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Terrified, How Do I Deal With Being An Empath


As a young child I would see and hear things. I did play with a Spirit Board when I was young one time, and I believe that is all it took. Since then I feel as if something is attached to me. I see and hear stuff all the time. I get that weird hair stand up feeling most always. I get the feeling that something is always watching me. At work my co-workers seem to gravitate to me, and discuss their issues with me, and expect me to deal with their problems and carry their burden to the point to where I am sick, and my hair began to fall out. My son tells me he sees Monsters he is only 3 years old, and it got to the point where he would scream to even walk down our hallway. I tried to do a cleansing, but I was terrified, so I am sure that didn't do to much good, and even tried a crystal grid. I was told that I am a death walker, that I am supposed to help the dead cross over. Recently talking with my husband we have decided it's not each house that has activity that we live in, it is me. I am a magnet to energies, and I must be allowing it to come into the homes. I am getting to the point where I no longer sleep, due to I am up all night watching over myself and my family. I am not sure what to do anymore. How do you deal with this? I wasn't trained, and have tried to meditate, but feel I am being watched or I feel wind/breeze and it creeps me out, so I stop. Please any advice would help. I haven't been physically harmed since I was 14 and at this time in my life I had a items thrown at me, I felt something laying in my water bed with me, I am now 34, and this happens with each home I am in, or if I stay at a relatives home. I don't feel anything inside me, but I do feel it all around me all the time. Some tell me it could be my spirit guides, but no one tells me how to talk with them. How do I close myself off, or protect myself, or address the energies so I and my family are safe etc... Please help. I have read and read and read, and come up with different ideas on how to create a shield, but it is really hard if I can't even close my eyes. My back always has to be against a wall. I see shadows, and hear noises, and talking when no one is home. My mom tells to address the energy and see if I can help, but that scares me since I have no training in this at all. How sad, I am 34 years old and I tell my husband to keep all the lights on, so I can at least use the restroom when I need to. All doors have to remain open, just so I know what is going on in each room, and can see. I'm a nervous wreck, and it is impeding into my home life.

