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Am I Experiencing The Dark Night Of The Soul


It all started in November 2011 when I was getting bullied by people and I had drama I had got sick of it, so I went to a new school still upset what had happened but that lead to my spiritual awakening. January 2012 is when I was feeling better and was glad that drama was over, I met New people and I was happy. Then I noticed that my career path changed I now want to be a film director when I grow up instead of a vet. The rest of my 7th grade year I noticed that my imagination began to get more vivid and I began seeing spirits and things that other people couldn't.When May hit my imagination began getting more intense where whatever I thought of appeared on the wall. In the middle of May I played with witchcraft and I didn't know better doing spells. Couple of days later I heard a female voice saying it was going to haunt me. I was scared about that for a while. In June I began writing in my books and on August 14 2012 I lost it and I was disappointed but I was still pretty happy when school started I met my soulmate then in November 2012 he broke my heart extremely bad and that's when I began feeling sucidal at that point because all the drama in my life came back and my parents began bullying me. In December I was still mad but then I began seeing 1:11 and 11:11 everywhere. I hooked up the meaning and it says I'm going through a spiritual change and I'm ready to meet my twin flame since I went through a soul mate growth but since I didn't have imagination I couldn't clear and balance my yin yang side or chakras. On March 22 2013 I dreamed of this guy he was white with brown freckles and hair with hazel eyes as tall as me I was very attracted to his eyes and he look familiar even though I never met him before we had a fun time in that dream we were in the mall with my friends and we were looking around the stores we played hockey and he brought me 3 rings one was colorful one was blue and the last one had a lion on it. When I woke up I was crying, Since then I couldn't stop thinking about him The next month I noticed the name (Dan) everywhere so I guess that was his name. In June 2013 These spirits told me that the guy name that I was dreaming about was Dan and they told me that they saw him walking a couple of days ago and that he was coming soon they just told me that I had to balance my yin yang side and charkas to meet him and were helping me get my imagination back but in July I ended up screwing up and changed Gods will for my life I was disappointed and crying. In September I heard them again still helping me get my imagination back then I screwed up again then I haven't heard of them since October 2013. I still continued the rules while not remember how to do the whole thing and getting confused on how to do it. Then in November I had to tell with the drama of people once again. Then when this year ended I was upset because I could of been happy but I messed it up and I let people take away my happiness. In January 2014 I still have the bad memories of November 2011 up to now And I'm still feeling sucidal today ready to die wondering if I am going to be happy again. I just want 10 grade to be a great year for me I want to get my imagination back so I can continue God's calling for me and so I can attract the things I want in life I also want to attract my twin flame because I am tired of seeing 1:11 and 11:11 everyday and everywhere and he's not showing up:' (.I also want to be more social but since my throat chakra clogged up and its blocked I'm unable to do to that Later in the year I been seeing hawks lately and it means my imagination is waking up and it inspires a creative soul purpose the hawk also helps me attract my twin flame so I was happy by that. In April 2014 I had a Dream I'm unsure if it is precognitive or not but the dream was about me looking up at the sunset saying I'm in 10 grade and I'm still not happy it was a dream about me failing everything I wanted to do: (Later in that month I been dreaming of things and they come true a couple of days later so I'm scared that that dream is a precognitive dream: (.This month I'm glad that schools almost out but that means I have 3 months until school starts back and I'm running out of time!I'm worried that I will enter 10 grade not being happy and in November 2014 I end up killing myself because I'm tired of not being happy.I'm tired of all these emotion and just want to escape this crap. Is there a chance for me to be happy again before school starts? And am I experiencing the dark night of the soul but it will soon pass because I been going through this for almost two years now!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, dreamer615, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

darkassassin92 (1 stories) (216 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-20)
I say spirits are possible to exist but I don't know. I'm interested in the paranormal side though.
chowm1 (3 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-18)
hi dreamer615 I was wondering if your okay, haven't seen any activity from you and I'm a little concerned... Please let me know
chowm1 (3 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-18)
hi dreamer615 I was wondering if your okay, haven't seen any activity from you and I'm a little concerned... Please let me know
PsychicJR (8 stories) (541 posts)
11 years ago (2014-05-17)
MrE has a point if they laugh at god knows best would you think that they will be holy I'm not trying to be mean but could they fool you to thing that thier your guide
MrE (1 stories) (168 posts)
11 years ago (2014-05-16)
[at] chowm1 You got solid proof of that? I mean, your account is registered on the 15th.
Not trying to say you're not real, but I am saying that it sounds a little fishy.

[at] davzplace Your guides laugh when you say God knows best? You really sure about trusting them?
dreamer615 (12 stories) (19 posts)
11 years ago (2014-05-16)
:0 weird Chown1 Woah the day after you dreamed and you found my username weird
davzplace42 (2 stories) (8 posts)
11 years ago (2014-05-16)
I have been going through my spiritual awakening for between 1-2 years. Now, throat chakra never clogs up, and that is because it is basically a energy center for distribution. Look, you life has changed and maybe God has chosen you to decide your own direction. I am 44 and a medium in a mediumship of sorts. You keep seeing 1:11, 11:11 right? I see the same numbers but I also see 9:11. I have also been asking the question about the twin flame. But my issue is that I have been married now for over 20 years and have 2 grown dauhters. I would assume God know best, because my guides get a laugh when I say that. Look, you are young and you will run into a twin flame that will match your everything. For me, this is my second marriage and I was married to a woman that was very fiery and passionate to me. But we were so much alike we fought. I miss her and the connections. But she won't speak to me, because she thinks stature of employment and money are way more important than love. So please just be careful for what you wish for.
chowm1 (3 posts)
11 years ago (2014-05-15)
wow... Don't even know what to say... Well first off I've had the exact dream as you down to the exact details. I also have your username written in my sketchbook from the day after the dream. Which was over a year ago. Same rings, fireflies, and meeting. Don't know what's going on... But I think we should talk
enlightened (2 stories) (2 posts)
11 years ago (2014-05-15)
Ever read the book 'Happiness is a chemical in the brain'? I am not saying to take chemicals... I am just saying that something as simple as a glass of orange juice could help. Look up antidepressant foods on google if you are bored. As for suicide... I have been on that road and it is not a good feeling. Things get a lot better in life when you are able to call the shots like buying a car/condo or house/motorcycle or any other toy you can imagine. Just get through the crappy school years and you will see life can get pretty amazing at times:)

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