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Real Psychic Experiences

Strange Dreams And Weird Connection


This story is quite long, so please bear with me:)

It started when I was about nine or 10 (I am 18 now), when I woke up one night in my bedroom (at 5.30 am) and saw a spirit. It must have been around 165cm tall, was wearing a hooded robe and was holding a candle. I couldn't see its face (the face area was black). Pale fluorescent yellow light was emanating from it. I got really scared and turned on the light. When I turned it off again, the spirit was gone.

Anyway, three years later, I was lying awake in my bed when I heard a scratchy male voice (like coming from an old radio). I didn't hear everything it said, but picked up "can't get through", "now it's up to you", "find your way", "story".

I fell asleep again, and had the first of a long series of dreams that lasted until my 13th birthday.

In the dream I was trying to contact the spirit I had seen three years before, by assembling an old radio. When the radio was ready, the same voice as the one I had heard came out, and said its name was Aliban, and that he had been killed by his twin brother (he said other things, but I can't remember them).

In another dream, I remember standing in a blue room, facing a pale, short haired (black hair) man, who was wearing a black suit with a white shirt (you know, a special occasions suit). There was a pale, curly haired blonde woman standing beside him, who was wearing a white dress. Other dreams have led me to the conclusion that the man was Aliban and the woman was his fiancée.

I also remember dreaming I was sitting in the kitchen, when a young woman, with straight auburn hair came in by the window, and walked out of the kitchen into my bedroom. When I asked her who she was, she replied her name was Liz. When I woke up I had a strong feeling she was Aliban's sister.

Aliban also had a twin brother, called Aldiban. He was a psychopath who was jealous of Aliban, because he had some special abilities that Aldiban hadn't. Aldiban killed Aliban shortly after the end of WW2, by stabbing him in front Liz and his fiancée, whom he was going to marry. I saw this in a dream where I saw parts of Aldiban's life, like how he hated his brother. I remember an image of him with an insane look in his eyes, holding a knife behind his back.

In another dream I saw a moment in Aliban's early life, when he was about 10. His mother was sewing dresses, and was working on a dress for the village's annual ball. The dress was for the mother's best friend. When she tried it on Aliban's mother lended her a pearl necklace, which Aliban was going to get back after the ball.

After the ball, Aliban was on his way home. Their house was a two floor house with a round window in the middle of the second floor. It was built on a very small "hill" (or bump of land) which led to a river. In order to cross the river you had to step on some stones. Aliban slipped on one of the stones, causing him to lose the necklace. It was dark (around 10 pm), so he went to his mother, who told him she would go look for it. While she was searching for it, she slipped and hurt her head on one of the stones, which made her lose consciousness and then drowning. I woke up after that.

In other dreams I would be told by Aliban that my best friend (I will come to her later) and I had been chosen, and that we had special abilities (I had a dream where my best friend could control fire and I could control water. I also had a dream where a woman with cat ears was giving us some old books, in order for us to learn about our abilities. I had fox ears and my best friend had cat ears).

I had a dream where I was a Jewish girl during WW2 who was hiding from the Nazis, and an English soldier came to save me. I recognized the man I had seen in earlier dreams, and he had the same voice as Aliban.

In the last dream I had Aliban said he had a special message for me and my best friend on my 13th birthday (regarding our abilities).

But on my 13th birthday, nothing happened, and I didn't have any more dreams, or any sign from Aliban. I never saw him again.

In late December 2013, I started experiencing strange things in my bedroom again. My dog started acting weird, and one night I heard heavy breathing behind my door and running footsteps in the attic (a place NO ONE has access to, especially not at 3 am). Two night after that, I was lying in bed one night because I couldn't sleep. Suddenly I felt cold air brush my left arm, back and forth, as if stroking it (I wasn't moving, and both my door and my windows were closed). I didn't feel threatened, it was like I knew the presence. At some point I lifted my hand so that one could put their hand onto mine. I felt the cold air shift and felt another hand on mine. After a minute I turned around to check what time it was. 5.34 am. Almost the same time as when I had seen Aliban. I asked if it was him, but got no answer.

Now to my best friend: I have known her since I was 7, and we are very close. We know how the other is feeling, even when we are apart, and have sometimes experienced the same things at the same time. She even told me she had dreamt about me years before we got to know each other (we both come from foreign countries, but our parents moved to France, in a little village in the South of France called Bargemon. That's where we met). She is quite psychic (déjà vus, out-of-body experiences, premonitions...) and had also had dreams about someone telling her we had been chosen, back when I was having these weird dreams. She knows exactly what Aliban looked like, despite me giving her only a basic description of his ghostly form. I had never told her about how he looked like when he was alive.

I told her about what I had experienced (the touch) and she told me that for over a year she had been dreaming she was in a forest, dressed in white, surrounded by other people, also dressed in white. I would be there too, and a pale man in a suit, with a curly haired blonde woman in a white dress would stand beside him, would tell us we had been chosen. I asked her if the man had black hair, and all the other details I knew about Aliban. It was the same man, and the same woman.

Recently I had a dream where I was sheltering in a castle, sleeping in a big room with a bunch of other people, but had to flee because dark creatures were after me. My best friend joined me from out of nowhere, and a group of people was with us, to help if need be. Me and my friend were carrying two crystal balls, a blue one and a red one. They weren't very big (the size of an egg), and had a little twinkle inside. Apparently we were looking for four other ones, in different colours.

