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Real Psychic Experiences

Want To Find Others Like Me


Hey everyone. I'm 16 and a high school student, I first noticed that I was different from others when I started taking an interest in ghosts and such when I was little and then as I got older I read all the books I could on them. Then I heard of Psychics. I have these experiences every once in a while, where I astral project through a Lucid Dream, and sometimes I know when something is going to be said before it is, and sometimes I know when something is going to happen. I also when I was little may have been able to see spirits. Its hard to find a website that can help.

Its hard to deal with the depression and stress that comes with being alone with no one like me to help. I sometimes Lucid Dream and when I do, I can Astral Project from there, but I haven't had an OBE in a while. My public library does not have many books on the subject and I have read all the ones they have had. Recently I have been looking for those who can possibly help me better understand why this happened to me.

I have met a few nice people who have helped me along the way, but they can't possibly understand the things that happen. People recommend stuff left and right but they don't see the solution to my real problem. I am in the process of developing my abilities more, but I don't know exactly how I can. I have seen inspirational stories on here that have helped, but reading stories doesn't help the depression. If there are any Psychic Teens on this site, or anyone who is willing to help this depressed soul please comment and email me from my profile page!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, vergil117, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

IMissMyHome (1 stories) (10 posts)
5 years ago (2019-08-29)
if you are still out there, email me at AresWulf911 [at]
You are not the only one
Jared (12 posts)
11 years ago (2013-03-01)
I see, sorry, Aaron Douglas. I assume that is right, isn't it? Sorry, your aura is so strong, like my travel companion, Eleanor, it's like it can tell me everything about you.

I am, as already mentioned, the travel companion that Eleanor ended up with. I am a ghost who died in 1874 and have been wandering around for somebody to bond with, somehow managing to find such a strange, lonely girl, in the small town of Kingshurst. Ever since we saw each other a few months back, we bonded like Mordred to popping candy!

Like Eleanor and Mordred, I wear a pentagram of pewter to keep myself secured in this world and also alive, obviously ghost-wise.

The sorts of things I like to do are hanging out at the cinema, taking a stroll in a most magical place which I believe is called Babbs Mill or something like that, or even doing a spot of sketching wolves in math lessons, as I am in most of Eleanor and Mordred's classes. It's really funny! 😆
vergil117 (guest)
11 years ago (2013-03-01)
Hello there Jared. I wrote this story a while back. But do explain to me more about who you are. This is a lot more confusing for me. But I am just as confusing when it comes to who I am.
Jared (12 posts)
11 years ago (2013-03-01)
Greetings, Aaron. I am Jared, you may have heard of me before. Please do visit my profile, as I can introduce myself a little more to you. 😊
vergil117 (guest)
11 years ago (2013-03-01)
theres a lot about me that I keep secret and tell a few people, since I wrote this story I have become a lot more... In tune with my gifts.
Timberwolf (guest)
11 years ago (2013-02-28)
I know how you feel, vergil 117...
Nobody really understood me when this first happened to me either...
Don't worry about what other people think of you, though- everyone is different yet there is something extra special about you that seems to show through your aura. Yes, you may live all the way in the United States, but you have so strong an aura that here in England I can sense all of the different layers of it... You remind me of my close friend Arthur!
vergil117 (guest)
12 years ago (2013-01-22)
Thank you so much for everything guys! It really means a lot...:) I'm a lot better now, thank you all so much for helping me.:) blessings to ALL of you.
WonderfullyDark (1 stories) (5 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-22)
I know what youre going through and I felt out for a while too when I knew I couldn't tell my family or friends what I've been going through. It was really hard and I was depressed most of the time since I felt weirded out most of the time. I tried telling my mom but then she just looked at me weird and has never since been the same around me. Hope this helped:)
demonkitty101 (2 stories) (10 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-22)

