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Thank you for letting me tell my story. I will begin by saying that I feel as if I have been given a gift. It all began at the age of 4, my brother was killed in a war in 1969 just before my 4th birthday. I was very close to my brother and just before my family was advised of his death, I had a dream.

I remember this dream even today and now I am 43 years old. I saw a man in a grey suit standing in the entry door of our old farm house with tears in his eyes. He was tall and had gray hair. He advised my mother that my brother had been killed. I saw the faces of my family and heard the tears falling. I didn't know what it all meant but knew it was bad.

It seemed so real the following morning I discussed my dream with my mother and asked her what killed in action really was. She calmly tried to ease my fear by telling me that I had a bad dream and that my brother was just fine.

Later that afternoon the man in the grey suit came to the door and my dream had come to reality.

At the age of 13 I awoke at 3:03am and standing before me was my grandfather from New Jersey. He was surrounded by a light and told me he was ok. The next morning at approximately 8am, mother was advised that her father, my grandfather had passed at 3:03am. I have had daily experiences with spirit's from that point on. I find it to be normal, most find it to be strange.

There are several different experiences that I have had in my life and wish to educate myself about them. It's very hard to find someone to help you advance with your gift that first want to take all of your money to do so. I have never ever thought of charging someone for something that came to me for free. I have shared some of my experiences with my loved ones but keep most of my seeing and hearing to myself. I respect my gift as well as the spirits that speak to me. I would love to learn to advance this gift with people that hold the same respect as I.

Again, thank you for your time.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, pattys, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

vendettaBabes (3 stories) (335 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-04)
ah, you are one of us, aren't you? You know, you find all the things ordinary people think weird; normal. So do many of us. Welcome, in this website, I have found peace and love, as well as many wise people. It is a lovely place to be at.

