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Searching For My Soulmate


For a long time I live with a feeling that there's someone out there who I'm waiting for. Someone who my soul already knows. I feel him inside of me, I feel him in the air around me, I feel him so close to me. I feel love towards his soul.

We know each other from before, he is my soulmate from previous live (s).

And I miss him, I miss someone who I don't even know at this point. I sense that he is searching for me too.

I had dreams about him, it's not always the same physical looks, but there is love which is always felt. I didn't even know dreams were about him until some of my dreams were interpreted. But, spirits can take any kind of form in a dream.

I had some kind of astral visit from him and it was beautiful cause he was really close to me that time. I wrote him a letter and slept with it for some time, and he heard me. We were on the same vibrational level and our frequencies got together at that point.

Meeting him in physical would clarify certain things to me, not only about our love bond, but about life purpose in general too.

My soul is a bit oldish. Trendy stuff and superficial relationships don't interest me. But depth of everything, truth, sincerity, loyalty, moral values. True love. True love goes beyond time and space.

If he ever gets to read this I want him to know that I love him and I hope he's doing fine. I wish for him to succeed in his life mission and to be true to his life purpose. He will always be a part of me, regardless if we meet or not in this life time.

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LadyBelle (guest)
6 years ago (2018-11-27)
It was my pleasure, PsychicThoughts 😊

Kind regards
PsychicThoughts (7 stories) (34 posts)
6 years ago (2018-11-27)
Pardon me for that.
I'll email you and discuss about our experiences there.
Thanks for taking the time to read my experience.:)

~ PsychicThoughts
LadyBelle (guest)
6 years ago (2018-11-26)
Hi PsychicThoughts

Thank you for joining the comments. Also thank you for pointing me to your story, I've read it and it's one special experience:-) I'll write my comment on your story's page.

To answer your question... I see a man in my dreams. Sometimes the face is not so easily visible and sometimes it is. Also, he doesn't appear with the same face always.
Reasons for different & certain faces can be various: dream settings depend on subconscious mind and are influenced in it's forming by subconscious mind's images (meaning, the face one sees in a dream doesn't have to necessarily represent that certain person in waking life) + seeing face images of someone from past life/lives + one is not supposed to see the real face to a certain time period, so when the meeting in waking life comes near then one is permitted to see or one doesn't see the real face until they meet that someone in waking life + there's the possibility a person is seeing the real face all the time in their dreams and they meet them later in waking life looking exactly like that + some people don't experience the situations they witness in their dreams, but are left with their thoughts... Various possibilities, you're free to add your opinion, I'm sure I have only some of them.

I'd gladly share and talk about experiences. Not sure if you meant here or by e-mail, if you want to talk per e-mail: ladybelle2049 [at]

Kind regards
PsychicThoughts (7 stories) (34 posts)
6 years ago (2018-11-25)
PsychicThoughts (7 stories) (34 posts)
6 years ago (2018-11-25)

Do you see them in your dreams too?
My latest experience matches a little bit with yours.:)

So I thought we could share our experiences, that is if you want of course.
LadyBelle (guest)
6 years ago (2018-11-25)
Hi Illumin

I appreciate you being concerned. I also understand your point of view, but it doesn't go hand in hand with my story, so let me start with that point.
We are spiritual beings having human experiences in order for our souls to develop, so we all have access to spiritual realm. Some of us are more connected with the spirit world, some less - which depends on more factors. Everything is energy. Souls can feel each other, send 'thoughts', communicate... No matter where they're located. Dreams are just one means of communication through symbols and visions.
It's not just about this physical life, it's about cycle of many lives. It's just the energy (the soul) which transforms into another form again. Everything is connected. There are people all around the world having similar experiences, being confused, having visions, meeting people in physical whom they've dreamed about earlier... It's longing for someone from previous life, having an emotional trauma from previous life, having visions from past lives, having premonitions through dreams, having visions about your future... There's always explanation for certain feelings and thoughts of a person. That's why discussions & sharing experiences are a way to help people to understand themselves better. That's why people use help of hypnotherapists which showed itself useful in lots of cases. When it comes to my experience, it's what I've said it is, not going into a lot of details. The point is that I experience certain signs of nearness from a certain "person" or let's call it person's essence. I don't go for labels, but if I have to choose one, I'd go for a soulmate cause it kind of resonates with someone who is on the same frequency level, but what matters is love - and not how you name it.