Dang, I know how you feel. It's good to know I'm not the only one either 😊
vergil117 (guest)
12 years ago (2013-01-08)
thank you demonkitty101... Its just that its hard to be alone...
demonkitty101 (2 stories) (10 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-23)
I can't help you, but I can say that I sort of feel the same way... If that makes you feel any better...?
vergil117 (guest)
12 years ago (2012-10-29)
Thanks NovaStayer47! I hope to hear from you as well! Its nice to talk to you more
NovaStayer47 (guest)
12 years ago (2012-10-26)
I can e-mail you! I had sent you an e-mail a couple of minutes ago. Hope to hear from you.
vergil117 (guest)
12 years ago (2012-10-26)
NovaStayer47- its ok, I'm just a depressive wreck right now, but I wish your mother could understand I'm the most harmless person ever. I'm only a 16 year old, very skinny. I wear glasses and have never been kicked out of school. I'm sorry that your mom won't let you email me. My depression is literally killing me. Its hard to handle. My spirit guide is hiding right now and I feel really sad.
NovaStayer47 (guest)
12 years ago (2012-10-24)
Hi, I am so sorry that I wasn't able to send anything back. I have been very sick due to my stomach problems. I had asked my mother about e-mailing you and she's really not comfortable in letting me e-mail you. I am so sorry, and I am really bummed about it. I really wanted to e-mail you! But my mother checks my messages, and she would find out if I was. She's usually open-minded with these sort of things. I'll try to ask her again. And I'm pretty sure I can convince her. I'll let you know as soon as possible. Again, really sorry!
vergil117 (guest)
12 years ago (2012-10-24)
i try to enjoy life, I'm actually going to start taking anti-depressent medication. Part of this is because I'm an empath, but others its because of my OCD.
clockworksc4 (1 stories) (3 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-23)
We are all energy, a light let's say.
Once you realise that there is an afterlife (you say you OBE then you must believe in the afterlife) and we are only put on this lifetime to enjoy life and become more Spiritual.

You will start to learn that nothing matters everything is pointless.
Everything you get depressed about doesn't really matter, but you are also in your teens at the moment and still growing up, I'm not saying your immature but still have a lot to learn mentally.

Everything is pointless and nothing matters, but enjoy it as much as you can.
Be positive

Just my view on life.

vergil117 (guest)
12 years ago (2012-10-23)
NovaStayer47- so did your parents say it was ok to email me further?
vergil117 (guest)
12 years ago (2012-10-18)
NovaStayer47- that's fine, please let me know if you can email me! My email is biohazardzombie17 [at] its just nice to know that I have a friend who is like me now.:)
NovaStayer47 (guest)
12 years ago (2012-10-17)
It's fine.I'm still not sure if I can e-mail you but I will try to back to you as soon as possible (:
vergil117 (guest)
12 years ago (2012-10-17)
NovaStayer47- the comment about the email is below, sorry! I posted before I realized that I wrote it wrong, but that's fine, don't worry, I hope that your mom is ok with it.

Lyric55- I can feel the negativity around people too, that's the one thing, I want to feel the love of people, not just the negativity. I go through stages of depression a lot, so I would not recommend trying to feel what I am like. I don't want you to feel down since your a nice person 😁
vergil117 (guest)
12 years ago (2012-10-17)
NovaStayer47- that's alright, its best to let your mom know first! But I'm a really nice person, I trust you as well, I mean I have not told many people the above story and you understand it better than most, and for that I'm grateful! I hope that your mom is ok with it, because you helped me a lot.
NovaStayer47 (guest)
12 years ago (2012-10-16)
Oh, well I would love to, but I really don't e-mail people that I meet online. I would rather run it by my mother first and see what she says. It's not that I don't trust people it's just but better safe than sorry. I'm sorry! But I will let you know what she says. (:
Lyric55 (4 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-16)
vergil117- I always feel the negativity of people, and their emotions. Sometimes it's distracting but other times it can come in handy because you can help them I they are felling sad about something.
vergil117 (guest)
12 years ago (2012-10-16)
NovaStayer47- can I ask you what your email is? I would like to talk to you some more. You have been really nice to me.:)
NovaStayer47 (guest)
12 years ago (2012-10-15)
Thank you very much and I hope you find help with what you're going through too. (: <3
vergil117 (guest)
12 years ago (2012-10-15)
if that doesn't help. There are plenty of mediations online to meet your spirit guide. I hope that you find your guide!:)
NovaStayer47 (guest)
12 years ago (2012-10-14)
I will have to try that. Thank you very much. (:
-NovaStayer47 ❤
vergil117 (guest)
12 years ago (2012-10-10)
NovaStayer47- I suggest this, ask your guide to make themselves known in some way. Since your an empath, it will be easier than me, just ask if you could feel there energy. If they don't show themselves, be patient. Meditate on it for a while. I didn't find mine for a while and even now my guide doesn't show herself much.:)
NovaStayer47 (guest)
12 years ago (2012-10-09)
I have not connected with my spirit guide... I do not know how too.:P

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