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How Do I Know If I Have Powers, And How Do I Control Them?


I am currently in a state of confusion. See, I have been doing a lot of research on this stuff, and I think I finally found the right site. It is an obsession actually. I couldn't tell anyone about it because they would think I'm crazy.

My story is that I have had a lot of encounters of where I could sense something going on. Whether its water, earth, wind, the mind, or anything like that. Its like I have some sort of connection with water, but at the same time, I feel drawn to the earth. The winds get me high spirited, and fire. Well I can't even describe fire. It just calms me and keeps me at peace. But when I try to do anything, it just doesn't work.: (I have thought of the possibility that I may just be overreacting, and that I don't have any power, but I pretty much refuse to believe that.

What I want to know is if this is normal. Am I dev =P

Eloping powers of some sort? And if so, which one?

Some other thing you should know is that I've been having dreams. The one that I get most nights, and I can't stop thinking about, is the one where I can breathe underwater, and I have a tail. But last night, I had a dream where I could control objects with my mind.

I feel like I'm getting mixed messages.

So basically, I am in a state of confusion. I need help with understanding these changes. I can't tell my family because they don't understand. I'm sure most of you know what I'm talking about. Please tell me how I can fix this mess. I would really appreciate it.

Best regards,


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SnakeVenom (1 posts)
4 years ago (2020-10-28)
Is it possible that I have super hearing because when people are whispering I can hear them clearly as if they are not whispering. 🤔
Firedancer (3 posts)
11 years ago (2013-12-22)
I forgot to add that I am also having strange dreams about my powers! 😊
Firedancer (3 posts)
11 years ago (2013-12-22)
I feel the same but with fire and water! Whenever I use my fire powers my hands get REALLY hot, I once accidentally almost burned my friend (she knows about my powers) also I sometimes can control light and heat and when I am near water sometimes it moves! Once I was taking a test and I tried to move my waterbottle with "powers" cause I didn't know I had them and it moved off the desk without even touching it! Another thing I feel I have a connection with is ice because occasionally my hands get really cold, and once during the summer I was getting in the car and I made frost appear on the door! Even though I am only 13 and my powers aren't that strong I don't really know how to control them and it feels like I get a new power every once in a while! 😊
Power (1 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-31)
I feel the same way but only fire one day I had a really bad day at school and I came home and went to my room. I went on my bed and feel asleep 5 minuets later I woke up and my sheet was on fire. I don't know if it will hurt me or burn me but I can produce fire and trying to control it lately it hasn't been happening I need help to but I can feel a darkness coming and it's very powerful.
Demonico (2 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-29)
Well I think you are like a lot of us here, confused and no clue what is happening to you. To me it seems there is one of three different things happening to you right now. The first, and not one I'm suggesting, is that you are imagining things and over-reacting to dreams. Second would be that any powers you are going to have are on the verge of awakening or are calling you to discover them. Finally, this is the one I'm leaning toward, The spirits of the elements are calling to you to make your choice, but I would make it wisely as each will alter your personality. If this is the case, think about each dream-how you reacted what you did-when you make your decision. Hope you get/got through it ok.
DR3W9098 (2 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-23)
id say water if you feel so connected to it 😳 see I wanted to study water but I researched and my zodiac says I'm fire
WannabeSorceress (1 stories) (5 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-23)
Lately, I've been obsessing over water, but I have tried focusing on air. I've been feeling more connected to my inner self lately, but I can't shake the feeling that I should be with water. Should I continue with air, or switch to water? 😕
DR3W9098 (2 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-20)
😲 I have the same things well feeling and confusion I'm so connected to water and I try and have dreams and wish I could water bend but it won't work I'm so confused please help WannabeSorceress what should I do!

