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Contacting My Spirit Guide?


I am trying to contact my spirit guide and am having difficulty with this. I read somewhere that it could be someone who I have had reoccurring dreams about and the only reoccurring dreams I really ever had was me living as another person and in another time. I thought back and I did have a few dreams of this man maybe he was about 20 years old and in the dreams we would just do normal things like playing golf or learning some dance moves and just hanging out. The very last dream I had with him was just like the others and then out of nowhere a woman appeared and said please, you have to find out what happened to my son and I said but I don't know your son and she pointed to him and said that's him and he died, she then showed me a bunch of hospital equipment. After that dream I woke up and my husband was playing a racing game on Playstation or something like that and I saw the same guy standing there a few feet away from me watching him play and laughing like he was enjoying it. I sat there and watched him for about 2 minutes or so (which is the longest I've ever seen a ghost and I've seen many). He then turned and looked at me, smiled and then nodded his head like he was saying hi to an old friend and then disappeared. His energy was warming and friendly and unlike any other energy I have ever felt before. I am wondering if he was my spirit guide. For a while I thought the guy in my dreams was my grandfather when he was younger since the dreams were a few months after his death but now I am wondering if it could have been my spirit guide. For those of you who have seen and talked to yours and knew it was them can you please tell me how? I am at a time in my life right now where I feel I am getting stronger in everything I do and would like to be able to communicate with her/him for some guidance.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, AngelObr, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

sinfire777 (20 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-20)
Hey Angelobr, give me an email. We should talk. (sinfire77 [at] yahoo) I think itl be a good idea. Ha at least that's my initial impression.
windybeth33 (8 posts)
13 years ago (2011-02-20)
oh I don't know a lot about this spirt guide stuff but I would really love to contact mine to ask he/she what I shouuld be doing I just had a hugly tramatic break up loss and I'm just don't know what to do with myself and really need some guidance could someone contact him/her for me or can I please I'm so intriged! ❤ windy
AngelObr (4 stories) (41 posts)
13 years ago (2011-01-25)
Thanks sinfire777, I have been trying to figure out my purpose and I am having a hard time dealing with all these "new things" that keep happening to me and wondering why now is everything getting stronger. It is all just really confusing and I feel lost at times.
sinfire777 (20 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-21)
cinnamon, ha don't get me wrong, I was simply using ability and that only was my intution or feeling acting up. I'm no channeler, at least not yet. Ha you never know. At any rate... Il just say, sorry I don't think I can really help you, and I'm saying that in a polite manner (smirk). But, I'm curious now, what is it you think is "up"...are... You... Sensing somethin?
cinnamonwarlock (1 stories) (20 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-18)

I was wondering if you could get in contact with my spirit guide, I think something's up:)


sinfire777 (20 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-15)
i feel my guide is telling me to tell you that your guide wishes to let you know that you shouldnt be looking on and focusing so much on this. That hel always be around.
Mwhen the time is neccesary hel conact you, right now you need to focus elsewhere. But your life here in the prescences now and what your purpose here is meant for. You known, guides and gods and angels can give us all the knowledge and advice we ever may could or can need. Perhaps your looking on to learn, but what your not considering is really experiencing life and just as the wonders it really does indded bring, its so fullfilling if you just grasp it and be. I truly felt I should of told you all this. My apologies if I sounded poeticly cliche ha.
Joe631 (2 stories) (89 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-14)
3 stories 11 posts oohhhh noooo that means!

311! O_O what could that be?!

Nothing but the name of a great band from Omaha is all:)
AngelObr (4 stories) (41 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-14)
Joe, I just emailed you the description instead. Hope you got it.
Joe631 (2 stories) (89 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-14)
Yeah and there's a coach to his (the "man") left where he is standing facing the TV, your husband on the coach playing Playstation. Cant tell you the game though. This was in the middle of the day too not at night its where your living room meets your dining room. 1 story place aswell.

Still correct or off by now? Lol
Joe631 (2 stories) (89 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-14)
My AIM is chiccchicc99 aswell if you'd like to skip the refresh and wait game one must play on this site haha
Joe631 (2 stories) (89 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-14)
Psychic remember;) but I need you to be more specific in how close I was to being accurate.

Your not the only one whos heart just stopped;)
AngelObr (4 stories) (41 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-14)
Thank you for the advice Rashidah, I will try that and I know I really need to work on having patience.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-14)
In contacting spirit guides, there is a lot of patience to be exercised. They will not appear unto you at your on bidding. Some appear at their own timing in times of need.