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Archangels1111 (3 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-16)
Hi Aiyanna61, I'm pleased to hear that your situation is much better now you have done well. You mentioned that you can still hear spirits talking which is quite normal since you have always been able to. There are ways in which you can control when and if you want to hear as well as only being able to hear or see good spirits only which don't annoy or upset your peace in anyway. Learning how to be as comfortable and not have yourself and your life interupted by these things takes time in disovering how The Spiritual World works, learning and undersanding that there are endless things to learn a lot more than the information available through websites and books etc. When you take the path in gaining this knowledge you will be amazed at how much control we have over these negative occurances, imust say it's extremley important to begin with overcoming your fear of the Paranormal, I also had an enormous fear myself, when you show and feel fear you attract Dark Energies towards you they will play on this you're feeding them with your fear, when you face your fears and truly not feel afraid and be strong you'll find eventually they will disappear because you're showing them that they don't affect you and even if now and then throughout your journey you can sense them you will now exactly how to push them away psychicly and if you continue the protecting methods you have learnt and you will learn much stronger more effective ways to shield protect and dismiss in the future. Always draw in the light and place yourself in the white light along with your children do this several times a day as much as you feel the need to. When you meet your Spiritual Guides it's done with an introduction with a Medium helping, Your guides will never hang around you and scare you in anyway, They are there on call 24/7 when you call upon them they are of the light and always there to help and guide you. If you ever decide to take the path of advancing in your ability you will learn that you can tap in and tap out whenever you choose you are a channel but that dosent mean you have an open door policy, Mediums have a life apart from constant Spirit communication we are the boss we say when we are available to talk and when we are not that's it doors closed until i'm ready. Also before I finish up I want to tell you that all the fingers are pointing to you on all this negative energies that follow you around yes you have your fair share but it is not only you that is attracting them in your life these energies entities and tortured unhappy souls follow almost everyone not just you, whoever is close in your life home and surroundings can very well be affected and people who visit your home bring their dark energies with them and they often stay around so whenever someone visits when they leave is a good time to do a cleansing and even if you remove yours perhaps your husband needs a look over himself this way you create a protective sanctuary in your home where every member is blessed. Remember to put the white light around you when you leave the house and enter work and so forth, you can mentally do this for your children when you do it for yourself and don't ever fear anything fear is not real it only exists in one's mind look fear straight in the eye and say i'm not afraid and don't fear the percieved consequences either when you achieve this you will be free, goodluck I wish you well xx.
Aiyanna61 (1 stories) (3 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-13)
I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who gave there advice to me during this time. I can say it has died down a lot since I cleansed my home. I have taken all of your opinions into account. I do agree with the majority of you, however this was my findings. I am a strong Empath. I have been holding back who I am due to it makes my husband uncomfortable. I found that this may have not been the smartest thing for an Empath to do, and or someone with High Psychic Sensitivity. I have been addressing my fear of the paranormal, and I can say it has helped. I have also found myself at times talking to Spirit, and letting them know that I am not the type of Medium they are seeking at this time, that they must leave, and I bless them on their journey with light. I can say I do get a weird feeling every once in a while, of the hair standing up feeling, but I stop and mentally visualize a protection of white light around me until it passes. I am building my Psychic ability first with strength to release the fear and be who I am. As for my son, I have placed Obsidian around his neck with a blessing that we said together, and he hasn't had any issues since, and its been about a week, along with no nightmares. He will even run down the hallway to his room to go to bed. I am having an issue with hearing a lady crying, I then think its my daughter laughing, and ask her what she is laughing about, and she looks at me crazy, and tells me she wasn't laughing or crying. I also have had instances of getting dizzy and nauseous and balled for no reason and couldn't stop, and when it passed I was fine and couldn't figure out where it came from since it wasn't my emotion, my son has had this happen as well. So, we are currently working on that, but its not harmful so, I am taking my time with this one. The key is to stay positive, and to not allow negativity in the home or around me as much as possible, and will be cleansing my home once a month just to ensure were okay, and to release any built up negative energy lingering. Again I want to thank each of you for your assistance, my family and I appreciate everything. I do think that we manifest negative energies or entities. I was watching a lot of haunting shows, and I honestly think it started to have my mind go in places it shouldn't, as well as not addressing Spirit. So that has stopped in our home. 😁 Thank you!
west3174 (1 stories) (21 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-05)
While I don't have psychic ability my wife does. She can see spirits and talk to them. I believe you may be having ghosts getting angry because their looking to you to help them and your not responding like they want. While we're to far away to help you directly my wife can typically see spirits through pictures. If you send a few pictures around your house I can print them and show my wife. She may be able to give you some insight of what's happening as far as what's around you. Also we've found through trial and error that we can accidentally actually trap ghosts to our house on accident. This is typically rectified by attempting to tell the spirits to be free to release them from any accidental hardship you may have caused. I can be reached at west3174 [at]
MSmith82 (3 stories) (55 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-05)
What I mean by don't do anything foolish is try not to provoke anything like an uneasy spirit or demon because they can really hurt you. I've had my share of experiences with angry spirits and demons. Just please be careful with what you say and how you say it. A lot of bad things can start to happen just by saying something in a way that you didn't intend it to be.
cosmic_crab13 (1 stories) (9 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-03)
I just want to add that my son and I recently moved back in with his father about 6 or 7 months ago. My son had bad dreams, someone in his room, but it is because he was in a new place. His father has been working out of town for over a year and we just couldn't be apart any longer, but the change was definitely work. My son also had dreams of monsters, but those are because his father and I were not getting along. We were the monsters sadly. I have had a few half awake dreams of a younger version of my son standing next to my bed in a diaper with a sad face tugging at my blanket, tugging so hard that I was fully alert. Just to look and nothing is there, but I know there is. I can only rationalize that it isn't my imagination but something else that likes the way I tend to my sons needs, maybe jealous a little. In any case I told this "thing" where to sit in my room and wait it's turn, as I saw someone else comment about that, verbalizing. It worked, but if its demonic I am not afraid and it does my bidding if I will it to. I don't will it to do anything. I will it to sit and watch and keep its hands to itself. Because I am not afraid it can do no harm, I know where my heart resides and it can not be stolen. Thats not to say that the dark doesn't creep in sometimes, my health matters a great deal when this happens and the words I use.
Aiyanna61 (1 stories) (3 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-02)
ProfKelly thank you, and I did look into the website thank you for your insite. MSmith what do you mean by the do not do anything foolish, or it may make it worse for me?
MSmith82 (3 stories) (55 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-01)
Well, what you are experiencing is a bit extreme. The best advice I can give you is to get someone who has a lot of experience in the area that you live in to help guide and couch you to where you lose your fear of the paranormal. This will help you to deal with everything better and release a lot of your stress.
As far as speaking to the spirits you can talk to them like you talk to everyone else you just have to be more direct. If you are a telepath then you can talk to the spirits through your mind. Sometimes you don't have to be a telepath in order to talk to the spirits that way. Just be careful and please don't do anything foolish it might make it worse on you.



P.S. I know from experience how hard it is to be a empath that's the main reason that I don't hang around a lot of people and I don't tell anyone any of my abilities because I know the consequences can be harsh in many ways.
ProfKelly (38 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-01)
You may be experiencing what I call Clairvoyant Interaction Withdrawal. Here's a bit more on how this presents:

The spirits are trying to draw your attention. This attention-seeking behavior is somewhat typical of interactions with discarnate spirits that have not crossed over into the afterlife.

Spirit Aggression experiences are most common with new mediums where the spirits are aware of, but the individual is not aware of, the individuals mediumship capability; the ability to communicate an assist discarnate spirits.

The reduction of spirit aggression can be obtained by shifting your perspective to see the non-corporeal as corporeal, and to utilize physical coping strategies to deal with spirits (i.e. Treat them like you would if they were physical, tangible people that need your help).

