there are things that I don't usually share with others. People tend not to believe me (it's ok to me since it's their opinions). But I like to have an answer to what I experienced.
This happened when me and my ex (boyfriend at that time) broke up. I was so angry at him so I said that I hope that flood may befall at his house. Then 2 days later, I was talking to my housemate and she asked me if I already heard the news. She said that the exact place where my ex live suffered from a great flood and killed 17 people. I was so shocked at that time but I think of that as just a coincidence.
Then months later, our neighbor Jose (not his real name) bad mouthed me just because I didn't buy them alcohol. Again, I was so angry that time that I wished his bad health. A week has passed and I don't even remeber that incident. Then I was chatting on the phone with my cousin and he told me that Jose suffered from a stroke 2 days ago and was currently at the hospital.
Then there's this family who spread lies about me and my family so I swear and said that may bad luck befall to them. One suffered from accident and one got kicked out of her job.
I even said to someone I know that he and his long time partner will broke up because the girl found another. Just to test if this will come true, then poof it happened!
There even a times that I got a vision of something from the past which I will tell in my next post. Now, I just need answers why every time I wish bad things to happen to someone, they just come true. Now i'm feeling guilty!
I don't know if this will be published or not. But I really need some answers. This things keep on bugging me. Thanks and sorry for my poor english. Hope you can help me.
What is your progress on controlling this... Can u help me? Can u share some tips you have figured out?