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Real Psychic Experiences

Pictures Of Things Yet To Come


Since I was a very little girl I have received what I now call "Pictures" of the future. They are always just a very quick snapshot of what I will see. Every single one of these pictures has come true,

I find comfort in these pictures because it means I'm doing what I'm supposed to do in order to see the picture. They have been of various things, one picture was of my looking down at a girl I only saw the top of her head in the picture. It came true a few years after I saw the picture, and the only way I could of seen this girl was from a particular series of events which caused me to be severely abused and neglected.

The latest picture to have come true was me and my boyfriend playing an online game together. The last picture I had was of an infant girl, with black hair and milk chocolate skin. This has made me think that I will marry my boyfriend, considering he's 100% Chinese with black hair and milk chocolate skin.

I don't have these pictures in my dreams, they happen while I'm awake. I can't control it, I would like to learn how to control it. My mother also gets the pictures, she seems convinced that we are both gifted in sight because we can also see spirits and sense when they're around. I am more skeptical, we have both been under major amounts of stress, mine was so bad I now have PTSD. I can't always tell if it's my paranoia, or if it's a spirit.

I would really want to learn of someone else that has these pictures and if I can somehow learn to control them. I've told my boyfriend about them, he's very supportive and is rather excited to learn we may have a daughter in the future. Please let me know if someone out there has at least something similar to the pictures.

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Comments about this clairvoyant experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, 063twtw, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

063twtw (1 stories) (7 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-31)
Why thank you!:D I'll give you an email if I need any info on this stuff:)
Madara (guest)
12 years ago (2012-07-31)
sorry, I meant my email is nikito997 [at]
This comment must be 50 characters at least so ths is waht this last sentence is for
Madara (guest)
12 years ago (2012-07-31)
[at] 063twtw
If you want more information on Psychic abilities,Chakras,Energies etc. My email's niito997 [at]
063twtw (1 stories) (7 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-30)
Ah thank you both! I really want to understand all this stuff. Thank you very much:)

As for the information you've gathered, it would be a good help if you're willing to share it with me!
IslVoter (257 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-30)

If you don't want to just search Google for terminology, you might try general spiritual forums. There is one that has categories of comments for every topic under the (spiritual) sun. You can just go and lurk for a while, and read the past posts for information.

But, for me, it can be kind of indirect. You might just Google the term "remote viewing" and see if it applies, as Anne suggested. To me your images are more like precognitions--and I know there is another term for this. [I sometimes feel everyone here is a little too concerned with labels--I'm a clairaudient, clairsentient, etc. Even within a category, everyone is different. But that doesn't help you begin to get a handle. ]

All these things--Third Eye, chakras--are out there. Chakras, for me, were something I really couldn't resonate with, as there were some that I just didn't feel present. And I sure didn't feel them as spinning flowers or butterflies!

Someone on the forum I mentioned earlier does a kind of energetic reading that seems much more realistic. Each person's energy systems are unique. In her experience, everyone has two dominant chakras (energy centers) and the other support them. She is user Sangress and she draws pictures of each energy system she reads.

Anyway, just by way of example: There are usually "conventional" descriptions of these things--Third eye, etc. But then you have to use your gut and decide what feels right for you.

I know this isn't all the answers you need. Once you find a source of information that seems to make sense to you, then you will have more understanding to go for other topics.

Isle - Lora
Madara (guest)
12 years ago (2012-07-30)
Hi again, I understand your choice, if you wish you can surch this site for informations, or I can give you the infomation I've gattered thruogh the years.I'm always happy to help people with this 😊
063twtw (1 stories) (7 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-30)
At IslVoter

Ah thank you for understanding! I usually learn as much as I can before I dive into something, and the idea of forcing this to become stronger before learning about what it actually is, scares me. I really have no idea about this stuff like, crystals, third-eye's and chakras. I would like to know more about what these are, what they do and such. But Google isn't exactly the best learning resource.
IslVoter (257 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-24)

Don't worry--you can't "force" your Third Eye open. It will open when it is time.

