The SECOND plane did not ease it either. As you feared it's transport just as much as the FIRST.
I mean, TWO planes. Intense fear of something you have NEVER been afraid of in the past.
It DOES make one think... Does it not?
NaturalScience (229 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-07)
Blessings Cosmogal. I do those answers mainly for having fun, for it gives me fun to tell what I know, or think, to such ones who can make good use of it. The purity and honesty you sense are the result of much reflection, much study, and many bitter disappointments - and last not least of the example of pure souls that taught me. The light of those saints as it shone to me is contained in my answers.
When a kid it was my grand-aunt, who taught me Christianity, see my Past Lives story on Spiri site;
In youth it was the life-stories of Mahatma Gandhi,
And of two very early Advocates of Pacifism in U.S.A., Helen and Scott Nearing, who left their city for farming as early as in the 1920s in order to avoid eating meat, taking part in warfare, and taking part in Capitalism, and both of them lived up to a hundred and taught lots and lots of people how to farm and to keep out of all kinds of impurity;
Later on it was a Buddhist teacher (who gave Rebirthing sessions to me during which great things happened inside me),
A reputed Native American she-shaman (I had contact to her only for three days when she did NAC ceremonies in Germany, but I feel for her as if she had been a second grand-aunt of mine),
And last not least Haidakhan Babaji (who literally worked and prayed himself to death for the benefit of Mankind, see his photo and the sum-up of his teachings on WWW, for example on
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-06)
😁 (Cheesing REALLY big)
I was not at all too sure I should bring that up, but uh...
You know, I am having a "problem" with both this story and Aussie's. Just trying to work through it, my friend. *wink 😉 INPUT. I need more input!
Just thought you should know.
cosmogal926 (3 stories) (73 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-06)
White Buffalo, yes the pliot tried 3x's to take off and each time he sped up that red light came on. Those infamouse 3's I don't know. LOL 😊
cosmogal926 (3 stories) (73 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-06)
Ananda, thank you for commenting. Yes the connection of the date 9/11 to the emergency number was pretty creepy and ironic at the same time. I agree with you that my praying some how helped the pilot do thorough check of the systems which led him to correct the problem.

In response to your question, to dream of disasters sometimes has to do with your emotions. A website that I always refer to about my dreams is

Their definition is: Disaster

To dream that you are in a disaster, represents your personal anxieties and fears of change. You are afraid of not knowing what is in store for you in the future.
cosmogal926 (3 stories) (73 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-06)
NaturalScience, thank you very much for commenting. You always seem to post with honesty, and a pure heart. I feel that I gain a lot of insight from them. 😊 I can agree with the idea that it was my 6th sense of alarm, and believe me I am forever grateful that we made it there and back in one piece. I do believe in the power of prayer and I also believe that when things happen in 3's it symbolizes the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The pilot tried 3x's to take off before taxiing back to the terminal. I have no doubt that was an answer to my prayers. As for my fear vs phobia of flying. This experience plus the 9/11 attacks have left me with a fear, but as I said in a previous comment I did fly again in 2003. A friend and I went to Miami for vacation we were nervous and had maybe one too many drinks to calm the nerves but it was worth it. We had a good time and Miami is beautiful. If would have let that fear overcome me I would have missed out on that and I feel that we should enjoy life and see as much of the world as we can while we are here. I am a true urbanite, I drive and use mass transit whenever possible, flying is a last resort but I will do it again if the opportunity comes up. ❤
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-06)
You know, I really...
It sounds SO much like THAT urgency that you felt was "localised". Know what I mean?
Took the pilot THREE times to take off?
Thank you.
NaturalScience (229 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-06)
I see no connection to 9/11. It just was premonition of a hazard to the flight. Many people have this sixth sense of alarm, there is even a physical type of humans more prone to premonition than others, at least in Caucasin race, it is the leptosomic type. This is what Homeopathic observations know. It is "only" a gift of nature. Your prayers perhaps took part in removing the obstacle and the danger. Be grateful of this event. You now know your belly-feeling of danger is reliable. Besides, traveling by plane is a sinful luxury at expense of Biosphere if not done for no other means being available or great hurry necessary, or for ceremonial use by chiefs of States or other supreme people. In other terms, to use a helicopter for police or rescue is OK and if the US President travels by plane as a ritual of hids dignity its OK too but if we normal people fly from Hamburg to Munich which is just 800 kilometres by plane instead of using their cars or even better our good fast trains that take 200 kilometres an hour it is a sin even if done for lower price. Better give no donations at all but pay what is due for GOOD products and services which neither involve squandering nor criminality. One can't buy oneself free from unnecessary expense and exploitation of our Planet - or from any kind of bad karmas, of spiritual impurities or burdens, involved in what one uses, buys, takes part in, or talks. The material hazards of "fun and greed society", as faked articles of food, overeating or drug abuse harming health, financial and banking crises, poisonous medication scandals as was the Contergan disaster, personal loss of money by gambling at the stock exchange which is an inhonest way of trying to gain money remember this Christians Muslims Jews here! - are just the tip of the iceberg of consequences of Inhonesty, Greed and Irresponsibility, i.e. Ignorance. One only can try by personal decisions to limit harm - this applies in all times. Not to walk in the mud of "fun society" greed and irresponsibility up to the chin but only up to the knees and be aware what really happens, not just take for true what people or media say - this applies now in 2010. And this is a duty.

