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Astral Projection Or Wierd Dream?


After many attempts at strengthening and practicing my psychic abilities, I think something may have happened. A few days ago I was in my room meditating for about thirty minutes. I was listening to a guided relaxation soundtrack, when I finally "fell asleep". When I "awoke" I was in the exact same spot I "fell asleep" in, so I looked at my phone to check the time (as I thought I dozed off). But when I looked at it the screen was blurry, and I couldn't make out anything on it, I could only see the light from it. I soon heard something like a faint whisper from my mind that said "I don't ever remember actually falling asleep". This frightened me and I opened my eyes. After I "awoke" from my experience I realized that I didn't have any emotions or thoughts (other than the whisper) during my experience, and I had a strange feeling that I "left" the planet Earth. After the experience I also recall not feeling like I woke up but more so like I just opened my eyes.

1.) If anyone reading has ever Astral Projected, do you think this is what happened? 2.) If I do astral project what are some of the things I can do? 3.) Can you Astral Project to a parallel universe, or a similar universe to ours? 4.) Since then I have had trouble with my psychics abilities, does anyone know anything else to do (besides meditating) to make them stronger? By the way, I am Clairvoyant, and a little Empathetic. Thanks for anyone for reading this, and thanks a MILLION to anyone who provides helpful feedback!

Your friend,


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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, ZzzSloth, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

IslVoter (257 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-27)

Both of you have mentioned slight differences in astral. I'm not sure if you're talking about precog dreams being close but not exactly like what happened or astral scenes being close but not exact.

In the precog case, future events always have the ability to be changed, so I think whatever differences you see, whatever imprecision you see can be chalked up to possibilities. It's why spirit doesn't "guarantee" something will happen in the future.

But as to slight astral differences, which I have encountered, the best explanation I've heard is that astral dimensions are created by our thoughts. That is why there is an almost stable "heaven" and "hell" scene --because so many people believe it.

If you had to create your surroundings right now in your head, would you be totally correct? Probably you might miss a detail here or there. That's my understanding of astral--created by thought.

And speaking of astral, in your travels, don't limit yourself to astral (i.e. "seeable" dimensions). There is so much more out there. If you wish to meet with guides or others, you may need to stray out of astral.

And astral can have lots of entities, haven't worked out their issues yet! Best to avoid them until they do!

Isle - Lora
ZzzSloth (1 stories) (1 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-27)
Astralprecog- I can relate to what your saying about the slight differences between your ability and reality. I too have also wondered after I had a dream that came true why wasn't something (in a key role) exactly the same in reality, when everything else was. Maybe we can view slightly different "alternative endings" to what our abilities allow us. And you mentioned "blue goldstones", how do you use them to help with AP? Do you wear, or rub them, or just have them around? Thanks for your feedback!
astralprecog (1 stories) (3 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-19)
Thank you for posting this, it reminded me of a time I had astral projected while semi-conscious, I can't believe I forgot about it. I have a lot of experience with astral projection, so I'll try and answer some of your questions.

1.) If anyone reading has ever Astral Projected, do you think this is what happened?

It sounds exactly like what happened to me, so yes!

2.) If I do astral project what are some of the things I can do?

By mastering your subconscious desires you can choose the places you would like to go to, the people you would like to visit, things you would like to see. But it requires a lot of focus, and for me it took several years before I mastered it, but let me tell you, it is AWESOME.

3.) Can you Astral Project to a parallel universe, or a similar universe to ours?

This is so interesting, I didn't know other people thought of this too... I theorize about what's happening when I astral project all the time, it gets tricky because I am precognitive so I notice myself reliving moments the same day I dream of them, but with very slight differences. But that's what makes me wonder, if everything is similar but slightly different, is it a parallel world identical to ours, or is it our mind trying to see things its never seen before and so it uses symbols or maybe things just look different? I'm so curious, so if anyone else could give any insight to this question I'd love it.

4.) Since then I have had trouble with my psychics abilities, does anyone know anything else to do (besides meditating) to make them stronger?

If this happened about a week ago and you say you've had trouble with your abilities since then, I would just say give it more time. I thought the same thing earlier this year, but then after getting a tarot reading done by a local psychic I was told to believe in my powers, have more confidence, and don't be afraid of them (I dream of people who die after I wake up, so I was terrified for a while). This advice made me more relaxed which I've noticed gives me more control over my astral projection.

I don't know if it helps, but I did go out and by a couple blue goldstones which are said to help with astral projection. I also got a few other crystals/stones that called out to me, its honestly all about believing in yourself and that the things you do in life will guide you to where you're supposed to be. Confidence is insanely helpful!

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