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Real Psychic Experiences

Precognition With A Twist


This is an account of my experience from September of 2010. It started with a couple of dreams that really bothered me. I emailed a friend of mine about them who is a member of this site as well. She goes by Miracles51031. The following is a re-cap of our email conversation:

The email is dated: Thursday, September 16th 11:09am

Hi Marjie,

I wanted to ask your opinion on what I have been hearing and dreaming about the last 2 nights.

Tuesday night, I dreamt about the ghost of a little boy. He was following me around, and whispering in my ear. I can't remember everything he was saying but at one point I got kind of spooked out and said out loud... That's it, I don't want to hear it... It doesn't matter, It just doesn't matter. As soon as I said that I started to wake up, and in my ear I heard a whisper and it said in a long drawn out breathy tone... "Yes It Does Matter". It completely freaked me out because now I was awake, I listened for anything else but all I heard was my husband snoring. LOL! Now last night... I'm having some kind of crazy end of the world dream with fire balls and explosions, and only me, a few of my friends, and some other people survived. I remember walking amongst all the debris and in my dream I felt someone come up real close to my ear like they wanted to tell me a secret. Again I began to wake up and I heard the same breathy whisper say... "I'm here to tell you"..., and that was it I shook it off and said to myself... Nope not going to do this and just closed my eyes tight pulled the covers up to my ears and went back to sleep. I don't know what to make of it. I'm kind of curious as to what it wants to tell me, but I'm also scared. I am going to have a surgical procedure done next Thursday, which I am extremely nervous about. It is supposed to be ambulatory which means I get to go home the same day. The doctor explained the risks and said if she sees something they might have to open me up. Marjie, I know me I know my luck; they are going to have to open me up and admit me. I'm a nervous wreck, and now I'm hearing these whispers, I wonder if they are related to what I'm about to go through. What do you think?



Marjie's response to my email same date as above at 12:35pm:

Jenn, I'll tell you what my initial impress is. You obviously are very worried about your procedure and this is creating the "end of the world scenario," but you know this. Where the little boy and his message is coming from is what I want to think a little bit more about. I have a very strong feeling, but I want to give it a little bit more thought.

The emails went back and forth for a while, and Marjie posted our email on the Discussion Board so other friends in our group could give their interpretations on my dreams and the voice I heard.

The day went on as usual, and I left work around 5:20pm. The weather forecast as of that morning called for rain so I had my umbrella with me. As I came up from the train station it was raining pretty hard, but nothing unusual. So I thought... I got to my car and went to pick up my husband and we began to drive home. I instantly noticed the traffic going over the Greenpoint Avenue bridge into Queens. It was a complete stand still. So we took the back roads and eventually got on the expressway which only led to more traffic and all I kept saying was... What the heck is going on? Why are people acting like it never rained before? Well I got my answer when we finally got into Queens. In the amount of time it took me to get from Manhattan to Brooklyn by train a Tornado touched down and ripped through parts of Brooklyn and most of Queens. There were trees down everywhere, cars were crushed, side streets were blocked by down power lines, branches and tree trunks. It was a horrifying sight to see. It took us 2 and half hours to get home, and I took pictures of the all the damage and debris with my cell phone while I was sitting in traffic. When I got home I was so thankful that our block was spared. There were no trees down and we were one of the few blocks that had power. I went online and uploaded the pictures on Facebook and posted that I was shocked a tornado actually touched down in New York. Right after that Marjie contacted me and said: "Jenn, do you think your dreams could have been a warning that a tornado was coming"? I was floored and responded to her saying. "Oh my goodness, here I thought my dreams and the voice was about my upcoming surgery and how it was going to be a disaster, but it could very well have been about the Natural Disaster."

Turns out, my surgery went well and I have not heard the voice of the little boy since.

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Comments about this clairvoyant experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, cosmogal926, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

cosmogal926 (3 stories) (73 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-17)
Umm sorry Austin, I'm a little tired today. I meant to say they told me the same thing you did. LOL! 😆
cosmogal926 (3 stories) (73 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-17)
Hi Austin, and thank you for your comment. I believe you are right. I was thinking that the boy could have been my guide too. The people who have posted here and helped me out when it happened have all told me that same thing you thing. I promise next time I will not be such a chicken and listen to what he has to say. 😁 ❤
AustinLJohnson (56 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-17)
I admit I don't know how much you guys have said to each other because it seems that you know each other personally, but I have something to add that you may have overlooked. It would seem the little boy is your guide or something of that nature. It seemed that the stress of your upcoming operation sent your body into high alert allowing you to hear him. Next time you hear him don't get scared because he may be there to help you. Try not to shut him out.
cosmogal926 (3 stories) (73 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-14)
Thank you Miracles for all your help and advice with this. ❤ You know you could have knocked me over with a feather when I spoke to you later on that night. After putting two and two together all I could think was Whooooa 😲 LOL! This is one Loonie who is so thankful for all her roomies. 😁
Miracles51031 (2 stories) (26 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-13)
Cosmogal, when I read your email about the little boy and the "end of the world" scenario, I truly did believe my interpretation.

But when I saw the pictures you posted, my heart went THUMP, THUMP, THUMP and I thought OMG, OMG, OMG! THIS IS WHAT JENN'S DREAMS MEANT! OMG! OMG! I couldn't wait to get home so I could ask you what you thought. I was so glad you didn't think I was crazy and that you were thinking the same thing.

Cosmogal, I'm glad I was able to be there when you needed someone ❤ And you know I think the little boy was unrelated to the tornado. 😉

And, Daz? There are times you'd probably be glad you don't have a direct line to my mind. It can get pretty scary! 😨
aussiedaz (2 stories) (37 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-13)
Absolutely the little boy could have been there to guide you through your operation no doubt... But I just felt it was all related one way or another to your operation and not anything else and as a friend, I just didn't want to see you implant into your subconscious other possible causes of a more personal nature as a reason... And the fact that the dreams have stopped is evident that it was about your operation... Sorry perhaps calling it an illusion was not the correct description...

Daz ❤
cosmogal926 (3 stories) (73 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-13)
Yes, you did mention that my stress had a lot to do with it at that time. I am just so glad that I had you guys to turn to with this. You all made me feel so much better and more confident about the surgery. I think you're right about my spirtual consciencousness kicking in which led to the precognition of the tornado. Here I was thinking Oh God this is going to all go horribly wrong, and it wasn't about that at all. However I'm still not sure about the little boy, he might have been sent to tell me something regarding the surgery. 😕 As always, thank you so much for your thoughts and advice Daz 😊 ❤
aussiedaz (2 stories) (37 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-13)
Wow, I didn't know the whole story cosmogal but no doubting you had a precognition, which makes me wonder more about your previous story... I am pleased to hear that the dreams about the little boy have not reoccurred... As I suggested last time from memory, that it may be more related to the stress of your operation... I believe in the days leading up to your operation subconsciously you were searching with in for some answers... Our spiritual consciousness has the ability of precognitions, premonitions intuitions and illusions... Sometimes when consciously we are concerned about things our spiritual consciousness kicks into gear in an attempt to find a solution... In my opinion on one hand you where given a precognition and on the other a illusion cause through the stressful situation of your circumstances... It is understandably so hard for some to identify the difference between the two... But I think from memory you accepted what I was saying back then... And Marjie we need a direct line to your mind... Wow!girl... Well done! 😁 ❤

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