Now, your point - I agree. When a person neglects their life path, is feeling depressed, has no activities but is searching for their own salvation through other people - it's an alarm that something's wrong and that they have a problem with themselves. What each person should be taught first in life is how to love themselves and others, happiness comes from within. The meaning of life is not a particular person, but learning certain lessons which enrichen your soul. There's a difference between feeling incomplete without someone and missing someone, between experiencing particular signs and hoping to experience them (because of loneliness and similar).
This topic can't be generalized, but each individual should be approached individually. Meaning, everything is possible.

Kind regards
Illumin (guest)
6 years ago (2018-11-23)
Hello LadyBelle,

I am more concerned about you or others reading this, doing as I have seen so many others do with this twin flame/soulmate craze that effects desperate people who are not happy with themselves and therefore seek to find it in a idealized person. They obsess about the person until their whole life, their dreams, etc. Is consumed by this one person. Who sometimes doesn't even know they exist. They generally fall into a depression and/or rage and either live out their lives in misery or end it short. Either case it is a waste, when they are their own answer. There is much more to life than finding that one person, and what I have found is people who know themselves, and what they truly want in life. Not only find joy with being themselves, but also find a person to spend their lives with not because they need that person but because that person shares the same dreams and wants. A person who is an actually mirror or twin of them. But that is the nature of the fine line between love and lust.

Best Regards,
LadyBelle (guest)
6 years ago (2018-11-19)
Hi MeadowDawn

Thank you for sharing your point of view, I appreciate that you're trying to help.

Yes, I'm familiar with the Twin Flame concept and with Twin Flame concept in comparison with Soulmates. There are also other concepts regarding these two, where -for example- Twin Flames have nothing to do with romantics and in general with this popular idea about them while Soulmates can be many, but there is a romantic one or someone you've shared your previous lives with.
What I'm saying is that everything is possible so I don't stick much to labels. In the end, essence underneath it is what matters & that's love 😊 And, yes, in all these cases visits in dreams/astral visits are common, telepathic communication, strong sense/feeling of the other one, various signs of their existence in certain form or presence...
If you have more to say on this topic or you have personal experiences I'd like to read more from you.

Kind regards
MeadowDawn (1 stories) (11 posts)
6 years ago (2018-11-19)
LadyBelle, I believe what you are referring to is a twin flame. A lot of the time they can be confused with "soulmates". But in reality, a twin flame is one person in which you are connected to, and essentially share a soul with. Twin flames can be seen in dreams and through astral projection. While you can have more than one soulmate, you only have one twin flame, whom you are connected to the most.
LadyBelle (guest)
6 years ago (2018-11-18)
Hi Illumin

Thank you for your insight, I appreciate it.

Each of us has their individual life path to walk, with experiences to go through and lessons to learn. The same is when it comes to love, it can manifest to each individual in any form - or not.
It's more about people who are (meant to be) together to be on the same frequencies. The same mental level is important for souls to understand each other and the love they give/receive. That's a good foundation for happiness.

It can happen that (as you've said) when people want something a lot, they can find it everywhere. But, I wouldn't call that a "mistake", rather an experience which helps that person to learn something about themselves and about their wishes in life, particularly about the kind of person they want.
One of those lessons would be: stay true to yourself and do what resonates with you. It's that inner voice/feeling/knowing which sometimes people ignore and just don't listen to out of various reasons. Each of us carries their own truth within. If you stay focused, then you will not accept just anything.

Kind regards
Illumin (guest)
6 years ago (2018-11-16)
Hello LadyBelle,

I believe that we all are looking for someone, the question you have to ask yourself is will that someone make you happy? Or will your fulfillment come from within by pursuing your wants and dreams? My feeling is if someone is supposed to be with you, they will share you vision, your goals, etc. Of course, why I say this is if you look so hard, you will find what you want in someone, that isn't really who you are looking for. In more perspicuous words, if you want something so badly you will accept anything to meet it, even though it is superficial.

Best Regards,

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