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Am I Really Able To See These Things?


I'm a fourteen year old girl living in MA. I've always been able to see spirits ever since I could remember. However now it's getting out of what I'm able to handle by myself. I'd like to know what exactly I'm seeing and advice to help me handle this.

My father was in the hospital a year ago, and his heart stop for about 1 minute. During the time, when the doctors were trying to help him I noticed a black dog on top of my father's chest. At first I couldn't believe the doctors weren't trying to get the dog off of him. Then the dog bit into my father's chest. That's when the doctors began to panic. I'm not sure what the panic was about. I Pushed all the doctors away and managed to push the dog off my father. The dogs skin felt hot, and dry. A few moments later the dog vanished and my dad's heart started again. I told my mom about this, and she said to never talk about this again because it may end up hurting other people. After that experience I've been seeing those dogs stalking a few people from behind.

Just recently I was with one of my friends on the marsh because we like to go mudding. When we were near the edge of marsh land, I saw the dog again and it bit my friend in the leg. She fell over the edge and the dog went after her. I jumped down to get her so the dog couldn't get to her. She broke her. When I got there the dog was getting too close so I grabbed my friend and kicked the dog. That dog talked! I didn't hear what it said but it talked! Then the dog bit my leg and ran off whimpering. Now there's a bite mark on my leg that I can only see and feel. And my friend wasn't able to see the dog!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, chikadee123, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

chikadee123 (5 stories) (5 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-09)
[at] fight4freedom I actually did look into my mom side of the family. My great grandmother (who I did Meet) was actually a priestess in korea. My mom was supposed to take on those duties but her depression got in the way. So I'm still not sure what's going on.
fight4freedom (2 stories) (40 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-07)
Religion may or may not give you the knowledge to deal with it though Chikadee, in the Christian belief the holy trinity is all powerful and holds dominion over all including demons. It wasn't much assistance to me when forced upon me but later when I needed it I was helped out so never doubt what faith in any belief can do. If your mother's seen the bite mark and no one else can it allows us to further understand it and it seemingly is a hereditary psychic ability. Maybe the dog has something to do with your families origins and the beliefs at the time. Try doing some research on your mom's side of the family on both of her parents and where the last names originate from. The beliefs of the area in the time period may have something to do with it.

Again i'm not positive when I say that I can only point you in a direction in where to look for understanding.
ritvikshankar (6 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-05)
[at] chikadee123:

Sorry, I forgot to mention the download link. Just drop me a mail at ritvikshankar [at] I will send you the audio.
ritvikshankar (6 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-05)
[at] chikadee123:

Hello dear, the experiences you are having are para-normal...meaning that they are related to a different world with which not every one is able to connect. You have a god-gifted ability to have those experiences. I will not say that you don't have to worry about it. Rather, I want to recommend something strong which will surely cure away these kind of problems of yours. I am a member of an international spiritual society in India "All World Gayatri Pariwar". I recommend you to listen an audio of Gayatri Mantra whenever you find time and as much as you can. Here is the link to download it. Just listen to it with your full focus. It would be better if you use headphones to listen. In addition to listening, you also repeat the gayatri mantra whenever you are in trouble. The gayatri mantra is as follows: "Om Bhoor Bhuvahh Swahh Tat Savitur Varenyam Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi Dhiyo Yonah Prachodayat". You can drop me a mail at ritvikshankar [at] if any queries. Thanks. God Bless.
martha (5 stories) (89 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-05)
i get messages and visions from not only the deceased but from the living people as well, like from a total stranger who wants me to relate a message when they are alive an able to relate this message themselves, in this case its mother and daughter and I know the daughter but never met or spoke to her mom only in vision or in message we communicated... They are both alive why do they need me to relate a message to each other, and what kind of abilitity might this be? Has this happened to others like me?
chikadee123 (5 stories) (5 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-05)
I totally get where you guys are coming from. I just really don't know how to quit handle this yet 😕
[at] martha what did mean by only the dead could make this happen? And my mother was able to see the bite mark too, but it was only her. Now she wants me to go to her church on sunday. 😕
martha (5 stories) (89 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-04)
what do you call when a person receives a message and visions from the living? I am a little confused, this is happening for while now and thought it was the dead that can make this happen... Need some direction? Feel free to comment please and thank you!
fight4freedom (2 stories) (40 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-04)
Like AnneV said, we cannot know for certain because all we're able to see is the posts but anything is possible.
A lot of ancient religions and lesser known ones believe that dogs are a guide and or guardian to the spirit world. The ancient Greeks have Cerberus to guard the spirit world, while Mayans had dogs as the guides to the spirit world. So it is completely possible and not all too far from a logical thing to see. But as Anne said just monitor the situation and see if others can hear or see the dog as well.
AnneV (4 stories) (1064 posts) mod
13 years ago (2012-05-04)
It's very hard for anyone reading anyone else's post to know if what they saw was real. We aren't there so can only offer suppositions (an assumed opinion).

However, if what we think we are seeing produces physical results then that might be the evidence we are looking for. For example, does the ghost you're seeing knock something on the floor? Can it be heard by more than one person? In your case, and this may or may not be coincidental, your dad's heart had issues and your friend falls over, but still, even in these two cases your dad was already being worked on for a problem and most anyone would fall down in a marsh, so I'd say, keep monitoring the situation and see if something more definitive happens.

As for "is this possible." Yes, this is possible. I've seen far weirder!

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