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What Are My Gifts?


I've been having a lot of confusion of my gifts lately. I know that I am a clairsentient & an Empath but I need to know if I have any mediumship abilities. I use my clairsentience abilities to get feelings on what spirits try to say to me and I get voices (that aren't mine) in my head basically (No I do not have any mental illnesses). I may also get images from a spirit. I always talk to my grandmother and my spirit guardian (Cesear). I have talked to a couple of my friends dad that passed away. One said that they were proud of them and their mother for taking care of them. But the other I believe is lost. I get a depressed feeling when I think of my other friends dad.

One time I was at the store and I saw my friends mom (my friends mom that there dad passed, the one that I get the depressed feeling) and the whole room felt depressed and sad. I don't bother trying to talk to spirits that feel depressed, sad, or angry as I'm afraid that it is a demon or evil spirit.

Another time I talked to a spirit was when I met someone online and I felt that their grandmother passed. I felt loads of love and that she was connected to the person I met. I also felt that she died of something of the chest area. When I asked him, he said his grandmother did pass, he was extremely connected to her and was close to her, and that she died of breast cancer. His grandmothers spirit told me to tell him that she wants him to live a happy life and that she will be with him forever, and that she will be waiting for him until the day he dies.

I don't hear these voices physically, nor do I see any spirits. Everything is done psychically (I believe). I need to know what my gifts are and what they're called.

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RookDygin (5 stories) (324 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-14)

Thank you for that... A simple answer to a simple question. I would rather hear it directly from the indivdual I asked than have words put in your 'mouth'.


bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-12)
Pardon me for interrupting this, but based on what I'm seeing when I observe this conversation, I know what Shaolin is trying to say.

He's saying you're basically the type of person who "Laughs at" what she thinks isn't real, and unless proven several times will continuously mock and insult the person based on it.

Instead of being the smart type of person and keeping disbeliefs to yourself and awaiting until what is said is proven wrong or right.
Javelina (67 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-12)
I am not so different than I was then. You just saw me in a different light, that's all. I do recall how mad you would get when some of us did not take your explanation of your origin and species seriously. Any perceptions you had of me at that time may have been fueled by that anger.
"Freely" admit I was DC? I've never tried to hide that fact. I had quit this, and the sister sites. When I returned I had to change my alias. Site rules, that's all that is about. Besides, I like this alias better, it denotes my gender more than the previous one had. Don't you agree?

Jav 😊
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-11)
Javelina, I must ask why you all the sudden ask people to think like me, when all you did way say I'm some troll noob with no real ability. Considering you admit to being DCinAZ, I ask why you had such a change of heart. Its odd, really.

Rook, I scanned him, that's all that needed to be done. I mentioned bits and pieces of things that were public knowledge to many, like what hes connected to. Noone believed in it, but a few. I even went so far as to lie, and say I disconnected him from the stuff, and everyone who responded swore he wasn't connected to it in the first place.

Yes, this is irrelevant to the topic at hand, but I think this might shed some light on our disagreements, so we might have something to look back on and realize how silly it all was.
UMAD (32 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-08)
Its simply because if you don't know him, you shouldn't be asking things involving him, as he doesn't like to be talked about. I respect his right to privacy~ you should to.
RookDygin (5 stories) (324 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-08)

I'm not into all that secret 'behind the scenes' stuff. I will offer one of my experiences however as I feel that disscussing certian issues should be in the open so all the facts may be shared and many people benifit because of the disscusion. How about this Experience of mine...


I chose it becasue of it's title 'Assiting Friends' although the conversation I'm hopeing that will take place is not about my particular experience I do hope it will help many, many people...


bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-08)
Rook, I'm going to have to ask you to drop this or take it to email. This is not productive to the site and has gone on long enough. And I'll tell you why she "reacted that way". Its because she has no time for certain people. Enough said.
RookDygin (5 stories) (324 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-08)

Defensive arn't we?

I never asked about Eric's personal business. I asked Sholin what Eric did that 'Proved' himself. I asked this because Sholin and I have had some previous discussions on this site and I did not feel this question was out of line nor too personal.

I do however find your reaction intresting, I wonder why you have reacted in this manner?


UMAD (32 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-07)
Btw, if your group treated everyone as "equals", you would have never responded the way you did earlier in the thread.

Practice what you preach.
UMAD (32 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-07)
Wait, so just because I write something on my profile, that makes me a "textbook narcissist"? Uhh, lolno...

And seriously, Eric's business is Eric's business, so drop the obsession and let him be. He doesn't care about you people, quite frankly, and you shouldn't be probing for things in his personal life. And that is the END of that discussion.

BB just happened to come on this site and tell people about it. Honestly, I don't see what the big deal is with this site, in comparison to other communities.
Javelina (67 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-07)
You are absolutely correct. People are here for/to help. But sometimes these things do get a little messy. Sorry to have bothered you.

Javelina (67 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-07)
[at] UMAD,
The fact that you thought I was "mad" shows your own ignorance. I've seen many just like you come in here roaring like a Lion. Wanting so badly to be King. But alas, we wear no crowns in these parts dear. We are all equal. So no matter how you slice it, you are no better than anyone else.
And yes, I did look at your profile. Textbook narcissist.
Lovely day we're having, don't you agree?

chicken1 (2 stories) (69 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-07)
So when was it this post became a place for all of you to have a moan about each other, some people are here to help and for help not to watch your gossip channel and to read b1tchy comments. Take it somewhere else, and to iscorpio, I have sent you an email
Chicken1 😊
Javelina (67 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-07)
[at] Rook,
Thanks for the back up, but we have both forgotten something. It has been so long since all that other nonsense took place. I have changed my name since then, remember? Some of you that have been here for a while will remember me as DCinAZ.
Those of you that are new in town...Welcome!
Those of you that have recently returned... Welcome Back!

