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Experiences What To Make Of It All?


My story is that of a lot of experiences that has happened over the last 28 years. The things I am about to reveal are experiences I have had first hand but do not know what or why to me. First experience started when I was a teenager and I didn't know it had and only after years was told about it. My gramma and papa raised me and we were raised in a very strict religious home. We were taught there are no ghosts and things like that only evil. Well I went to bed and my gramma said she could hear from her room like weird animal noises coming from my room so she rushed in thinking I was listening to heavy metal and so she was floored when nothing but my clock radio on playing country music. So she went out and it started again and she run back in same thing. So this time she grabbed my plug on my big stereo yanked it out and left again. This time it was so loud because she had not went all the way to her room but she came back the stereo was making the noises and still unplugged. Next night my bed woke me because it was shaking like I was on some kind of ride I flipped off could not even stand I literally crawled into their bedroom. We did not speak of this ever. Then I have feelings like I'm not sure what but I know something bad is going to happen. I don't dream much anymore but I used to have dreams and then I would see some part of it come true within a couple days. I can pick up on moods without talking to you and I can tell you things at times about something that's happening in your life. I know this is weird like I said these things may happen to everyone but I have had my fair share. We moved Feb. 2013 to a farmhouse. My gramma, husband,daughter, grandson and son in law all lived there well from night one I was on edge. Now my whole family heard, saw or experienced something but mine was so much more. No none of them wanted to discuss these things. Three knocks at a time would sound off all hours of the night. Then no one would be there at the door. TVs would come on or off. Change programs. Washer/dryer too. Little knocks on paneling where you were. I come through kitchen one night a decorative spoon on the wall spinning round and round. Every night we would be woke up with someone walking and the back room would sound like they ripped the house apart and go in nothing out of place. My gramma for sure did not dicuss it but one day she was folding towels and putting them up when her wicker rocker come flying across the room at her. I mean I saw things there like masked people. They were in the house outside the house and I mean I could describe details to them. There were seriously made up like one was a geisha girl, death, clown I cannot think of all them but I have never experienced that since we moved. Yeah we finally got out one thing we could not heat the place no matter what we tried. Gramma saw a large black man in the living room in coveralls and a white man in a suit sitting in the dining room. So we moved but I haven't been the same since.

We have moved four times since but now I have a new problem. I see lights and shadows. Every place if I get to studying. Sometimes the shadows are shaped like people but although I don't hear them I catch them moving past or just there. They aren't like the mists swirling and closing in on us I have felt threatened by that. But I don't know who or what the shadows are and they do make me nervous. Any help or guidance on any of this? I have had more things happen but it's a lot to list I just touched on the bigger issues. I am not crazy and I do know these things happen but I'm at a loss where to turn for answers. Any help greatly appreciated.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Nanabug0508, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Nanabug0508 (5 stories) (17 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-20)
Jakebacon0. Hi and thanks for your time. I believe you were right that it was evil and demonic in nature. However we moved out because of all the things that happened there. Since the whole family had experiences you would think they wouldn't be so hard on me. But I don't know if this house opened up more or if it's bc I know I'm seeing things whatnot I been told I have abilities and have all my life knew some of them but I do not know how to use them. Or get them to act when I want them too. But I go from one extreme to another like feeling something bads going to happen. Or if there's negative energy in a place. Sometimes I have dejavu and I can seriously pick up on anyone's moods even strangers. But all this seeing shadows and lights ect...didn't happen until the farmhouse. I have saw and experienced a demon one other time. I was in bed with my husband when I woke I felt it so I laid there looking around for whatever was sending signals through the room. I saw it. It was standing back staring at my husband. So when it finally looked at me saw I was looking at it. The thing attacked me. It was trying to yank me out of the bed and I was fighting hanging on to the head rails of my bed. Pleading the blood of Christ. Trying to bind this evil in Jesus name. Finally all I could do is call upon Jesus. Eventualay that worked and the attack was over quick as it begin. Never even woke my husband. Then I have had different experiences since I was a teenager and now I will be 43 end of Jan. And now things are amped up again. Not all evil feeling's but I don't know why or what is happening. Again thank you for your time. Many blessings to you!
Jakebacon0 (1 stories) (15 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-19)
I think you are having problems with demons. If you haven't tried it yet, I suggest you see a Catholic priest. If you have already tried that, then I don't know what to say, but I will pray for you. ❤
Jakebacon0 (1 stories) (15 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-19)
I think you are having problems with demons. If you haven't tried it yet, I suggest you see a Catholic priest. If you have already tried that, then I don't know what to say, but I will pray for you. ❤
bsuttles3922 (2 stories) (165 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-16)
Ah sorry, I don't check here often, for family reasons, but yeah I can definitely tell you more about nearly anything. I love helping
Nanabug0508 (5 stories) (17 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-16)
I wanted to add I have sent in a couple more stories one of which tells about what's happening even last night. But another thing I do is just as I'm bout to drift into sleep a loud crash, voice, or boom sounds. It's like it's really loud and really where everyone hears it. When I open my eyes I see the shadows and lights of course I am the only one to hear that loud boom. They say some people do this as they fall asleep but when I do it its like someone's wanting my attention. Then I'm awake just watching the shadows watch me. Help please...
Nanabug0508 (5 stories) (17 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-16)
TY bsuttles3922 I sent you a email. Would love to hear anything that could help. I do not know much about poltergiests. Ghosts all that's never happened like it did there. So many things was going on and I saw so many masked people inside and outside I know it by far was the worst kind of experiences I ever had. So many!
bsuttles3922 (2 stories) (165 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-15)
If I don't respond quickly here, feel free to ask any other questions by email. My email hecatesmagicspell [at]
bsuttles3922 (2 stories) (165 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-15)
Well you definitely have abilities. From what I can tell clairsentience, clairaudience, clairvoyance, psychometry, empathy, premonitions, and precognition. The feel of bad you feel is just a sense if bad precognition, something may happen soon. As for the weird things happening in your life. The things at your old house were definitely the work of a couple poltergeists (powerful restless spirits). As for the new things you could be seeing very weak spirits, I suppose
Nanabug0508 (5 stories) (17 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-15)
Oh yeah I wanted to add that I have no clue why this is happening either but I also lay my head back and relax kind of like going to sleep although this is something that just happens even in daytime but it's like a snip or clip of something simple. A object or person flashes in my mind then it's like my thoughts just start flying it's going so fast I mostly don't know what I am seeing but it's like a thought is playing out in my head. But if I try to catch it I cannot go back and start it again. It's not willful it happens at different times. My gramma and my husband thinks I am paranoid and tell me I need to see a doctor. I need and welcome any help. Because like I said I did not ever ask for any of this and frankly I really thought people were watching us and going to hurt my family. Now I said to myself that's crazy bc why would anybody want to follow my family we are not famous or rich. This is and has so many levels to it but I am searching for answers and any help would be great. Blessings! Nana

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