You never want to fly again. I suppose you are an ordinary citizen and you can drive, and your train and/or bus system works sufficiently - so why ever take a plane again except in emergency? It is Ok and even an andvantage as to ethical lifestyle. Let no one turn this decision of your heart into a "phobia" which should be therapeutically removed...
AnandaHya (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-05)
sorry it just took me a little longer then most then. I didn't notice until a year or so later. I think I was stuck on the tower of Babel reference my friends kept making.
MoonStryke (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-05)
What Miracles said. We aren't completely lacking the ability to put two and two together. 😕
Miracles51031 (2 stories) (26 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-05)
Anandahya, EVERYONE noticed the symbolism of the date 9/11.
AnandaHya (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-05)
I don't know about the connection with 9/11 there is too much possibilities and probabilities. I wonder if anyone else notice the symbolism of the date: 911 its what we call when we have an emergency.

As for the intense fear, I'm glad you prayed for your safety because what might have happened if the pilot hadn't checked all the systems and God wasn't watching over the flight is that the plane would have crashed due to a systems malfunction. Its been known to happen, but you didn't let fear rule your actions and I think that is commendable. I find that through prayer and trust in God, you can witness amazing things happen. I read in the Bible that everyone speaks their own prophecy and the office of oracle was abolished. What does it mean that so many people dream of disasters?
zzsgranny (2 stories) (40 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-05)
Cosmo: That's wierd huh?...The United flights, I believe originated in Newark, and everybody knows American had 2 planes in the mix also...

We have a friend in our complex, who was schelduled to take United flight 93 (the one that crashed in Pennsyvania), but at the last minute, he decided to take his vacation a week EARLIER!...He was still on flight 93, just not the ill fated one, a week later... He has his boarding pass framed...
cosmogal926 (3 stories) (73 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-05)
Hi granny, it was a direct American Airlines flight from Newark to Freeport. Unfortunately I do not remember the flight number.

I agree with you Daz, just from having that experience myself I said I wasnt' going to fly for a long time, then 9/11 happened and I thought Now I'm Never going to fly again. But I did, in 2003 my friend and I went to see a psychic and she told me I was going to Florida. I said really I guess we're driving. She said no... Plane. Turns out my friend and I did fly, got blind butt stupid drunk before hand but we flew to Miami. LOL!
zzsgranny (2 stories) (40 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-05)
Cosmo: I agree with MoonStryke... And I think the location of the departure also had a lot to do with it... Can I ask, what airline and what was the flight number? ❤
aussiedaz (2 stories) (37 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-05)
cosmogal...There are some things in life that happen for a reason and then there are some things in life that happen that just shouldn't!,...9/11 in my opinion was an act of evil driven by evil to change the fate and will of mankind... This single event has sadly affected us all and changed the way we live today... I believe that although the will of these evil men could not be stopped, the forces of good were doing there bit to minimize total damage... As I believe there are a whole lot of stories around the towers that saved lives from so call coincident... I believe its quite possible you were picking up on those warnings signs no doubt and depending on how many people know of your experience prior to 9/11...there just might be that one person of a friend who heard something and changed there mind... Or at least this experience may have been intended for that purpose... Thank you for sharing my good friend... ❤
Miracles51031 (2 stories) (26 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-05)
Always, Cosmogal926, always. That's what friends are for. ❤ (Needed 3 more characters... Had to add the 926 LOL!)
cosmogal926 (3 stories) (73 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-05)
LOL ok Miracles, I will start working on that story tomorrow. Thank you my friend. 😊 ❤
Miracles51031 (2 stories) (26 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-05)
Cosmogal, I think "yep." 😁 But then you knew that, didn't you? And I don't mean in the psychic way either 😆
cosmogal926 (3 stories) (73 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-05)
Yep, I got it 😊 Maybe I should put that story together and post it. What do you think?
Miracles51031 (2 stories) (26 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-05)
Cosmogal, thank you. I watch this site because of the psychic part of it and when I see my friends here, well... ❤ Did you understand my natural disaster reference?
cosmogal926 (3 stories) (73 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-05)
Miracles, so happy you decided to post. 😁 ❤ You know it so funny that you just said they probably were planning something for that day and it didn't happen because I thought the very same thing. I guess great minds do think alike. LOL! Hmmm maybe I do have a thing for the Natural Disaster premonitions. Thanks for commenting Miracles and so glad that you're here. 😊
Miracles51031 (2 stories) (26 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-05)
Cosmogal, I think your psychic ability might actually be strongest in the "natural disaster" area. Know what I mean? You just might have to decide if that's a path you really want to take.

Unless there was another disaster that happened that day, and you'd have heard about it and definitely remembered it, I'd say you had another premotion. Who knows? Maybe the terrorists had planned something for that day and for whatever reason, it didn't happen.
cosmogal926 (3 stories) (73 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-05)
Actually, that makes pretty good sense to me Sparky. Like my mind & body was experiencing something before it actually happened. It's actually kind of freaky that something was wrong with the plane that day too. Thanks for your comment 😊
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-05)
Interesting story. If I had a guess it would be you were subconsciously predicting the future, but comprehended it as now, so your subconscious was warning you.
cosmogal926 (3 stories) (73 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-05)
Thanks MoonStryke, I never really knew what to make of it. Even my mother asked "Since when are you afraid to fly"? Maybe I was pikcing up on 9/11, because at times I was even asking what the heck is wrong with me, and why am I feeling like this. I felt like I was losing my mind.
MoonStryke (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-05)
I would guess you might have been picking up on 9/11. The only reason I say that is because your flight only needed a system reset. I don't think such intense fear would have come over you for a reset.

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