Ps. Have you perfected your abilities in the past few months? 😉
WannabeSorceress (1 stories) (5 posts)
12 years ago (2012-04-22)
Thank you all so much for the great advice! I'll try working with air for a while and see what happens. I'll also try meditating much more. I'll keep you guys updated.:)
grace613 (2 stories) (3 posts)
12 years ago (2012-04-17)
I feel like a lot of the things you mentioned are things I have felt too. I just feel a different connection with nature than I think "normal" people feel. Its almost like I can feel it's energy like I can feel other peoples or animals, but its much more calming for me. The main ones for me are air and water, but I did grow up living near water so I figured maybe that's just what I was comfortable with. Like you, I am constantly questioning whether or not what I am feeling is real and I haven't ever talked to anyone close to me about it for fear they would think I'm crazy. I have tried to ask the wind to blow harder, and it happened, a few times in a row... But I always have this voice in the back of my head that tries to rationalize everything and I doubt myself. I think that nature is like any other thing in this world- it can choose whether or not it wants to listen to what you are asking. I don't think of it so much as a "controlling" relationship, as a positive energy flow between me and nature... If that makes any sense at all. If you are respectful and ask, most of the time you will get what you ask for- but just remember that it is not necessarily going to happen on your terms just because you want it to. Just like dealing with other people. Maybe I am way off base here, but this has seemed to deepen the connection for me. The more I think about it, there is no way that life is so simple as we are taught is "normal"- everything has energy and we are all connected. Just be respectful and trust your instincts and I think you will be able to develop your skills further. Its nice for me to know that there is someone else out there who is feeling similar things to what I am. Good luck:)
Agstorms (183 posts)
12 years ago (2012-04-14)
Exactly it's a team effort you expand your energy and kind of let the element know what you want.
qsxcft11 (34 posts)
12 years ago (2012-04-14)
(I had a story but they classified it as weather and not this type >.>) But, it is not control per say, its more of an agreement between you and it. And do what kitty said, meditation helps, I've been playing around with wind forr awhile
kittykat6 (4 stories) (45 posts)
12 years ago (2012-04-14)
The ability to control the elements is called eyokinesis. It is when one uses telekinesis to control the elements. If you practice your abilities, you may be able to actually control the elements one day. Agstorms is right, air is the easiest to control. Meditating will help, and you do not need to be so impatient. Meditating isn't thinking about NOTHING. That is actually the opposite of meditating. When you meditate, you just start out with a thought and let it take you where it wants to. Just try to calm your thought process and block out the world around you. Then, pick a thought, and follow it wherever it goes. You may change subjects, and you might end up thinking about something that you would rather not, but just follow it anyways.
Agstorms (183 posts)
12 years ago (2012-04-13)
Although in time you should be able to learn all but just think which one you have the most affinity for
Agstorms (183 posts)
12 years ago (2012-04-13)
Air is usually easier because of the leas density I may be able to help with that.
setokaiba (22 posts)
12 years ago (2012-04-12)
try water less chance of getting hurt go to ill help u
WannabeSorceress (1 stories) (5 posts)
12 years ago (2012-04-12)
Thanks setokaiba.
And how do I know which element to focus on? Water, earth, air, fire? Argh I'm a mess. =P
setokaiba (22 posts)
12 years ago (2012-04-12)
just think about all your thoughts of the day being sucked up by a black hole then the black hole swallows itself it makes it easier
WannabeSorceress (1 stories) (5 posts)
12 years ago (2012-04-12)
Thanks for your help. But how do I learn to control them? Because I am a very restless person.=P
I've tried meditating, and I just keep thinking about something else. Its quite frustrating. Any more advice would be great!
WannabeSorceress (1 stories) (5 posts)
12 years ago (2012-04-12)
Thank you Yvette. I'll try and find an answer. Hopefully I will find out what my power is.:)
setokaiba (22 posts)
12 years ago (2012-04-12)
i had the same exprience when my powers devloped try controlling the elements I can scense you will be very powerful and be a great help in th war answer my question please
yvettecornejo (1 stories) (5 posts)
12 years ago (2012-04-12)
hello, well all I can say is am sorry but I have not experience anything like that except when I stand right where the sun hits and hits my skin and I find it gentle and peaceful I like the way it feels I don't know if it can relate to this but I can tell you one thing I don't think it can be that your a devil. I think you should ask and comment on others that you see that relate to your story and maybe they can help you.
wish you the best and that you fin the answer you look for
- yvette <3

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