Try a regime of meditation. This will help in opening up your senses more to your spirit guide.

Some first appear in dreams. But that does not mean because you see a person in a reoccurring dream that it is your spirit guide.
AngelObr (4 stories) (41 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-14)
That is exactly how he was standing as he was leaning on the back of a chair in the room. 😲
AngelObr (4 stories) (41 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-14)
Umm...I am speechless and it feels like my heart is bumping out of my did you know all of that?
Joe631 (2 stories) (89 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-14)
This nodd also not a common not more of him simply looking at you and raising his chin aburptly then the come down is shorter then what he raised his chin from... Is this correct?
Joe631 (2 stories) (89 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-14)
AngelObr is the man you see in his 20's is he tall but not over 6'? Black hair and well built. Stands with one foot foward in a lean the left foot being foward? Arms folded across his chest?

This of course being when you saw him standing by your husband watching him play video games.
AngelObr (4 stories) (41 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-14)
Thank you Caitylin and Bishop, I am hoping that I will see him again sometime soon since it has been a while and when I do I am going to try and ask questions to find out who he is. Maybe I can try to meditate before I go to sleep and maybe that will help? Not sure, I am still new to trying to figure out how to use the gift that I've had my whole life since I chose to ignore it up until now. I remember when I was younger my life was saved twice, once by a man and once a woman. I was standing at the corner with my mom and brother when I was younger waiting for a bus and a man came up to me and said you guys should stand at the building and not close to the street and when I told my mom she said what man? I pointed to him but she didn't see him but we moved back anyway and a few minutes later a speeding car came and wrapped around the telephone pole we were standing at. The other was when we were at the beach and I remember my mom attending to my younger brother and I got swept out and was drowning and a beautiful woman came out of nowhere and pulled me out and started to walk away and I followed her and she said go back to you mom and pointed to her and I said how do you know her and then she disappeared. I would have died but they saved me and my mom knew it, she just didn't see them. I guess they were angels and not my spirit guide. Sorry for the long comment but maybe one of you know if they were angels for sure and not my spirit guide, or can you have 2 spirit guides?
shadowbishop (19 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-13)
Yeah, it most probably is your spirit guide. I actually, like you say, find myself drawing my guide. One time, I was having dinner with my friends at a restaurant, and, as always, I had my notebook and pencil out. At one point, in the middle of my conversation with my empathic friend I have mentioned, my channeler friend, Jon, asked me,"What on Earth are you drawing?" It was at that moment that I looked down and realized that I had been drawing his face until eventually I had filled up my notebook. I could tell that Jon was about to ask me another question, but at that moment the food came, and we never brought it up again. By the way, you can call me Bishop.
Bishop takes knight.
caitylin (2 stories) (38 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-13)
Shadowbishop, do you think that the character I draw is my spirit guide? Whenever I am upset and draw to calm down, I often find myself drawing a girl who is holding a rose on a thorny stem, she's looking down at it so it looks like her eyes are closed. She is wearing a dress and is kneeling. Her hair is shoulder length and she has a fringe that covers her eybrows.
My friends mother said that it could be my spirit guide or me in a past life.

Any ideas?

❤ Caitylin
shadowbishop (19 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-13)
I agree with caitylin, and I do think that he is probably your spirit guide, and you can usually tell by what you feel when you see him. I have seen my spirit guide before, but he usually appears to me as a teenager that looks a lot like this guy I used to draw as soon as I learned manga. He has long, thin blond hair with purple highlights. I know I was weird, but I was good at drawing that guy. Anyway, he has only talked to me once, and he told me that I had made a good choice. To this day, I still have no idea what that means. Sorry that I can't help.
Bishop takes pawn. 😉
caitylin (2 stories) (38 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-13)
I have not yet met my spirit guide but who ever this man is, he seems like he could be your spirit guide. Don't lose contact with him. Keep communicating and your communication will get stronger. Whenever you get the first chance to ask a question, ask him who he is, ask if he's your spirit guide, or your grandfather, or a spirit who needs help. Whichever one it is, don't let go too easily. He seems like a very nice and friendly spirit, who you could be friends with... Although with that said, it seems like he really is your spirit guide. Simply ask him.

Hope this helps.

❤ Caitylin

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