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Real Psychic Experiences

Voices I Can Hear


If you read my other story, you know that I can speak to Freddie Mercury. Since that last story, though, some other things have happened. First of all, I've started meditating. It is actually quite helpful, and I think it's part of what caused an increase in my psychic ability. Since then, I have spoken to a lot more spirits, and some of them needed my help. There was an old man named Albert, a little boy named Justin, a young woman named Sadie, a little girl named Kiana, an old woman named Margaret, and a teenage boy named Matt. These people all wanted to speak to me. Somehow, I knew what to do. I told them to close their eyes (figuratively) and look inward. Then I told them to look for a white light. They could always see it, always in the same spot- straight ahead and a few feet above ground level. Some of them needed reassurance- Albert, for instance, did not know how he had died. I had the image of him falling and hitting his head against a rock. I told him about it, and he was relieved to know that it had only been an accident. Sadie had emotions that were holding her back. She was angry that she hadn't done what she wanted with her life. But I reassured her by telling her she would get as many chances as she wanted, and I sent her sort of an energy- a calming energy. It's kind of hard to explain, but she was able to move on. Margaret and Matt both just wanted to talk to someone, so I listened. Kiana was very afraid to go into the light- I could feel her anxiety. But I reassured her using that same energy, and eventually she calmed down and she was alright. Justin came to me in almost a physical presence- I had a very strong mental image of him. He needed reassurance as well- I had to sing to him to calm him down. But he was also able to move on. That made five people that I had helped before I was able to help Freddie. But I was worried that I would miss him when he went away. Still, I knew the method, and so I told him all the same things I had said to the others. He was able to get to the Other Side. But- thank goodness- I can still talk to him. He's just happier now. I'm glad, because melancholy does not suit him very well. Anyway, during this time I also encountered a lot of spirits who wanted to help me. First I met my two angels. Their names are Zoroaster and Clara, although please note that although I call one by a male name and one by a female name, neither one of them actually has a specific gender. It's just easier for me to consider them as being one male and one female. I also spoke to a woman named Marcy who wanted to reassure me that everything would be alright. I spoke to a man, named Xavier, who told me a little about the spirit world. Now I know that the messages I send and recieve are thoughts, but my mind translates them into words, pictures and emotions that I can understand. I met a woman, named Eleanor, who used to be clairaudient, like me, when she was alive. She said it would be difficult, but I would be OK. I finally spoke to my Spirit Guide, whom I have decided to call Else. She knew me in a few of my past lives. Apparently I have lived a lot of lives, more than most people tend to. It comes from my strong desire for variety and experience. Else is really great. I feel like I've known her forever. She certainly knows me well. I recogniuzed her voice from when I was eleven, and I had an "imaginary friend", so I thought, named Misty, who was a unicorn, so I thought. It turns out Else was just humoring me. I also figured out why, in this life, all my friendships involve me being bossed around. I'm serving my karma from other lives when I used to boss my friends around. Also, a few times when I was meditating I have heard God speaking to me. He told me not to worry because all would be well, that He loves me and that I have a special purpose in this life as a teacher and a healer. Anyway, coming back to the ghosts, I am kind of glad that I'm able to help people who need me. I have always sympathised with restless spirits, although previously I could only sense them and not communicate with them. It just bothers me that I can't tell anyone about the voices I hear, because they will think I am crazy. I told my sister about Freddie and asked her not to tell anyone, but what did she do? She blabbed to my entire family, and they did not react well. My stepdad showed me a video of Charlie Sheen and told me not to be crazy like him. Gee, thanks for the support. Anyway, I don't really have anyone I can talk to about this stuff. So please comment. Thanks.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Lara_Usha, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

animaltalker (13 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-12)
it might be people or animaals! You might be telepathic! Its a gift! I have it! 😊
Lara_Usha (2 stories) (35 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-12)
Hey Stuart. Sorry, I haven't been on this website in a really long time. My email is larissa.dawn [at], if you want to contact me. Thanks for the patience! 😁
XcitingStuart (3 stories) (28 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-05)
Whats your email lara_usha? So its easier to talk to you, btw, my dog lara is fine 😁
Lara_Usha (2 stories) (35 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-02)
Hi i-believe-in-love. I actually did get your email. I've just been rallly busy lately. But I emailed you back, hopefully you got it this time!
i-believe-in-love (7 stories) (36 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-30)
I tried to email you a while ago, but I suppose it didn't go through just like yours hadn't /:

I've added you as a contact, so maybe if you email me now, it will work (:
Lara_Usha (2 stories) (35 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-26)
Hi Nailbiter. Don't panic, OK? I will email you. Meantime, try not to worry, and if a spirit tries to hurt you again, block out that voice. It is not OK for a spirit to try to harm you!
nailbiter (1 stories) (5 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-25)
About Japan Earthquake, before I thought why in japan big earthquake does not occur. And Earthquake occurred two times.

Seriously when I concern or pray, normally at least one of a lot things come true surely.

But all things occurs in natural. So I also didn't realize before I felt I got strange skill related to telepathy, hallucination/ auditory hallucination.

If someone is professional about this part, please advice to me.
nailbiter (1 stories) (5 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-25)
I can hear other person or spirit's saying, and I feel I can do telepathy.

But I can't hear telepathy correctly about people I want to telepathize with me.

It is my limit, and that is I can hear only some spirits' saying.

In my ordinary life, I suppress hearing other spirits' saying, but I really want to telepathize to other person that I feel I love.
I can't hear opposite's voice when I try to telepathizing as response and just can I feel her mind in instinctive.
I didn't check if anyone did hear my telepathy yet.

So I don't know how my telepathy skill is good.
It is apparent thing that I can hear other spirit's saying, and they are telling me "If you think anything, it will come true in the future"

If anyone have an idea or advice for me, email to me - mygirl2 [at]

Additionally, I introduce my episode about spirit experience

I've met with Jessica Alba in real life. Place is Santa Monica in LA at Sep, 2010
Weird thing is before I met her as fan, I've talked with her or her guadian as telepathy.
When I met her, she talked to me "sign?" but I didn't have a paper and pen.
Anyway key point is I did know that I would meet to Jessica Alba in real life before I met her

And Once, I've got punished by spirits when I made bad problem in my real life.
They discussed about killing me or not all the time. And In deed I felt physically pain intensively.
But finally they forgave me and todays they help me because I pray to god often as catholic.

Ah, I can feel electric shock slightly when they are watching and trying to send a message to me.
Especially when they want to joke at me or laugh at me or love to me.
Electric shock degree always differs by situation.
And I can feel shock degree means love or punishment about my behavior
nailbiter (1 stories) (5 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-25)
I can hear other person or spirit's saying, and I feel I can do telepathy.

But I can't hear telepathy correctly about people I want to telepathize with me.

It is my limit, and that is I can hear only people's saying.

In my ordinary life, I suppress hearing other spirits' saying, but I really want to telepathize to other person that I feel I love.
I can't hear opposite's vocie when I try to telepathizing as response and just can I feel her mind in instinctive.
I didn't check if anyone did hear my telepathy yet.

So I don't know how my telepathy skill is good.
It is apparent thing that I can hear other spirit's saying, and they are telling me "If you think anything, it will come true in the future"