We are here for a purpose, -val. [the strongest and oldest empath of the group]
gladiamhere (7 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-31)
PATTYS I had to find people like you and I! I can't tell people what I see. It consumes me at times. I am rarely scared. The day I came home early with a sick little boy and saw an ash like surprised-man-figure look at me and walk into a wall I knew I was blessed. That was about 4 years ago. I too am aware and looking to see how I can further my gift. I don't tell a soul, but feel comfortable telling you. ❤
rachel123 (17 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-27)
i got my other gifts only about 2 years so that would make sense
thank you so much
sometimes this just gets confusing
thanks again
-Rachel 😊
Tara9282 (3 stories) (41 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-27)
rachel, most people get there gifts through puberty, if you've had your other gifts for a while you probobly just developed this one through puberty and your other gifts are what some would call natural. 😁
rachel123 (17 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-27)
im a 13 year old girl and have been able to communicate with the dead for only a couple months,
(I have other abilities to),
and I was wondering why I have had my other gifts so long but I just got this one recently, I would also appreciate some tips on telling my parents about my gifts.
-Rachel 😊
DeborahAnna (18 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-26)
Pattys,You are blessed for your gifts to be so clear and your intentions to be so well directed. Just stay focused on the good and you will do just fine.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-24)
Patty S - my best training for myself is just learning to be quiet, not an easy task (I'm a yakker) and listen. Then to trust what I hear and follow it. Only recently, and I'm 49, have I accepted it really. I've always just let it happen and thought, That's odd. People around me accepted it before I did. People around me still surprise me, in real life, when I mumble something odd and they do and it works. It tends to freak me a little; they expect it almost I think. I guess aging isn't all bad - we have to grow up sometime.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-24)
Edmund - Thanks for the reply. I think Mary, perhaps both of them, but the mother at least, knew far in advance his eventual fate. I think they were prepared on some level, if such a thing as preparing for something like this is possible. Still, it's heartbreaking.
Edmund (578 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-24)
GlendaSC... Sorry I didn't post earlier I just got to this story of pattys. I don't really know how to advance psychic abilities other than being among people to me it is a gift that ages well much like a favorite wine. You need to be with people... Because a psychic certainly is not a psychic without them... Now the journey on Good Friday... How could a mother not be there to weep for her son ? And also there was Mary Magadeline who sins were forgiven by him. They had no fear... The apostales were in hiding they feared the same fate. But the love of a mother for her son that fear was set aside and Mary M. Who weeped for a man that did not judge her but forgave her... Powerfull stuff Love is... Powerfull enough to change the world ! 😁
warriorforthelord (7 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-23)
Yes, you are correct... What you have is just that. A gift. I applaud you for recognizing that, and also your outlook is very healthy, in that you appreciate it as such... And you understand it is to be used for good.
Since your outlook is as youve expressed, I am going to pass you onto a woman named Judith, who is a friend of mine. She can guide you in the proper path for your personal growth in your gift.
It is very important that you feel confident and comfortable in your growth. There are many that will lead you estray and your purse!
She never charges and is ALWAYS willing to help those such as us, who respect where the gift comes from.
There is too much to lose in charging others for something that is free and a gift. It is to be shared and used for good purposes for mankind. To help others through difficult times and to ease the pain of those who need it...
Also, read this book... Do a google book search on "Heaven and Hell, and all its wonders" Emanuel Swedenborg... It is written in very old text, so it is hard to grasp sometimes. It explains a lot and answers questions for you... I found that it was exactly what I have beleived all along and more... I hope it helps you too...
Then do a google on "who is this lisa williams medium person" or google "judith wain" and find it that way... Blessing to you... Steph
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-23)
Edmund - I'll ask you. Hope you don't mind. I pester tooooo much. But I do it anyway. Last night voyaged. I was upset. Good Friday has always seemed odd. But this year was different, personal. I was sad. I felt the pain if that makes any sense. I was sad. I voyaged. I had my hand held, again. I was told, It's okay. That's all. That broke my heart again. It's not okay with me. Never has been. I hate the pain of good Friday. I'm a mom. Explain to me why it's okay, as a parent. I don't know how any mom watched this.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-23)
Martin - sorry no one wrote sooner to Patty. Thanks for bringing it to our attention. It's a small group and we're all working a lot and tired. Thanks.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-23)
Edmund - what is your advice on this? I know you are humble and claim not to be psychic, but you helped me in a hard time. A lot. Thanks by the way. And to Mrs. Edmund.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-23)
Mr. Martin - ty for your time and efforts. We all appreciate them. Happy Easter to you sir.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-23)
Flutter - I use to wonder if it was my fault too. Now, I don't think so. Now I just think that I help people cross over by patting them and being there.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-23)
Patty - loved reading your experience. It seems you have people around who really want to comfort you. I've never been a big dreamer, unlike some here. I've always "known" things, but it's more like a whisper in my ear. A voice. I dream a little. A few times, I've dreamed of people and the experiences were usually emotional for me. I can tell you that twice I dreamed of major plane crashes. I was in the plane and saw it. One I dreamed four nights in a row, or maybe five, but I think four, then it happened three days later. One I dreamed at night and it happened the next afternoon. Then I fought off dreaming for years. 2001 was coming up and I felt distressed about seeing plane crashes. It made sense then. I think while I ramble. Sorry. My best personal advice, is to be careful because some things go bump in the night, don't let it consume your life, and know it's real. Read about it and be picky about what you believe is real. I think a lot is hooey and some is helpful. Listening has comforted me, saved my life a few times, and helped others. I'm not great at it - even when I listen, I argue and do my own thing sometimes. I've been told that I'm a little hard headed. It's true. I've also been told that I'm spoiled, not wealthy like, but in life. I don't think so, but I do think paying attention matters. Good luck to you and thanks for the post. I'm thinking about your so clear visits. I think it was sweet. I always try to remember to say thank-you when someone has told me or shown me something special.
Flutterofwings (28 stories) (257 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-23)
I have had dreams of this nature. When they first happen, they frighten me. I thought I caused the deaths of the person by dreaming of it. It wasn't until later when I learned of my psychic albilities that I was able to do this. And it wasn't my fault. I seen my Grandma in my room one night. I had not fell to sleep yet, but my sisters were all sleeping. There she was telling me" You got to be good for your MOM she will need your help".
I got up the next day told Mom of this and she thought I was making it up. Later that day she got notice of her Mother dying. People often come to those they are close to, before they die with messages of some kind.
Martin (129 posts) mod
16 years ago (2008-03-23)
Thanks for your story Patty. So... Feel like going to vegas with me? Hehe, just kidding 😜

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