And your intentions are also honored. If you're not ready, it won't happen.

I see that you want to lay back and learn, observe--before you move forward. As a fellow lay-back-and-observe person, I totally understand.

As I said in another forum, if I want to jump off a cliff, I check out the cliff, I talk to people who have jumped off the cliff, I see if there are books about the cliff and cliff-jumping. THEN I might be ready to jump. I'm not unable to take an action, it's just I am more of a preparation kind of person than a what-the-hell-let's-jump person. 😁

Everyone is different! So you keep on keeping on.

Isle - Lora
063twtw (1 stories) (7 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-24)
(at madara) I don't listen to everything I hear, I've had a lot of bad experiences with these kinds of things. As I already said I want to wait until I'm older and have a better understanding of this stuff before I go messing with it and making it stronger. My mother won't go and try to make her sight any better and we don't talk about this much. I don't know anyone else with what I have and being in high school, I don't want to go around asking people if they can see things. That's not exactly a good idea when I'm already being bullied.
Madara (guest)
13 years ago (2012-07-22)
[at] 063twtw
Ok but you shouldn't listen to everything you find, most sites are made of people who say that are mediums, psychics etc. And then steal your money. The best thing you can do is find somebody who can help you out. Maybe a relative or a frien that has some abilities?
063twtw (1 stories) (7 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-18)
I understood you, I think you're English is just fine! I'm not much older than you too! I'm still a bit confused by things like chakras and meditation. I'll probably look into those things to see what they're all about. Thanks for the advice!:)
Madara (guest)
13 years ago (2012-07-18)
I don't get pictures, either dreams or things I can sense, I mean for example i'd get a word (sometimes i've never herd of it) in my head and hear it in a conversation. Other times i'd see scenes of the future. I don't know how to explain it. For controlling your ability I'd say meditate on the 3rd chakra. You shouldn't worry about opening the 3rd eye. I did it when I was 13, it helped me alot. I hope this helps, and sorry for my spelling i'm a 14 year old and I don't know english very well
063twtw (1 stories) (7 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-18)
I've never been able to hear the conversations so I think that's pretty cool! It doesn't really matter if you can or can't help, I'm happy as is with just knowing me and my mom aren't the only ones! It brings some comfort to me.:)

And that's a whole lot of big words that I don't really understand, but I would love to learn how my pictures work and... All of what you said, though I'm a bit worried about working with my third-eye. Once you open your self to things like that, it's hard to close it. Maybe when I'm older and don't have to focus all my attention on other things like school, then I'll probably work on that kind of stuff. Thank you for the information!
pianorider (1 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-16)
Yes - I have pictures, but I'm sorry that I can't help you out, as I don't know how to control them either. Unlike you, mine doesn't run in the family - I gained several paranormal abilities after a psychic encounter.
With my pictures, they come in flashes. Sometimes though I'll hear snippets of conversation, but the words always sounds as if they're fading.
AnneV (4 stories) (1064 posts) mod
13 years ago (2012-07-16)
Images while awake are pretty much remote viewing (though there are numerous other esoteric labels). You can even practice here:

You're probably a natural viewer.

I took classes from Dr. Wayne Carr of the Institute of Remote Viewing and it's quite incredible when you actually get target contact, and even more thrilling when you bi-locate which is actually to shift your full consciousness from where you are at here and now to the target (destination) even to the point of physical immersion. You can probably teach this to yourself through some books (a lot cheaper than in-person classes) if you are at all interested. If not, you can just work on your third eye to help with the visions. My step mother practiced remote viewing hard for about a year and you simply could not stump the woman! No matter the 'blind' target (that means the viewer does not know what the target is and is only given random made up digits when they do the viewing), she could bi-locate to it.

We control most things in our life through the use of will power (this is one of your chakras - the will center which is your solar plexus). To control 'sight' we have to take time out for this. It's like any craft or art. You've got to practice. It would also help to use the corresponding crystals on your third eye (where psychic visions occur) and work your will center.


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