I called my best friend to tell her about my dream, and she said she had had exactly the same dream, the same night. Needless to say, we were thinking this was really strange.

Two weeks later my best friend called me, saying she had dreamt of Aliban's fiance, who was called Amelia in the dream, who had been attacked by demons, along with Aliban's sister Liz, but they had managed to drive them off. She had seen a calender in the dream, stating the year was 1949 (4 years after Aliban's death). Since then, we haven't experienced or dreamt anything.

I know it's been 9 years, but I can't help but wonder: what did the dreams mean? Were they really messages brought by Aliban or were they an unconscious attempt at figuring out what I had seen when I was 9 (meaning my mind had made the dreams up)? What could Aliban want? Why did he disappear? Do my best friend and I have some sort of connection?

Thanks for reading and sorry for the long story.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Mussi14, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

PsychicJR (8 stories) (541 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-16)
Wtf is this spamming or something and why are you posting and create a account to sound like you have a stroke
NICEBABE (12 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-08)
If. You. Don't. Care oh. Well I tried to help you. I did my best god. Will only say. It. Once. If you don't listen he. Is trying to tell the. First time. Don't forget.
NICEBABE (12 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-08)
God. Will. Give you dreams your dreams is like. A book read. You're. Dreams they. Will tell you. To help people so help. People god gave us dreams. To. Show us. Something read the bible
NICEBABE (12 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-08)
I look. Like I'm 17 but I'm not I'm 29 mussi 14 when I tell people my age there mouth stays open I'm like close the boca
NICEBABE (12 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-08)
Come read my mind what does it say come to California. I have friend that you have to visit if you're scared I told some person to shake some teachers hand at some school they said no they said that they were scared
NICEBABE (12 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-08)
They have people on this earth that care & don't care some times I don't care & some times I do care depending on what mood I'm in
NICEBABE (12 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-08)
People talk bad things & they wonder why bad stuff happens don't think of bad think of good & the good things will happen
NICEBABE (12 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-08)
I. Know. That blond hair & blue eyed. Boy was in every ones. Dream
NICEBABE (12 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-08)
You want the bad things. To stop right I can make it stop. Don't be mean to people & the bad things will stop what goes around comes around
NICEBABE (12 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-08)
Who. Is. The blond hair boy with blue eyes Why did he show up in my dream.
NICEBABE (12 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-08)
I. Don't do drugs no I don't do weed i. Got my blood tested. No drugs in my blood. I. Just said. Watch. You're. Dreams
NICEBABE (12 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-08)
You. Have test me if I pass you're test you know I'm. Good test. Me.
Mussi14 (1 stories) (2 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-08)
[at] NICEBABE What? Are you high or something? What are you trying to say? Anyway thanks for the feedback
NICEBABE (12 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-08)
I'm not a physic I just had a dream of a guy sitting in a chair & He gave me a. Goddess name. Or angel name he named. Me vor but my. Real name is Veronica and. After I had the dream you. Don't dream no more because I had the. Dream. I heard. Some thing or. Some one weep or cry. Or moan I think. That. Guy from the. Dream is telling you not. Dream or not. To sleep. Because if you. Dream. You will. Die or your. Spirit. Will. Be in. Someone's. Body. That's oh & when I. Saw the. Guy. Sitting. In the. Chair before. The. Dream I. Saw to lady's before that. Dream I. Don't. Know. If they are. Lady's. Or. Men because I had. A lucid. Dream. &. I had lucid. Sex. With the person in my. Dream the. Guy. Sitting in the chair. He had blond hair & blue. Eyes. He. Told me to be careful he never told me his name. He. Told. Me help. Me. Vor. I think. He. Came to me. As god or. As the. Son of god. So there. We're. Like three people in my dream two lady's or men. Before. The. Guy sitting in the chair the lady or man in my. Dream with. The blond. Hair &. The. One. With the. White hair. Is. Real they. Work. At. A elementary school as. Teachers the. Lady. Or man. With. The blond. Hair & blue eyes & the. Eyes change color. To black even the iris & pupil &. The. Other. One. Has gray hair & black eyes even. The. Pupil & the. Iris is black. Two I. Don't. Know. If they are good or bad. Angels Or. Gods or goddesses I re call. My dreams I fly in my dreams. Some of my. Dreams came real. I'm not. A. Physic. I lucid. Dreamed naturally. I. Hope. One. Of the. Physics wasn't trying to get me killed. I. Can read people's emotions like. There aura I can read it if it's good. Or bad aura or. If the. Person is good. Or bad if. You're good. I can feel. Them in my body if. The person is bad. I get a scary vibe. From them I can feel if some. One. Likes. Or. Loves. Me while. Having the. The. Physic experience you can deal with good & bad spirits so be care full. If you're a physic you will know. I have dark skin but I'm not black I'm Native American Hispanic mix. You can. See it in my hair. My child. Is black. Though because. Her daddy. Is black I'm not. I. Dated. A. Black. Guy to prove. A. Point. To my mother Patricia. That. I'm not racist because some Mexicans are racist I'm not trying to be. Mean on it. If. I have a White mans. Child. He or she will be white
allen5 (1 stories) (2 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-05)
if is brother murdered him is it possible that his evil spirit devoured aliban?
PsychicJR (8 stories) (541 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-04)
This is far fetched but another life happens can you be alberis (I can't spell good) and you friend can be his fiancee or try meditating and ask god what he ment

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