If anyone have an idea or advice for me, email to me "mygirl2 [at]"
XcitingStuart (3 stories) (28 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-23)
😁 lmao, same I never even knew dogs knew the alphabet to use the keyboard 😜 😜
Lara_Usha (2 stories) (35 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-23)
Excellent. Some people do, in fact, believe me. And I bet you never knew your dog was psychic and could use the Internet. 😜 lol.
XcitingStuart (3 stories) (28 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-23)
Ok, now I understand, I believe you, 😁,
Go ignore your family, 😜 (only joking), It's wierd me talking to someone called lara because like you stated earlier, My dogs name is that so I think I'm talking to my dog that it about 200 miles away right now because I'm visiting someone & she never came with me
Lara_Usha (2 stories) (35 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-23)
OK Stuart, here goes- I can hear voices in my head. Most are dead people- the only famous one is Freddie Mercury, whom I'm friends with. Some of them need my help- they want to give me advice. One is my Spirit Guide. Two are my angels. And I can talk to God sometimes when I meditate. And then there are spirits who ask for my help, and I can then direct them toward the Light. I have helped 5 spirits so far. It feels good to help other people. That is all. Oh, and my family doesn't believe me. Nobody does. So. That would be it in a nutshell.
XcitingStuart (3 stories) (28 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-23)
Hey, Lara_Usha thank you for commenting on my post, I'm really greatful because that post has only been there for one day since when you commented, and I'm being a bit lazy because your post is really long so do you mind making a summary for me? 😜 so good luck anyway, and develop these and it might benefit you, family, freinds ect! Good luck. 😁
Lara_Usha (2 stories) (35 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-23)
hi there,
To Uke-Kyo- I'm glad your mom believes you. Mine doesn't. As I said, I don't really know anyone who believes in this kind of thing. And as to helping othewrs, yes it is wonderful. I have discovered that my purpose for this life is to heal other people's emotional pain, and give them back their faith and hope. I'm not really sure how to do that, but I have a strong drive to help others. And about talking to your spirit guide, what you need to do is practise. Try to empty your mind, and then ask if anyone is there. It might take a while to work- I imagine it's easier for me because I am naturally clairaudient. Good luck!
To Dreamscape- I read your story about the dreams you've been having. It sounds really interesting that you have this ability. I think probably what it is, is that spirits are trying to communicate through you. You probably have a strong creativity, which allows them to project complete images and emotions into your dreams. I think that all you can really do is be compassionate toward them. I think it's really great that you're helping these people. But if what you see or feel is bothering you, you can tell them to please tone it down. And they will, just as long as you stay attentive and listen to what they have to say. And you can let those spirits know that you are listening, just by thinking loving thoughts, and staying open-minded. Also, say a prayer to whatever God you believe in, asking that He or She brings you the clarity to understand what the spirits are trying to tell you. It might also help if you can talk to your Spirit Guide. I told Uke-Kyo how to do this. Also, meditation helps to calm the mind and soul, and make you more perceptive to the messages you're getting. That's all the advice I have; hope I helped. 😁
dreamscape (2 stories) (15 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-22)
Hi, I really like to hear more of your experiences if we can connect. Maybe what your are going through can help me with mines. I see that your are past a certain and I like to learn more. Though something is telling me right now that I had to write this that everyone with gifts like these learn differently. I'm at the stage that I'm starting to see them past away in my dreams and I'm reminding them to asking them to please don't forget the light. Jus the other night a week ago. I see a charred bus burnt down to the shell. It felt like a school bus. I was there helping them move the bus out of the way so other cars can get around it without getting into another accident. I opened my eyes and realized it was only a dream. As I'm closing my eyes, I see a image of a girl, shes not pleasant though. Her hair is floating in the air like the cartoons Japanese animation. Like you said, some how I knew what to do. I held her hands and we started walking towards a light.
I woke up the next day thinking maybe my mind made that up (the girl). Because I was in between dream state and reality. I don't know... What do you think?
But I think it all to be interesting. I had many other encounters b4 that I like to share too. I hope that all goes well and let me tell you, I know its hard but your not alone...
Uke-Kyo (3 stories) (6 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-21)
Wow. You're so lucky you got to meet your spirit guide. I wish I could meet mine to see what kind of person they are. I had a dream that felt extremely weird and, in that dream, I met my guardian, who was a very kind and gentle young man. I wish I could tell my friends about what I hear in my head, too. I told my best friend and he tried to find a logical explanation to it. Sometimes, logic has no value in a situation. My mom believes me, though.

I wish I could give you some advice but I don't think you need any. You seem to be handling things quite well. Even if you DID need advice, I wouldn't be sure what to tell you. I'm very new to these experiences. But keep doing what you're doing. Keep helping those spirits. It's wonderful, helping others. =)

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