Let the games begin...

Jav 😜
RookDygin (5 stories) (324 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-07)

I must ask you this... Have you been reading along and just decided to join in the discussions here or are you just jumping in 'blind' and basing your comment (s) on the most recent postings?

If the latter I entreat you to review the profiles of all the individuals involved and sife through the past comments/experiences of each. Jav's been around awhile and butted heads with many folks, but a Troll? I think not. You are intitled to your opinion of course, but please ensure you have as many facts before you before passing judgment.



(You are welcome to review my experiences and comments as well...)
RookDygin (5 stories) (324 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-07)

I was never one to needlessly 'pick' on you. I do look forward to reading your explinations of your thoughts and your beliefs, let's see just where you are coming from.


May I ask just what 'ERIC' did to 'prove himself' to you. I find that absolutly fasinating and I'd love to hear all about that.

To the rest I'll leave with this...

Demon: 1) a supposed ghost or spirit regarded as evil. 2) a fear or anxiety that torments somebody.

Origins..."The origins of the belief of demons among the ancient societies of the world have been shrouded in mystery and it is uncertain just exactly where the concept started, though a good start would be with the Persian and Assyrian empires... Some of the most ancient civilizations that we are aware of today." (Quoted from an artical I've read) In modern times (today folks, today) they are viewed as 'evil' and with being 'from the devil'. This image is ingrained by Churches, Hollywood, Media and Popular Stories.

Like I said I'm looking forward to this discussion... Where shall we have our FUN? Here... On one of my EXPERIENCES or are you 'nice folks' going to share another 'experience' with us so we can take up the thread there?


UMAD (32 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-06)
I think Javelina is mad because she doesn't understand the viewpoints.

Generally people who are ignorant to things tend to act in a negative way, which would be her unsuccessful "trolling".

Apparently she also feels the need to bash people she doesn't know, when she doesn't realize~ in order for someone to share personal things with, you must first be worth the time and care.

If I were any of these people, Javelina would be the one I'd say "don't let the door hit you on the way out", or "your proof can go die in a fire".

There's a good way to ask for information, and then there's a bad way, which Javelina is demonstrating.

Perhaps she feels the need to bash others, because she's dissatisfied with herself?
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-06)
Ohh Javelina, I remember you. You were that monkey that laughed and discredited everyone just because YOU couldn't believe what they said =3. Lmfao, this is going to be fun. When I post my beliefs of the world, I can't wait for the uproar people like you will cause.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-06)
Well, Eric proved himself to me. So how about you find another person to point everyone to?

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TIGERKING (2 stories) (70 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-05)
Alright, you guys can think what you want. I won't change my view, and you guys won't either. Carry on along your path and we'll see when we reach our destination.
Bladewin (6 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-05)
BB is 100% correct. The origin of the word has been associated with evil, because its thought that to betray heaven means to be evil. Really, heaven is not all good, and hell is not all evil. Both sides have their rights and wrongs, both sides do things in their own ways. There is nothing set in stone, even within the parameters that I have mentioned, that makes either side "good" or "bad," even in such a loose way as perception based on the effects their actions have on each other.
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-05)
Okay, take Christianity for a second:

No, that's not what the word "demon" was used for originally. A demon "in the case I'm referring to" is a fallen angel that would work with Lucifer and Satan, OR a spirit that works with Hell (Lucifer and Satan). Just because in the bible somewhere, they say Lucifer is bad and so is Satan etc etc, Does that actually make them bad?

You use demon as if its a word to describe evil spirits. Thats not what the word demon is, nor what it was used for originally.
TIGERKING (2 stories) (70 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-05)

I know, because the word demon is used to describe something evil. It is a word. A word that describes something that is negative and evil. Somethings may be mistaken to be a demon when in fact they are not. But if something IS a demon, then it is negative/evil. If it is mistaken for a demon but is something good, then it is not a demon. In saying that, demons are necasary to keep a balance, and they are doing their job. Which is to carry out negative deeds.
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-05)
Its only stupid if it isn't true. Is it true? You may never know ^_^
TIGERKING (2 stories) (70 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-05)
I agree. Don't worry about people laughing and thinking that they're superior to you. They might be nothing compared to you. But don't say your a demon that my friend is stupid. And you know it.
UMAD (32 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-05)
Who is the bigger fool? Those that try to present the information that they have gained from their experiences, or those who act like monkeys and laugh at others' attempt to present a different perspective?

BB, don't let them troll you away. Obviously something is wrong with THEM if they feel the need to act like monkeys toward you. 😉
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-05)
Oh, just a note for all of you here. Originally, I left because I felt too much opposition, I wasn't sure what was right or wrong, I wasn't really sorted out.

But time has changed, I have no need for approval or acceptance, no need to be called right just to feel better. I've seen with my own eyes what ever I type about, and if you can't accept my beliefs then don't argue about it.

It only makes you the ignorant one in the end because who knows, I might end up being right.

I'm going to charge at you head on. Nothing's holding me back this time, and trust me. I'm going to have a lot. Of. Fun.
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-04)
[at] Javelina: I don't need you to believe what I say, as your opinion couldn't care less ^_^. 1 year ago I was one who depended on everyone else to give me information, to tell me what to do, Now? I don't give a fly fawk about your opinions =3.

[at] Tigerking: Uhm... No.
TIGERKING (2 stories) (70 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-04)
Thanks Jav

But I feel bad for this sparky character. Calling yourself a demon, even if joking, can be devastating. Mr Spark, I understand if someone peeved you off you might be saying some things that you don't mean, but I urge you to take that back for your own sake. Don't play in to their hands. If you want to be a troll, be one, but don't say rubbish like that, for goodness sake.

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