This shift in perspective will allow you to be more apt to speaking aloud to spirits to inform them of your intentions and needs. Verbal direction, especially firm verbal direction is often very effective in reducing spirit aggression and minimizing distraction.

Verbal direction can range from medium stating that the he/she wants to be left alone; to scheduling specific times of the day to deal with spirits where the medium can give them his/her full attention, (e.g. When the individual is at home rather than at work or during social activities).

Best regards,

Prof. K
Aiyanna61 (1 stories) (3 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-01)
I love all of the advice, and last night I had my daughter watch over me while I tried to meditate. It was going good, to the point I didn't feel my hands and feet like they weren't an extension of my body. However, my daughter woke me up due to she thought I was asleep. Yes, my son complained about seeing the monsters again last night and started to cry. Poor baby, I will look into finding a Medium today to assist me in cleansing this home. Yes, all of that happens in my home. Anger, depression etc. My husband and I could be fine if we are out of the home, then we will come here, and begin arguing. I look forward to reading more. And yes Cosmic_Crab I will keep in touch, and thanks for your comments, they mean the world to me.:)
Archangels1111 (3 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-01)
Hi Aiyanna61 I understand the situation you're in, I'm a gifted Psychic Medium and have been for over two decades. I'm an Empath as well constantly feeling everyone's emotions can be frustration I've learnt how to shield and protect myself from this and I no longer feel nauseous and I don't need to put up with other peoples emotions I asked Archangel Michael to always protect me and I mentally draw in the light from from the spiritual world through my head and down to my stomach and hold in the light the I place myself in a protective bubble and stay in it this works effectively and I can still help people without all the awkwardness. As for your other issue concerning the negative entities surrounding you and affecting your little boy and your life that's because the entities are not of the light they will not only frighten you but they will do many other things to influence you in bad ways you could start being confused upset angry life is not going the right way and so on. My advice to you is find a genuine Psychic Medium who has experience with spirits and the spiritual world ask the Medium to come to your house and get rid of the entities this is done by one of the methods open all windows cupboards and drawers buy save and place in a bowl and burn the sage and use a feather or hard piece of paper and wave the burning sage towards every corner room cupboard area of the house while saying if you are not of the light leave now keep saying this while travelling around your house starting clockwise when this is done you go outside of the house with salt and you pour salt around the vicinity of the house. This will not allow any bad entities to enter your house again they are blocked from entering only good spirits can come. You will always know a bad one from a good one by the way they make you feel. As for you stating that people think you're supposed to help souls pass over well this is done constantly by me and all other Mediums we talk to spirits we help lost trapped souls to find the light they need to travel to and we do endless amounts of other things. Concentrate on getting your house protected and also the entities to stay away from you no matter where you are what you're experiencing is extremely common and can be fixed by a qualified person. After it's done if done well you will definitely feel a difference almost right away and always ask Archangel Michael to protect you and your son do this several times a day until it becomes second nature to you. You can mentally call for help Angels and guides and all higher powers can hear you through your mind so anytime anywhere you are and you don't feel safe for any reason call upon the angels to protect and guide you they always do that's their job and they can simultaneously be everywhere at once. Good luck I wish you all the best on your journey through life xx
cosmic_crab13 (1 stories) (9 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-01)
When I said having your son keeping you grounded, I mean that by staying strong FOR him. He needs you and wants to see you happy, there is a light at the end of this tunnel:)
cosmic_crab13 (1 stories) (9 posts)
11 years ago (2014-07-01)
I am an empath also. It does cause a great deal of anxiety and makes me sick as well. Meditating is very hard to do especially if the unseen forces around you are pulling you in different directions. Aromatherapy helps loads. BREATH. Imagine you are surrounded by a white light to protect yourself but have something to keep you grounded in reality; your son maybe, a garden, etc. Your son may be seeing monsters, but only may be afraid because he sees you afraid. "...sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it." (Genesis 4:7) You must embrace the darkness, I'm sorry that you are afraid I know how you feel, I really do. We each have the dark and the light inside of us. Know what feelings are your own and know which ones are random, those are probably not your own. They can even be from a distance depending on how hypersensitive you are. Maybe the things you see and feel are not as evil as they all may feel. It may only be your fear that is the scariest part. Now spirits can see you, but you do not have to respond until you are whole and healthy. Be careful the way you speak to others, choose your words very carefully. Being an empath also means you exude energy, so if you work diligently to clear your thoughts (guided meditation can help a great deal) then you can slowly clarify your own needs and tend to your own heart first. Hyssop is a protection herb I use in my house, I bathe with it. My son also is very sensitive, I tie a linen tea bag filled with protective herbs (hyssop being one, vervain) above his bed or on it. I also have one at each doorway in my house. And everytime there is a bad day (lots of yelling) in my house, I take a chamomile bath, drink a nettle infusion, and smudge my house. Nettle can help get rid of the sin that hides in our body. I'm only just learning myself as I was raised in a strict household and stifled much of the time, maybe we can help each other. (laurenwells713 [at] ❤

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